Sweet Dreams (Are Made of Thi...

By kellyann0007

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Edit (Eddie) Sousa didn't expect her intern year to go like this. All because she had a one night stand with... More

Part 1 Cast (Seasons 1-3)
Chapter One: A Hard Day's Night
Chapter Two: The First Cut is the Deepest
Chapter Three: Winning a Battle, Losing the War
Chapter Four: No Man's Land
Chapter Five: Shake Your Groove Thing
Chapter Six: If Tomorrow Never Comes
Chapter Seven: The Self-Destruct Button
Chapter Eight: Save Me
Chapter Nine: Who's Zoomin' Who
Part 1 Season 2 Announcement
Chapter Ten: Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head
Chapter Eleven: Enough, Is Enough
Chapter Twelve: Make Me Loose Control
Chapter Thirteen: Deny, Deny, Deny
Chapter Fourteen: Bring the Pain
Chapter Fifteen: Into You Like a Train
Chapter Sixteen: Something to Talk About
Chapter Seventeen: Let It Be
Chapter Eighteen: Thanks for the Memories
Chapter Nineteen: Much to Much
Chapter Twenty: Owner of a Lonely Hart
Chapter Twenty-One: Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer
Chapter Twenty-Two: Begin the Begin
Chapter Twenty-Three: Tell Me Sweet Little Lies
Chapter Twenty-Four: Break on Through
Chapter Twenty-Five: It's the End of the World
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Yesterday
Chapter Twenty-Eight: What Have I Done to Deserve This?
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Band-Aid Covers the Bullet Hole
Chapter Thirty: Superstition
Chapter Thirty-One: The Name of the Game
Chapter Thirty-Two: Blues for Sister Someone
Chapter Thirty-Three: Damage Case
Chapter Thirty-Four: 17 Seconds
Chapter Thirty-Five: Deterioration of the Fight or Flight Response
Chapter Thirty-Six: Losing My Religion
Part 1 Season 3 Announcement
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Time Has Come Today
Chapter Thirty-Eight: I Am a Tree
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Sometimes a Fantasy
Chapter Forty: What I Am
Chapter Forty-One: Oh, the Guilt
Poll 2
Chapter Forty-Two: Let the Angels Commit
Chapter Forty-Three: Where the Boys Are
Chapter Forty-Four: Staring at the Sun
Chapter Forty-Five: From a Whisper to a Scream
Need Suggestions
Chapter Forty-Six: Don't Stand So Close to Me
Chapter Forty-Seven: Six Days Part 1
Chapter Forty-Eight: Six Days Part 2
Chapter Forty-Nine: Great Expectations
Chapter Fifty: Wishin' and Hopin'
Chapter Fifty-One: Walk on Water
Chapter Fifty-Two: Drowning on Dry Land

Chapter Twenty-Six: As We Know It

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By kellyann0007

AN: Here is the next chapter of Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This). I hope you enjoy it!!!!! Next chapter Mark will be back in Seattle!!!! 


 In hospitals they say you know. You know when you're going to die. Some doctors say it's a look patients get in their eyes.


Miranda Bailey was standing alone in her hospital room trying to control her breathing as she went through labor, while her husband was down in the OR being operated on while being in a code black. She couldn't do this. Not now. Not with all this going on.

She needed Tucker.

He should be here.

And, the scare part of her wanted to go home. Go home and pretend this day never happened. And that tomorrow, when everything was better, she could have her baby.


 Some say there's a scent, a smell of death. Some think there's just some kind of sixth sense, when the great beyond is headed for you, you feel it coming.


Derek Shepherd diligently worked on Tucker Jones with his scrub team. He couldn't think about the fact that he was putting himself and others in danger. His patient was his number one priority. And, he wanted to look Bailey in the eye and say he did everything to save her husband. He needed to save Tucker.

He was about to become a father.

He had a family.

Derek didn't know if he could look Bailey in the eye if he killed her husband. So, he was going to everything in his power to make sure the day his son came into the world, that Tucker Jones was not going to leave it.


Eddie Sousa had just visited her daughter once again, and held her while she was sleeping for a while. She needed to comfort the reminder that she was there. Trying to take away the dark thoughts about what might happen to her brother and her two best friends who were in danger. 

Now, though she was sitting in a bathroom, sitting on the floor with her back against the wall as she was crying. The days events overwhelming her.

No one ever thinks about a code black ever being called.

No one does. Until something like this.

A terror she felt at the thought something could happen shook her to her core. She knew she had the option to leave, and that maybe she should, since she had a little baby girl that relied on her, but she needed to be here.

For her brother, friends, and co-workers who were risking their lives.

For her fellow interns who were all staying for the same reason.

For Miranda Bailey, a woman who had always been there for her since the moment she entered Seattle Grace Hospital. Who came to apartment heavily pregnant herself and kept  Eddie company while helping out however she could, even though Eddie refused for her to lift a finger, who was truly not only her mentor, but a friend.

She was having her baby today and she was also experiencing the horror of her husband being operated on, having brain surgery, when there is a code black in the OR. Just a few doors down.

Eddie couldn't imagine that horror. She needed to be there for Miranda. She may not be her persons like Meredith and Cristina. But, by this point, Miranda Bailey was her family. And she didn't abandon her family.

Eddie just hoped, that by doing this, by standing by her friend's side. She taught her daughter how to be courageous in the face of danger and help her friends, because it was the right thing to do. Even though it terrifies you....and your family....she just hoped, that Frankie would never be put into a situation like this.


 Whatever it is, it's creepy. Because if you know, what do you do about it? 


Addison Montgomery-Shepherd sat in one of the staff rooms, alone, feeling overwhelmed and scared.

Her husband, was still in the OR, where the Code Black had been called. He was operating on Bailey's husband.

Both of their husbands were at stake.

Then there was sweet little Eddie. She had her brother down there, and her two closest friends, while she tried to keep it together for all the other interns and for Bailey. But, she could tell it was all too much for the intern as well.

What a welcome back, huh?

And, she was seeing one of the toughest women she had ever met, break. Scared out of her mind, not wanting to push because this was all too much.

