The Clerk and the CEO

PurplePassion2575 tarafından

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Jungkook has lost everything worthwhile in life; family, love, and career. He finds himself at his lowest whe... Daha Fazla

Part 2: The CEO is holding my shoe
Part 3: Forbidden sweet fruit
Part 4: Too confident
Part 5: Creepy little elf dude
Part 6: Quite the ranter
Part 7: Did we just have a conversation about porn?
Part 8: Unbeliveable
Part 9: The new term for snooping
Part 10: So gorgeous
Part 11: Hiding
Part 12: Lunacy
Part 13: I must have that smile in my life
Part 14: Oh, Christmas Gods
Part 15: It's tradition
Part 16: I'm a goddamn lucky man
Part 17: How'd you get my underwear?
Part 18: Equal in all things
Part 19: Silly papa
Part 20: Flavor

Part 1: Sorry pathetic story

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PurplePassion2575 tarafından

Jungkook's POV

The sharp sting of harsh consequences is the only thing that could drive me out on this bitter cold weather day. How do I build a new life and future that has been constructed on the foundation of bad choices? Doing it differently is not an option because the past is something I cannot change. I'll make it work. I must.

The pounding of my heart is so heavy it feels as if it's lodged in my throat as I anxiously rush down the busy boulevard frantically searching for 525.

"It should be close," I mumble while hurrying down the sidewalk to make my 10:00 a.m. appointment. God I need this job. I have the skills, so that part is easy. It's just the other stuff.

"Shit," I glance above and see the digital time in a bank's window. It's 9:50 a.m. I'll have to pick up my pace if I want to make it on time. I stuff my freezing and aching hands in my coat pockets to shield them from the brutal cold temperatures that cuts like a blade. I grit my teeth as annoyance bites at me with all the holiday shoppers moving in all directions.

I fuckin' hate this time of year. A bunch of suckers. That's what they are, Many of them spending money they don't have, in my opinion. I pull my coat collar up and dart through the holiday madness trying to avoid collision with the mindless shoppers.

There it is, 525. That's one huge ass department store.

Kim's Department Store

Damn, I can't be late. I need this job. I enter the store and get hit immediately with a holiday assault to my senses. Music, lights, bells, chimes, and the colors. I hate it all and it's a distraction I don't need right now. Focus Jungkook, focus.

This would all be amazing if only I liked Christmas. There's a crowd at the elevator. There's no way I'm getting to the 12th floor in 4 minutes. I'll have to take the stairs. Damn it!

I'm fit and in good shape, but 12 flights in 4 minutes. If I want this job, I'd better get my ass moving.

I enter the employment department at 9:59 hot, sweaty, and gasping for breath. I find a seat and, as I lower myself into the chair, I hear, "Jeon Jungkook!"

I'm a bit anxious as I advance to the front desk. This position is no big deal so why the hell am I nervous? I'll easily dazzle this interviewer with my knowledge and resume. But there's an uneasiness in my belly as I step forward. Last time I had this feeling, things did not go well for me.

The receptionist is an older woman with a deep raspy voice. She glances up over her large red rimmed glasses for a brief second and then looks at her list. "Mr. Wu will see you in room 3, Mr. Jeon." She then taps a buzzer, and a door opens. I stand for a few seconds before I realize that I'm to enter.

I locate room 3 and lightly tap on the door and hear a raspy upbeat voice. "Come in please," the male voice says. Behind the desk sits an older man in a black pin-striped three-piece suit with graying hair and a friendly smile. He stands and shakes my hand firmly and we then sit.

"Welcome to Kim's, Mr. Jeon." I feel uncomfortable as beads of sweat run in a straight line down my back. I adjust my position and nod my head as he continues.

"Looking at your resume, it appears that the only job you're qualified for is CEO, and that job is already taken." He adds a soft chuckle. "You are quite overqualified, Mr. Jeon." I smile, knowing that this in no way is a problem. Kim's department store should be lucky to have me. So, let's move on.

