Agatha All Along

By Kordes3000

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What if Agatha had been there in the MCU all along? More

Chapter 01
Chapter 02
Chapter 03
Chapter 04
Chapter 05
Chapter 06
Chapter 07
Chapter 08
Chapter 09
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75

Chapter 72

23 6 0
By Kordes3000

In the initial days, Fenris would frequently wake up sandwiched between Loki and Bruce. The nights were haunted by plenty of nightmares that seemed to never go away. He loved his new family a lot. Still, there was a hole inside him. Loki, Bruce and the others were all very nice to him, but he still missed his mother and father terribly.

During the battle against Thanos, while the children were safe at Idunn's farm, some of the rare adults from Asgard had been talking about Valhalla. It was intended to reassure the youngsters about what was about to happen. The idea was to paint a brighter picture of what awaited them, a realm where they would have a chance to be reunited with loved ones. For Fenris, the words fell flat. There were shadows that clouded his thoughts, a peculiar intuition, an unexplainable voice that seemed to whisper the harsh truth.

Even after the worst nightmare, his mother and father would never have let him sleep in their bed. Boys were meant to be strong in every way. Vulnerability was a trait to be shunned and that from a very young age. Fenris liked sleeping in the same bed as Loki and Bruce after a bad dream. In their protective embrace, Fenris discovered a sense of security that was both comforting and unfamiliar.

Loki had told him that they were a family now, bound by something greater than blood, and promised that they would always be together. Fenris had already known a great loss. The Aesirs were calling Loki the god of lies but the little boy believed him anyway, even though it was difficult at times. The strength he found in the presence of Loki and Bruce was different from what he had been taught. Fenris clung to Loki and Bruce like a lifeline.

With cautious movements, the young boy slipped out of the big bed, trying not to rouse the two adults from their peaceful slumber. One of the walls in their spacious and comfortable room was a wide window. Fenris enjoyed sitting there with a pillow and a fluffy blanket. He would look at everything he could see, trying to take it all in. The panorama that greeted him was unlike anything he had known. Asgard, his former realm, was as different as could be from the city of New York spread in front of him.

Fenris had been captivated by the towering emerald trees that surrounded Idunn's house. They looked different from the one he was used to. Within their branches, different animals he had never encountered were going about their days. He didn't know what the small animals were called, but he wanted to see more of what this world had to offer. Fenris had always been fond of animals. Maybe Loki and Bruce would allow him to see more.

At night, he couldn't see the stars in the sky. The city of glass and steel was always illuminated by hundreds of multicoloured lights. The city of New York appeared to lack abundant natural green spaces, leaving him somewhat disappointed.

"Are you missing your home?" Bruce asked him, still a little bit sleepy.

"I was thinking of the small creatures with their fluffy tails that I saw in the trees during our time at Idunn's place. They were funny."

"Ah, you're talking about the squirrels. The tower is too high for them to come around. If you like, we can go visit some animals. New York City has a large zoo." Bruce suggested.

"What's a zoo?" Fenris inquired, his face lit up.

"It's a special place with a lot of animals, big and small, from all around the world. People can go there and spend the day to see them and learn about them." Bruce explained the concept as best as he could.

"Can we go today?" Fenris answered with excitement.

"If Loki agrees, I don't see why not." Bruce began to respond.

"And if you are really interested and want to know even more, we could even skywalk to see them in their natural habitat," Loki said from the bed.

"Yes, yes!" Fenris exclaimed, his joy visible on his face.

Excited by the prospect, Fenris enveloped Bruce in a heartfelt hug. He then turned to Loki, still in bed and repeated the gesture, lasting maybe just a big longer. The child was easy to please. That small act would help ease the transition to Earth. Fenris would most likely need to learn a few rules about how things were done on Midgard. Nothing was too tough for such a bright child.

The young boy was already making a remarkable effort. He wanted to dress like people on Earth, eat the same foods, and do things that kids his age would do. His efforts were nothing short of impressive, but Loki and Bruce both urged him to take his time.There was no rush, given the extended lifespans inherent to the Aesir. Asgard never afforded children a proper childhood experience. They would do their best to provide the boy with everything a human child should have or would dream of.

Bruce and Loki didn't have good experiences with their fathers. These experiences served as a reminder of what not to do while raising Fenris. Both men were aware that they would make mistakes. Nobody was perfect of course, not even gods. The thought of raising a child was both exciting and terrifying at the same time. They would give it their all, trying their best day after day. That was all they could promise.

Loki had a soft spot for wild creatures, especially dangerous ones. The god thought that they were only misunderstood. It made sense for the trickster to think like that given who he was. Those animals in cages were a fantastic start for children who wanted to learn about the wilderness, but something was missing. Loki believed that Fenris deserved to see them as free and wild as those animals could be. Fenris, in particular, had an insatiable curiosity about wolves. He had seen those the very first time he had watched something on television and it was love at first sight.

