By DreamBluenotdreammy

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To this story Wei Wuxian was adopted from the Jiang Family Yu Ziyuan treated him as her's and change the user... More



294 10 1
By DreamBluenotdreammy

[ Next Day — cloud recesses ]

Discipline, masters and mistress are up around 6 while the Lan Disciplines woke up around 5 in the early morning.

All of the student disciplines was at the cafeteria where they gonna eat their foods. Jiang WuXian who decided to joined to his two siblings Jiang Yanli and Jiang WanYin as they eat together.

"Good morning, Master Jiang." Said Nie HuaiSang with a respect bow at the older senior Infront of him.

Jiang WuXian nodded as he smiled at Nie HuaiSang, they all says good morning at each other as they seat down to eat their foods.

Everything was okay, they little talk while eating even though it was prohibited in cloud recesses — talking while your eating 🚫

After eating. The four of them walking around the cloud recesses since the class was suspended Lan Qiren won't be able to teach the disciples since he has an important meeting to attend to.

"Aahh.. so lucky! No class for today!" Shouted Jiang Cheng as he raised his hand feeling the freedom..

"A'Cheng, shouting is prohibited here in cloud recesses" said Jiang WuXian.

Jiang Cheng immediately look at his Da ge and couldn't believe what he was hearing about.

"Xian–er–ge, what happened to you..! Did those Lan's turned you one of them!"

Jiang WuXian laughed softly at his younger brother Jiang Cheng, as they continue to walk.

As they walking and talking they dumped by someone as it was the second jade of Lan, Lan XiChen.

"Second young master Lan." Said Jiang WuXian as he bows respect at the second Lan, as for Lan XiChen did the same bow as he greeted his future brother–in–law.

"Young master Jiang, good morning" said Lan XiChen as he small smiled at Jiang WuXian.

Jiang WuXian did the same as he smiled back at the second jade of Lan XiChen.

"Good morning too you as well second young master Lan."

Lan XiChen notice the third young master Jiang beside his brother–in–law.

"... Good morning third young master Jiang." Lan XiChen said as he bows at Jiang Cheng as as also bowed on Nie HuaiSang, and to the rest disciples that following the young master's.

"Good morning to you as well Lan Huan!" Said Jiang Cheng. Jiang WuXian was surprised from the call of Jiang Cheng.

"Lan Huan? A'Cheng used the birth name of Second young master Lan?" Jiang WuXian stared at the two boys staring at each other as Jiang Cheng who seems to be smiling so much to see Lan XiChen..

"... It reminds me of me and Lan Zhan.. back then since we were children." Jiang WuXian sighed as he sees the happy face of Jiang Cheng. Jiang WuXian small smiled seeing his younger brother happy by someone.

He wished that him and Lan WangJi could be like that some days..

Lan WangJi who seems on his way to the main hall to meet someone as he notice the person at the hall along with the rest disciples and his brother Lan XiChen, who seems talking to Jiang WuXian.

"..." Lan WangJi stared at how happy, smiling and laughing Jiang WuXian with others. He wished for Jiang WuXian will do the same, happy around him, smiling, and laughing when he talks some jokes... He hoped some day, the two of them could be like that...

"Hanguang-Jun..." Said the Lan Disciple as he bow, "they all here waiting for you at the main hall."

"Mn. Let's go" said Lan WangJi as they continue to walk towards to the main hall. Jiang WuXian notice and saw Lan WangJi walking passed them.

"Huh. It's Lan Zhan." Jiang WuXian excuse himself as he walk fast towards where Lan WangJi walking fast before he lose him in his sight.

"Eh? Xian–er–ge..!"

"Hanguang-Jun..!" Said Jiang WuXian as he calls out for his husband —(soon). Lan WangJi turned around to see his beloved wife—(soon) seeing Jiang WuXian smiled at him makes his heart pounding.

" Good morning, Jiang Ying." Hearing that Jiang WuXian heart pounds as he blushed a bit. Hearing someone calls your birth name was nice even when it's comes by someone you really like, someone who is so close to you.

"G–good morning..." Said Jiang WuXian, Lan WangJi though that Jiang WuXian won't call out his birth name also, "Lan Zhan.." Lan WangJi's eye wide when he heard Jiang WuXian calls his birth name. The two of them blushed each other as the other Lan disciplines watch the two love birds calling out names, the disciples blushed of scene that they sees..

