Perfection of Hell

By Emogrape__

572 5 5

This is my first actual book here. I don't know if anyone will actually read it or if it'll be good or not, b... More

Author's note
A/N read before continuing


8 0 0
By Emogrape__

Amiro was met by Komori once he'd gotten back to his room, which made him smile softly. "I didn't expect you to be here when I got back." Komori chuckled and replied, "Well, I thought it would be a pleasant surprise. How was your day?" Amiro tossed his bag to the side and sat down. "The same as every day." Komori watched him and then went to pick up Amiro's bag. "You don't need to do that. I could do it myself." He mumbled as he reached over to the coffee table to grab the bottle of vodka. Komori just watched him.

"I know, I just wanted to." Amiro poured himself a glass, and Komori hung the bag up before sitting beside Amiro and cuddling close to him. The two sat there in comfortable silence as Amiro sipped on the vodka while Komori ran his fingers through Amiro's hair. Amiro let out a small sigh of contentment, feeling the tension slowly melt away with each sip of vodka. Komori's gentle touch and presence provided a sense of comfort that he desperately needed. As the minutes ticked by, they found solace in each other's company, their unspoken words filling the room with a soothing warmth.

A few hours passed, and Amiro had finished half the bottle when he noticed Komori's hands had stopped moving. He glanced over, smiling when he saw him sleeping. He quietly and slowly moved away from him and picked him up, carrying him to the bed. He laid him down and pulled the covers over him before pressing a soft kiss to his cheek, he walked back over to the sofa and threw himself down on it. He then picked up the half-empty bottle of vodka and poured himself another glass.

Another hour and three bottles of vodka later, Amiro had passed out on the sofa. And the next morning, he woke up with a pounding headache. When he sat up, he noticed a glass of water and, next to it, some medicine was sitting on the table. He assumed Komori sat them out for him before he had to leave. Feeling grateful for Komori's thoughtfulness, Amiro quickly gulped down the medicine and sipped on the water, hoping it would alleviate his headache. As he looked around the room, he realised he should be heading to work soon, and so, despite him still having a headache, he got up to go take a shower.


Amiro got back to his room, hoping to be greeted by Komori like the previous night, but instead, he was greeted by complete silence and an empty room. He sighed sadly. He understood Komori had duties to tend to, but something about him not being there for him after he got home, made his chest feel heavy. Then, instead of doing any of the things he'd been putting off because he just hadn't felt like it, he threw his bag onto the sofa so it wasn't on the floor before going to lay in bed to wait for him. Hours passed and Amiro grew increasingly tired, but there was still no sign of Komori, so he stayed awake, just in case he came back. Another hour went by when he thought he heard the door open, but when he sat up to greet Komori, nobody was there, and the door was still closed.

Two more hours,

Three more hours,

Four more hours...

Five more hours went by and Komori still hadn't come back, and Amiro began to think about why he wouldn't come back. Maybe he's just really busy. He thought, or maybe he already got tired of you. And this thought made him tear up. He knew it would happen eventually, but not that quickly. He hoped he'd get at least a week of happiness with him before he tossed him away and left. Tears streamed down Amiro's face, and it burned to breathe. It felt like he was suffocating, and he buried his face in the pillow as if hiding it from someone who wasn't even there, which only made his chest burn more as he gasped for air.

And just as he was about to pass out, that's when he felt someone's arms wrap around him as he tensed up and froze for a few seconds before he threw himself away from the person; he didn't know who it was, only that he wanted away from them. He then climbed off his bed and pressed himself into a corner. He made himself look as small as possible when he noticed the person walking towards him. His heart raced, unsure of what the person's intentions were. He shut his eyes tightly as the person reached out to touch him again, pulling him towards them as they tried to hush him. Amiro didn't respond and only thrashed wildly to get away from them; their touch felt like needles digging into his skin, and as he began to scream, he felt their fingers running through his hair.

"Shh, I'm here. It's okay, Amiro, can you breathe for me?" Amiro barely heard their voice, but he recognised it. "Komori..?" He managed between sobs and painful breaths. "Yes, it's me. I'm here for you, okay? I just need you to calm down for me." Amiro buried his face in the crook of Komori's neck, and he continued to cry. Komori let out a soft sigh as he rubbed circles on Amiro's back, letting him calm down by himself. And once his breathing had calmed down, Amiro spoke. "Please don't leave me..." His voice sounded so broken, that it almost hurt Komori to hear it. Knowing how much he needed reassurance, Komori's heart ached at Amiro's plea. "I promise you, Amiro, I'm not going anywhere. I'll stay by your side through it all," Komori whispered gently, holding him tighter.

Once Amiro fully calmed down, he sat back and wiped off his eyes as he stared at the floor. "I'm sorry...about all of this..." He whispered, and Komori reached out, making him look up at him as he gently caressed his cheek with his thumb. "You don't need to apologise love." He smiled softly. "Do you want to tell me what happened to cause you to panic like that?" Amiro shook his head, indicating that he wasn't ready to share the details just yet. Komori respected his decision and nodded understandingly. "That's okay. Whenever you're ready to talk, I'll be here to listen." He reassured him, giving him a comforting squeeze on the hand. Amiro's eyes softened with gratitude, appreciating Komori's patience and support. The two sat there for a few minutes before Amiro climbed on Komori's lap and rested his head on Komori's shoulder. "Can we go to bed?" He asked quietly, causing Komori to smile as he stood up, holding Amiro tightly. "Of course we can." He carried him to the bed and laid down, so Amiro was lying on top of him.

He kissed the top of Amiro's head before wrapping his arms around him, creating a sense of safety and warmth. Amiro closed his eyes, feeling a sense of peace wash over him as he drifted to sleep in Komori's comforting embrace. 

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