Wish (Girl Sensation's Versio...

By GirlSensation

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This is a rewrite of the movie Wish, celebrating 100 years of Disney. However, the movie was received with mi... More

Wish (Girl Sensation's Version)
Song Revisions + Commentary
Forced To Be A Tour Guide
Out of Control
When You Wish Upon A Star
The Brightest Prince Ever...Literally
Treasure Hunt
Realizations and Recollections
Mother Knows Best
Operation: True Love
Night Market Festival
Secrets of Stell
Suspect Above Suspicion
Black Hearts, White Garments
Star-Studded Revolutionary Team
Prince in Peril
Battle of Truth
To Light Up The Sky
Lost Lullaby
'Til We Meet Again
New Beginnings, Missing Piece
The Starry Surprise

Victim and Fugitive

151 2 0
By GirlSensation

Stell: ASHA!

Asha: What!?

Stell: It must be hard for you...but it doesn't mean you have to close yourself to others. You're doing that again.

Asha: I—I...fine.

She told the story in great detail, recounting what happened in the dinner table.

Stell: What you come from, I got that. But walking out from your parents...not that great.

Asha: I can't afford to face them. They might rat me out.

Stell: You sure? I think a really awesome family maintains loyalty if the circumstances say so.

Asha: This isn't one of those.

Stell: Then explain to them who I really am. Just also tell your family not to snitch on me, 'kay?

Asha: You're right. Let's go to my place.


At the castle, crowds cluttered the stage as Magnifico enters with a pizzazz of colorful confetti, blue and green magic, and a shining smile.

Magnifico: A wonderful evening! As a monthly tradition, the wish granting shall now commence!

Everyone cheered.

Magnifico: As such, I will choose the worthy among this excited audience.

He paused, not just for suspense while looking at every person in the crowd, but to also formulate something: an idea.

Magnifico (mind): How can I utilize this...?

His eyes suddenly widened after a few minutes of brainstorming. He stared at a redheaded plump guy, who was bopping his head, closing his eyes, and almost fall to the ground of sleep.

Magnifico: It is your lucky day—or night, rather, Simon!

Simon: Wha-what!?

Magnifico: Come here, Simon!

Simon walked to the stage, however, the crowds were murmuring instead of cheering.

Audience 1: Isn't he one of the apprentices?

Audience 2: It should've been me!

Audience 3: Yeah. It ain't fair.

Simon noticed the commotion. As much as he liked his wish getting granted, he can't help but think; he's already an apprentice, and his wish is just really simple.

Magnifico: Well, what do you wish for?

Simon: Uh...not too much. I just want...a flexible schedule. So I can sleep.

Magnifico's eyes widened. Then his lips posed as if what he heard was cringe.

Magnifico: That's too simple...get a bigger dream!

Simon: But my dream already came true, Your Highness.

The people were shocked, discovering something new.

Audience 4: Does that mean...we can chase our own dreams!?

Audience 5: Then I can finally study as an apprentice!

Magnifico: Silence, please. (looks at Simon) You don't have a big dream? Well, I'll give you much more than sleep!

Simon: But Your Highness—

Green magic came out of his staff. Simon floats into the sky, and his wizard robes reform into armor.

Magnifico: Well, Knight Simon, I have a mission for you. Asha has been kidnapped by the Golden Eyed Evil. Find them, and bring her back safely.

Simon: Your Highness—

Magnifico: Do you wish to defy your dream? Your destiny? Your wish?

Simon: But this isn't—


Simon put his chin up and made a serious face. But the eyes could never hide how he really felt.


A knock echoed through the house of Asha's family.

Asha: Hello?

Stell: We're home, uh Sir, and Maam.

No one answered. Asha tried to pull the knob, but the door did not budge.

Asha: Locked.

Valentino: You two! The lights at the castle, look at 'em!

Asha and Stell observed what Valentino saw. The two finally heard the announcement. Then she turned to her pet goat, with a look of horror.

Stell: They left there.

Asha (mind): To a wish gathering ceremony.

Stell: We're dead. For real dead.

Valentino: Well, do we go now?

Stell: To the final forgotten wish? I'm tired.

Asha rummaged through her shoulder bag. She pulled out a pocketbook, fully written page-by-page, then flipped through it. A few seconds later, she stopped, and read the appropriate words out loud.

