Azula Amongst the Stars

By CrimsonKaiju

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Two years after Azula's defeat on the day of the Comet she goes into hiding from Zuko and the Avatar until a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 9

59 2 0
By CrimsonKaiju

Azula watches as Angara runs through the ring of fire and jumps into the arms of the older Ke'Kuvon embracing in a friendly hug, the second one still firing at the theron from his mount.

Angara pulled away still smiling, "I guess my message got through."

The older man, who shared the same style of facial tattoo around his eyes as Angara, spoke with a low croaky voice worn by time and the experiences of hardship but had a warmness to him that reminded her of her uncle Iroh, "We heard you but the signal was spotty and we couldn't respond. Thankfully we got to you before that theron did."

"You should have gotten here earlier. Had a real problem with laugh cats."

"I can see." The older one said studying the weathering and damage on Angara's armor and hearing their whooping laughs far off in the distance.

His gaze turned to Azula who still stood within the ring of fire as if it was a cage to keep out danger. His warm friendly gaze hardened with his stature becoming ridged, "So this is the plus one you mentioned. You know my nephew said that you were fighting a girl that can manipulate fire. One that gave him quite the beating." his hand hovered over his holstered blaster.

Azula studied him for any weakness if he decides to attack, her two fingers already tensing up in preparation to fire.

Angara stood between them, "Did Tyto also tell you that he's using your grandkids to pickpocket again?" The older man pulled his gaze away with a raised brow, "And also that the fire girl here is his latest victim?"

The older man sighed in annoyance as he pinched the bridge of his nose, "And suddenly this all makes sense." his demeanor relaxed and some of his elderly warmth returned in his eyes, "I apologize for the actions of my nephew and grandchildren. I will make sure he suffers the consequences."

Azula was finally able to somewhat relax with the fire dying down, "I suppose that will suffice. Now if we can get out of here I would be truly grateful." she said with as much respect she could muster.

The older man's brow furrowed in confusion as he leaned over to Angara, "Does she not speak primary?"

It was then Azula noticed that he didn't have a translator in any of his ears and mentally groaned at the thought of another language barrier and the loss of her audio translator.

"I'll speak for her." Angara said, giving Azula a sense of dread at what she may purposely mistranslate just to spite her.

"Azula, Tekhan. Tekhan, Azula." She introduced offhandedly.

"Don't worry, I have a translator in my helmet." Takhan said, making his way back to his rhino, "Would you like to ride with me or kick Charn off of his mount?"

"Charn! Hop off, I'm taking your ride!" Angara ordered, catching the riders attention, "The pup here will ride with me, she's got an attitude so I gotta keep her in check."

"Pup?" Tekhan asked.

The other rider jumped off his creature allowing Angara to climb up while he rode with the older man.

"Are we really taking her with us?" The rider known as Charn asked.

"I don't like it either, but she's kinda a coworker so I gotta look out for her."

A metallic scoff came from his helmet, "Did that Pendaren captain of yours order you to?"

Angara shot him a hard look as Azula climbed up the saddle, "Don't start."

Tekhan put his helmet back on and took the reins to his rhino, "Let's leave talk like this for another time. You've had a long day, I'm sure you and your co-worker want some rest."

"You have no idea." Angara whipped the reins with the rhino following behind Takhan's.

The rhinos trotted through the tall grass with ease under the light of Kazima's two full moons. The Ke'Kuvon didn't seem to have an issue seeing in the dark whether it was because of their helmets or some natural night vision; it was unknown to Azula who remained silent behind Angara, however she could feel the stair of Charn behind his visor bearing into her as he sat facing backwards, rifle in hand.

"Before you ask, no I am not a deformed Pendaren or a half breed."

"Then what are you? A subspecies?"

"Leave her alone Charn." Angara interrupted, "This one's got a mouth and I'd rather not hear it right now."

"How do we know she's not some imperial spy in disguise trying to give our location away to the empire?"

"She bleeds red like us. No amount of fancy imperial tech can hide a Pendaren's blue blood, besides if she was one she's a terrible one."

Charn grumbled, "I still don't like it. What about you Tekhan? You can't be okay with bringing an outsider to the camp, especially after what she did to Tyto?"

"I trust Angara's judgment. If she believes it's alright then I'm fine with it. So long as our guest doesn't wander or cause trouble." He looked over his shoulder to Angara.

Angara rolled her eyes, "Don't worry I'm keeping the pup on a leash and if she causes trouble I'll smack her around a little bit."

Azula gritted her teeth, "Stop calling me that."

Charn giggled, "So is she like your pet or something?"

"I am nobody's pet!"

Angara laughed at her mockery, "No she's just some new recruit that tried to punch above her weight, and lost. To me."

Azula scoffed, rolling her eyes at the huntress's smug comment, "I could burn you right now you know." She threatened through gritted teeth.

"Do that and they gun you down and leave your corpse for the laugh cats." Angara threatened back.

Azula groaned in frustration as she settled for a more comfortable position. She had always been the aggressor to teasing and name calling but has never been on the receiving end of such retorts. She was in no position to bite back with comments of her own and could only bear with it, a part of her wondered if this helplessness she felt from it is what Zuko felt in her many years of verbally torturing him.

For now she would just remain silent and ignore any comments made her way and thankfully none where as the majority of the trip was spent with Angara chatting with Charn and occasionally Tekhan would join in until they finally reached their destination.

Just beneath a hill they saw the camp, a large collection of tents, vehicles and what looked to Azula like portable homes. Bonfires lit various spots of the camp with several hundred Ke'Kuvon going about their business, several beetle shaped ships like Angara's could be seen parked outside the encampment with a few larger vessels that resemble dragonflies alongside them. When Azula was told of a camp she pictured a small group of tents but the number she saw made it seem as though this camp was a small town.

"Finally, home sweet home." Angara announced as she directed her rhino down the hill not even bothering to wait for the others.

"Quite a large encampment for one tribe." Azula commented.

"Not one. This camp is made up of members from fifteen different tribes. Or...what's left of them."

As the rhino trotted down hill Azula could see a series of large bulky dog like creatures with leathery tan and black skin, muscular limbs, and angular reptilian faces chained down surrounding the camp. Several of the creatures looked up at her and growled menacingly.

"Careful with the tharks. They bite." Angara warned.

Azula didn't need the warning as she could clearly see they were meant to deter any wandering wildlife, two of which snarled loudly at each other as they fought over a bone. She even managed to spot several domesticated laugh cats of a healthier weight chained down with them.

After finally entering the camp proper Angara dismounted her rhino and was met with greetings from various Ke'Kuvon all ranging in shades of greens, yellows and brown, some having the same scarlet hair as Angara while others had darker shades of brown, black and blonde. The warriors were easy to spot as they all wore Armor and gadgets similar to Angara but in different styles, colors and markings. Almost every individual was marked with some kind of black tribal tattoo on their bodies indicating which tribe they belonged to, the only ones who weren't marked were children and young teens.

