The Buddhist Cannon Fodder of...

By alrightnevermind

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In the last days, Gu Mingdong became the best piece of period literature The original owner starved to death... More

Chapter 1 Eating Meat
Chapter 2 Carrot
Chapter 3 Eat enough
Chapter 4 Getting to work
Chapter 5 Small Punishment and Big Commandment
Chapter 6 Who is the thief?
Chapter 7 Seven Inches
Chapter 8 Friendly Forces
Chapter 9 Bad Elements
Chapter 10 The strange yin and yang
Chapter 11 Slap You
Chapter 12 Rourourou
Chapter 13 Dividing the Meat
Chapter 14 The smell of meat overflows
Chapter 15 Malted Milk
Chapter 16 Pig Killing Hero
Chapter 17 Public Execution
Chapter 18 Visitors in the middle of the night
Chapter 19 Autumn Harvest
Chapter 20 Thief
Chapter 21 Nightmare
Chapter 22 No one knows
Chapter 23 Mysterious Discovery
Chapter 24 Confusion
Chapter 25: Do something big
Chapter 26 Killing pigs to celebrate the New Year
Chapter 27 Keenness
Chapter 28 Borrowing Money
Chapter 29 Being stupid
Chapter 30 Delusion
Chapter 31 Greedy
Chapter 32 Inadequacy
Chapter 33 Brother and Sister
Chapter 34 Entanglement
Chapter 35 Weird
Chapter 36 Destiny
Chapter 37 Unexpected Gain
Chapter 38 Marriage
Chapter 39 Missing
Chapter 40 Malice
Chapter 41 Good or Bad
Chapter 42 Rewards
Chapter 43 Enemies meet on a narrow road
Chapter 44 Thanks
Chapter 45 Uninvited Guest
Chapter 46 Chinese New Year
Chapter 47 Changes
Chapter 48 Entanglement
Chapter 49 Accident
Chapter 50 Educated Youth
Chapter 51 Educated Youth (2)
Chapter 52 Excuse
Chapter 53 Pig Raising
Chapter 54 Little Expert
Chapter 55 A Letter
Chapter 56 A guilty conscience
Chapter 57 Bad Guest
Chapter 58 Connections
Chapter 59 Yan Hai
Chapter 60 Prediction
Chapter 61 Growing up
Chapter 62 It's your own fault
Chapter 63 A glimmer of hope
Chapter 64 Start over
Chapter 65 Divorce
Chapter 66 An unexpected surprise
Chapter 67 There is a heart under the tree
Chapter 68 What are you doing?
Chapter 69 Looking forward
Chapter 70 Graduation Certificate
Chapter 71 Way out
Chapter 72 Way out (2)
Chapter 73 The tide turns
Chapter 74 Nightmare
Chapter 75 The most poisonous woman's heart
Chapter 76 Framed
Chapter 77 Undercurrent
Chapter 78 Bitter Pill
Chapter 79 Different paths lead to the same destination
Chapter 80 All living things
Chapter 81 The strong wind rises
Chapter 82 Little Mute
Chapter 83 True or False
Chapter 84 Reunion
Chapter 85 Secret
Chapter 86 Secret
Chapter 87 Accident (2)
Chapter 88 Killing someone with a borrowed knife
Chapter 89 Anecdote
Chapter 90 Conspiracy
Chapter 91 Danger
Chapter 92 The coming of love
Chapter 93 Little Slippery
Chapter 94 Dark
Chapter 95 Luck
Chapter 96 Fall
Chapter 97 Hidden secrets
Chapter 98: A bad person will find his own destiny
Chapter 99 In the dark
Chapter 100 The Truth
Chapter 101 The Truth (2)
Chapter 102 Falling flowers and flowing water
Chapter 103 The Hand of Destiny
Chapter 104 Making trouble
Chapter 105 Annoying
Chapter 106 Relatives
Chapter 107 Combat Power
Chapter 108 An unexpected surprise
Chapter 109 Extra Yan Hai
Chapter 110 Trap
Chapter 111 Victory
Chapter 112 Three things to do when a new official takes office
Chapter 113 An unexpected surprise
Chapter 114 Notebook
Chapter 115 Flies
Chapter 116 Fury
Chapter 117 Rotten Peach Blossom
Chapter 118 True and False
Chapter 119 Strong words and reason
Chapter 120 Threat
Chapter 121 Porcelain
Chapter 122 Help
Chapter 123 Killing two birds with one stone
Chapter 124 Killing two birds with one stone (2)
Chapter 125 The dust has settled
Chapter 126 The Last Word
Chapter 127 Jealousy
Chapter 128 Children
Chapter 129 University Troubles
Chapter 130 Marriage
Chapter 131 Verification
Chapter 133 The Old Man
Chapter 134 Oolong
Chapter 135 Sweetness
Chapter 136 Pleasant
Chapter 137 Narcissism
Chapter 138 Sweet
Chapter 139 Malice (2)
Chapter 140 Rabbit
Chapter 141 Red Luan
Chapter 142 Heartbeat
Chapter 143 New Home
Chapter 144 - 145
Chapter 146 - 147
Chapter 148 - 149
Chapter 150 - 151
Chapter 152 - 153
Chapter 154 - 155
Chapter 156 - 157
Chapter 158 - 159
Chapter 160 - 161
Chapter 162 - 163
Chapter 164 - 165
Chapter 166 - 167
Chapter 168 - 169
Chapter 170 - 171
Chapter 172 - 173
Chapter 174 - 175
Chapter 176 - 177
Chapter 178 - 179
Chapter 180 - 181
Chapter 182 - 183
Chapter 184 - 185

