Movie One :Alice Cullen x Mal...

By KyloSean

37.8K 1K 242

You are the best-friend friend of Bella Swan, you have just moved to Forks and uncover some socking things ab... More

Chapter One:Arrival
Chapter 2:First Day
Chapter 3 :Friends?
Chapter 4:Secrets?
Chapter 5: Uncovered
Chapter 6:Tracker
Chapter 7:Baseball
Chapter 8 :Sick But Fighting
Author's Note
Chapter 9:Goodbye James
Chapter 10:Dance
Next Project Ideas*
Info Update:2
Chapter 1 :Freedom Cry
Chapter 2:Forever...
Chapter 4: The Rest Of Time
Chapter 5: Questions?
Chapter 6:Preparing for a baby.?
Chapter 7: Sickness...for longing
Chapter 8: Answers...
Chapter 9 : Sleep...but Awoken

Chapter 3: Wedding

970 33 6
By KyloSean

I do.... Stupid words to represent such a... Big promise... Never understood why she would be ready for that... But this I do... Is way different....why..


Rushes in the leaves as something moves by in a unmeasurable speed but not running away but chasing.

"Y/N wait... Hold up for a second...!!"Alice screams out chasing after Y/N. He doesn't not pay any attention as he jumps over rocks and branches.

Y/N then gets tackled as both of them tumble on the ground as he detransforms."Why...why chase me...he started it... Always thinking he's bigger then others..." He says as he he is thrown some clothes.

"Because I wanna know how stupid enough were you to pick a fight with him...." Alice says looking at his face dissatisfied.

"... You wouldn't understand..." He says putting one the shirt. "What would I understand... What is so big.... That I wouldn't understand... I've lived for so long yet I haven't seen such stupidity..." She shouts.

"Bella... Bella is just scratched her 20s....yet now she's going to be married to Edward...its either she gets old and dies as he looks as young as he is...or she becomes like you...and she doesn't know the... Circumstances of that... Everyone she loves deing before her..." He said with a saddened tone.

" You may have lived thousands of years...but she hasn't...she still has life before her...but it's her choice...ill give her that... " he said walking away.

"Y/N.... He's right... But... Something else is wrong..." She said as she looked at the the sky and down to the Black farm."They are your family....but she... Is your best friend... A sister almost... Your afraid to lose her...."

She then runs back up the mountain as she then arrives back at the house. "Alice I'm..." Edward attempts to apologize. "Shut it... Where's Bella..." She ignores his apologie.

"her room....but don't bother her sh-... Is still upset..." he sees as Alice has left heading to Bella 's room. She then meets the front door of the room as she knocks. "Come in..."

"Hey Bella... Can we... Talk".....


' What is she thinking...' he gets up from his eat as he then hears a knock at the door. "Who is it..." he asks wondering who would visit at this time.

"Hey... Its Bell..." A familiar voice says. "Go not in the mood to talk to you....Edward may wanna fight again..." He said walking up to the door.

"I know your angry about this bu-..." she stoos as he opens the door. "I know its because.... Your afraid you will lose youe bwst friend...."

" dont know what will happen after yoy marry may want
Become like him....i don't want that...think about... Your family...your friends...think about your best friend..." He says as he stands i front of her.

"You care... I know you do but... I understand...bu-.."She is then interrupted.

" No you don't...that..that thing your thinking about doing...i know what you want to do...that is a burden not even Alice has fully mastered..." Y/N then walks over to a coat hanger as he takes off his coat.

"I cant just change who i love...its my choice... Not yours...." she says as she looks over at him.

Y/N then starts coughing violently as he fall to the ground. She then grabs a rag as she hands him it as he coughs into it.

"How long have you been sick for..." She asks going on one knee and putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Since i got back...I should go...its better... I can't handle stress right now..."She then steps back as she helps him up.

" Yeah... We can talk later...or tomorrow..." She then hugs him as she grabs her coat and leaves out the door.

He watches from the door as she climbs into Edward car as both of them stare at each other as both of them exchange a nod.

He closes the door. He then turns around and walks to his bathroom. He steos on the electronic scale he has in the room.

"Hm.... I lost alot of weight...probably the sickness..." Y/N walks over to the mirror as he looks at himself. "My cheeks are a little thinner to...sickness is going to kill me..."

He then walk over to his other room as he sees the punching bag he then starts to practice hitting and swinging and kicks.

He then swings at it a few times as memory's start flowing thru his mind.

" Where were gone for so long... "

"She wants you there..."

"I know you care..."

"Are you ready for this new life he-

He then punches the bag as hard as he can as he makes a hole in the side he turns his head as he looked at it.

The sand starts falling from the bag. He takes a steo back as he then kicks it as it falls down making another hole.

Whats.... Happening to me...


Hey guys hope you guys enjoyed this sorry this was late thru Christmas and New years ive been busy with family but now im  back and as always have a great day... And happy new year to all.

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