Asha: Unlock what is sealed, let confused mind be healed!

A magical blue trail twirled around the lock. It then disappeared, and the door suddenly opened outward.

Stell: That's nice.

Asha: So, welcome to my humble home.

The trio walked inside Asha's house. It was lit with yellow light, tables covered in floral embroidery, and chairs made of wood. Asha took the leftovers from the cupboard and cooked it into an open flame.

Valentino: YES! Family paella!

Asha: Sigh...well, it's not a family paella without my parents.

Valentino: Just try to talk to them.

Stell: Exactly. But anyway, I'm hungry. Do you have pudding?

Asha: No. Just this (holds the paella bowl).

Stell: I'm not eating leftovers.

Asha: How about you make dinner? You have the magic to create a full banquet.

Stell: I could. But I want to try your food. Human-made food.

Asha: Then eat this.

She placed the bowl on the dining table, in front of him.

Stell: (mind) Wait...something's missing.

His eyes and pendant glowed. It glimmered like the brightest star inside the room.

Something long and golden showed up. It was a spoon that had a star on its handle's tip.

Valentino: You forgot this guy's a prince.

Asha brushed off the statement. Why would she be surprised?

Stell: You should eat too. Eating gives you energy.

Asha: Well, okay, I guess.

She made another bowl of paella. Then Asha washed her hands, and sat down in front of him, munching on the meal with her bare hands.

The food had a perfectly savory taste, but Stell couldn't help staring at her, not because of disgust, surprisingly—to him.

Asha: Oh, sorry. I should get a—(blushing)

Stell: No no. It's okay. I just haven't seen someone eating with their hands (chuckled and blushed).

Valentino, who was sitting on the floor, smirked and stared at them teasingly.

Valentino (mind): These two should kiss.

Stell: Anyway...how do we plan for our final side quest?

Asha: Well, choose from the list.

Stell magically summons the scroll of names. He then reads it meticulously.

Stell: How about this (points to a female name)?

Asha: Hmm...wait. I don't think going to her is a great idea (skeptical).

Stell: Why?

Asha: Quesinda Malvar is a noble. It's not easy to get to nobles.

Stell: We could find a way.

Asha pursed her lips and looked up the ceiling for a few minutes.

The house was silent; everyone waited for her to speak. But little did she know, her parents were leaning sideways against the door.

Asha's Dad: (whispering) Did she just bring a boy home!?

Asha's Mom: (whispering) Probably why she ran away! (looks at her husband) What now? Do we barge in?

Asha's Dad: (whispering) The door is open.

Back inside, Asha felt like her bulb lit up.


Stell: Ooh! Tell me more.

Asha: IF WE—

All of a sudden, the door creaked loudly. Standing in the way were the parents, comically angry at their daughter.

Valentino: (looks at the parents) Uh, Asha! They're here!

Asha's Parents, Asha, and Stell: AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!

Asha's Mom: D-di-did our goat just talk!?

Valentino: Isn't it obvious?

Asha's Dad: Wha-what!? You—

Asha: I can explain—


Asha: Dad, he's not my boyfriend!

Stell: I AM!

Her parents went mute, their eyes widened and jaws opened.

Stell: We're friends, right? And of course, I'm a boy. So—



Asha's Dad: Explain yourself, young man. How did you meet my daughter and fell in love with her (takes his collar)?

The two were flustered, turning beet red. Asha looks at Stell, then nods her head, as if signaling her companion.

Asha: The truth is...he's Stell, a star.

Asha's Mom: I haven't heard of a celebrity with that name.

Stell looked back, nodding in affirmation.

Asha: Please. Keep this a secret...he is literally a star.

Stell's eyes and pendant glowed again, then a trail of gold swirled around his body. His midnight suit and starry cape reappeared, his hair slicked back again, and the pupils were once stars again, like his true self.

The parents' jaws dropped again from amazement and shock.

Asha: I wished. Then he came.

She told Stell's purpose and how she joined his mission, to which the couple finally comprehended.

Asha's Mom: Is that why...you ran away?

Asha: Originally, I...I was just...I felt that nobody believed me. I wanted to help the king by investigating the "illegal" wishes case, but learning this other side of the story, I can't help but side with him.

Asha's Dad: Are you...planning to rebel against him?

