Lost City of Atlantis 💦🌊

By GothNebula

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Plagg did mentioned that he was the cause of Atlantis to sink to the bottom of the ocean but he never told th... More

Lost to the Sea
Previous Kittens from the Past
The Adventure Begins
Air Pocket
Dark Reflections
Fury of Gluttony
Fury of Pain
Fury of Envy
Visions of Past
Fury of Lust
Death Rock
Fury of Gossip
Fury of Jealousy
Nice Friends
Pet Control
Love and Support

Fury of Panic

56 3 0
By GothNebula

In Cerise's secret lair, she was preparing a weapon made of the death rocks that weaken any holder. The butterfly kwami did not like this at all nor could he escape to warn anyone when it's the same thing to never get through the shield blocking him from going any further away from the owner.

"Cerise, this is madness to kill the ladybug and cat holder!" He pleaded.

"Their miraculous grants any wish! I want it now and I don't care!" Cerise yelled angrily.

"You're dealing with forces beyond your recognition! Like your father did!" Nooro warned.

"I'm aware of that, pest! What you should know is that I can do whatever I want! Marinette ruined my life, it's time Ladybug understands how I feel!" Cerise said before sharpening the tip.

"As a holder, you can't withstand it!" Nooro said.

"Oh, but I do. When we're talking revenge, there's also a price to pay" Cerise replied.

"You'll get killed out there. Madness happens a lot of time before they die! So did Gabriel too for personal gain and madness!" Nooro warned.

"I won't be like the rest of your previous holders! Including my father who betrayed me!" Cerise said.

"He betrayed everyone!" Nooro retorted, "You betrayed everyone too! That wish will never change you to something you're not! Marinette knows more about honesty and friendship than you ever will!"

"Whatever" Cerise ignored him.


At the bottom of the seas, the king did not tell them more about the mutated shark that was once human but also the king who betrayed everyone during the great cataclysmic event that sank Atlantis. The fury of Panic is still out there but there are two more that cause miseries of Fear and Hatred. The stories say that the mutated shark ate those furies so he could be the one to cause fear and hatred in his former people. But it was only a story and no one was left alive to see the entire truth of it. They believe the two remaining furies are hidden away or serving the ex-king.

"It was just a story passed down for centuries until it turned into a fairytale," The king said.

"So it wasn't one left but two" Blu Tembo said.

"Yes. I did not want you to carry all our burdens because we have all feared this. They brought fear and hatred like a terrible plague upon us. If the remaining two of those furies control what you fear and hate, it could destroy you and the city" The king looked worried and scared.

"Your queen holds the miraculous of the dolphin. I'm sure she can predict if we win in the future" Cat Noir said.

"I cannot tell in the present time. If you knew what your future is, the real future would change to something else. It cannot be told" The queen said.

"Well, that's fair enough," Cat Noir said.

"It's best to not know. For example, do you want to know what you'll get on your Sweet 16th birthday?" Panthera asked both of them.

"Nope" Cat Noir shook his head.

"No way," Ladybug said.

"Exactly," Blu Tembo said.

"Well if we're to find them, we have to face our fears," Cat Noir said.

"One fury is still out there and the worst feeling of panic corrupts our positivity to negativity. Much worse to feel low self-esteem" Panthera said.

"It's how I felt too when I panic a lot to see elephants get targeted by poachers. Especially the mothers going through a two-year pregnancy to have her calf" Blu Tembo explained how he experienced his panic modes.

"I understand. They get easily distressed over family members in danger" Ladybug said.

"Yeah." Blu Tembo sighs quietly.

"Better overcome it now! There's one coming and it can smell your horrible life events!" The king said.

"Let's move it!" Cat Noir said.

"Por favor, no dejes que la ansiedad te controle" Panthera begged to not go through anxiety again.

"Please no Blanc again," Ladybug said to herself.

"Dame ese!" Panthera snatched the bow and arrow from the hunter and aimed at the flying fury.

Unfortunately, it was coming too close and it unlocks Panthera's memory of when she first extremely panicked at high school boys harassing her because they think she's pretty.

"No! Not that memory!" She panicked.

"Panthera?!" Blu Tembo noticed his partner's panic attack.

"Yes! Feel all that anxiety you once panicked!" The fury of Panic laughed.

"Agh!" Ladybug's first panicked attack was of Chloe's cruel pranks. Her sadistic laughter echoed in her head.

"Bugaboo!" Cat Noir grabs his girlfriend.

"Not.....this.....time! It's not real! Cat, we gotta stop that thing now!" Blu Tembo refused to go through another panic attack of the elephants going through a lot.

"Of course!" Cat Noir took his staff out. He too was fighting it to not get panicked again of the times his father put him through a lot of neglect and the white room, "Come on! Don't give in!" He groaned.

"Agh! Enough!" Blu Tembo threw his blow horn at the fury to stop influencing panic.

"CATACLYSM!!!" Cat Noir touched one pillar to make it fall on the fury. But he missed when it recovered.

"Hey! You son of a bitch! Why don't you panic on yourself?!" Ladybug jumps ahead to fight the winged beast.

"How dare you bring up my past memories of how I panicked!" Panthera got angry at the fury too and attacked.

"Lucky charm! A mace? Perfect!" Ladybug swung it at the fury.

"Don't stand there, chicos! Help us kick its ass!" Panthera yelled at the boys.

"Right!" Cat Noir and Blu Tembo rush into action.

"You take back what you made us feel! Take it back!" Ladybug demanded.

"Fear is power! And fear makes me stronger!" The fury taunted them.

"No! Fear is our defense mechanism!" Panthera spun Blu Tembo around to toss him.

The elephant-themed hero gripped onto the fury tight in a full-nelson grip.