The people all gave their former princess a hug, playful punch or some form of friendly greeting while almost completely ignoring Azula, passing her by like she didn't exist or giving her an unwelcomed scowl.

It was strangely off putting seeing Angara act so friendly and smiling so much when being around her people when all Azula has ever witnessed was her bitterness and scowl. It was also strange seeing the welcome she got. Azula was the princess of her nation yet no one had ever cheered or showed as much enthusiasm for her arrival as these people did when back on earth many reacted in dread at her arrival. If she didn't know any better she'd say she was a little jealous.

From the crowd Tyto appeared, his face bandaged up and went to embrace her before stopping dead in his tracks when seeing Azula by her side.

"What's she doing here?" He pointed an accusatory finger at her while slightly shaking in fright. Azula took some pleasure in his display of fear but it soon turned to apprehension when noticing the scowls of the others that followed, notably the stares of the warriors.

Angara stood between them, "My coworker is here because of a... miscommunication." She lied before shooting him a glare, "And because someone couldn't keep out of trouble."

A firm hand gripped Tyto's shoulder as Tekhan stood over him, his brow wrinkled in a scowl of disappointment, "You and I need to have a talk." He said firmly, "I'll take care of this Angara. You and your friend go see the chief and explain your little situation to him. I'm sure he'd be happy to see you again."

Angara nodded in acknowledgement as he forcefully pulled Tyto away with him, "Come on pup."

She growled to herself hearing that name again and begrudgingly followed. The crowd cleared a path for them, Angara getting waves and greetings from passers-by while they only stared at Azula, mothers pushing their children away from her, men snarling and barring their teeth as she passed by and wondering children hissing like threatened vipers.

To say she was unwelcomed was an understatement as the hostility each individual around her emitted almost felt suffocating, almost like the heat of the fires in her fathers throne room when he was feeling very displeased.

Just as they passed a large building-like vehicle a Ke'Kuvon man that looked to be as old as Angara spat at Azula's feet stopping her in her tracks to glare at him.

"You should go back where you came from. Pendaren trash."

Before Azula could respond Angara snarled at the man before pulling her away.

"Everyone here seems friendly." She muttered sarcastically.

"Told ya they didn't like outsiders." Angara responded.

"When we meet this chief, please explain to him that I am not a Pendaren."

"Yeah, yeah. I'll get to that, just keep your mouth shut. Chief Kowari can be a reasonable man but he can also be temperamental if you say the wrong thing."

They arrived at the center of the camp where the largest vehicle sat with a tall tower covered in satellite dishes extended from its rear, cables fed into it from other parked vehicles nearby.

The vehicle itself was obviously of military make, covered in turrets and small cannons while being held up by six massive wheels and almost looked like a mobile fortress. Undoubtedly where the man in charge would be staying.

They entered with Angara leading the way to the center of the vehicle into a large open room that looked to be some kind of military command center but was redecorated to be a makeshift throne room. It almost looked as though one of the water tribes had taken control of a fire nation facility.

In the center of the room sat a holographic table with several other Ke'Kuvon standing around it discussing something of irrelevance until the largest of them turned to them, his right eye having a mechanical glow to it.

He shot a glare at Angara who shot one back before waving off the others in the room and marched towards them. He was a beast of a man covered partially in armor, sharp angular tattoos covered his bare arms and extended to around his eyes like Angara, the right side of his face was severely burned with a mechanical eye and what seemed to be a built in translator for an ear, his long dark dreadlocks were tied back out of his face, the spikes of his head were chipped in the area of his scar and he gave off the aura of a conqueror. There was no doubt in Azula's mind that this was chief Kowari.

"Angara! You've got a lot of nerve walking in here and showing your face to me." He growled.

"Well excuse me for thinking it would be polite to let the man in charge know I'm here, lest he spend the rest of the day crying about it!" She growled back.

Kowari snarled, bearing his fangs at her as he glared harder, with Angara doing the same. Azula was confused, the way Takhan had worded it made it seem as though these two were on good terms with each other.

The two continued to growl at each other until Angara's growls turned into a chuckle with the chief following suit until they both started laughing.

The chief scooped her up off her feet in a bone crushing bear hug, "Glad to see you haven't gotten soft!"

"Careful with the squeezing! Got a real bad burn on the side!" she shouted in pain.

"Whoops, sorry." he dropped her and inspected the wear and tear on her armor along with the damage on her face, "Clearly you're still as tough as me if you're throwing jabs looking like that. What happened to you?"

"Long story, but right now I've got a guest." She pointed over her shoulder to Azula who watched from a distance.

Just like every other person Kowari's welcoming demeanor shifted to hostility at the sight of her.

"Who is this?" He asked with an edge to his voice.

"She's part of that long story..." she sighed before explaining.

Azula didn't want to relive the whole experience again and instead chose to survey the makeshift throne room, after all room decor often exposes a lot about a person.

The floors were covered in carpets with tribal patterns depicting creatures, people and other objects. They seemed generations old meaning the chief has a clear respect for tradition.

A suit of gun metal gray armor with golden highlights sat in a kneeling position against the wall, it was similar in make to the other Ke'Kuvon armor she's seen only this one looked a little more intricate and flashy with jagged patterns etched into its plates almost making it look as though it was made of textiles instead of metal. It didn't look like it belonged to chief Kowari as it was far too small to fit him and the style looked too immaculate for someone as rough in appearance as him, it could possibly belong to a well respected member of this group or ancestor.

She looked to the throne and saw it was a simple chair on a raised platform. Nothing too fancy meaning he was modest. The only thing of note was the strange animal skull that sat above it.

She looked to the walls that weren't covered by panels or screens and detected various weapons displayed from blasters to blades of various shapes and sizes. A warrior at heart and judging by the ware on some of them they were for more than just for display.

She continued to observe the wall and noticed several creature skulls mounted on one of the walls by the entrance. He seems to enjoy hunting, a brutish sport typical of men like him, however that thought would differ when seeing a line of skulls that were very human looking, the only difference being the black horns sprouting from either the temples or foreheads. Pendaren skulls.

She didn't put it past someone like him to keep such barbaric trophies given what had happened to his people but to see it gave her a sense of unease, perhaps it is just the uncanny similarities between a Pendaren skull and a humans. It even made her speculate if what she thought were animal skulls may actually belong to sentient beings.

Looking back to the chief she saw a set of horns incorporated into his left pauldron and noticed a silver ring circling one horn, the same type of ring My'Rell wore on hers in that picture she had seen in her ready room. The hatred for Pendarens was proudly displayed and she keeps being mistaken for one. My'Rell was right when she warned her about offending members of the camp, mixed with the less than stellar greetings she received on arrival she'll have to choose her words and actions very carefully.

"And that's how we ended up here." Angara finished explaining, Kowari running a hand over his warry face.