It was all too much.

When was the last time she said 'I love you' to Derek? When was the last time they laughed and had a good time?

Did he truly forgive her for sleeping with Nicholas? Or did he still hate her and only stay with her because it was the right and easy thing to do?

God...she just wanted everything to be okay.

All she could do was pray.

Pray that they could all be okay.


Forget about the fact that you're scared out of your mind. 


Alex and Izzie were in the storage closest. Both of them in the throes of passion. Giving into the desire that had been there for a while. One that Izzie pushed away because of what happened with Olivia. But, she was a doer today.

Taking life by the horns.

If today was her last day, she was going out with no regrets.


If you knew this was your last day on Earth how would you want to spend it?


Inside OR 3 everyone looked shocked as they now realized Hannah was MIA, but, now Meredith Grey had her hands on the bomb....this was bad.


George and Eddie were standing at a nurses station when Izzie and Alex approached the pair fixing their hair and scrub uniforms.

"What's going on?" Izzie asked them.

"Something happened in OR 3." Eddie informed the blonde as she looked through some charts.

"What?" Izzie asked her.

"We don't know. All I know is that Hannah the paramedic, she's missing." George informed her as he spotted Richard, and asked, "Chief, what's happened?"

"Quiet board. A quiet board is what's happened." Webber said gravely.


Burke entered Derek's OR, where he was still working on Bailey's husband.

"Dr. Shepherd?" Burke asked as he came in. He was dressed in a black vest over his blue scrubs.

"Dr. Burke." Derek said shocked to see the other man there.

"How's it going?" Burke asked him as he crossed his arms in front of his chest.

"He's got a second bleed under the skull base. If I do what the textbooks say. He could lose the power of speech, herniate through the first craniotomy and die." Derek said.

"What's your other option?" Burke asked.

"Well if I do what I wanna do ... he could lose the power of speech, herniate through the first craniotomy and die." Derek informed the man, as he accepted another tool from the nurse assisting him.

"Well good luck with that." Burke commented.

"Thanks." Derek said as he turned to Burke. "Is there something you want?"

"You know it was really stupid of you not to evacuate?" Burke said.

"You too. As well as Conrad." Derek said.

Burke nodded. Conrad had stayed with Meredith and Cristina, along with the bomb techs to see how they could remove the bomb without it going off. Burke had wanted to also check on Derek and Tucker.

Despite what Burke had informed his co-worker, he truly did like Derek. And, he respected the man. He didn't want him hurt in the cross-fire, but the man was stubborn and he knew that he would never leave. Not with a patient open on the table.

"Yeah I know." Burke said.

" We should consider a change in profession." Derek joked slightly.

"Yes, we should." Burke said.

"Now can you and Conradoperate and remove the device from the guy?" Derek asked.

"After the bomb squad is through assessing him, we're going to try." Burke said with a nod.

"Gotta say I don't wanna be the guy that kills Bailey's husband." Derek said as he took a deep breath trying to get his nerves under control.

"Well I don't wanna be one of the guy that kills us all." Burke said.

He and Conrad knew that this was highly dangerous and highly stupid. He just hoped that they didn't do that.

 "Dr. Shepherd." Burke said, with that, both men knew they were possibly saying their final goodbyes.

"Dr. Burke." Derek said.


Dylan was putting Meredith into a flak jacket, as she had her hand on the bomb. Cristina and Conrad were both dressed in the same flack jacket as they stood around the operating table.

"You realize how stupid that was." Dylan asked her.

"It was Mer. Incredibly stupid!" Cristina said scared for her best friend.

Maybe Bailey was right....Eddie talked them out of horribly bad ideas.

"Okay you know when you don't need to be made fun of?" Meredith asked her best friend. "Like when you've got your hand inside a body that's got a bomb in it and a stranger is Velcro-ing a flak jacket to your boobs." 

"Okay." Cristina said.

"You've got a sense of irony." Dylan informed her.

"Only when things are really ironic." She said as she turned her head and looked at Cristina.

" ... I had a feeling." She said.

Cristina's eyes widened.

Meredith thought she was going to die this morning and she and Eddie had kicked her out of bed and dragged her here. Meredith wouldn't even be in this position if they hadn't forced her. Crap, if Meredith died, it would be all their fault!!

"What's that?" Dylan asked her.

"Nothing." Meredith said, not wanting to speak it into reality, with her hand on a literal bomb.

Burke felt like he was walking to his death as he walked back to the OR. The beating of his heart could be heard in his ears. The steady thump-thump was loud and daunting.

When he entered, he noticed how stern and almost emotionless Conrad was. The younger doctor had an air of cockiness that all surgeons had and was known for a quick smile and witty retorts. But now, what they were about to do. And the consequences have seemed to harden him. He was in game mode, and he like Burke knew they had no room for error.

They had the whole safety of those on this floor, and possibly the hospital, on their hands. It was one of those moments in the movie where the protagonist has to cut the wires in a movie to stop a bomb....neither men ever thought, even as surgeons, that they had do ever do something like this.

Surgery was a high-stress profession. But, this was on another level.

"Time for you to go." Burke said quietly as he made his way over to Cristina.

"No, I'm staying." Cristina said. She would not leave them.

"There's nothing more you can do here. We've got it covered." Burke said, but Cristina doesn't move.

"Cristina, this is not another clueless surgery. This ammo can go off at any time and kill everyone in this room. Do you get that? You cannot be in here." Burke told her.

"Do you think this is about surgery..." Cristina asked, slightly hurt. She thought more than about cool surgeries.

"Cristina, I cannot do this with you in here! I cannot think!" Burke whispered seriously to her and Cristina looked at him with wide, scared, eyes.

Then her eyes found Meredith who was watching them.

"We'll be fine." Meredith promised Cristina as she just stares at her. "It's okay."

After a moment Cristina nods and Burke takes over for her.

"You know in the movies how there's always the heroes and then there's the other guy? You know the guy who sees danger and runs in the opposite direction?" Cristina asked him seriously.

"Yes." Burke said as he looked at her.

"Be the other guy." Cristina begged.