Chapter 132 Expert

253 11 0
By alrightnevermind

By the time the second round of late rice was planted in Shanghe Village and it became lush and green, the first round of rice in Xiahe Village next door had not yet entered the harvest season.

Earlier when Shanghe Village was planting early rice, other production teams were still laughing at it, saying that they planted the rice too early and the harvest would definitely not be good. Besides, the fertility of the land would not be enough to plant two crops a year.

In the past, I heard that you can plant two crops a year over there, but that's because the temperature there is higher and the time suitable for rice growth is longer in the year.

The location of Shanghe Village is a bit awkward. It belongs to both sides, so planting for two seasons is a bit thankless.

If you have this time, you might as well order more sweet potatoes. After all, these things can also fill your stomach, and the yield is higher.

Who knew that Gu Jianguo actually applied for fertilizer, and the growth trend of early rice was very good. It was not affected by the temperature and light at all, and it ushered in a bumper harvest.

Of course, Gu Mingdong's contribution to optimizing grain varieties, Wu Wei's planting technology and Gu Jianguo's painstaking care were also responsible for the final good results.

This made the surrounding production teams envious. Ever since the double grab in Shanghe Village, they all came to Gu Jianguo to inquire about how to increase grain production.

Gu Jianguo didn't care about himself and told them everything he should do. It would be impossible this year, but there would still be a chance next year.

By this time, the production team had already handed over the public rations, and after saving enough seeds for the coming year, they put the rations on the road.

Gu Jianguo is now the captain of the team. He used to work part-time as the accountant of the production team. Now he is really too busy, so he roped in Gu Mingdong as the accountant and cashier.

These days, the cadres of the production team do not receive salary subsidies, and they usually have to work in the fields to earn work points. The name brings more of a sense of honor.

Gu Mingdong didn't refuse. He took the account book and began to make calculations. He sorted out the originally messy account book. When he returned to Gu Jianguo again, the account book became clear and clear at a glance.

After handing over the public grain, the remaining seeds have been planted in the ground, and the rest must be set aside for next year's possible expenses such as fertilizers, tools, and raising pigs.

Putting aside these budget supports, the rest can be used as rations for the members for a year.

And because the Shanghe Village production team has just switched from one rice crop a year to two rice crops a year, the calculations have become increasingly complicated.

But all this was no problem in Gu Mingdong's eyes, and he soon sorted it out clearly.

Gu Jianguo looked at it and felt confused: "They all do the same accounting. If you look at the account book, it will be clear that the third uncle has done all the work in vain in the past few years."

Gu Mingdong smiled and said: "I met Secretary Ma in the town before and learned from him."

Gu Jianguo couldn't help but sigh: "Secretary Ma is a real person. Secretary Wang didn't believe me that time. He even said that he would help us deal with him on the way. You are right to have a good relationship with him."

Gu Mingdong only believed half of this. Secretary Ma was slippery and well-rounded.

The two of them can keep in touch from time to time, mainly because the Shanghe Village production team is getting better and better. Secretary Ma thinks it may be useful in the future, so this relationship can be maintained.

"When I met Secretary Ma this time, he also mentioned that Secretary Wang had reported the bumper harvest of our production team to the superiors, hoping to get a reward from above, but there is no news yet."