"Tyto, that boy. I ought to talk with him and the rest of his band of trouble makers." he sighed heavily, "And of all things to bring it had to be a Pendaren."

"She's not a Pendaren."

He gave her a strange look then observed Azula once more, "You're telling me that's not a Pendaren?"

"Do you see a pair of horns on her?"

"They can live without horns."

Angara rolled her eyes, "We found her on a backwater planet in the middle of nowhere. They're a bunch of primitive's that happen to look like Pendaren's and have no idea that the empire or us even exist. They probably still think the world is flat there."

That last comment struck a nerve in Azula's pride in her people and stepped forward, "Alright, I think I can speak for myself now." she stood before the chief and gave him a slight bow of respect as she formally introduced herself, "Azula. My apologies for intruding on your reunion and taking up your precious time; however I only ask that you allow me to stay the night and I'll be out of your hair by the morning." Hopefully this brisk display of respect will feed his ego enough and his more pragmatic nature will appreciate her getting straight to the point.

Kowari eyed her carefully, "Certainly more polite than any Pendaren I've met. Fine, but only one night. We'll pitch you a tent outside the camp, after that I want you gone." He waved for one of the others that remained, "Take her to the medical tent to get patched up, can't have My'Rell saying we don't treat our guests right."

One of the other Ke'Kuvon motioned her to follow with her doing so leaving Angara alone with the chief.

He made his way back to his throne, "I take it you did most of the damage on that girl?"

"More or less." She bragged before stiffening from the pain in her side.

"She roughed you up pretty good too."

Angara scoffed, "Yeah whatever. So how has everything been since my last visit?"

"Rough. The dry season drove all the animals that could feed us down south and fuel is getting too expensive for us to keep the nomadic lifestyle going. We're thinking of planting roots down somewhere, just don't know where yet."

She nodded taking in all of the news before cutting to a different topic, "Sorry to cut to the point but I need to talk to you about something. I heard something about Ke'Kuvon stealing stuff from Horizon."

Kowari leaned back with a sultry expression, "How do you know it was us? We're not the only Ke'Kuvon encampment on Kazima."

Angara narrowed her eyes at him, "It was a train transport going out of Horizon city and into the badlands. I looked at the locations of the other clans and our camp is the closest one."

Kowari sighed knowing he couldn't deflect her questions forever, "It was just a few water filters. That's all."

Angara crossed her arms in disapproval, "You didn't think of just buying some from the city?"

"Angara, we're not exactly swimming in units here. Most of our money goes into keeping the lights on and making sure there's enough food for everyone.

"So stealing is what you're going to rely on?" The disappointment in her voice was clear to him, "You always taught me that the dishonorable only turn to thievery."

"That was before. We were conquerors then, Angara, but now we are struggling to survive as is. The time of honor for our people has long passed. Now we must do what we must..." his expression softened as he looked at the armor on display, going to it and placing a hand of the glass separating him from it as he bowed his head in respect.

It was the armor of the former king of the ruling house, the armor of Angara's father and good friend to Kowari. They were lucky it survived the destruction, mainly due to it being in the trophy room of a Pendaren general but thankfully they were able to track it down and recover it.

"Not for honor, but for our people to live another day. We're already unwelcomed by the people of Kazima. That Pendaren captain of yours had to convince them to let us stay and when they did they threw us in their ghettos. So what if one transport loses its cargo? A lot of things get lost in the badlands."

Angara's accusatory expression softened as she joined his side.

"Things are hard, I get that." She began then gently placed a hand on the chief's shoulder, "But stealing from the city is only going to make things worse. They'll probably start hiring mercs like me to go after you if you keep this up and the last thing both of us want is to be on the opposite side of that fight. I'll just tell My'Rell that it wasn't you guys, mistaken identity. Just this once, though." She warned, "Why not have some of the people come work with us in the storm. We just lost a lot of people and to be honest I don't think their replacements are gonna stick around long."

Kowari turned to her in dissatisfaction, "And be under the heel of that Pendaren woman! No. I am thankful that she saved our people when she did but let's not forget the reason why she was there to begin with."

Angara groaned in annoyance as he went back to his throne, "She's not like the Pendaren's we've met in the past."

"The words of a Pendaren always have a dual meaning and her people have done too much for us to ever forgive."

"She'll pay enough to fix your money problem."

"I will not work for or with a Pendaren! That's final. If you can convince any of the others to do so then that's fine, although I don't think you will get much luck out of that."

Angara growled in annoyance at his stubbornness, even though he was just complaining about how little money they had he always let his pride and hatred for Pendaren's take over whenever Angara mentions working with My'Rell. She gave up on trying to convince him as she never could even make him budge the first dozen times she brought it up and wouldn't do so now.

"There is a solution to our problem, though." He caught her attention.

"Really? Then what is it?" Her voice dripped with sarcasm as she was disinterested in whatever scheme he may think of.

"Some of our hunters in the city heard that a group of pirates that were at the edge of the system had a fabricator."

Angara's disinterest turned into concern.

"That thing is a piece of miracle tech that'll meet all our needs. The only problem is when we went to scout out their hideout the Crimson Storm had just got done plundering their plunder." He leaned in, his brow creasing as he looked her in the eye, "You guys didn't happen to find it did you?"

Angara kept a neutral expression as her body became rigid, she wanted to tell him but My'Rell had already claimed it for the storm and didn't seem willing to rent it out but if she told him that there's a chance that conflict could arise as Kowari has shown he is willing to turn a blind eye to his honorable teachings if it means serving their people.

"No." She lied reluctantly but hid it with a firmness to her statement, "It must have just been a rumor. We swept that place and didn't find anything like it."

Kowari's hard gaze lingered on her some more as if he was probing her for lies before sighing and shaking his head, "A shame. We could have really used something like that."

"Yeah... I'll keep an ear to the ground if it turns out there is some truth to that."

"Thanks Angara."

"Right." She wanted to change the subject to something else and something the chief should know about, "Listen, chief, there's something else I've got to tell you."

"What's that?"

"Our guest, she knows who I really am."

Kowari's eyes widened, "What? How?"

"I-I don't know. She figured it out somehow." She didn't want to let him know that she accidentally shared information with him that allowed her to unravel the answer for herself.

Kowari pinched the bridge of his nose growling, "This is a problem. If it gets out that you are still alive the Pendarens will send out their best hunters to execute you and if your uncle Turan finds out he will slaughter anyone who harbored you."

"I know! I know, alright! That's why I'm telling you now. So how should we deal with this?"

"There's only one thing to do." he unholsters his blaster and hands it to her, "She can't be allowed to leave."

Angara reluctantly took the blaster, "I don't like her but is this really the only option?"

"Do you trust her to keep it a secret?"

She didn't answer the question already knowing the answer, "My'Rell's taken a liking to her, she's gonna want to know what happened."

"Just say she died out in the badlands. We'll throw the body out there and let the laugh cats take care of the rest."