"Agh! You should be panicking about everything!" The fury choked.

"You want panic?! I'll give you panic!" Blu Tembo then knocks his head, "Nu Svarta Katten!" He signaled for Cat Noir in Swedish.

Cat Noir understood his signal and grabbed onto the fury's legs, "Bugaboo!"

"Time to go back where you belong!" Ladybug opens the Pandora box.

"NOW!" Blu Tembo and Cat Noir forced the fury to land, "In you go!" They pushed the fury into the box before closing it.

"Pound it!" The four fistbumps.

"Luna, what happened back there? What was your most anxiety of the time you panicked?" Blu Tembo asked.

"At high school, I was harassed by guys who wanted me and they thought I was pretty but I could not accept them and it made them crazy. That was the first time I panicked before I thought they would use force on me but my brother saved me. I was scared to believe all guys are the same" Panthera explained her past events of the time she panicked.

"Luna, that was in the past. This is the present" Blu Tembo hugs her.

"Gracias Chico" Panthera hugged back.

"What did you see, kitty?" Ladybug asked what brought his panic mode back.

"The white room I was kept prisoner by Gabi before his death. I begged for him to get me out but he did nothing. Like he could not see how claustrophobic I was. I was so afraid I would slip into insanity like I'm in an asylum" Cat Noir said.

"Well, good riddance of that monster. Chloe's mocking laughter echoed in my head as every cruel prank I went through showed up" Ladybug said.

"Milady" Cat Noir pulls her in for a hug, "Chloe is the one who is utterly ridiculous to blow her chances and lose everything. Someone once told me that Chloe never reached her maturity or wisdom because she skipped every knowledge in education"

"Thanks, Kitty" Ladybug rests her head on his chest.

"Chico, tell me what makes you panic? You heard mine but I don't know yours" Panthera asked.

"I had the vision of seeing orphaned calves all defenseless against poachers and not being able to save them in time," Blu Tembo said.

"Ay, probecito" Panthera never thought he would be so afraid of that to give him a panic attack.

"Yeah. Plus, that I might not be able to protect my sister in time" Blu Tembo said.

"Why would you say that?" Panthera asked.

"I've always been by her side but I know that she can take handle it without me" Blu Tembo replied.

"Chico, I get how you love her. Like any older brother would do. I've seen how Elio would do anything to protect me from harm but he now trusts me that I can handle it on my own. Your sister looks up to you because she sees that you care so much about elefantes the same way you care about her" Panthera explained the responsibility of being an older sibling.

"Du har ju rätt" Blu Tembo replied "You're right" in Swedish to her.

She puts her hand on his chest just to be sure he's not getting palpitations. Luckily, he has none.

"You almost scared me there" She sighed in relief.

"I'm fine now. Trunkk, fold my ears" He detransformed.

They all detransformed and fed their kwamis, trying to get over their past life of the events they had panic attacks. Never again did they want to remember it.


Elio was helping the teammates since he was the only adult here with an ancient miraculous. Argos really likes this guy with more knowledge in archaeology than anyone.

"I've seen lots of archaeological discoveries like the Egyptian hieroglyphs that contain the previous holders before all of you. But Luna made sure no one else knows about it because there are worse than evil men out there like the late Monarch using millions of people as weapons worldwide" Elio explained his archeological studies by himself about the Mayans, the Africans, the Egyptians, every ancient history that no person can see that the previous miraculous holders did good or bad events in their own era.

"Impressive" Carapace said.

"Gracias. And get this. Every symbol I saw, it's the same one from all the previous holders. Your peacock ancestors, I found one that used to be the peacock holder from India" Elio showed from the tablet of an Indian peacock-themed holder from the 17th, century, "The peacock had remained such a symbol of power that two of the birds were enshrined in bejeweled magnificence in the "Peacock Throne," which was created in the 17th century for Emperor Shah Jahan"

"Interesting," Argos said.

"Everyone thought that stories were just myths and legends. Some were right, some were wrong. You said your fox miraculous creates illusions, right?" Elio asked Rena Rouge asked.

"That's right. Mostly for distractions" Rena Rouge said.

"There was a myth story of the Loch-Ness monster in Scotland that looked like smoke or mist," Elio said.

"Yeah, it was an illusion the whole time" Rena Rouge confirmed.

"Exactly. Especially like those myth monsters were actually senti.....ahem.....sentibeings actually. Like werewolves, vampires, chupacabras, and wendigo, all were created by the previous peacock holders. But I could be wrong. Myths are strong stories to make everyone believe it's not real so no man would know the truth behind it all" Elio said.

"Maybe. If I could look into the past holders one day" Argos said.

"You will someday. Any questions, niños?" Elio asked.

"Yeah, how did you save our teammates?" Pegasus asked.

"I used my superspeed as Raptor Man," Elio said.

"Speed flash. Makes perfect sense that raptors are 100% faster and the fastest two-legged extinct animal" Pegasus said.

"Correct" Elio replied.


Down below, Blu Tembo knew he did see something big in the waters of the ruined city but he did not want to think it was nothing to his teammates.

"Whatever it was, it better be a whale," He said to himself.

"Staring at the water again or do you have an elephant tendency to love the water?" Panthera can see his look.

"Nah, it's nothing" Blu Tembo replied.

"Are you sure, Chico? It's like something is bothering you more" Panthera can see he's lying.

"Okay, fine. Do you ever get the feeling something is too easy to beat and the next, something bad comes in?" Blu Tembo asked.

"Yeah, sometimes," Panthera said.

Her cat ears flicked a bit that there was indeed danger in the waters, "Yeah, as you say that. There is something down there and it's definitely not a friendly fish"

"WATCH OUT!" Blu Tembo pushes her aside as something big emerges.

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