Y/N VS The World (SPTO/SPVTW...

Xsupertreme द्वारा

30.8K 1K 257

What would it be like to be Scott Pilgrim... but much less obssesive and much more badass? Well this story an... अधिक

Chp 1
Chp 2
Chp 3
Chp 4
Chp 5
Chp 6
Chp 8
Kidnapped And Y/N's Nature

Chp 7 (Back to Back exes battles)

3.1K 122 64
Xsupertreme द्वारा

You, your band, knives and Ramona has made your way to the concert. You didn't care for the music, yiu mostly came because you were bored. And just like Ramona said, a "third date".

Y/N: "So, Clash at Demon Heads... opinions?"

Stephen: "Well they ARE popular.."

Kim: "How'd you even know Envy, Y/N?"

Y/N: "Don't want to get into that. Anyways, aren't they suppose to be next?"

The group split up, going to different parts of the show while you and Ramona stayed.

Ramona: "I think it's starting now."

She pointed towards the stage. And sure enough, The Clash at Demonhead band steps onto the stage. With Envy as the singer, Todd as the bass player and some chick that you couldn't be bothered to remember the name of.

Y/N: "Why do I feel like they have their eyes on us?"

Ramona: "You're not the only one..."

The show begins, and indeed both Envy and Todd kept their stare at both you and Ramona. Ramona looked troubled, though you couldn't give less of a fuck.

As the play came to a close, you decided to go to the drinking booth, and as fate has it, your group unintentionally met up there.

Y/N: "Oh how small this show is. Well don't mind me."

You poured a little of everything into a cup, before chugging it down. Your band has seen this side of you before, but Knives and Ramona haven't.

Knives: "Wow! You just drank all of that? Is it really that good...?"

Y/N: "Well Chau, once you're 19, then you can decide for yourself."

Ramona: "19...? Wow. Back in New York we had to wait until we were 21."

Y/N: "Phew, glad I didn't grew up there then."

Ramona: "You don't exactly look Canadian, where are you from?"

Y/N: "Hell. That's all I'll say."

Ramona: "Oookay?"

Your conversations were abruptly interupted by Julie, who seems to have came out of the backstage.

Julie: "Y/N. Envy is inviting you and your friends to the backstage."

Y/N: "And if I say no?"

Julie: "You're coming. Or would you rather having me dragging you to the backstage?"

Y/N: "... Fine."

You fix yourself another cup of drink because you are REALLY going to need it. Before long, you and the group made your way to the backstage, where Envy, Todd and that drum chick is present. You sat on the couch nonchalantly, with Ramona sitting next to you.

Y/N: "Make this quick, I've got places to be."

Envy: "Oh really? Like where?"

Y/N: "... Okay, I just don't want to be having this boring ass conversation. Just speak."

Envy: "So... Y/N and Ramona eh?"

Ramona: "What of it?"

Knives: "E-Envy... I've read your books."

Knives said nervously. She's a big fan, it seems. But Envy seems to ignore her.

Y/N: "Chau, not now sweetheart."

Knives: "O-Okay..."

Y/N: "Nordegraf, watch her please?"

Neil nods. But seems displeased at you calling him by his last name.

Neil: "I know you have a thing for not calling people by their first names... but atleast just call me a nickname."

You nodded. You didn't really care. But you have quite the curiosity about Todd.

Y/N: "So big boy. From the looks of it, you're probably a vegan. What's your name?"

Todd: "Just call me Todd. And you're right, I am vegan."

Y/N: "Cool. So mind telling me why you've been eyeballing me and Ramona while you were onstage?"

Todd: "You really don't know?"

You raised an eyebrow, not having any idea what he's talking about, that is until Ramona leaned to you a little and whispered.

Ramona: "Todd is another one of my exes."

Y/N: "Oh... well in that case."

You got up, fixed your clothes and turned to Neil.

Y/N: "Youngling, escort Chau out of here please. Stills, Pines, you both should go too."

As commanded, Neil escorted Stephen and Kim following shortly after.

Kim: "Kick his ass Y/N."