It was as close as she was going to say she loved him in front of her best friend and strangers. She wasn't good at this whole 'feelings' thing. But, she truly does love Burke, even if it's not obvious.

Meredith watches them teary-eyed. Cristina leaves the OR with a heavy heart. Meredith takes a deep breath to calm herself.

"So you have a plan right? You have a way to get me out of this right?" Meredith asked them both, with tears in her eyes.


Eddie, George, Alex, and Izzie were all in the intern locker room. Eddie had taken Frankie out of the nursery for a while, and was feeding her with Frankie's blanket covering her. Before returning to work again, she would drop her baby back off.

But, right now, her daughter needed her, and Eddie needed her daughter, and she also needed her friends. So, the four interns sat together, as they digested the news that Meredith was the one with her hand on the bomb now.

"I feel colors are brighter. Does anyone feel like colors are brighter? My head hurts." George said.

"It's adrenaline. You have the smell thing, cause I have like this crazy-" Alex started.

"Shut up!" Izzie snapped.

"Are you ok?" Alec asked her.

"Of course she's not okay." Eddie said as she looked at Alex, as she sat besides Izzie.  "How could she possibly be okay?"

"You're insensitive." George told Alex.

"I'm not insensitive." Alex replied.

"Would you two just shut up! Nobody cares if the blue is bluer or if you have super smelling powers! Meredith could die. Any minute she could just ... die." Izzie said.

"As could Dr. Burke and Conrad. Or possibly even Derek, Cristina, and Bailey's husband." Eddie replied.

"Actually stop living ... Dead ... Corpse ... " Izzie said as she starts giggling. "I'm sorry. Sorry. God, I have really inappropriate reactions to this kind of stress. I'm sorry. Hold on." Izzie said as she ran her head through her hair.

 "Mmm."  Izzie said.

"Okay?" George asked her.

"Yeah." Izzie said.

"Should we like, should we like do something? Call Meredith's family?" Alex asked.

"We are Meredith's family." Eddie said.

Her father wasn't around, her mother barely remembered who she was, and she had no one besides them. Everyone important to Meredith was in this hospital.

 Izzie stars giggling again.

"I'm sorry." Izzie said as she gets up and leaves chuckling. Alex gets up and follows her.

"We are Meredith's family." George said as Eddie nodded.

"Yeah, we are. Georgie. We're all family." Eddie said.


Cristina entered Derek's OR. She couldn't just leave Burke and Meredith on this floor alone. She never did good with idle hands. She needed something to do.

"This area has been evacuated Dr. Yang." Derek informed the intern who was getting ready to assist.

"And somehow you're still here." Cristina reminded him.

"I have to be here. You don't." Derek reminded her.

"Yes I do." Cristina said instantly.

"Dr. Yang." Derek tried one more time.

"Yes I do. Besides I guess you need a little company." Cristina said.

Derek resigned lets her put on a gown.

"How's he doing?" Cristina asked him.

"He's hanging in there. How's the paramedic Hannah doing?" Derek asked her.

"Hannah?" Cristina asked, having not thought about her since she realized Meredith was now the girl with the bomb.

"The girl with the bomb."Derek reminded her.

"Oh, uh she's hanging in there too." Cristina lied, knowing Derek needed to know eventually, but right now, he needed to concentrate on his work.


"Calm down." Addison said as she and Eddie sat on the edge of the nurse's stations desk as Richard paced in front of them.

"Calm down? I have an evacuated O.R. A bomb in a body cavy. A missing paramedic! An intern with her hand on the explosive! Three world class surgeons in harm's way! A man on a table who may bleed out at any moment unless we move the bomb from his chest!" Webber reminded them.

"And my favorite resident in labor who you're now telling me refuses to push! Really, calm down? You really want to say to me calm down?" Webber asked the redheaded attending.

"Okay don't calm down!" Addison snapped.

"Dr. Bailey is scared, sir." George said, as Eddie nodded in agreement.

"It's a day to be scared." Eddie added.

"She won't let me examine her but from what I can tell her contractions are 40 seconds apart and she's refusing to push. The baby could go into distress and if she doesn't come out of this and soon, then I'm gonna need an O.R to do an emergency C-section." Addison informed Richard.

"I can't give you an O.R Addie! I don't have an O.R to give. Can't you convince her to push? Bailey's rational." Webber asked her.

"She's not Bailey right now! She's a woman in labor whose husband is in surgery next to a bomb." Eddie said, as Addison looked slightly shocked and impressed at Eddie's response. When Addison was an intern she would have never stood up to a resident, let alone the chief of surgery with that response.

But, Eddie stood tall, as she looked at Richard with a look Bailey would be proud of. 

"So is your brother, and Addison's husband." Webber reminded her.

"This is about Bailey. I need an O.R." Addison said.

"I don't know what to tell you." Webber said, lost and stressed out.

"Look Richard, we have about an hour to change Bailey's mind and then I'm going to need you to get me an O.R. Build me an O.R. Find me a helicopter to fly me to any O.R in the city. Otherwise instead of having a baby, she'll be losing one." Addison said as she walked off.

Richard gave the two interns still standing there a look and they both scurry off not to face his wrath.

Richard sits down, his face and posture showed how stressed and ragged he felt. 

Debbie comes up to him with a rolled up paper.

"Here's the blueprints you asked for Chief." Debbie said.

"Ah, thank you."


Izzie was sitting in the same storage room she and Alex had used for their moment of living. Alex followed behind her and sat down beside her, his face etched with concern.

"I laugh at funerals." Izzie informed him.

"I don't go to funerals." Alex informed her.

Izzie leaned in and started to kiss him once again. And Alex, reluctantly stopped them. 

"Izzie. Iz." He said.

"I was jealous. I was jealous of Meredith and the surgery and I ... I was ... jealous and now ... I was jealous, Alex." Izzie said as Alex looked at her for a moment, touched her cheek, and leaned in again to start kissing.


" Is this the strangest thing that's ever happened in either your ORs?" Meredith asked Burke and Conrad as they sat on chairs on the other side of her.

