Giving Well: Aetheria

By chokkolee_

103 20 67

Hundred of years ago life on earth was as predicted. The decline in birth and the disconnect from the idea of... More

My inspo
Ch.1 Departure-Beautiful, Moon 心結
Ch. 2 Arrival-Aetheria
Ch. 3 Aetheria- Sudden Link
Ch.4 Departure-Moon Daughter, 月娘
Ch.6 Fate-Attracting Light, Profound Darkness
Ch. 7 Fate 2-Chairoscuro Magnetism
Ch.8 Fate 2- Time Binding yet Unbound
Ch.9 Departure 3- Celestia
Ch.10 The Genji Family
Ch.11 Departure-Victorious Moon, 香月
Ch. 12 King's Royal Guard
Ch.13 Fated Trio, Trio of Fate
Ch.14 Elysian Academy
Ch. 15 Class Leadership
Ch.16 Classroom of the Elite
Ch.17 Greeting-Royalty or not
Ch.18 Greeting 2-Royalty or not
Ch.19 Prominent Display of Power
Ch.20 New Friends

Ch. 5 Departure 2- Bustling City

6 1 1
By chokkolee_

As she stepped outside and inhaled the crisp morning air, Tsukiko couldn't help but be grateful for her supportive family and the opportunities that awaited her at Elysian Academy. With her mind buzzing with creative ideas, she set off on her journey to District 3-Celestia, ready for her first day of learning and artistic exploration.

As Tsukiko walks through the bustling streets of District 3-Celestia. The air is filled with the scents of freshly brewed coffee and blooming flowers, adding to the overall enchantment of the community.

The exterior of Aethervale is nothing short of spectacular. Towering skyscrapers with sleek glass facades reach towards the sky, reflecting the sunlight in a mesmerizing dance of colors. The architecture is a harmonious blend of traditional charm and modern innovation, showcasing the city's rich history while embracing the advancements of the future.

As she strolls down the meticulously manicured sidewalks, she overhears snippets of conversation from passersby. Some of them seem to recognize her or speak of her work, making her heart swell with pride. She exchanges warm greetings with neighbors who have become familiar faces over the years, sharing updates on their lives and engaging in delightful banter.

"Tsukiikooo, my dear, your latest exhibition was simply breathtaking!"

exclaims Mrs. Jenkins in her singing voice, a kind-hearted elderly woman known for her love of art.

Mrs. Jenkins
"You've truly brought magic to this neighborhood."

Tsukiko blushes modestly, thanking Mrs. Jenkins for her kind words.

Tsukiko Chinen
"Thank you, Mrs. Jenkins truly you are too kind."

She says in a nervous tone, her cheeks and nose are slightly red at this point. As she struts past her neighbor.

The support from her community has always been a constant source of inspiration, encouraging her to push the boundaries of her creativity further.

Further down the street, She encounters Mr. Thompson, an aspiring writer who often seeks her guidance.

Mr. Thompson
"Ah, Tsukiko! The muse of Aethervale herself!"

he jests, a twinkle in his eyes.

"I hope you're not running out of inspiration anytime soon. We can't afford to lose our artistic beacon."

They share a spirited laugh, with Tsukiko assuring him that her well of inspiration is far from drying up. Their conversation meanders from their respective projects to the latest cultural events happening in the city, leaving her feeling even more connected to her artistic community.

She continues her journey through the vibrant streets, feeling grateful for the support and recognition she receives from her neighbors. The warmth and camaraderie in Aethervale nurture her creativity, providing a fertile ground for her artistic endeavors.

A curious thought pops in her head in response to her relationship with her community.

Tsukiko Chinen
"All of this is what I desire. Better than using that ability I had so much trouble controlling up until now. Yet, I still can't figure out the source of the glowing light on my face."

"I know just about everyone you can know in Aethervale, I should be an information broker with all the things I've seen and heard. Maybe even draw map."

"...and yet, nothing was found."

" It a pull of gravity a feint compulsion when I go for walks in the morning. Almost in the same spot I feel a slight presence not to far and yet, it is out of reach of me somewhere North-West of my Home. That would be heading towards the Gate to the high end town of Celestia 20 minutes from there."

"It's always slowly creeping up on me and dissipating at a gradual pace as quickly as it started. As if on the move. Sometimes it lingers longer and I try and take every opportunity to catch up to it. Clearly I won't find it in Aethervale. Especially after I spent weeks to cover District 2."

"Thankfully, I had mastered Stellar Influence. I got the hang of making me the target of the ability rather than a simple placement area effect. Thanks to this improvement I got around town much quickly."

"Not to mention little to any aches and pains in my feet. I also sustain a lot of stamina after a whole day of using this ability. Gravity is able to keep us grounded on this rotating planet. Even to a degree that we aren't crushed unable to move under the pressure, geez gravity is tricky.

"Clearly worth the effort of training my focus."

She exclaims, as she continues her stroll down town. Cars in local hover zones for fast travel beam past over head, whilst those with wheels are traversing the road. It's only moderate traffic on the roads as she passes by..

"Now since I can't ascertain the source of the energy I have been feeling in Arthervale"

"All that's left is inside the walls of such an up tight District. Which means it is time to take a stroll within Celestia, only way in is attending Elysian Academy."

"Although, that is partially why I am attending this academy rather than any of the standard educational institutions available in the city and outside of Aetheria."

With an invigorated spirit, she embraces the day ahead, ready to immerse herself in the world of artistic exploration & mystery's that awaits her in the heart of this sophisticated and vibrant

Tsukiko was making her way towards District-3 Celestia, the capital of the land. Her direction is northwest towards the gate, where she needed to go for the Entrance Ceremony, scheduled to start in just an hour. The journey would take her approximately 20 minutes on foot.

As Tsukiko walked, half way in she suddenly felt a new sensation, an unexpected surge of energy compelling her in a direction nearby. This caught her off guard, leaving her confused and slightly spooked. Pausing for a moment, she tried to gather thoughts and make sense of what was happening.

She takes a moment to gather her thoughts as she started questioning the familiar energy she had been sensing for some time. However, it didn't take long for her to realize that this was a different sensation altogether. The intensity initially grew, only to stabilize into a more moderately bottomless feeling. It was undeniably dark yet profound, with an underlying presence that seemed to contradict its cloak of darkness. But neither the light or dark felt naturals both were overwhelmingly pure.

she started questioning the familiar energy she had been sensing for some time. However, it didn't take long for her to realize that this was a different sensation altogether. Meaning this couldn't be the same entity she grew familiar of that made it seem like it was frozen in time yet moving. The intensity initially grew, only to stabilize into a more moderate feeling. It was undeniably dark yet profound, with an underlying presence that clearly was a contradiction to its darkness.

As the intense feeling begins to gradually fade, she quickly resumes her journey towards the Gate. Heading in the same direction of the attracting and repulsing energy that she picked up. Increasing her pace she starts jogging towards her destination. Soon, she reaches an open area that is filled with people. It is a bustling crowd in the large stone plaza grounds. Nestled as the intersection between the road to district 3 and the plaza where she stands.

What stands center of this plaza is a statue known by anyone who uses the main gate Entrance to get straight to the center of the Kingdom. A statue of a sovereign known in history as the Wizard King. Standing tall and with his staff in one hand and a open with flipping pages book in another. Dressed in a a robe with your typical large brimmed wizard IG hat.

Eagerly Tsukiko looks around as she stands in the middle of traffic of folks from different walks of life. A mix between residents of the kingdom and travelers from all over the world seem to be present here. Generally a typical day for such a well known part of the world. There not far from her stood what she was looking for.

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