Y/N: "We'll see."

You turned to Todd, who is still sitting on the other couch next to Envy across from where you were sitting.

Y/N: "Now, let's dance- no wait that's corny af.... ahhhh fuck it."

You kicked away the table seperating you two, do a step in towards Todd and throws a left jab that did NOT land.

You seemed to be stopped by some sort of telekinetic force, and it seems to be generated by Todd. How did you know? Simple. Todd's glowing white eyes and his super saiyan hair plus aura was a dead giveaway. He lifted you up using telekinesis.

Envy: "You already know that Todd's vegan. Why bother?"

Todd throw you through a wall and out of the building, your back landed on another wall of another building. You didn't retain any damage, and you wiped off any dusts on your clothes as Todd moves the couch Envy is sitting in using telekinesis to get to you.

Todd: "It's not really that big of a deal."

Y/N: "No shit sherlock. Anybody can be vegan."

Todd took out a comb and combs his hair back down.

Todd: "Ovo-lacto-vegetarian maybe."

Y/N: "Ovo-what now?"

Todd: "I partake, not in the meat, nor the breast milk, nor the ovum, of any creature with a face."

Envy just spawns out of nowhere behind Todd and placed a hand on his shoulder.

Envy: "Short answer is, being vegan just makes you better than most people."



Take 2

Todd's Hair erected yet again as his eyes goes white once more.

Todd: "Bingo."

He uses telekinesis to launch you up into the sky. You Ramona came out of the hole in the wall and anxiously starts looking upwards, trying to catch a glimpse of you. But nothing.

Todd: "Some fighter he is."

Envy: "Oh don't worry Todd, he's much tougher than he looks. You just need to bring it out of him."

Todd and Envy share a stare of seduction with eachother. They both need to get a room. You, however, was standing next to Ramona the whole time whilst she searched for you in the sky.

Y/N: "...."

You opened a bag of chips and just like in school, everybody turns to look at you as if wanting to ask for some.

Y/N: "Oh hell nah. Stay the hell away from my chips."

You start munching on your chips, but it was rudely interupted by Ramona pinching your arm.

Y/N: "Ow! What was that for??"

Ramona: "For making me worried dumbass!"

Y/N: "Okay, okay... yesh."

You handed over the bag of chips for Ramona to take as a token of remorse. She rolled her eyes before accepting it. You then looked over to Todd, who was still staring at you.

Y/N: "I REALLY dislike you."

Todd: "Tell that to the cleaning lady on monday."

You raised an eyebrow.

Todd: "Because you'll be dust by Monday. And the cleaning lady? She cleans dust. She dusts."

Y/N: "Then.... what's on Monday?"

Todd: "B-Because... it's Saturday. She has weekends off. So... Monday, right?"

Envy: "Ugh, look. What Todd's trying to say that you better just break up with your girlfriend or he'll kill you."

Y/N: "Adams, you know damn well he's not even remotely close to my level."

Envy: "I beg to differ."

She said with a smirk. Now that captured your interest. May this 7 evil exes not be a bunch of fodders afterall?

Y/N: "Interesting."

You lunges forward, charging towards Todd whilst loading a sniper of a right hand. However, he uses his telekinesis to throw you into another wall. Though you simultaneously kicked him in the chin mid-air, causing him to get knocked through a wall across from the wall you're through.

Todd floats out of the wall he'd been through (lol), and all of a sudden, there's a distinct and constant D notes on bass playing from the wall you've been thrown into.

Todd: "Looks like someone wants to get.... funky."

Todd hovers into the said wall, and turns out, you are on bass. Seemingly challenging Todd to a bass battle.

Bass Battle!

Todd took the lead with a decent performance and that said performance is causing some telekinetic waves. So you turned it up a notch, and suprise, suprise he plays a different bassline causing the waves to get bigger. You tried to take the lead, however he just took it back without any effort.

Y/N: "Yeah, no. You got it Muchacho."

You dashes in whilst he was still playing, and knocked a bass into his head, you broke your bass, and you immediately regretted it.