"Have you eaten, Lan Zhan."

Lan XiChen can seen his brother happy by Jiang WuXian appearance, he smiled as he sees his older brother happy.

"Mn. How about you." Lan WangJi answer as he asked back at Jiang WuXian.

"Mhm, I already eat along with the disciples and young masters sect's." Answered Jiang WuXian as he softly smiled at Lan WangJi.

Lan WangJi stared more at the smile that Jiang WuXian was making. He could feel his heart pounding so much and a warm feeling on his chest. He calm down just by seeing Jiang WuXian's smiling face.

"Mn. That's good..." Said Lan WangJi, after a couple of second a Lan discipline cleared his throat as the two snapped and forgot that there were other people around them.

"Master Hanguang-Jun, the meeting?" Said the discipline, Lan WangJi then cleared his throat and looks at Jiang WuXian, who seems his attention was to the other.

"... It was nice to talk with you Jiang Ying, I'll taking my leave first. I still have meeting to attend to." Said Lan WangJi as he bows at Jiang WuXian.

Jiang WuXian's attention went back to Lan WangJi and nodded with a smile on his lip, "Mhm... It's been a minute already.. maybe the sect leaders probably been waiting for you."

"They can wait. They are not that really important to me... The more important from me is you." Lan WangJi nodded and bow once more as he taking his leave.

Jiang WuXian watches Lan WangJi walking away when he sighed and was about to turn when he notice Lan WangJi stop and turned around to look at him.

"Huh?" Jiang WuXian was surprised by the look on Lan WangJi. Jiang WuXian's heart pounding more as his cheeks flashed color red.

Lan WangJi continue to walk as Jiang WuXian can feel his heart pounding so fast that he can feel his face heated up.

[ Afternoon ]

Jiang WuXian who seems to be alone at the garden, enjoying the breeze–wind blowing through his skin, purpled white robe and hair.

"Xian–ge" Jiang WuXian turned his head as he saw his young sister Jiang Yanli with a smile on her lips.

"A'li." Said Jiang WuXian, as Yanli walks towards him as she bows at him and give him a hug, Jiang WuXian hugged back.

"How was class?" Asking Jiang WuXian his young sister Yanli. Yanli smiled in respond.

"It was good, I learned new things here in cloud recesses.. here in cloud recesses really have a lot of rules. There was 10% for you to enjoy here.." Jiang Yanli said with a little pout. Jiang WuXian chuckles as he poured tea on the other cup as he give it to Yanli.

"Have some tea."

"Thank you Gege"

"The tea here in cloud recesses is really good..."

"I'm glad. I happened to see you and First jade of Lan WangJi talking each other at the hall." Said Jiang Yanli as he told her brother about him and Lan WangJi sees each other talking.

"I happened to saw you both and it seems that you two are getting along, Gege." Yanli smiled at her older brother WuXian, she was happy to see her Gege happy, smiling.

"Oh, there wasn't really important talk.. just little chat and he seems to be really busy so I let him go. I don't want him to be late at his meeting with the sect's." Said Jiang WuXian as he look down at his cup.

"I see..." Jiang Yanli said as she take a sip on the tea that Jiang WuXian give.

"I happened to saw young master Jin ZiXuan as will." Jiang Yanli spit at her tea as a small pink blush appeared on her cheeks.

"You saw Jin ZiXuan." Said Yanli blushing just by calling/hearing Jin ZiXuan's name.

Jiang WuXian laughed to see his second young sister Yanli reactions.


"Yes, gege"

"... Do you like young master Jin ZiXuan?"

Hearing this makes Yanli panicked and blushed more as he spit on her tea again as she chocked at it.


"Gege! Why would you say that?!" Said Jiang Yanli at her Brother Jiang WuXian.

"What? I just asked you if you ever liked young master Jin ZiXuan." Said Jiang WuXian making Yanli more blush.

Jiang Yanli liked Jin ZiXuan for so long since they were kids just like how Lan WangJi and Jiang WuXian together since they were kids.. he can relate at Yanli, he secretly helped the two together...

Jin ZiXuan who also liked Yanli since they kids, he already told Yanli's older brother about his feeling on Yanli. Jiang WuXian smiled and giggles of how honest is Jin ZiXuan when it comes about Yanli.

"I'm sure that you and Jin ZiXuan will end up together." Said Jiang WuXian as he take a sip on his tea.

