Bad Girl Good Reputation (A...

By MalenahBC

1.3K 36 8

Loren is a bitch beyond explanation. No one knows that it was caused from her crazy past that haunts her ever... More

Morning Scares
A Surprise To Last Years
Be Pretty Be Happy Be The One
Not again......
Meeting Him
Knowing Him
a choatic morning

Tell Me I'm Dreaming

74 4 2
By MalenahBC

Sorry it took so long to update. Im so sorry. Ive been busy with school and personal life. I'm going to be at dance practice a lot in the next couple of months, so updates will be limited. I will keep posting. Luckily, i already have the next chapter written, so all i have to do is type it and let my friend edit it, then post. This chapter was suppose to be the next one, but i left the chapter i planned on posting, at school. 

I already have the next three or chapters planned out.

Hope you enjoy.

Chapter 5:


"CODY GET UP," my dad hollered at me.

I just mumbled and rolled over, which ended in me falling off my bed.

"Good, you're up," my dad laughed at me," Mom made breakfast, get ready and come down."

Running to my closet, I tripped over a pile of dirty clothes. Why am I so clumsy today? Alli was standing in my doorway and saw, she died out laughing.

"Shut up." I yelled at her.

"You're so clumsy." she laughed at me.

"Yeah, Yeah. I know and I'm also very handsome," I winked at her.

"In your dreams," She shot at me as she walked down the hall.

"Then I must be dreaming," I shouted at her, through my open door.

I turned to my closet and pulled a pair of blue jean pants and a navy blue and white, stripped, tank top on. Then, I slipped on a pair of black vans. My phone started to ring on my night stand, I ran to it to see I got a text from Campbell.

From: Campbell

Hey bro, you up?


Hey, yeah I'm up. Whassup?

From: Campbell

Just hanging with Jake and Josh. We miss you bro. When you coming back?

To: Campbell

I miss you guys. I should be coming back within two months or so, maybe sooner.

From: Campbell

That's great. Well i have to go we're about to go surf. Talk to you later.

To: Campbell

Ok. Have fun.

Man, do I miss those guys. We used to surf all the time and hang out 24-7. The whole fame thing has pulled us apart. We still talk but it's not the same as it used to be. Sometimes I just miss my best friends.

I stepped into my bathroom and combed my hair. It looked half-way decent, so I left it. I"ll come back after I eat to brush my teeth, so I can fix it better then.

I ran downstairs, surprisingly enough, not falling on the way down. My mom, dad, little brother and sister were sitting in the dinning room chowing down on breakfast. My nostrils were filled with the sweet smell of bacon and pancakes. I jolted to the kitchen and made myself a plate. After filling my plate I sat down at the table across from Alli and beside my father.

"Did you sleep good?" Mom questioned me.

"Yep, slept like a baby," I said through eating a piece of bacon.

"Don't talk with your mouth full, its gross," Tom, my little brother, shot at me.

"Sorry wont happen again, mister," I smiled at him.

After we finished breakfast and talked a bit, I ran up stairs and brushed my teeth. Not to mention I finally fixed the mess of blonde locks upon my head into their normal, casual style.

Today, I have to go to the studio and talk to my manager, Scooter Braun, then I have rehearsal for upcoming concerts. I have three in the next two weeks. It's going to be a lot of work. These next two weeks are going to be really busy, from concerts, to practice, to interviews, to photo shoots. Wake up at 5 and go to sleep at 12. Touring; sleep, eat, work, repeat.

Story of my life. 

Sometimes I just want to go back to the day where all I ever had to do was my homework and chores. To the days were my routine was; sleep, eat, school, surf, repeat. Back then I didn't have to worry about getting mobbed by crazy fans or walking out and paparazzi throwing questions in my face.

I may miss those days, oh do I miss those days, but I love my fans too much to leave. Music is my life and there is no way around it. Some days it might be hard but it's what I love to do and I'm glad that making music is the way I get to make a living. It's what I'm good at. It's what lets me sleep at night. It's what keeps me happy. 

"Are you ready? We have to be a the studio in ten minutes," My dad asked me.

"Yeah, I'm ready. Lets go." With that we left the house and rode down the rode to the studio. It was a quiet car ride with little conversation and the radio turned down low. Peaceful. 

Once we arrived security walked us through the fans that always hung around, hoping to see me, or some other famous artist. They got us inside and once we were sat down, Scooter started talking business. 

"Cody.. I don't necessarily agree with these changes but they are going to happen one way or another. I hate to say it...but you don't have a choice in the matter," Scooter said while talking a seat in front of Dad and I on a black leather, rolling chair.

"Why won't I be happy about these changes?" I asked him, curious. Most of the time Scooter keeps things that will upset him, the fans, and even me from happening. So, what could this be?

I wasn't expecting what came from his lips. 