"We do production for the party and the people, and also for ourselves to have enough to eat. If there is no news, there will be no news."

The uncle and nephew checked the account books together to confirm that they were correct, and the matter of dividing the grain was put on the first day of October.

"Comrades, with the joint efforts of everyone, our production team ushered in a bumper harvest this year. According to the rules, the grains of the production team cannot be distributed in advance. They have to wait until the second season of rice harvest, and then they will be distributed uniformly at the end of the year. ."

"But as the captain of the brigade, I know that the comrades have worked hard and diligently over the past six months. In order to have the strength to work, a lot of food at home has been consumed during this period."

"So I reported to the superiors and applied for grain distribution in advance this year. If the grain is distributed, comrades can fill their stomachs, so that they can work more energetically in the fields and strive for a bumper harvest like late rice."

Gu Jianguo encouraged him at the members' meeting, and announced the official start of grain distribution amidst the cheers of the members.

After many considerations, he agreed to distribute the grain in advance. After all, the granary could not be filled to the brim and the members were allowed to eat grains and wild vegetables to fill their bellies. This would not be possible.

On the grain drying field, every household was beaming with joy, and each one said: "The yield per mu is so high this year, maybe after the grain is distributed, every household will be able to eat white rice."

"What are you thinking? The harvest is good, but after paying the public rations, there won't be much left. But it's good to get an extra pound or two."

Some people also said: "There are still late rice growing in the fields. When this batch is harvested, we will definitely be able to eat it."

At this time, the task of requisitioning grain was heavy. If it was done all year round, most of the grain would have to be requisitioned. It was normal for farmers to have insufficient rations.

The production team of Shanghe Village mainly grows rice in the fields, but in fact, most of the people's daily rations have to be supplemented by miscellaneous grains. Potatoes, sweet potatoes, and pumpkins are the main staples.

Although there are restrictions on the size of private land now, there are rural methods in the countryside. There is always no shortage of vegetables during the harvest season, and rice is much rarer in comparison.

Better people, such as Gu Mingdong, are willing to eat and use it while still having money, so they can often eat white rice.

Poorer families, such as Widow Liu's family, mainly eat miscellaneous grains throughout the year. Broad beans, corn, and taro are all staple foods in the pot.

Especially during the slack season, when you open the lid of the pot, there will be a few scattered pieces of white rice inside. This is the norm for ordinary people.

Although cereals are good, eating too much can cause heartburn, and you can even fart easily when you are very hungry. This makes the members always miss a mouthful of white rice.

Gu Jianguo stood at the door of the granary and shouted the names of the members.

Every time I called a family, the family would come forward to take away the food with a smile on their face.

The rules of the production team are to distribute work according to work points on the basis of ensuring that everyone has food to eat.

So first of all, it must be based on the household registration of the family. The household registration grains for adults and children are also different. For example, during this year's bumper harvest, after deducting public grain and miscellaneous expenses, adult members can still receive 200 kilograms, while minor children can only receive one kilogram. One hundred pounds.

And this is rice, not rice. After grinding 200 kilograms of rice into rice, there will be only 140-150 kilograms left at most, which is only four taels of rice per day on average.

Don't think it's a small amount. You must know that Shanghe Village is distributing grain in the middle of the year this year. After this wave is eaten and the late rice is mature and harvested, there will be another wave. Then there will definitely be more.

Thinking about it this way, as long as you don't eat white rice, you won't be hungry just relying on the rations from the public stall, and maybe you can still have food to save.

The members looked at the bags of grain with eyes full of joy and satisfaction.

After the distribution in previous years, the work points accumulated up to now have to be calculated, and the work points are used to decide whether to exchange money or food. However, this time there is no need to calculate the conversion of work points for the time being. The work points will be kept until the end of the year and calculated again.

This made it easier for Gu Mingdong. He moved a small table next to him to keep accounts. Anyone who received food had to sign and pledge it as a voucher.

There was a long queue at the grain drying farm, but the members were in high spirits and no one was impatient.

Li Tiezhu watched Gu Mingdong quickly write down numbers one by one, and couldn't help but sigh: "A Dong is good and fast in calculating accounts. Hey, what can he not do?"

His wife said angrily: "He will definitely not be able to give birth to a child."

Li Tiezhu didn't know where he had offended his wife, so he touched his nose and stopped talking.