Yanli stared at her older brother confused. "... Me and Jin ZiXuan... End up together." A slight small smile appeared on his face as she took another sip on her tea. The two enjoyed talking about things, feelings and they're loved ones.

Jin ZiXuan who's been sneezing as he could feel that someone was talking about him behind his back.

"Young master, are you okay?" Asked worried one of Jin ZiXuan disciples.

"I'm fine... Someone is probably talking behind my back.." said Jin ZiXuan as he continue to walk to the class...

Jiang Cheng who accidently bump to Jin ZiXuan, the disciples was surprised to see the young master Jin from LanJinling sect.

Jiang Cheng and Jin ZiXuan Stare at each other, Jiang Cheng mood change as he saw Jin ZiXuan. Jin ZiXuan also change his mood as he stared at Jiang Cheng.

"Young master Jin ZiXuan." Said Jiang Cheng as he bowed and rolled his eyes at Jin ZiXuan.

Jiang Cheng hated Jin ZiXuan after hearing that his sister Yanli being in love with him and Jin ZiXuan who also in love with Yanli and just Decided to keep it. Both of them keeping feeling for each other not knowing that the two of them has also have the same feeling's...

"Young third master Jiang," said Jin ZiXuan as he also bowed and as the two awkwardly standing face to face.



It was so awkward when Jiang Yanli who passed by saw the two, Jiang Cheng and Jin ZiXuan. "A'Cheng and... Jin ZiXuan..!"

Yanli immediately walk towards the two Jiang Cheng and Jin ZiXuan who seems to be in awkward moment.

"Young master Jin, A'Cheng" said Yanli as she walks towards them.

Jin ZiXuan slight blush on his cheek appeared and properly stand as he cleared his throat looking away.

"JieJie. You here."

Yanli only smiled at her younger brother didi—jiang cheng...

"Where have you been?"

"I was at Da ge's dorm, paying him a little visit before I go back to the class." Said Yanli as she looks at her younger brother Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng smiled and nodded as he was also planning visiting his Da ge and have a chat with him...

"What about you, are you going somewhere, A'Cheng?"

"Hm? Oh, yeah! I'm visiting Da ge!" Said Jiang Cheng with an honest face as he bright smiled at Yanli.

"Class is about to start. You should done that an minutes ago... You can visit Da ge later after class. Let's go back to class," said Yanli as she pushed Jiang Cheng to the direction where the class was and Jin ZiXuan who just watch the scene seems to enjoy of what he was seeing. Seeing Yanli being a older sister so much care for her younger brother, makes Jin ZiXuan thinks if, what if? They actually end up together and have a child together, good care of their child, giving it love and support of their kids... Seeing Yanli by his side forever makes Jin ZiXuan happy and loved.

[ Jiang Ying — Dorm ]

A young discipline who's been watching over him was nearly standing at his door guarding it.. it was ordered by Lan WangJi to guard the Future Madam Lan here in GusuLan sect, to makes sure he was actually safe...

"... Was Hanguang-Jun, send you here to guard me?" Asked Jiang WuXian as he stared at the young discipline Lan guarding his door. The young discipline nodded as they even prohibited to lie here in Cloud Recesses.

"Yes, master Jiang. master Hanguang-Jun sent me here to guard you, to see if you are actually safe." Said the discipline.

Jiang WuXian face blushed a bit as it appeared on its cheek. Jiang WuXian was happy to hear that Lan WangJi was worried of his safety especially that he was here in GusuLan, Lan WangJi can look after him whenever he has time to watch over Jiang WuXian...

Lan XiChen who was staring at his brother WangJi who's sometimes in lost of his thoughts. Thinking about what Jiang WuXian was doing this day... He keeps looking at his window to see if either Jiang WuXian possibly pass by his camber nor to visit him. He was hoping that Jiang WuXian will came here on his camber with a food on his hands for him to eat, but after waiting and waiting, there were none came to him camber... He was little disappointed that Jiang WuXian didn't visit him just little.


Lan XiChen who was helping his brother by the paper works that his brother didn't even finished, smiled under his breath as he can see the face on his brother was making feeling all gloomy and sad for their future madam didn't take a single visit to it's future husband...


A knock was heard at Lan WangJi's door as it opened revealing a discipline Lan. "Master Hanguang-Jun." Said the discipline towards Lan WangJi as he take a bow in respect their next–leader.