She nodded in agreement, "She's tougher than she looks, she came close to beating me in our fight on the train. So it'll be a difficult fight in the morning."

"No, there will be no duel, wait for her to go to sleep then end her there."

Angara gave him a look of contempt, "Kill her like a dog? Kowari, I don't like her but she's a warrior like us, to end her without giving her a fighting chance? That's not our way."

Kowari let out a sad huff as he put his hands on her shoulders to refocus her, "Like I said Angara, the time of honor is gone. We can't risk her leaving and putting everyone here in danger."

She looked at the weapon in her hand, its weight becoming more apparent to her as did the weight of this task. She hated Azula but respected the strength and confidence she displayed, if she was to kill her then it should be as an equal in combat not with a cowardly knife in her back but Kowari's words also held true. She didn't trust Azula to not leak this information.

After weighing the options she holstered the weapon and gave Kowari a determined look, "Okay, I'll do it, but I don't like it."

"The hardest things we have to do are never things we agree with." Kowari said in a drained manner with the weight of past decisions he didn't agree with coming to mind, "Go get patched up and some food in you, I'll let the armorer know that he's got something to fix." he pointed to the broken visor of her helmet that dangled at her side. Angara agreed and left him to go back to whatever duties he still had.

Azula winces as the Ke'Kuvon nurse sprayed the cuts on her face with a medical mist that formed into a waxy substance mending the wounds but left a stinging sensation behind. The cuts and scrapes where the first things to be treated next was the gigantic bruise that formed on her stomach caused by Angara's sucker punch. The nurse slapped a patch on it ungracefully making her groan in discomfort as she held the end of her shirt up.

The nurse gave her some water and pills, "Take these for your concussion, don't pick at any of the sealant on your cuts and try not to piss off Angara again or you'll end up back here." she said in a disinterested tone not even looking at her as she chewed on something while reading a magazine.

Azula gave her a scornful look as she snatched the pills from her hand, "What makes you think I won't put Angara in here instead?"

"No one puts Angara in the medical tent. Not without ending up here themselves." She said walking away.

She rolled her eyes at that statement before taking the pills, the pain of her migraine beginning to disappear. The medical tent was large and long enough to hold a large number of people but was sparsely populated with maybe one or two others.

Angara slapped away the door flap as she hobbled in holding her burned side and sat on a bed next to her, "All healed up, pup?"

Azula fumed at the nickname again, "Feeling better than before, although the help needs a better bedside manor."

The nurse shot her an annoyed look as she went to treat her burn.

"So, where is my tent?"

"It's getting pitched."

It wasn't exactly ideal for her but she was in no position to be picky and being away from the rest of these people would probably be best.

Her stomach began to rumble, "What about food, I'm starving."

Angara's stomach also growled at the sound of food, "Fine, dinner then bed."

After Angara was patched up she led Azula towards one of the temporary buildings that was serving food and was served a bowl of stew. The two went to one of the bonfires where several other warriors sat, their helmets sitting beside them as they dined and chatted away loudly.

Angara sat next to a few happily gossing away while Azula sat further back on a tree stump. She's already unwelcomed as is, no point in trying to socialize with these people. Instead she'll just try to listen in and learn as much as she can, after all if her plan for the Crimson Storm doesn't work out she's certain she can talk chief Kowari into helping her take back her throne.

She took a sip from her stew and almost spat it out as it was the most bitter stew she's ever had.

She looked around watching as the Ke'Kuvon mingled about. Festive fast paced music played in the background as men and women chatted about as they did their chores, old men gathered playing some sort of tile based game and children ran around playing with unchained tharks, some of the animals sat close to those with food or lying by the feet of their masters.

She heard a whimper at her side and saw that one thark sat by her leg with its reptilian eyes focusing on the bowl in her hands.

"Get!" she kicked some dirt at it.

The creature whimpered and remained at her side. Another thark troughted to her other side nuzzling her leg as it begged for her stew.

"Get away!" She stood up with both tharks following and whimpering. She may not like the stew but she is very unwilling to give it to these animals.

Angara and the other hunters noticed as she held the bowl far above her head as the two animals reared up dragging their dull claws across her body as they whimpered, causing the hunters to laugh at her misfortune.

"Having fun there pup?" Angara laughed.

"Get your animals!"

Angara whistled to the creatures drawing their attention as she fished out a strip of meat from her stew and tossed it away, the tharks chasing after it. Another thark pranced up from behind touching its nose to her leg also wanting a treat. Azula found herself having to join the group to get away from the pestering of their pets.

"Why are your pets roaming free?" She sat next to Angara as another hunter pulled the thark away by the collar, "Should they not be chained down to keep watch?"

The chuckle from Tekhan drew her attention now wearing a translator, "Tharks aren't meant to be chained up their entire lives. They have to be allowed to roam every now and then, even if it means they beg for scraps."

"Yeah, didn't your parents ever let you have a pet?" a young hunter with long dark hair asked from across the fire. She recognized his voice as an unmasked Charn.

"No." she said plainly as she saw several small children laughing and playing with an old thark that lied lazily as they hugged the creature, "My father always said that pets were a waste of time and resources."

"That's depressing." Charn said as he slurped up the rest at his stew.

"Don't mind her." Angara said, "Pup here had a long day, what with getting her ass handed to her by me and almost getting mauled to death." Azula growled at the comment but didn't dispute it, "So how has the hunt been for all of you since I've been gone?"

A gruff older bald man with a long gray beard and long head spikes was the first to speak in a hardy gruff but grandfatherly voice, "Oh you know girl. Chasing ne'er do wells across the galaxy for a few units. Caught a zetrion pirate captain a few days ago that was wanted for some heist. Got seven thousand units off him."

"Ha! That ain't nothing!" a woman with fiery orange hair lined with streaks of gray, "I caught a serial killer last week on Bethos! Not alive mind you, but he was worth eighty thousand units dead."

"How much would he have been worth alive?" Charn asked.

"Hundred thousand units. What about you young blood?"

Charn made a displeased noise as he put down his bowl, "I would have caught an arms dealer on Rythala four but my prey was snagged from me by the Nizar Twins."

"Who?" Angara asked after slurping her stew.

"Corporate mercenaries. Apparently the arms dealer screwed over someone high up in the galactic food chain so they hired the twins to nab him right before I could take him in. Would have taken him back too if it wasn't for the three broken ribs I got from getting to him."

Tekhan was next to speak, "You would have died in that attempt, even if your ribs weren't broken. I've heard of those two, they are in a league of their own."

"How about you, Angara?" Charn changed the subject.

Angara tossed her empty bowl aside, "Meh, you know. I caught some baddies back to back, nothing major until we were ambushed by the Death's Head and crashed on some backwater planet. That's how we found the pup." she pointed to Azula, "And also how my helmet got damaged." she held up the broken visor of the helmet.

Tekhan gave a saddened look, "Your mother's helmet. She protects you even in death."