"I'd have to say that it is." Burke said.

"Yeah, this blows everything I considered strange, straight out of the water." Conrad said.

"Good, cause I'm very competitive." Meredith informed them both.

"All the best surgeons are." Burke said as Conrad nodded.


Eddie and George were in Bailey's hospital room, as Bailey who was clearly in pain, was rocking in her rocking chair, with sweat drenching her body.

"Dr. Montgomery-Shepherd just talked to the Chief. They're really worried about you. She's on the phone with Mercy West right now to see if they have any OR's available." George informed his resident.

"I need someone to drive me home." Bailey said.

"They're talking about doing an emergency C-section." Eddie informed her friend and mentor.

"They can talk all they want. I'm not going to Mercy West. This baby is not coming out. I need a ride! I can't focus enough to drive myself. And Tucker ... I need a ride." Bailey said.

"You could lose your baby! You know this!" Eddie said, trying to get through to her resident and friend.

"I told you already. I'm not having this baby until tomorrow." Bailey reminded her.

"This baby could die before it's even born!" George exclaimed.

"Can you give me a ride home!?" Bailey asked.

"Dr. Bailey..." George sid.

"Then get out!" Bailey snapped.

"Miranda," Eddie said as she stooped down in front of her friend. "You need to remember who else is at stake. Your little boy. A little boy you and Tucker love deeply. He is ready to come, even if you are not ready. And nothing is going to plan. You need to remember, that there is a part of you and Tuck that will make this world a better place. You need to remember there is joy in this world. He is your joy." 

Bailey looked at her and said nothing.

"You told me to kick you in the ass. Remember? When I was in the hospital after the Dead Baby Bike Race? We are in this together Miranda Bailey. And, I will kick you in the ass until you remember. You, are Dr. Miranda Bailey, the best doctor, resident, and close friend I could ever have. You need to remember that. Draw on that strength, and if you can't. I will be here to be that strength. Don't be a quitter. Not now."

Bailey looked at her for a moment and said.

"I need to be alone, Eddie."

Eddie with some reluctance nodded and left the room.


"Is, is there any news?" Mindy Carlson asked Richard when she saw him in a conference room, looking very tense and stressed.

" What? Oh I'm sorry Mrs. Carlson." Webber apologized.

"My husband. I was wondering if there was any news because you look so worried. And I heard this doctor saying that even though that girl's got her finger on the tear in his heart, that my husband is losing blood. Every second he's losing blood. Which means he could die? He could die? I ask because I know you'll me the truth because you look so worried." Mindy rambled.

Richard looked at her for a moment, and weighed his options. He didn't want to give her false hope, but, he also didn't want to tell her he will die. Because, honestly, he didn't know.

"Mrs. Carlson ... Yes it's possible he could bleed out and die if we don't operate soon." Burke told her after a moment.

"Okay. Okay. Thank you for telling me the truth. I'll just ah, I'll just go wait over here." Mindy said through dry sobs as she walked away.

"Look will someone give me an update?! And where's the head of the bomb squad?" Richard yelled out to the nurses who were standing near the nearby nurses station.

"I'm right here and we're good to go. My team's in place. Dr. Burke and Dr. Quinn are ready. Patient's in stable condition. We can have the bomb out in under 10 minutes if I'm not interrupted again." Dylan informed him.

"In the OR we put our patients under general anesthesia." Webber informed the head of the bomb squad.

"Yeah?" Dylan asked, not seeing why this was important.

"That involves a steady flow of oxygen." Webber stated.

That changed things.

"Well can't you turn off the oxygen in my OR?" Dylan asked as Richard motioned for him to look at what he had spread out on the table in front of him. 

"I can and I have. But this is your OR." Webber said as he pointed to the blueprints. "This is the OR's floor main oxygen line."


Eddie took a deep breath she pulled out her phone and pressed answer call for Mark. She had just gotten off the phone with Eli, who was trying not to freak out that there was a bomb inside the hospital where his best friend and goddaughter were currently at, even though they were far away from the OR.

He had told her to calm him no matter what, he would answer. Even if it was the middle of court.

"Hey Mark." Eddie said.

"Eddie! Are you alright? Is everything alright?" Mark asked. He hadn't heard anything and it was driving him crazy. The unknown. If his best friend, his brother, was alright. If she and Frankie were alright. If Conrad was alright.

"As well as it can be. There is no major news, except for the fact Meredith somehow has her hands on the bomb now that is inside the patients chest. No idea where the paramedic is. There has been no news....god...Mark...I am so, so scared." Eddie said.

"I know. I know Eddie." Mark said, wishing he could be there for her and for Derek, but he was stuck in New York he had looked for flights and it seemed like every flight there was down. It was like the world was conspiring to keep him stuck in New York. He couldn't even find any connecting flights.

It was frustrating.

"God...Mark I'm so scared." Eddie said as she started to cry. "I am so scared that Meredith will die. That Conrad will die. That Burke and Cristina will die because of this. I am scared that my resident who is supposed to be having a baby is in shock and refusing to push and she might lose the baby if she doesn't snap out of it...I am just...I don't know what to do."

"Eddie. Eddie breath, sweetheart." Mark said as he noticed her cries and sobs sounded a bit breathless and continued to be that way.

"Okay, Eddie, take a deep breath with me okay." Mark said as Eddie nodded.

"Okay." Eddie whispered after a moment.

Mark stayed on the phone with her as he talked her down from a rising panic attack. For that moment, Mark was her rock as the two stayed on the phone just breathing.

"Thank you," Eddie said. "I am sorry I don't have any news for you." Eddie muttered.

"No news is good news. But, Eddie promise me if things look like they're heading down a bad road, get yourself and Frankie out of there, okay?" Mark asked.

"Of course." Eddie promised.


Back in the storage closet, Alex and Izzie were getting redressed from their impromptu sexual encounter.

"It's gonna be okay." Alex promised Izzie.

"You don't know that." Izzie told him.

"It's just what you say." Alex told her.

" I know." Izzie said as the weight of what was happening sunk back into her bones.

"Where you going?" Alex noticed as Izzie started to leave.