Y/N: "Aw man... my bass..."

He flipped you off, it didn't really seem to hurt him physically, but his pride seems to be damaged. He uses his telekinesis to try and throw you again. But you're moving like Mahoraga, and adapted to that shit already. You landed on all fours on the wall he threw you into, softening the impact so that you didn't go through it this time.

Y/N: "Don't you have any other fucking move?"

That seems to provoked him. He armed himself with a bunch of stuff using telekinesis. He then throws the blunt objects at you, though you dodged them with ease.

You charges at him once more, only for him to lift you up using his telekinesis. You ain't about to let that slide twice, so you gut-shanked him with a nasty kick. Causing him to drop you.

Todd: "AUGH! You son of-"

Whilst he was still holding the side of his abdoment, you hit a devastating two-piece combo to his chin. Causing him to wiggle in pain more.

Todd: "ARGH! That's not fair!"

Y/N: "Seriously? You're using telekinesis dude."

Todd grabbed you and nearby objects using his telekinesis. While he has you in limbo mid-air, he starts tossing those said objects at you using his telekinesis.

You retaliate by weaving some and kicking one of the objects back to Todd's face. Causing him to drop you.

Y/N: "Ey, psychic. Try and look into my mind."

Todd, not knowing any better, decides to follow your suggestion and looked into your mind's eye. Only to get his face cocked back by a nasty kick to the side of the head.

Now all you need is one. As you charge a powerful right hand, slicing through the air like a fighter jet going straight for Todd's life.

Your punch stopped mid-death sentencing, though the mere force of you stopping it causes shockwaves similar to the time with Matthew. You put your hands in your pockets, and sighed.

Y/N: "There. 3rd defeated."

Todd: "...."

Y/N: "Before you say anything, no, you wouldn't have won. It was a death sentence for you to be fighting me."

Todd: "Now what?"

Y/N: "Leave me and Ramona the fuck alone?"

Todd: "I guess... that's fair."

Y/N: "If you ever wanna talk, just hit me up. That seems to be the pattern with these exes..."

You wrote your number on a piece of paper and handed it over to Todd. You turned around to leave, only to be met with Envy staring at you with confliction.

Y/N: "Now what?"

Envy: "How..."

Y/N: "You weren't around long enough to see me in REAL action back then. And I did you a favor by not killing your BF."

You walked past Envy, and track yourself back to Ramona as Ramona herself stood a little confused but mostly concerned.

Ramona: "You're alright?"

Y/N: "I royally wrecked that guy. I'm fine."

Ramona: "That's not I meant."

Y/N: "Mentally? I'm... good-ish? I just need a drink or two. Feel free to tag along."

Ramona: "I'll do that."

With that, she follows you. You decided to visit a nearby club, not because of the dancing or any other stuff, but because of the drinks.

Miny Timeskip

You both arrived at the said club, and you went straight to the bar section, Ramona following close.
As soon as you made it, you rests your arms on the counter.

Y/N: "Just give me a bottle of whiskey, oh and an empty glass with ice too."

Bartender: "Sheesh kid, rough day?"

Y/N: "Pretty much. My order please."

Bartender: "Coming right up."

Ramona stood beside you, leaning on the counter the same way as you.

Ramona: "So... you drink alot?"

Y/N: "It really depends. But yeah I guess you could say that. Thankfully my body has picked up on that and I no longer do dumb shit while I'm drunk for a while now."

Ramona: "Dumb shit? Got any stories about that?"

Y/N: "I kicked a grizzly bear costumed maniac into outer space once. Because he's getting on my nerves is all and the alcohol."

Ramona: "Remind me not anger you while you're drunk."

She said amusingly.

Y/N: "Don't worry. I'm better at drunk-state now."

The bartender returned with your bottle of whiskey and a glass of ice. He set it up infront of you.

Y/N: "Oh wait, I didn't ask if you wanted anything."

Ramona: "I'm good. Plus I'll just take a some of yours if I change my mind."

Y/N: "That's fine with me."

