Their Little Bethany

By stitchlovers97

221K 2.9K 140

This story is based on Little Bethany who has had a troubled life growing up neglected by her own family and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Author's Message - Please Read
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
New Book

Chapter 9

9K 119 1
By stitchlovers97

Danie's POV

I sat and watched Beth's reaction to my question and she looked deep in thought for a moment before she just shrugged her shoulders. I glanced over at Luke who had a small frown on his face after she shrugged at our question.

"Okay, well what about we watch The Lion King hmm?" 

"Oh that one is an amazing movie, have you ever seen it, Beth?" Luke asked trying to get her to engage a little. It looked like she was going to say something but then stopped to almost think, but it worked she finally gave a vocal response.

"No," she said in a whispered tone

"I was never allowed to watch TV," she continues to say and that's when I hear it, her little sniffles.

"Well, you are going to get very well acquainted with all sorts of movies and TV shows that we can promise you," Luke says as he starts to rock her from side to side and kisses the back of her head. 

I kneeled in front of her gently wiped her tears away and kissed her forehead telling her everything was going to be okay now and that she was safe and wouldn't have to worry about anything anymore. I couldn't stand it any longer i took her out of Luke's arms which made him pout which in return made me chuckle at him and sat down with her and got her cuddled in as close as I could get her to me while Luke put the movie on. She tensed in my arms but relaxed once I started to rock her, this seems to help calm her I have noticed.

Luke's POV

I kept glancing over at my husband and little girl during the movie and my heart was melting every time I looked at them cuddled together, it was making me jealous if I'm honest. Daniel kept looking down at her and I could see the love he held for her already in his eyes. Beth on the other hand had not taken her eyes off the movie and I can see she really is enjoying it but is clearly holding back just how much. I caught her swaying a little before she caught herself doing it during the songs it was adorable. 

We have just reached the part in the movie where Simba and Scar are fighting and Beth lets out a gasp that makes me and Daniels snap our heads to her thinking something was wrong. She was not aware of us looking at her, still too invested in the movie and her little gasp was at the fight in the movie that had all her attention. It was nice to see her enjoying something, the whole time we watched her before getting her this morning she never seemed happy, never seemed to enjoy anything and it was a shame. She was just a little girl who had no childhood. The only thing we saw that she would brighten up with was when she looked into the forest, Why I don't know but maybe she will tell us one day. 

The movie ended and it was almost time for bed. I left Daniel with Beth to enjoy the credits and little funny moments they have at the end for a laugh while I went and got a bowl of fruit and another baba ready for her supper before it was bedtime. Taking them threw to the living room I handed Beth the bowl and told her to eat up. She glanced up at me with an expression I didn't quite understand but I just gave her a soft smile and sat back down while she looked inside the bowl. 

Beth's POV

I have never seen The Lion King and it was amazing I would love to watch it again but I can't ask for that, they may not like it. I loved the songs and wanted to dance to them but held back, who knew what would happen if I showed myself being happy? I know they said I didn't have to fear them but it could be a rouse to get me to let my walls down for them to hurt me like everyone else does in my life. 

I was sad once the movie finished but before I could wallow in pity about it ending Luke placed a bowl in my hands saying eat up. I looked in the bowl and saw a mix of fresh fruit, there was Apple, Banana, Grapes, and some Strawberries. I looked up at Luke not knowing how to feel right now as I had never been given fruit before never mind it looking so fresh and juicy like it did now. I know I didn't trust these guys but this looked amazing and he smiled down at me when I looked up at him, the smile wasn't one of malice I have grown so used to and it did make me feel a little safe almost like it was saying it's ok you can have it so I did, I dug into the fruit and finished it all. 

Once it was all gone I looked at it with a sad face wanting more since it was so delicious, I looked over at Luke who had a big cheesy grin on his face and slowly passed him the bowl. 

"Did you enjoy that hmm? Thank you for passing me the bowl I'll go put it away while Daddy gives you a baba alright love," he said before kissing my forehead and walking away. 

Daniel put the bottle up to my lips and I clamped them shut not wanting to go threw this again, he sighed, and the next thing I knew he was tickling me, and I couldn't help but squeal out loud. I am such a ticklish person I have always known this but I can't remember the last time someone did this to me and I loved it. 

After a minute he stopped and put the nipple of the bottle in my mouth and with no resistance from me I started to drink the milk, my mouth was so dry I needed the drink so didn't put up a fight this time. I looked up at Daniel and he was smiling down at me.

"Guess we got a tickly little baby on our hands love," Daniel said to Luke who I didn't notice came back into the living room, and sat down beside up. 

"Indeed we do and if it wasn't cute to see then it was a heart melter to listen to that lovely little laugh she has there," Luke replied.

I blushed at the words that were coming out of their mouths and I lay drinking the milk. For the first time in forever, I was warm, full, clean, and there was another feeling I had but I wasn't able to place what that feeling was while I slowly fell back asleep in the arms of my kidnappers again. 

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