"I cant just.. I, I gotta do something to help. ... Thank you. For saying that it's going to be okay. Even if it's just what you say." Izzie said as she left the room.


Meredith watched as the two attendings and Dylan withered back and forth with one another and looked at her occasionally.

"Stop it. I'm not a patient." Meredith snapped.

"What?" Dylan asked.

"The three of you are looking at me the way we look at patients. Like I'm going to freak out at any minute. I'm not gonna freak out so whatever it is just tell me straight out." Meredith

"The main oxygen line runs directly under this room." Conrad informed her seriously.

"Okay." Meredith said, but by the look and dread filled her.

"Not okay. ... Well? I need one of you to tell me what this means exactly. Because I think I know what it means. But I tend to be glass half-empty these days so I won't trust what I think it means. Because what I think it means if the bomb were to explode over the oxygen line the whole hospital could blow up. ... And that's just crazy right?" Meredith ranted, scared.


"I need an answer on when they're gonna start moving." Webber told a nurse who nods and leaves to go find out that answer, while Izzie and Alex come up to him.

"Chief." Izzie said.

"Look I'm busy!" Richard snapped.

"I know. I know you're really very busy but if there's something, anything that we could do to help it would really would be very helpful. We need an assignment, sir." Izzie informed him.

Richard doesn't look so good and is breathing heavily.

"Look, I need, I need..." Webber started, his breaths ragged.

"Chief?" Izzie asked, concerned about his very erratic breathing.

"He's pale and diaphoretic." Izzie informed Alex.

"Check his pulse. We need some help over here!" Alex yelled out.

"Come on let's move people! I'll get a wheelchair." Izzie said as everyone jumped into action.

"I think he's having a heart attack." Alex said.


"Meredith, all it means ... is that we have to move." Dylan said to the concerned women.

"Move?" Burke asked.

"That's right. We have to move." Dylan said.

Then he whispers to Burke and Conrad. "Now because I don't want to spend another second in this room."

"Wait. I can't wiggle my fingers because we can't shift the ammo. And now you want to roll out the entire gurney?" Meredith asked.

"Well that's our safest, safest option." Dylan informed her.

"So we move. Not a problem. We can do this." Burke said.

"You handling this Grey?" Conrad asked.

"I'm handling this." She said with finality.


"So how's it look?" Richard asked the doctor.

"Well it's hard to say for sure. EKG is normal." The doctor informed the chief of surgery.

"That's good news." Alex said.

"That's it I'm getting up." Richard said as he tried to get up.

"Sir! You should really wait until we get the blood work back." Izzie said.

"I'm not listening Stevens." Webber said.

All of sudden Adele stands up and has been sitting in the room the whole time with her husband once she got the call.

"You can talk to me Dr. Stevens." Adele said.

"Um ... um ... okay. Your husband should really wait until we get the blood work back for conformation." Izzie said.

"Okay! Out! Both of you! I'm getting up." Webber said as Adele moved to stop him.

As Alex and Izzie left the room.

"You're going to have to body check me to do so." Adel warned him as he got back into bed.

"Adele, there is a bomb!" Richard said.

"I heard." Adele said.


"Dr. Montgomery-Shepherd. What are we gonna do? I mean about Dr. Bailey. Can, can we drug her?" George asked the red haired attending who was stressed and had no idea how to reach Bailey and the fact her husband was in mortal danger.

It was too much.

"Against her will?" Addison asked.

"No. Well ... yes." George said as Addison gave him an annoyed look.

"Can't we force her to push? If ah declare her temporarily insane." George asked, not sure how to help his resident.

"Ah. You want me to declare Miranda Bailey, Miranda Bailey incompetent? Do you think that will help? Do you think that will make her more inclined, more comfortable giving birth?" Addison asked him.

"I don't know that's why..." George started.

"Do you think I'm not doing everything I can to help her? I mean do you think I'm just out here because I don't know feel a little lazy, just need a little me time?" Addison asked, as she grew angrier and angrier.

"I'm just asking." George said.

"Stop asking! Because no matter what you ask the answer is I don't know. I'm doing everything thing I can! Everything I can! Miranda Bailey's husband is in mortal danger. Actual mortal danger! And there's not a lot I can say to comfort her right now because there's not a lot that anybody can say to comfort me! I'm doing my best! Dr. Bailey is doing her best! And I need you to do your best! And I need it to better than standing here asking me the world's most stupidest question! I don't know O'Malley!" Addison yelled at the intern, who leaves not knowing what to do.


George entered the stairwell off the side of the hallway he just left. When he heard sobbing. He looked over the ledge and saw a girl crying.

"Hey. You okay? Wait, are you bleeding?" George asked. 

"I, I think I fell ah... I was running um- and I fell. It's okay." Hannah said as George came down to her.

"Are you Hannah?" George asked as he noticed her paramedic uniform.

"Yeah." Hannah said.


"Micro-scissors Dr. Yang." Derek said as  he notices her staring out the doorway window. "What is so interesting out there?"

" I uh...I'll..." Cristina said as she sees Meredith and leaves Derek confused.


"You're doing great." Dylan encouraged Meredith.

"Let's go over it again." Meredith said, having to keep busy.

"The device is shaped like a rocket. About eight inches long. We're going to have everything ready. Dr. Burke and Dr. Quinn's team is going to be in place. My team is going to be in place. And I'm going to ask you to take the hand that you have in Mr. Carlson, wrap it around the device..." Dylan said.

"And pull it out." Meredith said.

"Level. Pull it out while keeping it level." Dylan reminded her.

"You know I don't like you very much." Meredith informed him as they slowly made their way down the hallway.

" I don't like you either." Dylan said as Cristina comes up to them in the hallway.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"Stop. Stop right where you are." Dylan said as they stopped moving the gurney.

"What are you doing?" Cristina asked. 

"I thought Dr. Burke told you to leave." Dylan said bluntly.

"We're moving to an O.R further away from the oxygen line. You know in case we blow up." Meredith informed one of her persons.

"I distinctly remember him telling you to leave!" Dylan said once again.