"Mn. What is it." Hanguang-Jun said with his usual cold voice(?). It was exactly not the same tune that he used to talk to Jiang WuXian.

When Lan WangJi. Jaing WuXian's around him his mood change and the way he talks to him was different, he talks softly and more care and loving. But when it comes to other people his tune would change and he always not in good mood nor okay mood.

"I came here to notify first master Lan, that Master Jiang was at the library, reading a book." Said the Lan discipline as he bows.

"Mn. Who is he with at the library?" Asked Lan WangJi to his Lan discipline as the, Lan discipline smiled secretly as he watch their clan leader who is not clearly busy.

Lan WangJi been done to his work days ago... He was planning after his work he will go see Jiang WuXian nor company him...

"Third young master Jiang was with him a minute. Since class is gonna start, he ordered third young master Jiang to go back at the class. So his probably alone by now..." Said his Lan discipline reported about Jiang WuXian was doing.

"... Mn.." said Lan WangJi as he was already planning on going to library as he also thinking of a plan nor excuse to go, to the library..

"...." After a few minutes, Lan WangJi who suddenly stand up and walks towards the door as he opened, the two discipline who guarding the door where Lan WangJi staying they all look at their Clan Leader as they both bowed at their heads.

"First master Lan." They both said, as Lan Wangji's attention wasn't on them. He was so focused on to where the Library was.

"Uhm... Master Hanguang-Jun.. who are you looking for?" Asked the carious lan discipline. Lan WangJi attention went to them with his actual expression on his face.

".... Nothing... You don't need to follow me, I'm just going to the library, if shufu came here and look for me tell him I'm at the library to read." He said as he start to walk, the two Lan discipline nodded as they bowed their head as they stands at their position.

Lan WangJi walks away as he was all excited to go see his beloved wife—(soon) his walking was so fast that the Lan discipline was confused that why is Hanguang-Jun was on a hurry.

"Was that sect first master Hanguang-Jun?"

"It is, is something happened?"

"Idk, but he seems in a hurry..."

Lan XiChen who heard the lan disciplines mumbling about as he thinking of his brother WangJi.

"...." Lan XiChen who is a bit worried at his brother, he was worried that something happened that his brother wouldn't inform him.

"This is so boring... I wanna go see da ge..." Jiang Cheng mumbling to himself as he groaned a bit.

Lan XiChen that his attention went to the Jiang who is not listening to his uncle's lesson who was seems to be sleepy...


[ Library ]

"..." Lan WangJi who is seems to be at the entrance feeling a heart beat on his chest pounding as, he can tell who it was inside in this library..

"... Wei Ying..." Lan WangJi said as he mumbling the actual name of Jiang WuXian..

He still remembers how Jiang WuXian told him, what his actual name and how he got adopted by the Jiang's family. He already know that Jiang WuXian was afraid of dogs, he was traumatized by those dogs. Lan WangJi asked his father to put a rule that no pets, dogs allowed in cloud recesses... Lan WangJi's father asked at his son why. But what Lan WangJi said was shock nor surprised his father. Lan WangJi told his father about Jiang WuXian afraid of dogs. His father smiled as he also let out a giggles at his son being so caring,.. will when it comes to a person who he really like he will protect and care to that person especially towards to his mother. Lan WangJi loved his mother so much than his uncle...

Lan WangJi went inside the library as he can already since of Jiang WuXian aura energy, it was weak. He wanted to protect this person so much that he was also ready to sacrifice himself just for Jiang WuXian's safety...

Lan WangJi walks as he finally saw the Young Jiang near at the window reading peacefully as the wind blown through his hair, and skin..

"...." Lan WangJi stared at the beautiful view and the person who peacefully reading, as he stared at those eyes as it possible for him to look nor to ignore those eyes...



Lan WangJi and Jiang WuXian eyes meet as they stared at each other, calmness and peacefulness was flown inside the library..

"Lan Zhan..." Jiang WuXian, who called Lan WangJi's name in his thoughts as he stared at those golden/yellow eyes at the Lan who seems standing far away from him...

"Hanguang-Jun..." Said Jiang WuXian as he stand up and bows, Lan WangJi as he bows his head as will, "Jiang Ying..." Said Lan WangJi.

Jiang WuXian poured a tea on Lan WangJi's cup as he hand it over to Lan WangJi. Lan WangJi who immediately accept the tea giving by Jiang WuXian as he drinks it.