You poured yourself a glass of whiskey and took a sip, only to reflexively duck a kick to the back of the head.

Y/N: "What the-"

You spun your body around, and turns out it was the blonde ninja chick from earlier. You finished your glass, and set it aside.

Ramona: "Roxy?"

Y/N: "You know her?"

Roxie: "Oh boy, does she know me."

Y/N: ".... Oh shit, you're bi?"

Ramona: "It's just a phase."

Roxie: "Just a phase?!"

Y/N: "Hey I get it. I'm not shaming you or anything, chill out."

You turned to Roxie, and poured yourself another glass of whiskey.

Y/N: "Alright... what's your full name."

Roxie: "Roxie Richter! Ramona's 4th evil ex!"

Y/N: "Cool."

You took a sip of your whiskey, and with a blank face I might add. Roxie just stared at you with slight confusion, and aggression.

Roxie: "So are we going to fight or not?"

She spoke through gritted teeth.

Y/N: "Richter, you seem reasonable. Do you really want to fight?"

Roxie: "YES!"

Y/N: "Why? For what reason?"

Roxie: "Because if Gideon can't have Ramona, no one can!"

Y/N: "So... you're doing this for Gideon?"

Roxie: "No...?"

Y/N: "But you said it yourself. 'If Gideon can't have Ramona, no one can'."

Roxie: "Yeah! But-"

Y/N: "Again, I feel like this Gideon guy just want Ramona as a fucking trophy. I'm assuming he's the leader?"

Roxie: "Y-Yeah?"

Y/N: "And what do you get out of it even if you succeded? Money? Fame? Or jackshit? Let me answer that for you; jackshit. He'd probably throw you under a bus for his own acomplishment. That's what he's doing right now, sending you to fight me and if you succeded, he'll regain Ramona, you'll get nothing."

Roxie: "... So what are ya proposing?! That I work with you instead?!"

Y/N: "I'm proposing that you try and communicate with Ramona."

Roxie: "She's too complicated!"

Y/N: "What person isn't? Everybody is complicated in their own right. The fact that you're trying to fight your way out of this mess also tells me how complicated you are."

Roxie: "I see... your emotional intelligence are quite high."

Y/N: "Emotional what now? Listen, just talk to her."

Roxie: "Oh I will talk to her... after I kick your butt!"

Roxie lunges at you, aiming to kick yu in the face. Guess all of that yapping you did was in vain. Or so you thought, turns out the speech you gave motivated Ramona instead, as she blocked Roxie's kick and throws her away.

Ramona: "Do that again, and I will end you!"

Roxie: "Back off Has-bian!"

Roxie got up and unsheathed her katana. You sipped your drink, watching as Ramona finally step up for herself.

Ramona: "Roxie, I don't want to fight you."

Roxie: "Well you should've thought of that when you blocked my kick!"

Roxie charges forward and swings her sword, missing Ramona barely as she dodges. Roxie then swings her sword vigorously, trying to hit Ramona who reluctantly kicked Roxie away, and pulled out a giant hammer out of her bag? (Women can fit anything into their bags I swear to god-)

Ramona hit Roxie in the head using the hammer, causing her to bleed a little and dropped her katana, her mask seems to fall off as well.

Roxie: "Grrr... Ramona, you BITCH!"

Roxie jumped on Ramona, she headlocked her causing her to swing her hammer randomly. You watched in a nervous sweat as you took a sip of your whiskey.

Y/N's mind: "Thank god I didn't do anything to upset her..."

Roxie finally looses her grip on Ramona, as she falls on her ass. Ramona retreats back holding her big-ass hammer in both hands.

Ramona: "Roxie! I'm sorry! For the way that I left you! I was scared, I didn't know what to do!"

Roxie: "That's all you got to say Ramona?! I helped you!-"

You cut off their tearful battle conversation in your head, mostly because it's not your business. Before you know it, they both are already on the ground, looking exhausted, and seemed to have reconciled. You walked over, with two glasses of whiskey, and offered it to the both of them.

Y/N: "Here's some drinks. Figured you both need it after all of that."

