Chapter 06

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Agatha had been too far away when the Aesir had landed in America, not being able to teleport to somewhere she didn't previously know. Thor, in her memory, was still just a toddler. She wasn't the kind to have gone to court very often, not that she had really wanted to. Like everybody on Asgard, Agatha had to attend the presentation ceremony. Odin had been a proud father, organising three days of celebration for his son's birth. Thor was meant to be the worthy offspring, the one who would fulfil everything a father could hope for. Hela didn't count that much anymore. The newborn had already a lot on his shoulders just to arrive in this world.

The child had grown up to be the exact representation of a perfect Asgardian. Tall, blond and a warrior through and through. At least, she thought he was all that from the little she saw on television. It wouldn't be easy to deal with him. She had the feeling that Thor would never go against Odin Allfather's will. Agatha knew it would be difficult to convince any aesir to let her through but it would be even worse with a member of the royal family. But that wasn't important now. She hadn't managed to get there in time anyway.

Agatha chose to keep close to the famous Iron Man. He was a super hero himself and honestly, she was quite impressed by the man. Surely, if Thor were to come back, he would make contact with Tony Stark. It had been easy to get a position in the legal team. She had not stayed idle during the past four centuries. She had the knowledge and could easily fake any credentials or diplomas. They never really asked. Her work had been talking for her.

The job was interesting and ever changing. Contract law and patents, NDAs but they were also working closely with the PR and HR departments. Stark Industries made it easy to climb the ladder. They weren't that stuck on school background or even who their employees might know. Good work, ingenuity and overall smartness were rewarded. The R&D department was full of people who maybe didn't have the MIT background or the multiple PHDs like Tony Stark himself had but they had more than proven themselves over the years.

Agatha really liked Tony Stark a lot. She liked the way he didn't care about how the press was perceiving him but how he did care about the people around him. The other CEOs would not go down in the departments just to have a little chat with his employees. The man knew everybody's names and the ones of their close family members. So maybe he had trouble with dates and appointments at times but Stark didn't have to make that kind of effort for his staff in the first place. If Agatha didn't have her own goal in mind, she would have definitely stayed working here for a while. Until the lack of ageing would inevitably raise a lot of suspicion. Still, he hoped to find a way back to Asgard soon.

With or without her agenda, Agatha would have told her boss about the spy in their mist. Natalie Rushman was easy to spot on. More than her looks, the red hair woman lack of real knowledge about the law was mind jarring and she wasn't trying really hard. A little spell and Agatha learn enough to ask for an appointment directly with the big boss. Of course, Agatha couldn't tell Tony that she had magically followed Miss Rushman to a place called Shield. She had enough suspicions anyway to alert anyone with a brain and Tony had a big one.

"Miss Harkness, What can I do for you ?" Asked Stark with a small smile.

Pepper Potts was there and very obviously unhappy. Agatha had sent a message directly to Tony without including the personal assistant. A one on one appointment would have been better but it was what it was. So, Agatha went head on.

"I think we have a spy in the legal department."

"And what makes you say that?" Interjected dryly Miss Potts.

"Many reasons from her bogus CV to her lack of knowledge in anything law related. Also, her rising within the ranks is more than suspicious."

"What's her name?" asked Tony.

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