The Switch (pjo/hp)

By Nerd_andproud_tobe

2.5K 131 31

Percy wakes up and suddenly finds himself in an unfamiliar place, surrounded by unfamiliar people who use an... More

Charter 1: So Lost and Out of Place
Charpter 2: Percy Finally Understands What the Hell is Going on
Chapter 3: Harry Potter is Back!... Sort of.
Chapter 4: Hogwarts Gets Crowded
Chapter 5: One, Two, Three... Four?
Chapter 6: Framed and Famed
Chapter 7: Dragons!?
Chapter 9: The Weighing of the Wands
Chapter 10: Alright, Maybe Two Strengths from Within
Chapter 11: The First Task
Chapter 12: Why Can't Anything Be Easy?
Chapter 13: All The Girls Hate Percy, and Maybe Cedric Does Too
Chapter 14: The Yule Ball
Chapter 15: Ever Heard of Privacy?
Chapter 16: The Second Task
Chapter 17: Mr.Crouch Goes Insane
Chapter 18: Percy Finally Understands
Chapter 19: Why You Gotta Ruin The Peace With Bad News?
Chapter 20: Meanwhile
Chapter 21: The Third Task

Chapter 8: The Strength Within

100 6 0
By Nerd_andproud_tobe

"Draco, what am I going to do?" Percy said, panicking. The first task is next week, and Percy still didn't know what to do. He still sucked at magic - more than you could imagine. The only spell he could properly cast properly is the levetation spell, and if the object is slightly heavy, the spell didn't work. Life was so not on his side.

"I-," Draco froze, thinking for a second. "I actually don't know. I'm really sorry I couldn't help you, Percy."

Percy stared blankly at the wall. He remembered how he saw Karkarof sneaking around the night Hagrid had told him about the dragons, and Madam Maxime definitely told Fluer. Now, all the Champions knew what the task was... except for Cedric. Percy found that really unfair, and although telling Cedric would decrease his chances of winning, or even surviving, he felt he had to tell him.

"Hey, do you know where Cedric is?" Percy asked abruptly.

"He's probably out on the grounds with his friends," Draco informed suspiciously. "Why?"

"Nevermind that," Percy shoved aside Draco's question. "I'll be going now."

"Wait, Percy," Draco said, as he grabbed onto Percy's sleeve. "People are really hating on you. Just... ignore them."

"Of course." Percy said like it was obvious. "I don't give a damn what people think of me, especially those I don't know."

"Alright," Draco sighed, guessing what Percy was planning to do. His loyalty found no boundaries. It was really a flaw, wasn't it?


As he walked down the halls, he immediately understood what Draco was on about.

People were wearing badges, but not just any badges. At first they would say: 'Vote Cedric Diggory, the real Chapion of Hogwarts', which wasn't really that bad, until it swirled into a different text. 'Potter stinks!' Was written over a violent shade of green.

Well, that was a little rude.

People kept stopping him, saying mean comment. Percy ignored them. He felt he had went through a lot of hate in his past, as the feeling of shame and hurt felt familiar. He kept ignoring them, trying to find Cedric in this maze of a castle.

He finally saw him outside, smiling and laughing and looking as charming as usual. That was the good news, the bad news, however, was that he was surrounded by a crowd of Hufflepuffs. His friends, probably.

Do you know how embarrassing it is to walk through a croud of people, to get to one person? If you don't, you're lucky, because it's pretty embarrassing.

'No, Percy, you don't care what they think. Just take Cedric aside, tell him about the task, and leave.' Percy thought, trying to encourage himself. 'Shouldn't be that hard.'

Okay, so the last part wasn't true.

Like, at all.

He took a deep breath, and strolled towards Cedric's group. "Sorry," Percy said, as he pushed through. "Cedric."

Everyone paused. Cedric opened his mouth to speak, but one of his friends beat him to it. "What do you want, Potter? Here to steal Cedric's glory again?"

"No, I, uh, need to speak to Cedric for a moment," he said, trying for a confident voice, but instead ending up sounding like a squeak.

"What, you- " another said, abviously wanting to tease Percy more, but Cedric cut him off.

"Hey, lay off a little, let him say what he wants," Cedric said, walking with Percy to the side, as his friend group continued laughing at Percy. "Sorry about them."

"No, it's fine," Percy said, although it kind of wasn't.

"No, really. I tried to get them to take off the badges," Cedric said. How can 9ne person be so nice?

"Hey, it's really okay," Percy said, remembering what he came to do originally. "Anyway, I came to tell you something. Something about the first task."

"You know what it is?" Cedric asked curiously, urging him on.

"Yes," Percy replied. "It's dragons. I don't know more than that, but it's something to do with dragons."

Cedric stared at him for a second, before saying, "why are you telling me this?"

Percy thought for a second. "Well, all the other Champions know, and I found it unfair you be the only one who didn't."