Azula raised a brow to this new information that answered the question as to why she didn't just get rid of the helmet and get a new one.

"It's the main reason I came back, other than to gloat about how much of a better hunter I am than all of you."

They all chuckled at her jab.

"So what's the pup's reason for being with ya?" Charn asked, using her nickname striking a nerve.

"That's because I killed the Death's Head leader." Azula boasted.

One of the older hunters spat out his stew, almost choking on it.

"That sounds like a load of thark crap, girly." the orange haired huntress said.

"Yeah. Duritax ain't foolish enough to let himself get killed by a scrawny little thing like you." the old bearded hunter said.

"Just ask Angara if you don't believe me, she was there." Azula said with a smug attitude much to the Ke'kuvon princess's dismay.

Angara groaned, "Yeah it's true. Granted you had no idea he was on the bridge when you blew it up."

"Still killed him though."

"Bet you don't even know what he looks like." Angara commented.

"Who cares? He's dead and we survived." She finally took a sip of her stew only to find it was much too spicy for her taste.

"You killed his son too, right?" Tekhan asked.

"He has a son?" She asked after choking down another spoonful.

Charn sucked in some air sharply, "Oof. That means no, so... better watch your back."

Azula's interest had peaked, "Who's his son?"

"You killed Duritax without even knowing who Courtix, the butcher of Axelon four, was?" another young female huntress asked.

"That man is a monster." the older bearded hunter added, "I tried to go after the bounty on his head years ago." He then grabbed his left shoulder and pulled it off revealing his armored left arm was actually a mechanical prosthetic, "Cut my arm off with his laser machete. I was lucky that was all he cut off."

"We lost a few of our seasoned hunters that day, Kowari forbid anyone from going after his bounty because of that." Tekhan said as memories of old friends lost went through his mind, "If Courtix doesn't already know who you are he'll find out and he will stop at nothing to have your head."

Azula snorts, "Many others have tried and failed."

Angara rolled her eyes at her hubris. It didn't matter if Courtix came for her, Angara knew that she had to end her tonight.

Some of the other hunters laughed at her hubris as well, they underestimated her but that is only because they haven't seen her in action or what she is capable of.

"You overestimate yourself, pup." Charn laughed using Angara's nickname struck a nerve again, "You're just some teenager and Courtix is a raging maniac who slaughters armies for fun. There's no way you could take him out."

The older orange headed woman joined in, "And now that Duritax ain't there to keep him on his leash anymore you're as good as dead."

Not contempt with being laughed at she subtly waved her hand to the bonfire before them with the flames suddenly turning blue and shooting high into the air stopping their laughs and causing them to jump back in surprise, lounging tharks jumping to their feet and barking at the fire with some of the surrounding Ke'kuvon reacting as if they were being attacked.

The flames returned to their original color and lowered with Azula crossing her legs and sitting in a domineering posture that radiated arrogance with a vain smile, "Still think so?" They all stared at her as if she had suddenly grown a second head.

Angara grabbed her arm and forced her to her feet, "Your tent is pitched, let's go!" She pushed her hard to start walking.

Azula complied with a smile knowing she was able to startle these skilled deadly hunters with her own power.

Angara led her to the tent she would be staying in. It was small and pitched outside the main encampment with room for only one person with only a stretcher inside for a bed with a flat pillow, blanket and a lantern dangling overhead, just enough for one night.

"Stay here and don't go anywhere." Angara ordered, "I'll get you in the morning." She then left her and retreated to the camp.

Finally Azula was alone and away from anyone who could be considered an irritation. The first thing she did was pull the translator out of her ear and pocketed it as it was beginning to cause her inner ear to grow sore, then undid her topknot letting her long hair drop as she sat on the stretcher. The whole day had been nothing but exhausting for her and her body was aching for rest. She didn't even want to think of her plan for taking the storm. She just wanted to sleep and get out of this place and away from these rotten people, especially Angara. That coward who would rather hide than use her title to take down her foe. At least she was able to end the night on a high note with that display of power.

The cut ends of her hair came into view only reminding her that Angara did indeed win that fight and it made her blood boil knowing she was too weak to beat her.

"Such a shame, your bangs always accentuated your face nicely."

Azula looked up and standing before her was the vision of her mother.

She closed her eyes and groaned, "Can I not just have one moment of peace?"

"You two are more alike than you think." The vision said.

Azula groaned at her words again as she undid her boots, "You are not real. You are just a fiction my mind has made to torture me for some reason." She announced hoping this declaration of what she knows will make the vision go away.

"Well, at least you are aware of it." The vision of Ursa responded.

Azula scoffed, "Oh yes I've been more aware of it since actually seeing the real you! Seeing you hiding behind a false face with your new family and replacement daughter! With no memories of your little monst-" She cut herself off as her voice rose remembering her mother was only a vision, "What am I doing, arguing with thin air? Just go away." She threw the blanket over herself and turned her back to her mother.

Ursa knelt down, "You have every right to blame me for what I did. I just hope you can forgive me someday."

Azula covered her head with her flat pillow hoping to drown out her voice.

The commotion from the main camp could still be heard from her tent.

"They are a fascinating people aren't they?" Ursa said with a faint smile, "So full of life and energy despite everything they've been through."

"They're nothing but a bunch of savages and weak ones at that." Azula scorned.

Ursa's smile dropped, "Not everything needs to be a contest of strength Azula."

"That's how the world works. If you are not strong then you are weak, and if you are weak you are eaten up by the strong. They just managed to not be fully eaten." She said cynically.

"Strength takes many forms. Being there for those that remain and ensuring their well being can take more strength than conquering a nation."

Azula shot up and faced the visage, "Oh that's rich coming from you of all people! Where was that strength for Zuko and I? You weren't there for us! For me, when I needed you!"

The specter remained silent.

"Nothing to say to that, huh? No motherly comment to share or lie to tell?"

Ursa stared back with the same solemn look she always wore, "I never lied to you when I told you I love you."

"Don't..." Azula choked out as her eyes began to water, "Just... don't." She looked away hoping her hair hid her weakness from the vision.

Ursa stood up folding her hands back into her sleeves, "I've always loved you Azula."

She couldn't take it anymore, hearing such obvious lies, and grabbed the nearest object and with all of her strength threw it at the visage of Ursa with it passing through and punching a hole in the tent.

Her mother had disappeared just as she always did when she got violent leaving her hyperventilating from the stress. She was thankful that she had just enough self control to not burn the tent down before collecting herself.

It had been such a long time since she's had this many episodes back to back. She thought she had gotten better after escaping her brother and leaving the Forgetful Valley but now it just seems to be getting worse. She shook her head and wiped her tears deciding she was just tired and over stimulated from the various new experiences she has gone through in such a short amount of time.

After lying back down she forced her eyes shut hoping sleep would come quickly but before she could do so, a question went through her mind. What did she just throw?