"It's been days, how was your work sect leader..?" Asked Jiang WuXian as he small smiled at Lan WangJi.

Lan WangJi put the cup down and looks at Jiang WuXian face.

"I happened to pass by here... I was think, since I don't have any work to do maybe I could come here and read some books to distract my thoughts." Lan WangJi as his gaze wandered around the place as he looks every at the bookshelf..

Jiang WuXian who let out a chuckle as he covered his mouth so that the Lan Infront of him won't see him smiling nor laughing.

"I see... I came here to distract my thoughts also.." said Jiang WuXian with a soft smile on his lip formed...

"Mn..." The two of them was quiet as Jiang WuXian continue his reading and while Lan WangJi already find the book on what he wanna read it.. they peacefully reading book as La WangJi seems to enjoy being companied by someone—(like)...

Class was ended as Jiang Cheng who seems to be planning visiting his Da ge on its dorm, as Lan XiChen who was just got out of the room.

"Did you saw first master Lan?"

"Huh? What about it?"

"Some discipline spotted that first master Lan was with someone in the library."

"Ehh??? I heard that he was engaged from YunmengJiang sect."

"He was?"


"I never heard of this before.."

"It was secretly announced only by the sect leaders..."

A disciplines who mumbling nor whispering about, Lan XiChen was listening to them. He knows listening to others conversation was against on their Cloud Recesses rule. Lots of disciplines was breaking the rules.

".... Brother is with someone.." Asked himself as Lan XiChen looks where the library was, "...."

Jiang Cheng who heard the rumors about Lan WangJi with someone else at the library alone together makes him anger.

"That bastard..." Jiang Cheng mumble to himself as he clinch to his fist. Anger can be seen to his face as Nie HuaiSang and Jiang Yanli who staring at him.

Jiang Yanli who seems to look worried on his Brother Jiang WuXian. What will happened to his brother after hearing this rumor that his partner was hangout with somebody else and was alone each other at the library..

"If he really doesn't want are Da ge, he could have say so!" Said Jiang Cheng in anger on his tune, Lan XiChen who passed by heard what Jiang Cheng said about his brother WangJi.


"Jiang–Xiong, there must be an explanation or misunderstanding...?" Said Nie HuaiSang as he covered his mouth with his fan.

"A'cheng, maybe young master Nie was right... What if it's just a misunderstanding? Maybe Sect leader Lan was just having a business?" Said Jiang Yanli as she tried to calm her younger brother Jiang Cheng for being rude behind Lan WangJi's back.

"Tck! As if!" Jiang Cheng as he looked away.

"That cold hazard Lan."

"A'cheng." Yanli said as she scolded Jiang Cheng a bit just by calling his name, Jiang Cheng who immediately shut his mouth as he rolled his eyes.

"...." Lan XiChen who heard everything as he hides from the two Jiang's and Nie HuaiSang...


[ Back at the Library ]

Lan WangJi was still reading while the other was now drawing something that Lan WangJi didn't notice his wife—(soon) was drawing something.

"Lan Zhan.." Jiang WuXian who called out for his husband—(soon) with a smile on his face.

Lan WangJi hummed in respond as his attention went to Jiang WuXian. Seeing his beloved smiling at him makes his heart beats, feeling a warm on his chest, "yes, Wei Ying..."

Jiang WuXian was surprised from the call, Lan WangJi stop calling his actual name and go for his adoptive name by Jiang and now... Jiang WuXian felt a warm and cozy just by hearing his actual name was called out by his husband—(soon).

"I have something I wanna show you." Jiang WuXian with a bright smile he show to Lan WangJi. Lan WangJi who small smiled softly.

He only smiled when it's Jiang WuXian but if to others he won't smile nor show any different expression to others except to his brother Lan XiChen, since they called The Twin Jade of Lan, Lan XiChen always knew what his brother WangJi expression to someone, just by staring at WangJi face nor feel the aura, mood  on WangJi...

"Grandmaster, there were rumors was spreading here in cloud recesses. It's about Hanguang-Jun..."

Lan Qiren who drink his tea at his room try to relax nor clear his mind because of one student who so stubborn during class, and now another matter was spread around the cloud recesses...

"Rumors about WangJi." Lan Qiren who is not happy hearing about his nephew WangJi being rumored by something...

"Call WangJi here." Said Lan Qiren as he took a sip on his tea.

The Lan discipline bowed as he leaves the room,..



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