"Well.....First of all, you will be pulling a publicity with Bella Thorne, or in simpler terms, fake dating. It will promot the single you two will be singing together." Scooter stopped and look to see the look of pure shock on my face. Nothing could have prepared me for something of that extent. 

"What the hell do you mean I'm going to fake date Bella Thorne?" I let the anger get the best of me, " Do you think I'm going to let that happen? I'm perfectly fine with singing a song with her, she's got talent,  but dating her?  Hell to the fucking no!"

My Dad scolded me. "Cody. Calm down. Lower your voice. I know you may not like this, but you will not speak like that in front of Scooter or me." 

"What?! Scooter is asking for me to kiss, hug, cuddle, hold hands, flirt, and do all this couple crap with a girl that I do not like." The words came out frustrated and on one breath. 

"This will only last a few months. It will all be over before you know it," Scooter said.

I glared. "Why do I have to do this anyways? Bella is nothing but a spoiled brat!" 

"This will help with the selling of the single. It is a love song and if you guys are 'dating' it will help the song sound real." Scooter spoke calmly, trying to be cautious of his words. 

"Fine." That was the last thing I said to either of the, before I left the room and almost ran to the car. 

To say that I'm pissed is an understatement. Scooter can't just make me date this girl. Bella thinks she is better than everyone else and that everyone loves her. She gets whatever she wants and has been trying to get into my pants for the past year. Now she can try more often because we will be "dating."

Fuck. My. Life. 

My phone beeped in my front pocket as Dad got into the car. My phone read that I had a text message from Alli and Justin. 

From: Justin

Bro, I heard about the fake dating thing you have to do with Bella Thorne. I'm sorry about it, but at least it will only last for a couple months. I'm here if you need to talk.

To: Justin

Yeah it sucks ass, but thanks. The next couple of months are going to be a fucking pain with her around.

I shot the text to Justin, then went to see what Alli had sent.

From: Little Sis

I heard. Are you ok?

To: Little Sis

Not really, you know how much i dislike her.

Once the text was sent, I slipped my phone back into my pocket and turned the radio on. 'Cant Hold Us' by Macklemore and Ryan Lewis came on. Just like the first car ride, this one was peaceful and quiet. The only difference was that you could probably cut the tension in the air with a butter knife. 

We got to the dance studio, and I walked to the door. The thought still fresh on my mind. I, Cody Simpson, will soon be dating Bella Thorne. It was nucking futts. 

Calm down Cody. It will be okay. You know you cant practice with these thoughts weighing on you. You have to be completely focused. So focus.

I thought these words over and over to myself. Repeating them slowly. 

I walked to the dressing room and replace my jeans with black sweatpants. I grabbed a bottle of water and went into the full mirrored room, which we practice for concerts in. "Wish You Were Here" blasted through the speakers and all the dancers including myself got into our spots and started dancing.

Two hours of hard practice had flown by and I was covered in sweet. All the performance dances were looking ten times better than they did the first time we practiced and I was proud of everybody. We all decided we needed to take a break, so I sat down and started to eat and apple from the fruit bowl.

They won't allow me to eat anything other than apples, bananas, and oranges during practice. I understand why, but I get so hungry at times. I don't disobey them because I'm the type of person who follows the rules, for the most part.

After practice, all the dancers and myself rode down to McDonald's for some good ole fast food. I got a ten piece nugget with a large Sprite and large fry. We all sat, and scarfed down our food down. Watching about thirty different dancers covered in sweat and half of them half naked, was a sight to see.  We shared a few conversations about the dances and somethings that will happen during the next few weeks.

"At our next practice, we should do a Harlem Shake," Greg said to the group.

"Yes!" Everyone yelled in response.

"I think we should," I started," you guys have been doing really good and I think you deserve it."

Tatiana spoke, "Okay, then it's settled. Tuesday we will be doing a Harlem Shake."

After everyone was done, we took them home. Once the last person was dropped off safely we headed for home. I walked into the house and went to my room instantly, waving hello to my mom on the way. Stripping of my clothes, I walked to my bathroom and turned on the shower. When the water was warm enough I stepped in. Letting the water rush down my back,  goose bumps erupted along my body. My body soon became completely relaxed. I rubbed soap against my skin and let the water run it off, flowing down the drain. I cupped my face and let the thoughts of what I learned today, rush back. It all seemed crazy. 

Once i was done in the shower, I stepped out and wrapped a towel loosely around my waist. I blow-dried my hair and combed the tangles out of it. My teeth got a rough brushing and a pair of boxers were placed at my waist..

My TV softy played the pulse and I slipped into my white sheeted bed. I pulled my plain white comforter right below my chin and sunk into my comfy bed. My eyes soon became heavy from the sudden relaxing feeling my body got. Sleep took over and I slept peacefully, despite the days events. 


How did you like it. There will be more chapters, where it is in Cody's POV. 

What do you think about him having to fake date Bella Thorne? 

Edited by: SmileyXBooX

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