Qian Jinhua pinched his waist hard: "You also know that he can do everything, why don't he learn from it?"

Li Tiezhu said aggrievedly: "Didn't you say that I am stupid and can still do my job even if I work hard, so I shouldn't imitate others indiscriminately."

Qian Jinhua rolled her eyes and was too lazy to continue talking to her idiot. After all, although her husband was a little stupid and stupid, he was honest, capable of working, and loved her. She still liked him in her heart.

The educated youths also stood in the queue, happily waiting to share the food.

Du Ming said with a smile: "The food distributed last year has bottomed out. Fortunately, the captain is enlightened and can catch up."

Du Tao also said: "Our Shanghe Village is pretty good. I heard that the neighboring Xiahe Village also planted two seasons, but the harvest in the first season was not good at all. Not to mention the distribution of grain, everyone had to tighten their belts and work in the fields. ."

Xu Zhenzhen looked up at the team and was in a good mood: "Yes, we are lucky to be assigned to Shanghe Village."

A happy life requires comparison. Except for what happened with Lin Aiguo before, the Shanghe Village production team is a very friendly and tolerant village towards educated youth. Although they have to work in the fields, the village cadres and members never make things difficult for them.

It's not like some places exclude educated youths and make them do the hardest and most tiring work while receiving the least amount of food.

Except for the first year, the educated youth who later went to the countryside could not receive state subsidies. Those days were like soaking in bitter juice, and no matter how big or high their ideals were, they were defeated by reality.

Qian Zhi pressed his sore legs and snorted coldly: "You will be happy with a little favor. Originally we only needed to plant one season of rice, but now we have to plant two seasons. We have to do a lot more farm work."

As soon as these words came out, the smiles on the faces of the other educated youths looked embarrassed.

Du Ming said calmly: "We are all here to support the construction. As long as the production team can keep up with the grain output and complete the grain tasks assigned by the country to the production team, it doesn't matter if we do more farm work."

Moreover, Gu Jianguo had promised at the meeting that if the educated youth could not use up their work points, they could also exchange them for money. Although it was not much, it was an unexpected surprise for the educated youth.

Du Tao immediately supported his younger brother: "That is, we are educated young people with consciousness and ideals. We go to the countryside to support national construction, unlike some people who have gone to the countryside and behave like young men."

Qian Zhiyi's face turned cold.

Seeing that they were about to quarrel again, Xu Zhenzhen said quickly: "Okay, okay, stop arguing. We are all educated youth and we have to help each other. Why bother to quarrel over such a trivial matter."

Qian Zhiyi was obviously unconvinced, but he snorted and said nothing. Wu Mengting stood beside him, just lowering her head and saying nothing.

Soon it was the turn of the educated youths. Gu Mingdong raised his head and glanced at them without any distinction.

The Du brothers happily returned with the grain on their backs, but the female educated youth were a little embarrassed. However, they quickly thought of a way and asked the commune members to borrow a cart. The female educated youth carried the grain onto the cart. One person pulled and the other pushed, and they moved away in perfect coordination.

After a while, all the educated youth left, and no one was willing to wait for Qian Zhiyi and Wu Mengting.

Wu Mengting just remained silent. She had been like this since Lin Aiguo's incident. Qian Zhiyi didn't bother to ask her what happened.

The relationship between the two people seems to be close, but in fact there is an irreparable gap.

It was Qian Zhiyi's turn. He looked at the grain and frowned: "How can I eat the chaff without removing it? Can't you replace it with white rice?"

Gu Mingdong glanced at him lightly: "The production team has a shelling machine, you can get it yourself."

His cold look made Qian Zhiyi feel more and more angry and convinced that Gu Mingdong looked down on him.

For some reason, from the first time he met Gu Mingdong, Qian Zhi disliked this farmer from the bottom of his heart. The disgust that came from the bottom of his heart made him feel angry and anxious when he saw this person.

Qian Zhiyi knew that there was something wrong with this feeling. At first, he thought it was Wu Mengting who looked at this person differently, which made him feel disgusted. However, slowly, his favorable impression of Wu Mengting became less and less, but his dislike for Gu Mingdong never stopped. disappear.

At that time, Qian Zhiyi knew that he shouldn't be like this. Finding treasures was naturally more important than being an old farmer in the countryside. Moreover, Gu Mingdong was not easy to mess with at first sight. He didn't want to cause trouble for himself, so he usually stayed away from him.