"You're applying for a management position. Unfortunately, I just filled that position. We decided to hire from within. Thanks for coming in and please keep Kim's in mind for all your holiday shopping needs." Mr. Wu stands and extends his hand towards me. My ass is cemented to my chair as I stare blankly at him.

"Wait...What?!" I say as bewilderment consumes me.

"Did I understand you correctly? Th-The position has been...filled," I stutter as he hovers above me holding his hand out. I don't take it. I feel an uneasiness build in my core. I swallow as a dull uneasiness quickly becomes sharp anger. In that moment I was convinced of one thing. I wasn't moving from this chair without a job.

I look up at Mr. Wu, pinning him a grimaced look. He slowly retracts his extended hand. My finger nails dig into my palms as my hands curl into fists while fire burns in my core.

"So, you had me come all the way down here to tell me I'm overqualified and that the position is not available," I say biting down on my lower lip to keep a lid on my anger. "Sorry, but that sucks!" Too late -- the lid is off.

"Mr. Jeon, I apologize, but at holiday time we are very busy. You should have received a call. Unfortunately, these things happen." He has the audacity to offer up a tiny smile. "How about I give you a 20% off voucher?"

What the fuck! "You're kidding me, right!? Is this one of those crazy games shows where I'm being punked?"

"No sir, I assure you..."

I'm no longer biting my lip and the lid has now shattered on the floor into a thousand pieces.

"You assure me! This store assured me there was an opening! I need a job because I need to make money. The 20% off voucher would be very nice, if I had a job, Mr. Wu. How rude. And what horrible business practices. Mr. Wu, this is how you treat all you employees? Oh well, I guess I'll never know since there's no job. I spent money I don't have to travel down here. I tell you it's just rude. I want to speak to someone over your head, now!"

"Mr. Jeon, that would be the CEO and he's—"

"What, too busy?"

"Well I –" Mr. Wu tries to interject.

"And another thing. It's very cold out there. Do you know how uncomfortable it is standing out there waiting for a bus? I had to take two buses, Mr. Wu, to get here!" He patiently listens. I take a deep breath in as a bit of sanity returns to me, and the thought of getting carried out by security will not help my chances.

"I did my research on Kim's, and, I will have you know, I didn't see one negative review. Well, Mr. Wu, there will be one today."

"Mr. Jeon, there's no need for that. Kim's is a reputable company with excellent service in the community."

I lean in, careful to monitor my voice. "Mr. Wu, I don't care. I need work."

Mr. Wu looks as if he's never had to deal with a disgruntled employee before. He's probably a nice man but someone made a mistake at my expense.

"Well, l-let me see what I have." His hands shake a bit as he picks up his paper and scans it. I'm not a savage person but I will not stand for unfairness or bullshit. This is both. It's not my intention to intimidate him, however I resent his callousness in the way he attempted to toss me aside like an insect, as he's sitting behind his big desk with his comfy corporate job and salary. I once had a comfy corporate job and salary. Well, that's another story.

"Yes, let's see what we have here," Mr. Wu says, going through his list.

"Yes, you look on that paper and find me a job." I take a calming breath. As I settle, I think a little less fuel on the fire would probably be a good idea.

"Please, Mr. Wu, I need work. Sir, please." Our eyes meet and he nods and inhales and then audibly exhales.

"Surely you have a mid or low level management position. I have an accounting and marketing background also. I'd be open to those jobs as well."

"Sorry, none of those are open. We are a large business, but employees are happy at Kim's and rarely leave," Mr. Wu says. Panic twists in my stomach.

"Well let's see. You're too tall for Santa's elf. Uhm, I do have one job opening because there was a promotion. Now it's definitely not what you're used to."

"I'll take it!" I let out the breath I was holding since I stepped in Mr. Wu's office.

"It's a Clerk, Mr. Jeon." He sits quietly watching and waiting for my response.