Cedric gave Percy a warm smile. "Thanks a lot, Harry. I owe you a lot."

Percy momentarily froze, before remembering that he was supposed to be Harry. "Don't mention it." Then he said, "literally. We're not supposed to know, so..."

"Yeah, of course," Cedric nodded. "Thanks again." And he went back to his friends.

Percy finally let out a breath he didn't notice he was holding. That went surprisingly well. Now back to the problem at hand. Even though he knew what he was facing, he had no idea as to how he was going to survive. If he lived through it for two minutes, it would be a miracle.

As he walked back in the direction of the empty class Draco and him were training in, he stumbled upon a man he was hoping he wouldn't see until next Monday.

"Potter," Moody said. "Come with me."

Percy nervously followed the crippled man to his office. Was he in trouble? Did Moody know that Percy figured out what the first task was?

Moody sat on his desk chair, and motioned for Percy to do the same. "Sit. I'm not going to bite you," he said in a probably-by-accident harsh tone. Percy flinched, as he obeyed.

"I know you figured out what the task is," Moody started, and Percy's mind went into a panic. "I won't tell anyone," he assured Percy, but he wasn't really assured. "What you did with Diggory was very nice of you."

"Um - thank you?" Percy reluctantly said.

"As you are underage, the others have an advantage over you. Are you preparing?" He caught Percy by surprise. Was he... helping him?

"Well, kind of," Percy admitted. "It's not going so well."

"What do you excel at?" He sighed inpatiently at Percy's confused expression. "Do you feel any sort of connection with something that might help you?"

Percy thought hard. What was he good at? Nothing, or at least nothing he could remember. A connection, though... he thought back to the feeling he got whenever he was close to water. How it gave him energy and confort when he touched it. But what good would water do him?

"Anything can help, even if you think it can't," Moody urged.

"The water," Percy blurted out, knowing he sounded pretty stupid.

"There we go," Moody exclaimed. "Use that to your advantage. Don't think of your weaknesses, but of your strengths!"

"I don't get how water'll help me," Percy said dully.

"Ah, but it will. You wait and see." This man was starting to creep Percy out even more than he did originally. "You can go now. Think about what I said. Use the strength you have within."

"Um, okay," Percy said half-heartedly, as he practically ran out the room. Well that was a waste of time.


After explaining what had happened with him to Draco, Percy sighed. "How can I use water to my advantage?"

"I don't know, but the guy's a nutcase." Draco warned. "Let's keep training. Maybe you'll be able to finally do the stunning spell."

Percy doubted it.


Draco was hanging out with some of his Slytherin friends, he said he wouod be back soon, so Percy was just wondering the grounds. He sat by the lake, feeling safe beside it. He reached over and put his hand in the water. The same surge of warmth and safty fuelled him - it made him feel more alive.

He took his shoes off, and let his legs dangle into the water. He inhaled softly. This - this was the feeling he had missed for so long.

He let himself get lost in his thoughts. That blonde girl from his dream-vision-thing... he was now sure he knew her. They had been close. But her name... it was there, but at the same time, it wasn't. It was mildly frustrating, but he decided to stay calm.

That sent he loved so much filled his nose, but it was only imaginary. Nico wasn't here. He wouldn't be able to get to him until the end of this, unless... he found a way to communicate with him. Tell him where he was. Then, maybe he would get to see him. The thought lifted his mood a little.

He swung his legs back and forth, slightly splashing water over his clothes, but he didn't care. His clothes didn't even get wet.

Wait, backtrack. His clothes didn't get wet? How?

Perhaps he wasn't crazy. He might actually have a connection to the water, but he couldn't remember it!

If he didn't get wet, and the water boosted him, mentally and physically... then, could he control it?

It was a long shot, and Percy was probably just desperate, but he focused on the water tickling his hands, and only that. Nothing happened, as Percy expected. He tried again, this time harder, and felt a tugging sensation in his stomach. It was probably because he was hungry.

He opened his eyes, only to be met with a floating bubble of water. He looked around, to see if someone cast a spell for some sick joke, but no one was around. He turned his attention back fully on the bubble of water. He willed it to go to the right, and it moved slightly.

"Holy Hera," Percy muttered, in complete shock.

Maybe he did have an advantage.

Word count: 1704

Hey guys! Merry late Christmas to ya'll, I hope you had a nice Christmas!

Anyhow, here's the eighth chapter. I hope you enjoyed this. I might update again today, as I am feeling like shit right now, and have got nothing to do. If I don't update, be sure that I will at least be writing more today (although I should be studying rn- )

If you liked this chapter, please hit that vote button (if you like) it would help me a lot and motivate me. Thanks!

Suggested fanfic: 'I dare you to tame me (a Jercy Au)' by lilly050707.

Have a lovely day! Until the next Chapter!

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