However, after that unlucky start and falling from the mountain, this feeling of disgust became more obvious and almost uncontrollable.

Even now, Qian Zhiyi has a vague illusion that their fates are incompatible, and he will be unlucky every time he meets Gu Mingdong.

"Hey, why don't you leave? Don't get in the way of everyone sharing the food." The member at the back couldn't help but urge.

Qian Zhiyi could only frown and bent down to pick up the bag of grain. Who knew that when he stretched out his hand and pulled it, he didn't pick it up at all.

The commune members at the back laughed: "You are still not a man, you can't even carry this small amount of food."

"Isn't this Qian an educated youth? Don't you know? His leg is injured. When everyone is busy grabbing, he is doing the same work as a child."

"This is the new era. The country will not let people starve to death. If there is a food connection, you can get food, otherwise it will be him...

"Bah, so shameless."

Amid the laughter of everyone, Qian Zhiyi's face turned darker. He looked back subconsciously, and found that there was Wu Mengting behind him. Of course, Wu Mengting couldn't move it.

At this moment, a black young man came over and said, "Wu Zhiqing, you are a girl and you can't carry it. Let me help you."

Wu Mengting looked at Qian Zhiyi and hesitated to speak, but the young man was not a fool. He could help Wu Mengting, but he could not help Qian Zhiyi no matter what.

Qian Zhiyi's face turned even darker, he gritted his teeth and left carrying the food.

A man ran out from the crowd: "Brother Qian, let me help you."

Aunt Liu's face turned dark: "Dani, come back here."

"Mom, I'll help Qian Zhiyi carry it home and then come back to help you transport food." But Liu Dani's heart was filled with thoughts of Qian Zhiyi, and she couldn't hear her mother's words.

As a result, Liu Dani was too strong. She lifted Qian Zhiyi hard, almost causing Qian Zhiyi to fall to his knees, which caused another burst of laughter.

Liu Dani quickly grabbed the bag of grain and carried it on her own. Qian Zhiyi followed with a dark look on his face.

Aunt Liu wanted to rush up to her daughter and pull her back by the ears, but she was grabbed by the woman beside her: "Hey, does your eldest daughter have a crush on a wealthy educated youth?"

"Damn it, Dani, Dani is not young anymore. If you don't help me look after her, she will look for her on her own."

Aunt Liu said with a dark face: "My daughter doesn't need you to worry about."

Everyone in the production team knew that Aunt Liu was patriarchal, and Liu Dani was clearly the only daughter in the family, but now that she was in her late twenties, the family refused to marry her.

There are also people who like Liu Dani because she is down-to-earth and capable and want to marry her home, but when asked, Aunt Liu asks for a hundred yuan in gift money.

Who can come up with this? Liu Dani has never had a partner.

A few years ago, Third Aunt Liu told the public that she loved her daughter and was reluctant to let her get married early, but as Liu Dani got older, this excuse no longer stopped people.

Liu Dani liked Qian Zhiqing, and from time to time she posted about helping people with work. Many people in the production team knew that Aunt Liu was beaten and scolded, but she couldn't do anything to her daughter.

Seeing her daughter help her again, Aunt Liu was so angry that her liver ached. She felt that she really had to marry her daughter off as soon as possible, otherwise she would be taking advantage of the educated youth from outside.

The small episode did not disturb the joy of sharing the food. From morning to night, Gu Mingdong was so busy that he didn't even have time to drink water, and finally finished the food distribution.

There are seven members of Lao Gu's family. Even though Gu Erdi and Gu Sanmei's food relationship has been transferred to their work unit, their household registrations are still in Shanghe Village, and they all work in the fields during the busy farming season, so they can also receive basic grains.

After Gu Mingdong took possession of this body, he did not let the old Gu family go hungry, but he was cautious and brought back a small amount every time, without even filling the rice jar.

But this time, not only the rice vats, but also the cabinets originally used to store grains were filled.

Everyone in the family, big or small, likes to go to the small room next to the kitchen for a walk every day after getting up. They feel happy when they see the piles of food.

The granaries of the production teams were empty, but the granaries of the members' homes were full.

For a time, the production team was beaming with joy, and even the members were more and more motivated to work in the fields.

Every morning, there was no need for Gu Jianguo to beat gongs and drums to call out for work. The members would get up early, drink a steaming bowl of sweet potato porridge, and go to work in the fields with warm bellies.