She got back up and realized there was almost nothing in the tent for her small enough to make the hole. Nothing except... her crown hair piece.

Cursing she threw the blanket off and haphazardly strapped her boots back on. Just her luck that her mind would make her throw away the one thing that reminded her who she was. She had to retrieve it before any of these peasants stumbled upon it and tried to either melt it down or sell it for drinking money.

Angara returned to the bonfire sitting back down in an empty chair sighing heavily, the other hunters looking to her for answers as to what just happened.

"So it's true, she does have abilities." Tekhan said, "I thought that was just something Tyto made up just to get out of trouble."

"Yeah, it threw us for a loop too."

"How does it work?" Charn asked.

Angara gave him an annoyed look, "I don't know. What do I look like, a scientist?"

"Twenty units say she emits gasoline from her hands." The orange headed woman said.

This topic was annoying Angara to no end and she roared out in fury cutting everyone off, "Can we talk about something else?! I spent the whole day stuck with her and she is the most annoying person I've ever had to deal with!"

All of the hunters stared at her in silence because of her outburst.

"Jeez, what crawled up your tailpipe and died." Charn blurted out causing her to glare at him.

"You seem more agitated than usual, Angara." Tekhan said, "Is something bothering you?"

"I'm just...tired is all. She's all I've been hearing about for the past three days, all anybody talks about back at base." She then began speaking in a mocking tone of admiration, "The fire princess that blew up Duritax and saved the ship."

"Can you blame them?" Tekhan asked, putting his finished bowl down, "A teenager killing one of the most ruthless mercenary leaders on this end of known space with a strange ability to control fire, gives me goosebumps thinking about it."

"Not only that but it looks like she gave you a good run for your money, too." The old bearded hunter said, pointing out the bruises and scratches on her face.

Angara snarled and bared her fangs to him, "I won that fight."

"But how close was it?" Tekhan asked, "That burn on your side was really limiting your movements."

"It was just a lucky shot."

"Prey only needs to be lucky once in order to escape or injure its hunter, and you are one of our best."

Angara took the older hunter's wisdom into consideration.

A mischievous smile crept up on Charn's light green face, "What, is our little princess jealous of the new girl in town stealing her spotlight?"

A few of the other hunters chuckled at that, making Angara simmer with her rising temper.

"I broke your arm once already, Charn. You want me to do it again?"

"That was a training accident."

She gave him a piercing gaze capable of cutting metal, "Was it?"

Charn's smile dropped faster than a heavy stone being tossed from above.

The orange haired huntress decided to join in the conversation, "Well if you're so butthurt about it, why not just challenge her to a duel in the morning?"

Angara tensed up, "I... can't do that."

"Why not? Neither of you look too bad of shape." Tekhan asked.

She sighed heavily before explaining, "Because the chief ordered me to kill her, tonight."

Tekhan furrowed his tattooed brow, "Why? She may have strange powers but I don't see how it affects us enough to kill her."

"She knows."

They all looked at her with surprise.

"If she knows, then the Pendarens will come for us!" the bearded hunter said with fear in his voice.

"Or your uncle." the older woman huntress remarked, "He already suspects that you're still alive, we don't need his hunters showing up at our doorstep."

"Why do you think he ordered me to kill her? Just gotta wait for her to fall asleep then take her out there." Angara said.

"Kill her in her sleep? While she's at her most vulnerable and can't fight back?" Tekhan scrutinized as he looked at her with disappointment, "Like your uncle did to your father?"

Angara snarled, standing back to her feet, "You think I don't know how this looks! I don't want to kill her like that either but I have to do it to keep us all safe."

"Through an act of dishonor!" Tekhan accused rising to meet her, "If you are to do it then wait until the morning when her strength has returned and she has a chance to fight for her life."

"I can't, I have to do this. She is strong and if she escapes because I let her have a chance at a fair fight it puts the entire camp at risk and also the Crimson Storm."

Tekhan shook his head as he pleaded, "This isn't our way Angara, you know this."

The older woman made her opinion known as well, "I agree, challenge her to a duel and kill her that way. You beat her once you can do it again."

"Hold on, it doesn't sound that simple." Charn added, "You see the state she's in. If anyone can make Angara look like that then maybe she has a chance of actually beating her, no offense Angara."

Angara snarled at him and began to pace.

The woman scoffed, "We are Ke'kuvon, we face adversity head on knowing the challenge could end us."

"We have to think about this realistically. If she does somehow beat Angara in a fair fight she could be spiteful towards us and let the secret out. If we can take her out here we can get rid of a problem before it becomes one."

Tekhan snarled in anger, "You can't be serious Charn!"

"I am! Think of this from the chief's perspective, an outsider came into our camp knowing one of our most protected secrets and can expose it to our enemies. It's his job to protect us and if he sees a threat to us, why shouldn't he order her dead if it means we are all safe?"

"He's right." The bearded old hunter said with a hard look on his face, "The outsider is a threat to us and should be dealt with."

Tekhan gave the older man a look of betrayal, "Kaveer... Not you. A young blood like Charn I can understand but you."

"When I faced Courtix in honorable combat I adhered to the ways of our people, and you know what happened? He took my arm and got away. Didn't even honor me with a warrior's death, said my blood wasn't good enough for his blade. The money I could have gotten from his bounty could have helped the camp greatly, but our ways kept me from doing what I needed to and cost us that. Our enemies have never fought with honor so why should we let honor keep us from doing what has to be done?"

Tekhan felt as though the whole world was against him now, "The Pendarens have already stolen so much from us! Our home! Our families and friends! Our unity as a people, and now you are going to let fear of them take away who we are?! Our culture? Our traditions? What makes us Ke'Kuvon?!" His words caused many who agreed with this action to turn away in shame and rile up the others who were against it.

"It's time we adapted Tekhan." Charn fought back, "If we stay down the path we have been following then we are doomed to die off."

Kaveer made his way to Tekhan placing his mechanical hand on his shoulder, "Tekhan. None of us likes this but it is the right thing to do."

The balding hunter pulled out of his embrace in disgust giving them all a hard look, "I can't believe any of you would be okay with this." He turned to Angara, "You especially." The guilt of this action was already weighing heavily on her mind but his words were like a knife being twisted in her stomach.

He turned and stormed away with Angara following after pleading with him, "Tekhan don't go. Where are you going?"

He responded in a hard commanding tone lined with exasperation, "To make sure my dishonorable nephew is still cleaning the rhino stables. Perhaps I should impart some wisdom on him so he doesn't start adopting these disgraceful ideals!" he continued on leaving all of them to the bonfire.

The orange haired huntress looked to Kaveer, shaking her head in disappointment, "I guess your arm isn't the only thing Courtix took." she stormed off as well.

Many of the other hunters that agreed with them left grumbling to themselves while others stayed but the mood did not allow for lighthearted conversation to continue with a heavy awkward atmosphere. Angara watched as they left, questioning if what she must do really is the right thing.

