Cold Shards and Warm Stars (O...

By Lumi_agardite

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Oliver and Yohi - mutant brothers, fled from a laboratory on a cold winter night... Their escape was aided by... More

0. Prologue
2. Rivalry
3. A Slight Danger
4. Group Outing
5. Homemade Lunch
6. Lunch in Company
7. A Fun Day with Friends
8. Stressful evening
9. Bleeding Hands
10. The Friendship Agreement
11. No Peace Without Candy
12. Broken Prohibition
13. Hurt and Tears
14. A Revolting Outburst
15. Nauseatingly Pleasant Feelings
16. A Silly and Strange Gift
17. Incredible Tactility
18. Reluctant Participation
19. Warmth in Little Hearts
20. Threat of Exposure
21. What's going to happen next...?
22. Will Everything Be Alright...?
23. Everything Will Be Alright...
24. Epilogue

1. Just a Normal School!

97 8 0
By Lumi_agardite

   It's been more than half a year since we escaped from the laboratory, but every morning of mine still starts with the thought: "How wonderful it is to wake up to the sun's rays, not those nasty white rattling lamps!". The sun is exquisitely beautiful, as are the sky, the stars, the moon, the trees, and the grass under my feet. Sometimes, when Yohi didn't go to work, he would let me go out to the backyard and walk there under his supervision. The grass pleasantly tickled my feet, and the earth was so soft and yielding under my weight. I loved walking barefoot, feeling life under my feet. Everything was finally alive.

But today is a special day. My first school day in almost 4 years. Sure, they taught me a bit in the laboratory too, to be used for some purposes in the future, and additional knowledge is always better, but those lessons were just me, taught infrequently and slowly, and this is completely different.

– Time to wake up, get up... – the gentle, calm voice of my older brother sounded, who opened the curtains in my room, which is essentially an attic, wider, letting more sunlight into the room, – Come on, Lily doesn't have time, so I will go to the welcoming ceremony.

– Wh... what should I wear? – I asked, tiredly rolling from one end of the bed to the other.

– There's no school uniform at this school, so it doesn't matter much, but still, dress decently. And, um... what about your eye? Maybe just cover it with your bangs?

– No-o-o! I'll wear bandages! – I whined, getting up from the bed and starting to get dressed. I hadn't shown half of my face even at home, either covering my eye with my fringe or with bandages, let alone at school with strangers.

– Alright, as you wish! Come downstairs, I've almost prepared breakfast. – said my brother, leaving the room and leaving me alone.

Stretching, I sighed, then went to the closet and took out a few of my favorite items. I grabbed a gray shirt from a hanger, feeling the pleasant texture of the fabric under my fingers, and then, after undressing, carefully slipped my arms into the sleeves. After that, I put on nearly black gray-brown shorts, which gave my look a relaxed but stylish touch. Finally, I took out a fairly long and spacious blue coat, put it on, and felt confident, as my appearance was both cute and stylish at the same time, but something was definitely missing. Approaching the table, I opened one of the cabinets and took out a bundle of bandages. Carefully wrapping my missing eye, I finally realized that the transformation was complete. I was so engrossed that I forgot that it's better to wash up first and then get dressed, to avoid staining the clothes, but I was neat enough, so there were no problems.

Descending to the first floor into the living room, I approached the table where my brother was already sitting and waiting for me. For breakfast, he had prepared my favorite scrambled eggs with small pieces of bacon and spinach leaves... I sat next to him and began to eat.

– You look good... – my brother said, tiredly rubbing his eyes, – I'll definitely come back late today, so remember the way home. You know, on September 1st here, many families love to go to diners after school to eat pizzas and burgers, so I'll have a lot of work.

– Alright... – I said, separating the unappetizing looking pieces of bacon from the appetizing ones and placing them on the edge of the plate.

We sat and ate, when suddenly a woman with long yellow hair came thundering down from the second floor and, approaching us, sat down next to us. This woman was Lily, a special volunteer who sheltered mutants and helped them lead a normal life. She took us in, although initially, she didn't want to have two wards, but I didn't intend to separate from my brother, so they and Yohi agreed that he would almost immediately start working and contribute to our "family budget," so everything went smoothly.

– I didn't cook for you, sorry... thought you'd get up later... – my brother said, handing the woman a cup of fragrant coffee.

– It's okay, I overate at the party yesterday... don't even want to think about food! – the woman said, stirring her coffee with a spoon and taking a small sip, – Oliver... you have a funny accent, where are you from?

– I've lived in America all my life, but my mom was Belarusian, and my dad British, so the accent is a bit strange. I was taught two languages and Russian got a bit mixed with English. – I replied clearly, stopping my meal.

– Age?

– 12 years. Birthday on December 21st.

– Why did you move?

– Mom passed away, we moved to live with my aunt...

– What happened to your eye?

– Fell from a tree when I was a kid and landed badly, don't like to remember...

