Chapter 42

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Agatha had been on Earth for quite some time now, but she was still amazed at its inhabitants' ability to ignite conflict left and right for the most absurd of reasons. They seemed to enjoy being at war. Naturally, the death of a monarch was no small feat, and diplomacy wasn't easy on the best of days, but everyone seemed to be overreacting after the bombing without any actual evidence for anything. Everybody was crying and was using the circumstances to advance in their careers. Natasha Romanov was at the top of that list.

That woman was a sociopath who was constantly plotting. Some might describe her as a survivor. She probably was, but so were everyone in Agatha's extended family. They weren't trampling over others to get to the top. The spy had no qualms in setting the world on fire to get where she wanted to be. Her actions were not those of a hero who would go to any length to protect the little guys. She was just good enough to make them look that way.

The spy had a way with words. She was always going for something tender that had already been hurt in the past. The tactic was effective. Agatha sometimes wondered what would have happened to Tony had she not be there. The genius was too trusting sometimes. It was probably better for everybody that they didn't have to find out. It didn't change the fact that Romanov had played her cards very well and was causing problems for them and, most likely, for the rest of the world. Agatha should have disposed of her when she had the chance.

Jarvis had gathered as much information as he could find about the man responsible for the bombing. The AI actually found a lot of information in the data from Shield. The facial recognition was a 98% match for James Buchanan Barnes, who was supposed to have died during World War II. Jarvis had checked it twice for good measure, not that he was the kind to make a mistake in the first place. One could never be too sure.

The legendary best friend of Steve Rogers was not dead. He actually looked as good as new, except for the brand new metal arm. Just thinking about what Jarvis had uncovered from all those files made Agatha want to murder Romanov and her team all over again. The AI had asked for his creator to take a seat in the common living room, which made Tony suspicious. The whole team was there as well, having been asked to provide moral support, even though they had no idea what it was about. They would be there for Tony anyway. Perhaps it would have been easier on everybody if they had known. Then again, maybe not. There was no use crying over spilled milk right now.

Hydra had retrieved the sergeant at the bottom of the mountain. Everybody knew about that last mission jumping on a moving train. Rogers had never bothered returning to the scene to find the corpse of his best friend. He might not have had the time to be fair. Only Rogers really knew what had really happened now. Hydra had previously conducted experiments on Barnes. They just kept going. Their version of the serum might not have been as effective as the original, still, it had kept the man alive to his day.

"Please, Sir, sit down."

"What is it Jarvis?"

"A number of files were flagged by the face recognition programme. Hydra appears to have used Sergeant Barnes as the Winter Soldier on a great number of assassinations."

Jarvis projected all the information he had found out. Feelings were still a difficult concept for him to grasp. He could analyse their reactions, the features of their faces or the speed of their heartbeats. He would have no idea how it actually felt. He wouldn't be able to experience it firsthand. The one thing he knew was that he had to protect his creator no matter what or, at the very least, make everything better for him. Jarvis didn't need to be a human to understand that Tony Stark would struggle as a result of what was about to happen. Delaying would not make the situation any easier, but at least Jarvis had made sure that his father would be surrounded by people who loved him.

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