Charn approached her, "Don't listen to him, he's... stuck in his ways. If you need help carrying this out-"

"I don't!" Angara said sharply, "The dishonor will be mine and mine alone."

"It's not dishonor Angara." Kaveer stated, "You are doing what is right."

His words put her at ease momentarily but didn't erase the shame.

"And who cares. She's just some outsider that you don't even like. Right?" Charn continued.

Honor had always been something that was taught to her by both her parents and Kowari but now everything she had been taught was being put into question. Should she kill Azula in her sleep like she's putting down an animal to keep her adopted family safe or give her the fighting chance she knows she deserves?

Azula searched in the dark of night for her crown only with the light of a blue flame in hand. She must have thrown it pretty hard as she was starting to get farther away from her tent. She kicked through the short grass hoping the gold would catch the light but saw nothing. She could have sworn it flew in this direction.

As she turned to look in another direction the light of her flame illuminated a shape in the grass. It was one of the thark creatures, this one seemed to be older with its angular face having more wrinkles and the black ridges on its back turning gray. She already had enough dealing with animals today and didn't appreciate being startled by another, but on a closer inspection she saw the creature had something shiny in its mouth, it was her crown.

"Drop that!" She ordered the creature but it only stared at her in indifference, completely ignoring her order.

She gritted her teeth as she approached it slowly however its lips peeled back revealing short but thick fangs as it let out a low rumbling growl that stopped her advance.

She glared at the thark's defiance towards her. As tired as she was she was ready to fight this animal if it meant regaining her hair piece but after an analytical view of the creature she saw that unlike the laugh cats that were small and frail with small razor sharp teeth meant for tearing flesh this animal was larger with a sturdier build who's wider jaws were made for crushing bone.

It would definitely be a tougher fight than a laugh cat and it would be much easier to find a Ke'Kuvon to make it drop the crown but Azula didn't do things the easy way. She'll show this mindless beast her strength and force it to yield to her if she must.

"Alright, if that's how you want to do this then so be it." She took on a fighting stance ready to hurl a fireball at it but before she could do so it turned and trotted away.

"Wh-Hey!" She shouted as she followed it.

The thark paid no mind to her calls as it continued its steady trek away from the camp until it led her to a large yurt sitting farther out from the camp in isolation made from dark fabrics of blue and purple that made it look like a void in the night.

The thark quickly made its way through the tarp. Azula studied the large circular tent and saw a steady plume of smoke rising from the top meaning somebody was home. Better for her at least because now she can demand the owner to take responsibility for their pet.

She slapped the tarp open and was immediately met with the heavy smell of incense burning, it was almost suffocating, and saw the inside was filled with various trinkets and ornaments on display, prayer beads dangling from above and statues of alien beings littering the corners of the tent. She could see a figure sitting by the fireplace in the center draped in dark robes, prayer beads wrapping around them and a wide brimmed hat obscuring their features from her as they carved away at wood, seeming to be creating more beads for a necklace.

The thark dropped her crown by their side and layed down, catching their attention as they inspected its find.

"Excuse me!" She said as loud and bluntly as possible with the figure slowly turning to her, "Your pet stole that from me."

The figure was silent for a short time before speaking slowly in a croaky old voice that sounded as old as time itself, "My apologies. Kezu brings me trinkets from time to time, things that people discard, but every now and then she takes something that is still cherished."

He held out a yellow hand with six long spindly black tipped fingers presenting the hairpiece to her. She was a little drawn back at the sight of his spider-like hand, whoever this was they were clearly not a Ke'kuvon.

"Just see that your pet stays out of people's belongings." She snatched it away from him and turned to leave.

"May your fire remain burning, Serpent of Blue." He said going back to carving.

She stopped turning back to him with a scornful look, "Excuse me? What did you just call me?"

"Serpent of blue." He repeated slowly, "The name that echoes from your soul into the outer world."

Her scorn turned into confusion as she tried to make sense of this strange being's words, "The outer world?"

"The world that overlaps ours and houses the voices of times long past."

She couldn't help but chuckle at that statement, she meets many new beings of different backgrounds and finally meets one who hears voices like her. In some grim twist of fate she wonders if she'll end up like him in a hut collecting junk.

"So you hear voices? What, pray tell, do they tell you then?" She was mocking him, hoping to gain some pleasure after her recent experience with her mothers illusion.

"Voices of the outer world whisper of the world of the bridge... and a child of fire walking through stars..." He held up a bead inspecting it before putting it aside with a pile of others and grabbing another wood chip.

She bursted out laughing, it wasn't exactly funny but the ramblings of old crazy fools always seemed to make her feel better about her own predicament.

"Well I must say, oh great soothsayer, that was quite the rambling." She calmed down wiping away a tear, "If only zuzu were here, maybe he'd be able to make sense of whatever that was since he's always around uncle listening to his proverbs."

"The scarred brother has learned wisdom through hardship and isolation. I wonder what it is you will learn." He droned out.

Azula's laughing fit ceased. What he had said sounded too much like Zuko, someone she had only briefly mentioned by a nickname, "How do you know that?"

The stranger held up the wood chip as he inspected the detail before continuing, "The voices of the outer world share many things if one is open to listen."

She rolled her eyes at his cryptic words and brushed some hair out of her face, when doing so she realized that she wasn't wearing her translator, and yet this creature was speaking in her native language.

Her interest was far beyond being peaked, now she was wondering if this creature had visited the earth, "Who are you?"

He shifted his head allowing her to see his three faintly glowing blue eyes, "A vagabond of the stars who seeks to guide others who are lost. But you may call me by the title the Ke'Kuvon have given me, The Mystic."

"And you believe I'm lost, Mystic?"

He went back to carving, "Some walk without knowing they are lost. Some who walk know exactly where their destination is."

Azula saw an empty space and invited herself to kneel before him, "So these voices... They tell you things? Things about people that aren't spoken?"

"Truths of one's nature, masked by ego and fabrication."

Azula rolled her eyes, "Speak plainly! Yes or no?"

The stranger put down the half formed bead and carving tool, "Yes."

"So you can answer any question about myself I ask?"

"If the voices of the outer world know the answers and see its truths."

"You know of my abilities then?"

"That fire and lighting burn and crackle at your fingertips. Yes."

Azula held out her hand producing a flame to test his resolve causing his thark to spring up and growl at her, he did not react and instead seemed to expect it. He calmed the defensive animal with a gentle pat on her head.

"Then answer a question that has been on my mind since I left home." She continued to play with the flame in her palm, making false movements that suggested she would drop it in order to get some kind of reaction from him, "My bending fluctuates from being weak and powerful and I just can't seem to find the answer for this."

A tentacle appendage slithered out from beneath his hat and grabbed a nearby pot bringing it closer for him to grab a handful of sand and allowing it to trickle past his fingers into a pile. As the tentacle put the pot away he drew four symbols in the sand with his long finger, each being an unfamiliar symbol for the four elements.