– Okay... But hey, remember, don't use your abilities too often! Even if it's hard on a test because you missed material, better to cheat off your neighbors, but try not to use your powers. If you use them often – the bandages will get soaked with black liquid and blood, which will raise questions, and you can't change them every minute. – Lily continued firmly, somewhat roughly stroking my hair. She was always a bit rough, but it was her way of showing care.

– Alright, time to go, Oli... it's bad to be late on the first day. – Yohi said, standing up from the table and taking his and my plates, which only had the unappetizing pieces of bacon left.

– I'll wash up... – Lily said, – Go on!

I stood up from the table, Yohi went to the hallway and started putting on his boots. I approached Lily and hugged her, then ran after my brother. No matter how casually I acted, I was terribly scared.


Holding my brother's hand, I made my way to a free spot in the crowd of rows of chairs. There were already lots of adults and kids, all so bright, diverse, and beautiful! No school uniforms, which was wonderful – my previous school had them, and in the laboratory, we only had doctor's coats and our lousy hospital gowns! I adore beautiful clothes and love to sew, I'd so like to learn how to make some of the outfits the children were wearing. Finally, reaching a free spot, my brother and I quietly sat down... there was a lot of noise around, children and adults talking about everything, it was overwhelming.

– You look good... – said a white-haired boy, his haircut seems like a bob. He was dressed in a white sweater with blue stripes, black pants, and long white boots. And he had different colored eyes, one green and one blue, which looked magical! He was snow-white, porcelain, like some snow prince! About my age, maybe we'll meet in class. He looked at me with interest, obviously because of my eye. – What happened to your eye?

He was too sociable for me. I hadn't interacted with anyone other than Lily and Yohi for half a year, so this direct approach was hard for me.

– I... it was an unfortunate accident... with a tree branch... – I replied quietly, afraid to look at the boy.

From a higher row behind us, a girl of my age with short purple hair leaned forward. She took one earbud out of her ear and said:

– Creepy... – her voice was calm and slightly tired, as if she hadn't slept well, – Nice accent, did you come from somewhere?

– Y-yes... – I replied, startled. It was frightening that she noticed, I wished my accent was less noticeable, – I mean, not exactly... I'm from another state, but the accent is because my mom is Belarusian, she taught me Russian, and my dad is British. I have a British accent, but with a touch of Russian!

– Oh, have you been here long? I haven't seen you around before, and it's a small town! – the white-haired boy chimed in again.

– I live in a house near the forest, a bit away from the other houses. I moved here a month ago, but in the summer I like to stay indoors, I'm not very sociable. – I replied bravely, internally panicking in fear of saying something wrong.

– Oh, Defoko lives nearby... – the sleepy girl added, – I'm Defoko. And this is Piko, Defoko and Piko are third cousins. Defoko and Piko are both 12 too. What's your name, how old are you?

– Oliver... I'm also 12! – I answered, slightly moving away from the girl towards my brother. Was she talking about herself in the third person or was it just me?

– Oh... looks like Oliver is in the same class as Piko and Defoko... in seventh grade now? – the girl with purple hair asked.

– Yes...

– Your brother? – Piko asked, shifting his gaze to Yohi, who was stealthily looking at us, – You look alike...

– Quiet... – Yohi said, adjusting me so that I was sitting upright.

Yes, it was important to be quiet, as someone began speaking through the loudspeakers, welcoming us. Nothing special, pretty much the same as in my previous school. We were simply greeted, told about the importance of this day, and given various wishes... it was boring, and I almost fell asleep, but my brother, attentively listening, kept waking me up whenever my head drooped due to fatigue and boredom.

– Hooray! It's all over! – Piko exclaimed, standing up from his seat, as did the other people, – Come with us, we'll show you where to go!

He abruptly pulled me along, and Defoko followed behind us, leaving my brother. Looking back at me, he waved goodbye, and I returned the gesture.

We walked through the corridors, full of children, but soon my new friends stopped.

– Lucky that the first lesson is English and Defo and Piko can show Oliver where to go... – Defoko said, slowly trailing behind us, – Oliver has a cool bag, by the way... a large messenger bag? Oliver looks like a postman... Oliver should work as one, just needs a cap. Or maybe Oliver looks more like a sailor?

"How should I take that? I've never heard my name so much in my life as in conversation with Defoko," I thought, continuing to trudge along behind Piko.

Soon we entered a classroom, half-filled with kids. Defoko pointed to three free seats near the window, arranged in a row. Unlike my previous primary school, all the desks here were single, for one person.

– Defoko is short, so she'll sit in front... – Piko giggled, beginning to approach the seats along with me and a grumbling Defoko. But suddenly, out of nowhere, a pale, curly red-haired guy in a long white cloak with clumsily sewn holes and sleeves, black pants with vague light stains as if something chemical had been spilled on them, and a red short skirt, which looked odd, quickly took the third seat, spread out his stuff, and lay on the desk, thereby breaking the row and leaving only two seats. Yes, they were further back, but there too, only two seats remained.

– Hey, what's this about...? – Piko began, approaching the guy angrily but stopping a meter away from him in confusion, – F-Fukase?