In light of this, Loki naturally organised a journey to the wilderness. The little boy would be safe being with the trickster, Bruce and possibly the Hulk. A warm smile played on Bruce's lips as he watched Loki's meticulous preparations, ensuring that Fenris was appropriately bundled up enough for the upcoming expedition. Fenris was visibly too hot but soon, they would be near the Alaskan Arctic, where the enigmatic white wolf lived. The landscape changed around them, exchanging the comforts of the Stark Tower for the raw majesty of nature. The air grew crisper, the surroundings quieter. Gloves, hat and scarf were more than warranted.

After their return, Bruce went to a toy shop and bought a white wolf plush animal, which Fenris carried around with him everywhere. The stuffed-animal, with its snowy coat and soulful eyes, was a concrete memory of the gorgeous animals that had captured the young boy's during their journey up north.

Fenris would tell everybody who would listen about his favourite animal. His enthusiasm knew no bounds. He had learned everything he could about the wolves, the characteristics but also all the tales about them. Everybody in their extended family was really patient with him, nurturing the boy's desire to always learn more. The boy's questions, whether simple or complex, were met with genuine interest and thoughtful answers.

Tony Stark, ever the mechanical genius, added his own touch to Fenris' cherished soft friend. A voice box was cleverly placed into the soft toy. The plush animal could now growl and howl just like a real wolf. It was cute in a slightly terrifying way.

In the beginning, Fenris rarely went outside, visiting the city. Loki was a mother hen that was always concerned about everything. After a bit of persuasion from Bruce, they eventually returned to Central Park to indulge in some hot dogs. Fenris actually liked those a lot.

Midgard wasn't like Asgard. Unfortunately, there would always be those who refused to accept people who were different. When Fenris used a menacing growl, directed at the pearl-clutching Karen, to startle her, Loki just laughed. After all, he was the god of mischief. Fenris looked rather proud that he had made one of his father figures laugh so openly. Bruce smiled as he looked at Loki and Fenris, fearing the prank war that was undoubtedly on the horizon.

The issue of the stones had to be addressed. They couldn't be destroyed, as they still embodied an essential aspect to the universe's continued existence. The only viable option was to disperse them once more, placing them as distant from each other as possible. No one on Earth and beyond would want to use them for a while. Thanos would be an excellent example of what not to do for the foreseeable future. Regrettably, this phase of stability wouldn't last.

"At the very least, we should add another layer of difficulty so that finding them all becomes nearly impossible." Rhodey had said, always the logical one.

Tony had previously constructed spheres to house them and conceal their characteristic signal, making them incapable of communicating with one another. Doctor Strange proposed an even more intricate solution. Rather than sending the infinity stones solely within this universe, the plan was to scatter them randomly across the multiverse. Even they, the ones devising the plan, wouldn't know exactly where the stones would be going, which iteration of the universe, or their exact place within it. They could only hope it would be enough.

Hela was joined by Agatha, Loki, Hela, and Strange near the tree. This was the most magical place on the planet. Together, they had shared their vast knowledge, each contributing from their unique magical expertise, in order to create the perfect spell. The only one who would stay on Earth would be the time stone. It was a significant artefact for Kamar-Taj. The wizard order had sworn to protect it, a timeless duty. There was no need to fix something that wasn't broken.

Loki never wanted to be near an infinity stone again. The space and mind stones had inflicted considerable damage upon his life and his psyche, teaching him the hard way that they were better left alone. Even the presence of a single stone on Earth was more than he really wanted to think about, or even in this universe. Asgard's credibility had eroded to the point where making demands was no longer an option. They all knew that the realm would soon crumble with the passage of time anyway.

They formed a line, palms up, facing the tree. Strange, for one had entrusted the time stone to Wong and the sanctum. He would utilise his power on the reality stone during the ritual. The spell demanded a wielder of magic, no matter how inexperienced, to serve as a conduit for each stone, effectively sending them away independently.

Loki would gladly give up the space stone. Naturally, he would be the conduit for one last time, putting an end to that chapter of his life. Hela had just demonstrated to the universe how powerful she was. The purple stone seemed to have an inherent affinity for her abilities. Idunn had a mind unlike any other. Agatha was the soul of that particular story. She was at the beginning of the path that had brought them together. Every twist and turn had converged to lead them to this moment.

Sparks appeared around the stones that were hovering in front of them as they spoke the words for their spell, their hands making complicated patterns. The phenomenon became more pronounced. It was eerily beautiful like tiny stars slowly appearing in the night sky. And all of the sudden, a powerful ray of light forced them to turn their head, its intensity almost burning their eyes. It vanished as quickly as it emerged, and when the magic users looked again, the stones were nowhere to be found. As difficult as it was to explain, they knew it was done and that it had been the best solution.

"Let's have some tea," Idunn said, a knowing smile on her face.

Her companions trailed after her, a huge burden now lifted from their shoulders. There was always a threat on the horizon, but that was for another day.

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