They both accepted the drinks, though Roxie seems reluctant.

Roxie: "Hmph. Don't think this means we'll be friends."

Y/N: "No, no. I just wanted to congratulate both of you for working it out. Oh and thank you for actually talking to Ramona directly to communicate. Those other exes seems to be allergic to that."

Roxie said that you don't get your hopes up with being friends. But after an hour, she is sitting on the bar counter, as Ramona is beside you leaning on the counter. You're just in between sipping your 12th glass of whiskey.

Roxie: "It's a miracle that you're drinking that much and still isn't drunk."

Y/N: "Huh? Meh. I'm a little tipsy."

Ramona: "Doubt it. You're standing straight just fine."

Y/N: "I don't think alcohols are as strong anymore..."

You grabbed the bottle of whiskey and inspects it.

Ramona: "Or you just drank so much in your lifetime that it's hard for you to get drunk."

You shrugged.

Y/N: "Probably."

Roxie: "Hey, is that who I think it is?"

Roxie pointed to somewhere. You and Ramona both looked to where she was pointing at, curious to see who she was talking about. Turns out, it was Lucas Lee. As soon as he saw the three of you, he walked over.

Lucas: "Hey uh... guys."

Y/N: "Sup Lee?"

Lucas: "I need to talk with you... for a moment."

You raised an eyebrow, but shrugs it off. As you were about to follow Lucas, Ramona grabbed your arm with a worried expression.

Ramona: "You sure about this?"

Y/N: "I'll be fine."

Roxie: "Yeah! He'd beaten Lucas before, he could do it again if it ever comes down to it."

Lucas: "I heard that!"

Y/N: "But yeah, I'll be fine."

Ramona reluctantly lets you go. And you followed Lucas to a more enclosed space.

Lucas: "So, Y/N. I heard you defeated 4 exes already..."

Y/N: "Yeah? What of it?"

Lucas: "Well, you see... Matthew had challenged Gideon to a battle for everything, and he won."

Y/N: "Everything?"

Lucas: "Gideon's empire, Chaos theatre, even the control of the League of Exes."

Y/N: "Oh shit? My boy is thriving."

Lucas: "Yeah, and the thing is... Gideon funded some of my movies and... Matthew took that funding to make his own movie."

Y/N: "Oh... I'm sorry to hear that."

Lucas suddenly grabbed both of your hands in a pleading manner.

Lucas: "Would you please, please, please, please, please let me stay with you? I'm flat broke!"

Y/N: "Uhh... the thing is that I don't even have my own place. But I'll tell you what, I'll let you stay at my cool gay roommate's place for a day or two, and we'll figure it out from there. Surely he wouldn't mind."

Lucas: "Oh yes! Thank you!"

Y/N: "No problemo."

You and Lucas head back to where Roxie and Ramona was. And you four talked for about random stuff for about an hour straight. Your bottle of whiskey was in the end shared by the four of you, which you didn't mind.

Towards the end, you four parted ways, Ramona gavr you a quick peck on the lips before waving goodbye and leaving. Roxie punched your shoulder before leaving, and Lucas follows you back to Wallace's place.

As soon as you and Lucas made it to Wallace's place, he opened the door and stared at Lucas.

Y/N: "Hey Wells. Mind if Lee crash here for a day or two?"

Lucas: "H-Hey..."

Wallace said nothing at first, he just stood there in shock, before he eventually move out of the way, inviting you both in.

Wallace: "No, no, no. Of course I don't mind! Come in!"

Lucas: "T-Thanks man..."

Wallace: "Any day."

Lucas entered the place, you following shortly after. With Gideon's downfall, will Matthew send the remaining exes against you? Or will he just drop the whole evil exes thing. Who knows?

To be continued...

I am so so so sorry for the extremely late update. Life has caught on to me and yeah, I'm pretty drained.

Life update/Fun fact: As I wrote, life has caught on to me. I'm not sure if I want to go pro in the boxing world,I' still thinking about it. My now GF is great, we're figuring eachother out day by day.

That's all, PEACE.

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