Chapter 38

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Everybody had left the room one after the other except for Hela and Agatha. Tony had told Agatha that they both had a room. Being left alone together was awkward, to put it mildly. How to make up for hundreds of years of forced separation and all the doubts that came from that? They had known each other for a few months and then everything had come crumbling on them even before anything between them had a chance to even start. The time spent together was surely not enough to change the other's life forever. Hela had only survived on her memories, the only really good ones she had. Both women most likely changed over time but Hela had only kept that perfect version of Agatha in her mind, all over her dreams, unconscious ones or not.

The goddess had never been really skilled at those emotional talks. Odin had raised her as a warrior and soldiers never showed any feelings. Now, there was a notion of urgency inside her. Something could happen again and she needed to let it all out before it was too late. That second chance was already a miracle. She already knew that once she would start, the words would simply flow out until she had said it all.

Agatha was quicker than her. She told her tale, about what had happened to her during their time apart. Odin had cast her out of Asgard and taken her memories away. She explained her life in Salem and her so-called mother, Elizabeth. With each word, something sinister grew in Hela. The goddess hated those people who had been able to spend so much time with Agatha and never appreciated her to her own good. Each word was also giving her hope. Despite Odin's best efforts, Agatha had been looking for her almost the entire time. Her memories had haunted her until everything had come back to the witch. The feelings between them were real. But hope could be such a cruel thing.

"I would like to see all those places one day." Hela said.

"Many of those sites are no longer in existence. Even so, Midgard is quite a beautiful realm. It is not always flawless like Asgard. The skies are ever changing. Every sunset is different and full of different shades. The seasons give everything so many different colours. Greens, reds, blues. Perhaps it is what makes it so appealing."

For some time, they remained in silence there, each lost in their own thoughts.

"Are you alright about Idunn and her being there?" finally asked Agatha.

"She has been through a lot."

"Yes. That much is true. But, in a way, when we couldn't be there for him, she acted as Loki's mother. In your place."

"I'm glad he wasn't always alone." Hela answered quietly. "Of course, I'm jealous of the years they had together. She gave him the sanctuary he needed. Idunn was there even if she was also a prisoner of Odin. She will always have my gratitude. I wish I had been the one to kill Odin with my bare hands for everything he did to all of us."

All things considered, Hela's mental health seemed to be in good shape. Would it last? Of course, anything could happen at any time, and both women should probably enjoy every little moment while it lasts. They couldn't leave the tower just yet. Tony had told them about the people out there and how things would need to be explained first. Agatha and Hela didn't particularly want to go anyway. That day had already been full of events. Hela was ashamed to say that she was scared of the outside world. Part of her, of course, yearned to spread her wings and fly free, far and wide. She didn't know how to fly anymore and the fall could be dangerous.

The people of Midgard were actually quite clever creatures. Over the years, they had invented their own kind of magic in a way. They had invented a way to see far away lands, without even moving from the comfort of their own home, not leaving their seats. She was informed by Agatha that it was a television and that Tony had claimed that magic was merely unrecognised science. The woman was smiling while saying that. Agatha was obviously fond of that man. Hela wanted to know how the feelings toward Tony were. Everything was making her doubt.

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