Lao Gu's family has been eating more and more luxuriously recently. They cooked thick white porridge in the morning. The white porridge cooked with firewood is covered with a layer of rice oil. Drinking it feels nourishing to the stomach.

The sweet potatoes were not boiled together, but were cut out separately. They were piled together with the potatoes and peanuts from the backyard to eat in porridge. The sweet taste was not only filling, but also very delicious.

Even more rare is the salted duck egg.

The wild duck eggs that Gu Mingdong brought home were successfully salted under Gu Simei's skillful hands. They were smaller than ordinary duck eggs, but when the light green eggshell was cracked open and poked with chopsticks, the red oil in the salted duck eggs was It will flow out, accompanied by a fresh fragrance.

Dig it out and stir it directly into the white porridge. The white porridge also brings the umami flavor of salted egg yolk, which is a must-have.

Even Gu Mingdong thought it was delicious, and Gu Erdi could eat several bowls of white porridge in one sitting just with the salted duck eggs.

After a full stomach, the day's life officially begins.

After the late rice was planted, it withstood the test of sunlight and temperature and grew lush and green. The autumn tiger in Shanghe Village was particularly powerful this year. It could make people's skin peel from the sun, but it allowed the rice to thrive.

The vicious Qiu Huhu could not stop the members' confidence in actively working hard to produce.

When Secretary Wang led the expert team and rushed to the production team in Shanghe Village, sweating profusely, what he saw was this scene of production in full swing.

As soon as he saw this scene of labor, Secretary Wang felt relieved and said with a smile: "Professor Hong, this is Shanghe Village. The late rice has just been planted. If you take a quick look, you will know that all these farmer comrades are Production is done with blood and sweat."

I have to say that the energy with which the Shanghe Village members work is quite intimidating.

The man called the professor was wearing common blue clothes and had dark skin. It was obvious at first glance that the skin was developed from years of exposure to the sun. He frowned and looked into the ground.

He heard what Secretary Wang said, but who knew whether the lower-level cadres would deliberately send people to notify them in advance for the sake of "political achievements" and let the local farmers act to fool them.

A few years ago, were there not many such things?

So now Professor Hong didn't answer the question and bent down to look at the rice in the field.

When Gu Jianguo saw Jing here, he came out of the field and didn't even have time to shake off the mud on his trouser legs.

"Secretary Wang, why didn't you say hello when you came over? What are you doing?"

He looked doubtfully at the people brought by Secretary Wang. There were more than a dozen people cheering. The leader was bending down to look at the rice. He frowned and looked serious, but he looked like a local farmer, not a cadre sitting in an office. .

Secretary Wang greeted: "This is Gu Jianguo, the captain of the Shanghe Village Production Team. He served as a soldier in his early years and retired from the army."

"Captain Gu, these are experts from the Academy of Agricultural Sciences from Beijing. They are here specifically for the rice fields in Shanghe Village."

Gu Jianguo's heart skipped a beat and he said hurriedly: "Secretary Wang, you came and measured the rice yield per acre of our production team in person. There is absolutely no problem. I am not the kind of person who cheats."

Secretary Wang hurriedly advised: "I don't suspect you of cheating, so don't worry yet."

Gu Jianguo frowned and said, "How can I not be anxious? This shit basin is just a slap on my head. I can't let all the members suffer along with me."

"What a bastard, who gave you a thumbs up? What are you doing in such a hurry?"

At this moment, Professor Hong, who was bending down to inspect the rice, straightened up and looked at Gu Jianguo: "The early rice yield per mu of your production team has reached 725 kilograms?"

Gu Jianguo said calmly: "It's only 725 kilograms, not even one tael more. If we include all the ears of rice picked up by the children, there may be a little more."

Professor Hong had an incomprehensible look in his eyes, but seeing Gu Jianguo's vow, he showed no sign of guilt. He also thought about the strong late rice seedlings he just saw, which were indeed much stronger than ordinary rice fields.

He was confused and couldn't help but ask: "How do you plant it? Tell me."

Gu Jianguo was anxious in his heart, and he was a little confused when it came to planting early rice. This made Secretary Wang next to him anxious too: "Why are you anxious? Speak slowly and clearly."

Gu Jianguo slapped his head, suddenly turned around and shouted: "A Dong, come here."

"That's my eldest nephew. He made the early rice planting plan. Let him explain it to the experts."

As soon as Gu Mingdong came over, he looked up and met a pair of inquiring eyes.

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