Has it come to this? I then think of my rent that soon will be due, my cell phone bill, not to mention eating. Yes, I'm quite fond of shelter, food, and my phone. My savings should stretch until I get a paycheck. It's just temporary until I find something better. It's far beneath me. But it will work for now. It's just through the holiday season. A few months. How bad could it be, I think, as my heart feels heavy with disappointment but also on the edge of relief.

I run a shaky hand through my damp sweaty hair. "A clerk position, you say, Mr. Wu?"

"Yes Mr. Jeon, a clerk position." He pauses.

Again, I tell myself I can do this.

"Mr. Wu, I'll take it. Is there any opportunity for overtime?"

"Oh yes, there is. This is our busiest season and this year we're incredibly busy."

Finally, some good news. I feel excited hearing about the overtime. I'm a hard worker and will do what I must. I exhale and much of my stress and fear melts away. Things are finally looking up and I find myself forming a delicate smile.

"So, you will be in our Holiday Department."

My face flattens as that piece of good news goes up in flames.

"Wait. What? The Holiday Department?" This is bad, but what choice do I have. "How about menswear, electronics, or even the pet department?" I ask.

"That's funny. We don't have a pet department." He chuckles. "Unfortunately, this is where we need you. Take it or leave it."

I swallow hard and accept my fate. "When can I start?"

"We don't usually do this, but we're swamped. I can get you started today for training and tomorrow you'll start on the sales floor. So let's get your paperwork started. I'll need to contact your last employer."

I freeze and become anxious. "Uhm, could you not do that?"

"Oh, some trouble there? If this was under normal circumstances, I'd reject you. As we are extremely busy this year and I am sorry for the other position mishap, I will allow it."

I complete my paperwork and Mr. Wu sends me off with direction to my new department for training. As I head towards the elevator, I realize that my fall from grace is now complete or at least I hope.

As I wait for the elevator doors to open, I feel a sense of relief and gratitude for this shitty job. The door opens. I'm looking down at my directions as I take a step and SLAM! I drop my papers and quickly pick them up. I then hear a smooth, sexy and deep voice.

"It's usually customary to let others exit the elevator before entering," the voice says as I rise.

Quickly I stand and come face to face with the most gorgeous man I've ever seen. We share a look. Immediately, I feel my ears burn and quickly divert my eyes.

The handsome stranger is a well-dressed business type with an amazing smile. He heads down the hall with a natural swagger that's so damn sexy. As I watch him walk away, I feel my pants tighten.

Settle down boy. The last thing I need right now is man trouble. Although he is hot as fuck. As the doors slowly close, he turns and looks my way. I'm certain he wasn't looking at me. He's way out of my league. The only place I'll see him again is in my dreams.

I exit the elevator and shake off the thought of Mr. Hot sexy executive and continue on my way.

Following the signs, I approach the Holiday Department. I stop before entering as all the pain of a year ago rushes back to me. My chest tightens and aches. I know that it's meant to be a fun, happy and joyful place, but not for me. I pull in a deep breath and enter.

There are rows of Christmas Trees, every decoration one could imagine. There are ornaments, stockings, wreaths, gift wrap accessories and so much more. This must be an inventory nightmare.

And then there's that awful Christmas Music that no doubt will repeat over and over again. I'm not sure how I'll survive the torture of it all.

"Excuse me can I help you?" A voice says from behind.

I turn around and see a teenage boy with no expression. He looks like he's 16. I quickly see he's wearing a badge so he must be another clerk in the Holiday Department.

I read his badge. "Oh, hi Mark, I'm Jeon Jungkook. I was sent from the employment office and I'm the new –"

"Oh, I know who you are!" he says rudely. "Follow me!" he demands. Dude is way too serious for a salesclerk. I silently chuckle and roll my eyes.

I follow him and he takes me over to a girl with a bright happy sickening smile. She appears around my age.

"This is Lisa. She'll train you. I'll be in my office, uhm," he clears his throat, "working."

"Wait you're..."

"I'm your boss and you better not make any trouble for me Juntook."

"Uh, it's Jungkook, Mark." I say giving him the correct pronunciation and ghost of a smile letting him know it's okay.