The guy lifted his head to look at Piko, who had called out to him unintentionally. He snorted irritably and asked with a voice that took me aback with its delightful, soft, deep, and slightly weary tone:

– What?

– You're in the wrong class. This is for the young ones...

– Yeah... I'm with you now. I was held back a year because of absences. – the guy replied tiredly, starting to fiddle with a sharp pencil on the desk.

– Oh, that's sad, but we have a new kid here, would you mind giving up the seat so he can sit between me and Defoko? – Piko asked, pointing at me.

Fukase turned to me with a hostile look, wanting to know "who he was being bothered for," but he suddenly lost his composure, staring at me in astonishment. I, too, stared at him in shock, not due to the awkwardness of the situation as it might seem, but because of how horribly disfigured the left side of his face looked, which was previously not visible to me because of his body's position and the angle. It was either some small growths, burns, scarred scars, or a mix of all, but his facial half looked terribly horrifying, like fingers after being in water for too long, but much worse.

– Let him sit next to me... – turning his face back towards Piko and indicating the free desk to his right, the guy said, – And this is my seat...

He clung to the desk like a street cat climbing a tree.

– Oh, why do you need to sit by the wall? Hiding your face? Who hasn't seen what, he's new, give up the seat. – a girl with green hair, sitting behind the guy, said.

– I'm new too... the conversation is over. – Fukase growled irritably, laying his head back on the desk and hiding his face.

I just sighed, relieved that the conflict was over, and ultimately sat where Fukase had indicated, to his right. Piko and Defoko sat in front of the red-haired guy, one behind the other, and started whispering about something. But soon the bell rang, and they had to be quiet as the teacher entered the classroom. I looked around the class and soon began to listen to the teacher, but all through the lesson, I kept catching the gaze of this angry red-haired guy.


The boring journey home, and likely no one at home, not even any food, and my cooking skills are on the level of a three-year-old. But I'm hungry and unsure what to do. I could make a sandwich, but I'm not sure if we have any sausage or anything for a sandwich, except for the disgusting peanut butter that everyone here seems to love. However, why think about food when all my thoughts were elsewhere: "I'm being followed..."

The entire way from school to home, I felt someone's gaze on me, and not just the gaze – I felt someone was walking behind me, but when I looked back, I only saw children talking and walking in different directions, definitely not following me.

"Maybe it's them... come to take me back..." – I thought, looking around for a direction to run. Home was not an option, for if it was those who wanted to take me back, they would find out where I live, and then we'd have to run and hide again, if we could at all. I don't want to... I have to run anywhere but home! I can't use my power, then they'll definitely know I'm here.

Turning around once more and seeing no one this time, not even passers-by, panic gripped me and, bursting into tears, I ran towards the forest, seeking refuge among the trees. Jumping over a thick but low bush, I didn't notice a large branch behind it and, tripping, tumbled down the hill. Getting caught by my cloak on the branch, I became entangled, and in my attempt to quickly remove it, I accidentally tore its sleeve. No longer held by the branch, I rolled down again, leaving the cloak hanging in place. I landed near a field with tall grass, a fairly high metal mesh fence visible in the distance. I wanted to hide in this field, but the sound of a broken branch right behind me dashed all my hopes. Grabbing the first stick I could find, I turned sharply and hit the person above me... he even fell, but fortunately, it was just that rough red-haired guy – Fukase... unfortunately for him, I had struck with all my strength.

– Oh fuck... – he cursed, lying on the ground and holding his temple.

– F-Fukase? – I asked in astonishment, as if to confirm it to myself.

– Yes, fuck, It's me! – he said angrily, getting up from the ground and looking at me with fury, extending his hand to me, – Why the heck did you run?

– Sorry... I-I thought I was being followed... – I confessed, almost in tears, afraid to reach out to the guy, especially since his hand was as gruesomely disfigured as his face.

– Yeah, you were, but that's no reason to run and cry as if you're being cut up! – Unable to stand my uncertainty, the guy grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and lifted me off the ground.

– Sorry... – I repeated, slowly backing away to a safe distance from him, – So... why were you following me?

– Doesn't matter now... – he said gruffly, turning his back to me and starting to walk away.

– No way, you chased me this far, might as well tell me now... spill it! – I demanded, running after him.

He remained silent, continuing to walk, but I followed him, having completely forgotten about my cloak. I was consumed with curiosity, and when I'm curious, I'm persistent! But he, apparently, was just as determined to keep his secrets.

– Hey you, back off, kid! – he snapped angrily and loudly, turning sharply towards me and pushing me, – I told you, it doesn't matter!

Changing direction, he dashed towards the fence in the field. Grabbing onto a protruding piece of wood, he clambered over and disappeared from view. I didn't chase after him, my body was too weak to climb the fence. I had no choice but to go home.

Dusting off the dirt and grass, I walked home, a small smile creeping onto my face at a thought that popped into my head:

"Seems he doesn't get along with others because of his looks... and here I am, one-eyed. Maybe he's interested in being friends with me, he-he...!"

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