Chapter 61

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Heimdall was still standing stoically there, in the same position, looking down at the team with his unyielding golden eyes. His imposing presence made the team uneasy. They were reminded how the man was always spying on everyone. Was he ever leaving the room at all? Tony couldn't help but think that all Asgardians were judgmental assholes, but he pushed those thoughts aside for the moment. This was not the time for that kind of conversation.

Thor was nowhere to be found, but it was likely he was preoccupied with the impending threat of Thanos. The group shifted nervously, waiting for some kind of instruction. Heimdall was just silent, watching them. Frigga finally moved toward the only exit and they just all followed her. They shared a common goal but some of the people of Asgard didn't seem to have received the memo. Heimdall had just made sure they knew they weren't welcomed.

The team made their way towards the palace. This time, they followed the official path, like any dignitary envoy. Everything seemed to have lost a bit of its shine since the last time they had been there. The colours of the bridge had faded, as if the light behind it was slowly dying. From a distance, the palace appeared dull, and Tony thought that somebody needed to give the gold a good polish. Tony wondered if his memories had exaggerated Asgard's splendour or if it had truly lost its sheen.

As they walked on the rainbow bridge, Tony thought about what Idunn had told them. The tree had likely done a lot for Asgard over the millennia, and now it would do it for Earth. Yet, the Aesirs didn't seem to appreciate what they had. To be fair, the tree had been hidden forever. Odin had only made decisions that were good for himself, not his people. The silence that enveloped them as they walked towards the palace was heavy, each member lost in their thoughts. There was nothing more to be said.

The team walked through the Asgardian city in a tight group, their eyes darting around. The inhabitants were looking at them with a bored curiosity. Nobody seemed overly worried about the situation. They were going about their days, not preparing for the incoming battle.

Tony couldn't believe it. The Aesirs were supposed to be incredible warriors, and yet they were acting as if nothing was wrong. He was all about attacking first and thinking after, but not when the lives of half the galaxy were on the line. The shops and homes of the Asgardians were monumental and beautiful. They were looking at their little party arrogance. Tony had never liked the people of Asgard. The stories he had learned from Agatha, Loki, Hela and Idunn were horrifying. They were doing nothing to make themselves more endearing.

Tony turned to his team, and they all seemed to share his concerns. His friends were all looking around, not believing what they were seeing. They would have to face Thanos, a being of unimaginable power, very soon as a big team, and they couldn't afford to underestimate him. They should all be focused and be prepared for anything. The Aesirs had so much power and yet, they seemed to waste it. The fate of the galaxy was at stake. Asgard and Midgard together had a duty to do everything they could to defend everybody in the nine realms and beyond. If they failed, there would be nothing left to protect.

Thor was waiting for them, sitting on the golden throne. Mojlnir stood at his feet, and he had Gungnir in his left hand. The god was clearly trying to make a statement. If Tony and the rest of the team were to be honest, it wasn't exactly working on them. It wasn't exactly the right time to put on a show, but who was Tony to say anything about making an entrance? Only the end results would be really important.

"Hey Point Break." Tony said. "What about getting ready for battle, evacuating the children, that kind of thing?"

"Do not fret, Man of Iron, for the Aesirs will prevail."

"So why did you call on us then, if you are so certain of your victory?" Loki demanded angrily.

"Brother, it was mother's idea." Thor answered, dismissively.

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