"Whatever, bitch," he then walks away as my jaw unhinges realizing that my fall to disgrace is nowhere near complete. He quickly departs and I turn to the girl that still has that big dumb smile on her face

"Hi I'm Lisa. And, believe it or not, that little asshole is our boss."

"What the hell... Oh I'm Jungkook. The new clerk." I'm in too deep now to walk off this shit job that seems to get shittier every minute. Oh yeah, I need this job.

"Don't let that little shit get under your skin. He's new to having a little power." Lisa says calmly.

"How'd he get to be the manager? Isn't he like 16?"

Lisa chuckles. "He came up through the ranks. He was promoted a few days ago because of seniority and only sorry pathetic types like us want this job."

"Wait. What?"

"So that dick Mark started when he was 16 and turned 18 a month ago. Look, everyone working here that's over 21 has a story. My asshole husband left me for some tramp hoe with big tits. I have a 3-year-old daughter and we now live with my mom, and I sleep on a pull-out sofa in the living room." She shrugs her shoulders after sharing way too much information with me. "I work here to pay my bills and care for my daughter, Jojo. So, what's your sorry pathetic story?" Is she kidding?

"Oh, I-I don't have one." I shake my head and start to look around the department wanting to get started and away from these crazies.

"Not ready to talk yet. That's cool. You're over 21, right?"

"Yeah, I'm 25."

"Great, we're the same age. Nice to meet you Jungkook," Lisa says with a big toothy smile.

"Good to meet you too, Lisa." Hey, looks like this is where I'll be for now. The sooner I start accepting it and making the best of it, the better it will be. She's been here longer than me so I might as well learn as much as I can.

"The most important thing to know about the Holiday Department is to be or look happy all the time. Smile, smile, smile. Make those shoppers feel happy so they spend, spend, spend." She laughs and I join her and then stop.

"Oh My God this is going to be tough as hell for me," I share, shaking my head.

"Why? You can smile, can't you?"

"Because I hate the Holidays."

"Well, your ass better get to liking it or be a damn good performer if you want to keep this job. So, let's start your training." I huff out a chuckle. She's right and I like her honesty. Yep, fake it 'til you make it. "There's a lot of shit in this department. If you have any questions, just ask me, ok. Don't ask Mark."

"Oh yeah, he's busy in his office working doing managerial stuff like inventory, and payroll, huh."

"Nope. He's texting his boyfriend, gaming on his phone and watching gay porn. That asshole is still the manager and, if you need overtime like me, you still have to go through him."


"Welcome to Kim's," Lisa says with her big toothy smile that is now infectious.

Six hours later, I'm exhausted as I enter my tiny one room apartment. It's been a long day of ups and downs. And I'm happy to be home. Tomorrow, I start on the sales floor. It's a lot to learn but I think I got it with Lisa's excellent help.

I make my favorite affordable ramen noodles, shower, and pull out my sofa bed. After setting the alarm, I lay there in the darkness and think about my circumstances.

Circumstances and consequences that led me here. To this crappy little one room apartment and an embarrassing job with a boss barely out of puberty. I'm just disgusted with my life and myself.

Just over a year ago, I was a top executive making top executive money, lived in an ocean front 3-bedroom condo, owned a beautiful sports car, wore designer clothing, and ate at the best restaurants. I had it all, or so I believed I did.

Now I live in a tiny one-room apartment with a view of an alley and hanging laundry. I can barely afford rent, a monthly cell phone, a bus pass, and food.

All because... I was a fool for him.

"Fucking son of a bitch!" I yell and pound my fist into the mattress. Now I have a Goddamn teenager as a boss. Just when I didn't think it could get any worse. Well at least Lisa seems nice, and I could use a friend.

As I lay there in the darkness waiting for sleep, a single tear travels down my cheek and I wipe it away. Enough self-pity, I tell myself. Suddenly the image of that hot executive with an office on the 12th floor pops into my head. I sigh and think of him as I drift off to sleep. 

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