Stell: It's risky, yes, but I need to free my people. Doing this is the only way.

Asha: Mom, Dad, I'm sorry. For walking out. And for doing this.

The couple frowned, then stayed silent for a few minutes. Finally, they approached their daughter.

Asha's Mom: Asha...if you think this is the right thing to do...

Asha's Dad: We won't stop you. Your secrets are safe with us.

The daughter's eyes watered, then she grinned.

Asha: I love you all so much (hugs her parents)!

Her mom and dad embraced her in return. Tears also streamed down their faces.

Stell, on the other hand, couldn't feel the joy in the room. It reminded him of something painful.


The throne room was adorned with white pillars and gold curtains. Midnight blue trims accented the foundations, and a dome-like painting of the sky, each featuring the zodiac signs, became the center piece of the area.

Young Stell: Mother (runs)!

Stell's Mother: My son! What can I help?

Young Stell: I want to ride on horseback with Father. Can you tell me where he is?

Stell's father, the king of the wishing stars, arrived.

Stell's Father: I have heard about that. You are such a loud boy (joked).

The young prince laughed.

Stell's Father: I know you want horseback riding, but I am afraid that someone needs my help.

Young Stell: Who?

Stell's Father: A promising wizard. He has potential, however, a huge misfortune fell upon him. He calls for me. I have to leave, for now.

Young Stell: When will you return?

Stell's Father: The first night of the Libra season. Right before your birthday.

Young Stell: Really? If so, then can we ride around Nyxis once you return for it?

Stell's Father: Of course. In fact, I will create the best bridle and saddle for you. And then get you a nice horse.

Young Stell: Yay! Safe travels, Father!

Stell's Father: Goodbye, son. (looks at the queen lovingly) I will see you too, my love.

Stell's Mother: So will I. Please, be careful.

Stell's Father: Yes, I will.

He left the throne room, holding the handle of his sword. But he turned his face, setting a sweet smile to his family.

Stell never realized it. He never knew that it was the last time he saw his father. However, he knew one thing: the horrible event lost him almost everything.


A man in robes frantically ran inside the throne room. He, along with the queen, were peacefully sitting at their royal chairs.

Messenger: My queen! My queen!

Stell's Mother: What do you need?

Messenger: The king has not returned for days. And the sages...they sensed his magic in a new kingdom below Nyxis.

Stell's Mother: What? Then he must have accomplished his mission.

Messenger: If he did, my queen, then he would've returned long ago. However, he did not.

Stell's Mother: Then, have our guards search and find him.

The young Stell stared at his mother, his eyes sparkling with hope and worry. His mother also looked at him the same way, but she was doubtful; maybe her husband no longer exists. But she thought of the return of her husband, the father of her children.


It was Stell's birthday. Loads of shimmering flowers, golden ribbons, black tablecloths, and midnight blue chairs were prepared on the side of the ballroom.

The celebrant waited by mingling and dancing with a few girls his age. Then he drank his favorite juice. He paced back and forth in the room, but still, no sign of his father.

Young Stell (mind): I should find Mother instead.

He went to the queen's quarters, and knocked on its grand kaleidoscope door.

Young Stell: Mother? Should you also wait for Father? Mother?

He knocked again, a bit harder than the last. Stell accidentally pushed the door inwards with his fist.

Young Stell: Mother?

He saw a woman in her bed. The lady's eyes were closed, her lips faded, and her hair no longer glimmering. Next to it was an apple.

Young Stell: Mother? (shakes the queen) Mother? Wake up! Wake up, Mother!

He kept shaking her body, but his mother would not budge. Something was wrong.

Guards suddenly ran outside the room, which Stell notices.

Guard 1: My prince! The king has given a sign. He is calling all of us. We must go.

Young Stell: I cannot. I must stay with Mother. She is not awake.

The guard came to the prince's aid. He checked the queen. And his discovery was a horrific realization.


Valentino: You! Why the frown?

Stell: N-n-nothing (shrugs in fake confidence)!

Asha's father notices him.

Asha's Father: Oh, and you...come here. It's not really nice of us to miss you out.

Stell walks to the family, and hugs behind Asha. Her mother was shocked, but she smiled afterwards. Then, she looked at Valentino.

Asha's Mother: Val, come here too!

The goat ran to them as well, leaning his face on the mother's skirt as embrace.

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