"Where is he?" Cristina asked.

"He's prepping the O.R. with Conrad." Meredith informed her.

"Then he'll never know will he." Cristina said.

'You stay over there. You stay over there!" He ordered her as Cristina quickly moved.

"You ready?" Dylan asked Meredith who nodded as they slowly started to move again.

"Tell me something." Meredith said to Cristina.

"What?" Cristina asked confused.

"Cristina, I have my hand on a bomb. I'm freaking out and most importantly I really have to pee. Tell me anything." Meredith told her best friend.

"He told me he loved me. Last night. He thought I was sleeping but I heard him say it." Cristina said.

"Burke loves you." Meredith said.


"Mind your own business." Meredith ordered Dylan.

"Burke loves you." Meredith repeated.

"Okay everybody has problems." Cristina said trying to shrug it off.

"Well are you going to say it back or-" Meredith started to ask.

"Of course not. He didn't say it to me. He said to the sleeping me. Reciprocity is not required. Besides he might blow up." Cristina said.

"Excellent point." Meredith agreed.

All of sudden they hit the metal bar across the floor and the whole gurney bangs to a stop.

"All right everybody. Let's keep placing one foot in front of the other. Nice and slow. All right Meredith we're almost there." Dylan said.

"Okay." Meredith said.

"We're almost there. Nice and Easy. You ready?" Dylan asked.

Meredith nods.

"Yeah." Meredith said.

"All right let's go. Nice and slow." Dylan said as they move the gurney slowly over the bar on the floor and continued on.

"You had to say you were going to die today." Cristina stated.

"I told you." Meredith said.


In the ER George was cleaning up Hannah's hands.

"It's not to deep but, you are going to need a couple of stitches. Hannah, uh is there someone you'd like me to call? Family or maybe friends?" George asked her as he cleaned her wound.

"No. ... That doctor ..." Hannah started.

"Dr. Grey. Meredith." George told her.

"Is she?" Hannah asked worried she left the nice doctor to die.

"She's still there." George said.

"So she's still alive." Hannah said, relieved.

"She's alive." George promised.

"She's still alive." Hannah repeated.

"Dr. Milton shouldn't have left you. He's a coward." George said seriously.

"I'm a coward." Hannah informed him, she was not better than Dr. Milton.

"No." George said.

"I ran away. ... You think you're going to be different. You think you're gonna be the kind of person who stays and does something. You know a good man in a storm. I'm a paramedic. I'm supposed to stay and do something. I'm not supposed to run away. I'm not supposed to hide under the stairs cause I left two people to die. I'm supposed to stay and do something. I ran away." Hannah said sadly.


"Well blood work's back. The Chief had an anxiety attack. Who's gonna tell him?" Alex asked Izzie as he looked at the chart.

"Um, I gave you sex in a linen closet. You tell him." Izzie told him.

"Fair enough." Alex agreed as he made his way to tell the chief and his wife.


"Okay, Dr. Bailey let's go." Addison said as she tries to get Bailey to sit up, but she refuses.

"Dr. Bailey I need you to turn on your back. I need you to push." Addison said.

"Leave me alone." Bailey said.

"Miranda." Addison said, then turned to Eddie and said,  "I can't let her go any longer. I'm gonna go tell Richard that he has to get us an O.R, okay?"

"Dr. Bailey, I'm surprised at you. I really thought...this is not how I thought you would do this." George said as Eddie looked at George in surprise.

"Dr. O'Malley I don't think that..." Addison said as George ignored her and continued.

"I truly... I expected more." George said.

"George." Addison said as Eddie takes a damp cloth and wipes it against Bailey's arm. While George leans down to talk to her.

"You're Dr. Bailey." George said. 

"You don't hide from a fight. You don't give up. You strive for greatness." Eddie reminded her softly.

"You Dr. Bailey, you are a doer. And ... I know your husband is not here and I know that there are a lot of things going on here that we have no control over. But this ..." George said as he takes his hand and lifts up her chin for her to look at him directly.  "This ... we can do. Okay?" Bailey half nods, crying.

"Okay, let's have this baby." Eddie said as Addison starts moving to prepare Bailey while Eddie and George helped Bailey sit up and George sits behind her as Eddie holds her hand and sits on the edge of the bed beside her, looking at Bailey with soft, encouraging eyes.

Bailey grasped her hands.

"We're right here with you. I promise." Eddie said.

"Let's have this baby."  George agreed.


"We're ready when you are." Burke informed Dylan.

"We're good. Meredith?" Dylan asked.


"I'm going to extend the wound. When I cut the bleeding is going to intensify. If we're going to save Mr. Carlson you have to pull the ammo out immediately." Conrad informed Meredith in a no nonsense tone.

"But remember remove it while keeping it level as possible. Nice and easy. No quick movements. Level." Dylan said.

"Right level." Meredith repeated.

"You ready?" Conrad asked.

"I uh ... ... Do I have a choice?" Meredith asked.

"You have to be ready." Burke said.

"Yeah I guess." Meredith said.

"Scalpel." Burke said.

"I guess I'm ready." Meredith said.

Conrad starts cutting into Mr. Carlson.


"How's it going out there Yang?" Derek asked Cristina as she re-entered his OR.

"Everything's fine." Cristina said.

"How's the girl with bomb?" Derek asked.

Cristina doesn't answer that question.

"How's he doing?" She asked instead.

"He's almost there." Derek said, then told the scrub nurse, "Suction. Irrigate. That's great."

"You didn't answer my question Yang." Derek told Cristina.

"Sir?" Cristina asked.

"How is the girl with the bomb?" He asked again.

"It's Meredith."

Derek immediately turns to her startled.

"The girl with bomb is Meredith." Cristina finally informed him.

All of a sudden the heart monitor connected to flat lines.


"I'm good. She can go." Conrad said.

"All right now Meredith. Wrap your hand around the nose cone." Dylan said.

Meredith looks like she isn't listening but just staring off to the side tear-eyed.

"Meredith." Dylan said.

"Grey." Burke said as she kinda snaps out of it a little, but stares off again. 