"The four basic elements all exist in constant balance with one another. Fire burns with passion, but requires the other elements to flourish. Fire needs air to fuel it, earth retains the heat it produces thus further warming the flame and water's coolness keeps it from growing out of control." He explained pointing to each symbol, "Space is absent of these elements and the artificial environments of ships and stations can only mimic a fraction of the natural world. The farther you are from the four elements the more your balance between them is disrupted." He waved a hand over hers and with a movement to close it extinguished the flame she held to punctuate his point.

"What of the sun? It still grants me its power as long as I am out of extra dimensional space."

"A cup can only be filled if there are no holes within it."

He spoke with nonsensical proverbs just like her uncle but the meaning behind his words made sense with everything the four nations on earth seemed to stand for and was in line with what she has experienced in both leaving and landing on a planet. She finally has a piece to the puzzle surrounding her bending.

"Quite interesting, what else can you tell me?"

He didn't answer at first and seemed to be I'm a trance but after a few moments spoke, "I have said enough."

"What do you mean?" Azula's face dropped into a frown.

"The voices of the outer world have silenced themselves, they have provided enough answers for now."

"What? No! I still have more questions for your voices!"

"The outer world will remain silent until it chooses to speak once more." He said cryptically before grabbing the half form bead and carving tool, "Perhaps another time, Serpent of Blue."

She gritted her teeth and lashed out grabbing his wrist, "You will answer my questions old man! Or so help me-" as soon as she touched his skin she felt a surreal surge of energy shoot up her arm into her mind as if lightning had been shot into her.

She jumped back nearly falling over, "What in Agni's name was that?!"

The Mystic's body language shifted to contemplation "I see..."

She took on a fighting stance, "See what?" The thark got up and growled to defend her master.

He looked up to her, his luminous eyes meeting hers, "A defeat from one you deemed a failure and the abandonment of those close to you has formed cracks in your mind, voices not of the outer world but of your own mind haunt you, and there is much... sadness in your heart."

Her eyes widened in shock and horror. He knew. He saw her weakness, if those voices he spoke of didn't tell him then whatever he did to her exposed every secret she had to him.

"Fair warning, Serpent of Blue." the Mystic said suddenly, "The path you have chosen to follow will not bring you satisfaction, only destruction and pain, not just for you but those around you. You are but a large fish who has escaped her small pond into an ocean of leviathans, your cunning and strength will not be enough against the titans of the galaxy. It is not too late to forsake this path."

It was too much for her to process and she needed to end him. He not only knows her weakness but also of her plan, she needed to silence him permanently before she could be foiled.

She brought her fingers up to send a bolt of fire to his heart but the stranger moved far faster than she could perceive and with a simple flick of his wrist knocked her hand away and pressed the tip of his index finger to her forehead. A surge of energy went through her body that calmed her mind and relaxed her muscles sending her into unconsciousness.

He caught her before she made contact with the ground. Kezu growling and barking at her as she lay in his grasp.

Angara made her way to Azula's tent. She had decided what she must do, Azula had to be silenced for the greater good. She held her honor in high regard but this went farther than her and she must do what is best for her people.

She saw the tent in the distance and she drew Kowari's pistol. She must be asleep by now making her an easy target, a dishonorable target, however the light of the lantern made her take a silent and more deliberate approach to mask her presence and pushed the flap open slowly with the barrel of the blaster before peering in.

To her surprise the tent was empty causing her to jump in looking around frantically for Azula. She had escaped before she could even go through with her decision, making her curse and roar in frustration as she bolted out of the tent looking around her for any possible sign of where she went.

In her frantic search she felt a presence behind her and turned with the weapon drawn at whoever it was only to find the Mystic standing tall over her carrying Azula in his arms bridal style with his thark by his side.

"Mystic!" she said surprised, quickly pointing the weapon away from him and bowing her head in respect, "I-I didn't see you there, and what are you doing with her?"

"Red Cap." The Mystic greeted and bowed his head calmly, "The Serpent of Blue wanders... uncertain of her place in the world." He glided past her into the tent and laid her down carefully on the stretcher before placing her crown on the ground next to her before exiting, "Why do you visit her when anger is all you feel towards her?"

"I-I was... just checking in on her. Making sure she's... sleeping well, ya know." she gave the Mystic a nervous smile.

"Lies are unbecoming of someone who speaks in blunt truths." Her smile fell, the Mystic always seemed to know things and see past lies, "Is it not Ke'Kuvon tradition to slay a beast head on rather than slit its throat while it sleeps?"

She swallowed hard as she looked down not even wanting to face the Mystic, "I have to do this. I have no choice."

"One of the greatest illusions in the universe is the belief that there is no choice," he countered.

She growled, "Well this time there is no choice! If I don't kill her now, everyone could be in danger!"

"Do you know for certain?"

"Uh... no."

"The Serpent of Blue has lived a life believing she has no choice, and you would rob her of being able to make her own choices now that she is free because of an uncertainty?"

Angara turned to him, "How do you know that?"

He held out his long spindly hand, "She has touched me and inadvertently allowed me to peer into her mind."

Angara recoiled at the thought of being in Azula's mind, "That must have been unpleasant, can't imagine what goes on inside that head."

"She is... delicate. Believing she too has no choice and plagued with false beliefs that pull her towards a dark path."

"Then I'd be showing her mercy by just ending her."

"Mercy through a blade delivered in shadows is not mercy at all."

Biting her lip in frustration she then shouts to the cloaked figure, "Then what do I do, huh?! Let her live so she can tell the whole galaxy that the youngest princess of our people is still alive and lead all of our enemies here!"

The Mystic did not answer right away, instead he waited for her to calm down, "Violence does not have to be the first option."

"Then what would you have me do?" She asked with frustration.

"Action may speak louder than words but actions can only convey so much. The two of you are more alike than you think, perhaps a dialogue would be more productive."

"Dialogue? Every word out of her mouth makes me want to strangle her!"

"As do the words that come out of your mouth to her, Red Cap."

Angara only groaned as she looked out at the stars pondering what to say next, "You speak of letting her make her own choices. What if those choices lead to our downfall?"

"They may not. We will never know if we let our fears overcome our better judgment and it would be a shame to cut her down at the very beginning of her journey."

"Really?" Angara questioned unenthusiastically, "What do you see in her?"

"A broken soul who was robbed of the chance to walk her own path. Pride and ego are all she knows and because of this suffering awaits her no matter which path she takes. It is up to her to decide how that suffering will mold her, but she must be allowed to choose."

Angara said nothing as she contemplated his words.

The Mystic began to walk away with Kezu following, "The choice you make now is entirely your decision."

Angara watched him leave until the darkness of night swallowed him away leaving her alone to contemplate his words. She looked at the blaster in hand wondering if she should go through with this, if she should rob Azula of her choices just as her uncle had robbed her of so many of hers and their people.

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