Addicted To You

By yurfavlesbian

565 26 0

Nova has always gotten what she wanted . She's always worked for what she has. Nova comes from a hard past... More

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The end message


32 2 0
By yurfavlesbian

Nova's Pov:

Last night was a extremely new experience for me , everything felt like a dream and I was on a high .

Alex took care of me , she didn't just use me for sex and then leave me . She ran me a bath , washed my hair and gave me a massage afterwards. She left small kisses on my shoulder and forehead . Butterflies erupted inside of me every time . This feeling is new and very scaring . As much as I try and push the feeling back , it just comes up again , again and again

"What are you thinking about mamas?" Alex asked

"Oh- uh . Nothing ." I said as i stumbled my words

"Don't lie to me baby." she said

"Just scared ." I said looking anywhere but her

"Scared of what mamas ." she said stroking my hair

"Scared of what this is , scared of what we might become . Scared of the feelings that i'm feeling ." I said as tears rolled down my cheek

"There's nothing wrong with being scared to let someone in , it's all new to you. You haven't ever felt the feeling before so it scared you cause it's new . This doesn't have to become anything right now , we can take our time and go with the flow , you can control the pace we go ." she said kissing my forehead

"Thank you ." was all i could manage to let out.

We laid down on the bed and she pulled me closer in her chest as my eyes started to slowly close to fall asleep .

~The next morning ~

The morning came very quickly and the sun was creeping into my windows . I turned over to see my clock read 8:00am , i yawned and turned over to find my bed was empty . I quickly grabbed my robe and quietly walked towards the living room . I found alex sitting on the couch , head phones in and computer in her face . I forgot she had class early today , she looked so cute all focused and shit. I quickly went back into my room and grabbed by phone making my way back to take a quick picture of her . That is until she snapped her head towards me when she heard the sound . She took off her headphones and grinned from ear to ear patting her lap telling me to come sit .
I did exactly what i was told straddling her .

"Goodmorning mamas." she said kissing my neck

"Goodmorning Alex." i said giggling

"I want breakfast." she said in between her kisses

"I'll go cook us something baeee ." i said

"Hmmm orrrr you could spread your legs ." she said licking her lips.

"Alexxxx , stop it . you have e class and i have an hour before im suppose to be on ." I said

"What time you get off." she asked

"whenever the instructor decides she wants to be done with class." i said getting off her

"Where you going mamas." she said pouting

"Breakfast and getting ready before class . I'm not going to starve all day." i said making my way to the kitchen

As I entered the kitchen I could feel alex's eyes on me , I plugged in my airpods as I got out the food I was cooking. I grabbed some eggs , bacon , waffles and some biscuits. After about 20 minutes I was done and set the table as I felt alex's hand around my waist .

"Thank you baby." she said kissing my cheek

"You're welcome baby , now eat . I'm going to get ready real quick." I said as i kissed her real quick and ran to my room to get ready

I quickly got ready and grabbed all the things for class and went back into the dinner room

We ate our food in silence but it was a comfortable silence until alex spoke up

"I have 30 mins left of class then I have to run some errands for the day but I shouldn't be to long." she said looking at me

"Okay. you know you don't have to tell me right?"I asked

"I know but that's kinda what you do in relationships or talking stage or whatever it is we are doing... well i mean ... " she started to try to say before I interrupted

"We are in the talking stage, taking baby steps as I learn what a relationship is supposed to be like." i said placing my hand over hers

"It's okay love . I will show you ." She said smiling

"Sounds like a plan, i've also been talking to my best friend about it and doing research so it doesn't take forever and you know more on to someone with more experience." i said

" I can and will wait for as long as you want me. I agreed to take it slow and I have fought so hard to get you , I am not letting you go." she said

I smiled at her as we continued to eat. Once we was done she made her way back over to the couch as I went to sit at the island on one the stools. I opened my macbook up and logged into the class as I waited to start. I got out my books and ipad and made sure I was ready.

As class started I couldn't be more excited , I tuned everything else out and really focused.

I was so focused in class that I didn't hear alex calling my name.

"Baby , i'm leaving . Give me a kiss please." She pouted

"Bye hun. Have a good day." I said giving her a kiss which she quickly deepend .

We made out for about 5 minutes until she pulled away

"Have a good rest of your class, i'll see you later." she said giving my forehead a quick kiss and walking out the door

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