"Damn it we're losing him. Push one of epi!" Derek ordered as they all scrambled to save Tucker.

"Thready pulse." Cristina said.

"Epi in!" the Anesthesiologist said.

"Nothing. Okay get me a wet lap." Derek said.

"Here." The nurse said.

"We're gonna roll him on three. Okay let me know when everyone's ready. Let's go. We gotta go. Come on! Let's go!" Derek ordered as they quickly started.


"Meredith." Conrad said.

Meredith pulls down her scrubs mask.

"George and Izzie shouldn't have to move out of the house." She informed them.

"No. You hear me." Dylan said, he was not going to lose her.

She needed to be snapped out of this and fast.

She wasn't going to die today.

"You should make sure. Make sure that they, that they get to stay in the house." Meredith informed them again.


In Bailey's room she was pushing as Eddie and George were coaching her.

"Augh!" Bailey cried.

"Push!" George said.

"A little bit more. I can see the top of the head." Addison encouraged.

"I need stop. Need stop." Bailey said as she fell back against George.

"Okay that was good. That was very good. That was- Okay." Eddie said as George helps Bailey sit up right again.

"Are you ready?" Eddie asked.

"Ready?" Addison asked.

"Okay." Bailey said with a nod.

"Push." George said.

"Oh god!" Bailey cried as she clamped down hard on Eddie and George's hands.


"Come on, come on, come on, come on." Derek said as Cristina preformed CPR manually.

"Wide complex bradycardia." Cristina said.

"Push one more of epi and one more of atropine. Come on, come on. You cannot do this Tucker! You can not quit on me! Come on, keep going. You can't quit!" Derek said as he tried to get him back.


"Grey. His pressure's dropping. Grey." Conrad said as Burke shines the light again on Meredith's face.

"I can't! No. I can't. This is crazy. Burke, you gonna go? You go." Meredith said to Burke, Conrad, and Dylan. "The three of you should go."

"Nobody's dying today, Grey." Conrad said seriously.

"Meredith I want you to look at me." Dylan said, "Look at me."

She turns her gaze to Dylan who is standing directly in front of her.

"I know this is bad. And I know that I'm this ass who's been yelling at you all day. So you pretend that I'm not. You pretend that I'm someone you like. Whatever you need. But you need to listen to me." Dylan told her.

Meredith nodded and started imagining Derek standing in front of her.

If she was going to die, she wanted to see him, even if he was just in her head.

"I'm scared." Meredith admitted.

"I know. You can do this. It'll be over in a second. ... You can do this Meredith." Imaginary Derek said.

"Okay." Meredith said.

"Okay." Imaginary Derek agreed.

"Gently." Dylan said as Meredith, looking very scared and teary eyed beings to pull out the tip of the bomb.


In the OR with Tucker. Cristina is desperately performing CPR but the monitor is still flat-lined.


"Augh!" Bailey cried.

" Good. Stop." Addison told the resident.

"Stop?" Bailey asked.

"Stop." Addison replied.

"Oh! Dr. Bailey I can see the top of his head! He's got a lot of hair. Oh he's cute." George said, able to see what was happening due to the mirror on the opposite side of the wall.


"Yeah?" George asked.

" Stop looking at my va-jay-jay!" Bailey ordered as George looked away instantly.

"Yes ma'am." George agreed.


Tucker is still flat lined in his OR. But, Cristina has now stopped CPR but is squeezing an ambu bag. Derek looks panicked and rips off all his equipment off himself. He pushes people out of the way and starts CPR himself.


Bailey starts pushing again, and hurting George and Eddie's hands but neither of them complained as they helped her breathe through it.


In Dereks OR, Tucker is still flat lined. Everyone looks despondent, nothing they seemed to be doing was helping or brining him back. Derek backs away from Tucker slowly. All of sudden he thumps a fist hard against Tucker's chest. The monitor is still flat-lined after that.

They'd have to call it soon.

And they weren't sure how they could handle that.

Or Bailey.


Meredith slowly pulling out more of the bomb.


In Derek's OR. All of a sudden the heart monitor starts beeping again. Trevor's heart rate is rising up. Cristina nods at Derek.

They had saved him.


"Dad!" Eddie called as she saw her father and brothers enter the hospital quickly running down the stairs, they were looking around, for either her or Conrad. "Alec! Dan!"

She didn't even realize she had called him dad.

"Eddie!" Henry called as his daughter rushed towards him and he scooped her up into a hug.

"Thank god you are here." She muttered as she hugged them.

Henry and Daniel had been able to catch a small privet plane, a favor from a former patient. And, Alec had caught a redeye directly.

"Have you heard anything?" Daniel asked.

Eddie shook her head no.

"Nothing yet. But no news is good news right?" She asked.

The three other men nodded as Henry hugged his daughter to him once more.

Glad, at least one of his children who worked here was safe.


Meredith is crying a little as she hands the bomb very careful to Dylan who is holding his hands out stretched to receive it. She removes her hand slowly.

"You did good." Dylan said as Meredith handed the bomb to Dylan.

Dylan starts moving slowly away from the operating table. Meredith also backs away as Burke and Quinn start operating on Mr. Carlson.

Dylan heads out the door and Meredith slowly follows him. She walks out the door and stands in front of it watching. Dylan is a few steps away ready to pass it off to another bomb Squad member who is standing ready to receive the bomb. All of a sudden there is a large explosion. Dylan is instantly blown up. The force is so strong that it flings Meredith backwards onto her back. It blows up various things in the hallway including nearby windows of adjacent OR's and scrub rooms. Meredith is caked in debris, blood and flesh.The lights are all blown and everything seems dark and dank. Some pieces of paper are light in small fires.

Falling around Meredith as she lays unconscious on the floor.


" What the hell is happening down there? Who's coming up? Okay." Webber said as he hangs up the phone.

"Come on sweetheart." Webber said to Adele.

Adele nods and Richard walks to in front of an elevator as she follows, followed, followed by the other doctors, and concerned family members. Even little Frankie was in the arms of her mother, who was watching the doors intently.

She wanted to go check on Meredith whom was in the bathroom, and promised once Conrad was up she'd join them in helping her clean up. Before she and her family headed home for the day.

Richard had told her and her fellow interns and a few other doctors who had been there for a while, that they could go home, and they could run on a skeleton crew for the night, since they had diverted everything momentarily.

"All right people! They're coming up." Webber said.

The elevator doors open revealing Burke, Conrad, and Derek standing in there. They walk up to the group.

"Derek." Burke said.

"Preston. Conrad." Derek said.

"Dr. Burke. Dr. Quinn. Is my husband um ... alive?" Mindy asked her.


"Is he ... gonna stay alive?" Burke said as he points to Hannah. "Thanks to that young lady over there he is."

"Thank you." Mindy said to Burke and Conrad and then went over to Hannah, and hugged her.

"Thank you. Thank you." Mindy told her.

"Where is she?" Derek asked, as Conrad rushed to his family.

"You had to be a cowboy." Webber complained as Derek just looked around.

"Where, where is she?" Derek asked again. 

Richard noticed Addison and motioned to her.

"She's right here." Webber said.

"Derek. You're okay. Oh, you're okay." Addison said as they hugged.

"That is not the 'she' he was asking for." Adele said knowingly.


"Dad! Alec! Dan!" Conrad said as he hugged them.

"Oh thank god." Henry said as he hugged his son to him as tightly as he could.

"I'm okay dad." Conrad replied.

"You're to never do that again." Dan said, "you scared ten years off our lives."

"Yeah. Sure." Conrad said as his brothers took turns hugging him.

"Hey Ed, how's Meredith?" Conrad asked concerned.

"Izzie and Cristina are taking care of her." Eddie said as she swayed Frankie.

"Go check on her. I have dad, Alec, and Dan to play mother hen with me, let me snuggle this one. We'll wait for you, okay?" Conrad asked, knowing he was fine, but Meredith had been shell shocked when they found her, and he knew she also was worried about her friend.

"But....I want to..."

"Go." Conrad said. "You'll be seeing a lot of me tonight, I am sure." 

Eddie nodded. They already planned to basically keep Conrad within their sight for a while. She gently handed over Frankie to her uncle, who hugged her as tightly as he could a little baby.


George walks up and peers his head through the door. He sees Izzie and Cristina helping a shell shocked Meredith still in her scrubs and gown into the shower. She's still caked in blood and debris. They remove her scrubs cap and gown but she still has on her pants and shirt. Eddie comes up to him and gently pushes in and tells George.

"We've got her Georgie." 

George nods knowing they do and he leaves to give them some privacy. Eddie joins Cristina and Izzie helped guide her under the shower head and begin washing her hair.


Late that night Cristina lies down on the bed in Burke's apartment.

"Burke, you awake? Burke? ... I love you too." Cristina said, but Burke continues sleep and Cristina rolls over and closes her eyes, her body drifting off to sleep.


"This is our son. William George Edward Bailey-Jones." Bailey introduced their son to her husband, who looked at him amazed.

They hadn't decided on the middle name of their son, going back and forth, but Bailey felt it right to name him after the two interns who made sure he entered this world. Her favorite interns.

"Hello. Hello my little man. Hello." Tucker said as he looked at his son amazed and then turned to Bailey, "He's beautiful." He told her.


Daniel had now taken Frankie and was getting in quality uncle time since he had yet to meet his niece while his brothers and father had as they all sat around the large two bedroom suite their father had rented at the Archerfield.

The Quinn-Sousa family were all laughing and talking as they ate their food they had ordered from three different restaurants. All of them were dressed in their pajamas, and basically decided they were to spend the night there. 

Eddie's phone rang, and she saw Mark was calling.

"Hold on." Eddie said, "I'll be right back."

She walked into the bathroom and answered the call. This was their usual time to call and talk.


"Hey, so how are you feeling?" Mark asked, the last time they had talked, everything turned out okay, well for everyone but the bomb tech, who died. But, everyone else survived.

"I am doing good." Eddie said. "Frankie and I are spending the night at the Archerfield with the Quinns." 

"Good." Mark said. "How is our girl?"

"She is good. She is currently being doted on by three uncles and a grandpa who seem to bring more gifts. I don't know how. I swear, I left them alone for thirty minutes, and they all had something!" Eddie said as Mark laughed.

"Good, it's good to be spoiled occasionally." Mark said.

"As long as it isn't a habit." Eddie said as Mark agreed, though he knew he would have a hard time with that.


Meredith is lying in bed looking out the window where it is pouring rain. There was a knock on her door and Izzie comes in.

"There's someone at the door for you." Izzie informed her.

Meredith found Derek standing in front of the door way waiting for Meredith. He sighs in relief when he sees her, okay and alive for himself. Meredith comes up and stands right in front of him.

"Hey." Meredith greets him.

"Hey. You almost died today." Derek said.

"Yeah. I almost died today." Meredith agreed.

He looks at her for a bit and then opens the front door to leave.

"I can't ... I can't remember our last kiss. All I could think about was I'm going to die today and I can't remember our last kiss. Which is pathetic, but the last time we were together and happy I ... want to be able to remember that. And I can't Derek. I can't remember." Meredith informed her.

" I'm glad you didn't die today." Derek told her honestly.

He goes to leave out the door. And, Meredith turns around to back upstairs. But he stops her when he speaks standing at the doorway; 

"It was a Thursday morning. You were wearing that ratty little Dartmouth t-shirt you look so good in. The one with the hole in the back of the neck." Derek said with a little chuckle.

"You'd just washed your hair and you smelled like some kind of flower. I was running late for surgery. You said you were gonna see me later and you leaned to me, you put your hand on my chest and you kissed me. Soft. It was quick, kinda like a habit. You know, like we'd do it every day for the rest of our lives. You went back to reading the newspaper and I went to work. That was the last time we kissed." Derek informed her.

He'd never forget it.

"Lavender. My hair smelled like lavender from my conditioner." Meredith informed him.

"Lavender. Huh." Derek said as he left Meredith standing there.


If you knew this was your last day on earth, how would you want to spend it?

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