The Queen Of Small Heath

By _FirstEdition_

347K 7.1K 141

The Queen of Small Heath Meet Aurora 'Rory' Steele. A girl with a 'take no sh*t' attitude but has a heart of... More

Meeting her.
Falling For Her.
You're Never Leaving Me.
Come Back To Me.
He's Back.
New Barmaid.
The Inspector.
I'm Sorry, Ada's What?
You Are Certainly Something.
Tommys Office.
Billy Kimber.
I'm Sorry, baby.
We've Been Done Over.
Excuse Me?
You're A Liar, Tommy Shelby!
Will You Ever Leave Me, Ro-Ro?
Black Star.
It's Over, Grace.
The Garrison Explodes.
Family Meeting.
We're In Sabini's Club?
London Gangster...Or Is He A Baker?
No One Ever Remembers My Birthday.
Mr Steeles Boxing Ring.
Michael Or Henry?
Garrison Reopening.
The Digbeth Kid.
A Thousand Guineas On A Horse?
Arthur And Michael Are In Prison!
Shelby Wedding.
No Fucking Fighting!
Russian Business.
Peakys Vs. Calvarys
Angel Changretta.
Charity Dinner.
I Didn't Ask For Seperate Meetings.
Mrs Changretta.
Meeting In The Woods.
Daddy's Home.
Alfie's In Birmingham.
Aurora Shelby Insitute.
You Crossed A Line!
Father Hughes.
We'll Hang.
I Need My Wife.
A Shelby Christmas.
Who's Dead?!
The Coin Toss Is Sacred.
You're Not Sorry.
You're Alive.
We're Having Another Baby.
The Gypsy Kid Vs. The Cockney Giant.
In Labour.
A Glass Of Water.
Wall Street Stock Exchange.
Michael's Back.
The Man We're About To Meet Is The Devil.
Auroras Birthday.
Old-Fashioned, Backstreet, Razor Gang.
Did Barney Kill Mosley?
Bonus Chapter. Cabin.

Tell Him You Don't Mess With The Peaky Blinders.

1.5K 29 0
By _FirstEdition_

Tommys POV

As we stand staring at the wagon that doesn't really hold Arthur inside, a woman's voice shout out. "Thomas! Aurora!" Me and Aurora quickly turn our heads to see Mrs Changretta who holds a white flag and stalks towards us. "It's alright. Let her come." I instruct, squeezing Auroras hand quickly before I walk off towards the woman.

"Please. Let him go in peace." I bargain before turning around. Walking back to the wagon, I take my lighter from my pocket and throw it towards the oiled carriage. The hot flames begin to spread as me and Aurora share a look. "Come on, Pol." Aurora says, linking her arm with Polly's and walking off as I lead.


"Your note talked about making terms for peace. But my son says there is no terms. You took my husband and my son. We took two of your brothers." Mrs Changretta spoke, glancing around the room. Aurora and Polly sit either side of me in Polly's sit-room as Finn stands behind Aurora, his hand on her shoulder, their fingers linked together.

"The vendetta is done." I announce noticing Aurora's fist clenching. "We say the vendetta is won. We will take everything you have. All your businesses, signed over to us. You agree to this or my son will kill you, one by one." Mrs Changretta says and Aurora scoffs, shaking her head.

"The vendetta is won. That's it. No more killing." Tommy agrees. "Who do you think you are, Mr Shelby? Mrs Shelby?" Mrs Changretta questions and Aurora stands up abruptly. "I've got business to attend to." She tells me, taking her jacket from the hanger. "Aurora?" Mrs Changretta calls and Aurora turns to her, glaring.

"Me and John spared you. I think we made a mistake." She growls. "John had to die, Scarlett. It was the only way." Mrs Changretta says and Aurora glare turns deadly. "Baby." I warn, standing up but she ignores me. "Be grateful you're still breathing because I would gladly slit your throat." She growls before she turns around and storms off as I sigh.


"Ror, stop pacing." I tell her as she paces behind me. "Well, I'm sorry but incase you've forgot, I'm fucking pregnant and don't want my baby to be harmed." She snaps. "Easy, mama-bear." I tell her softly and she sighs, rubbing her stomach. "Sorry." She mutters and I grin before it drops as Italians start to flood the distillery.

"All that's left of the Peaky fucking Blinders." Luca taunts, coming to stare down at me, clicking his fingers and someone brings over a briefcase, opening it and placing files down on the table.

"I've had my lawyer draw up these papers. They cover every enterprise in your possession. Bars, restaurants, warehouses. Every fucking thing that you've taken all these years to gather together. You will sign them all over to my family or your whole family is going to die. Staring with Aurora and I'll make you watch the life drain out of that pretty little face. Told you I'll see you soon, Mrs Shelby." Luca says, looking at me but pointing at Aurora.

"My mother told me about the two of you. She said that you, Aurora, let her go but see I wanted to bury you all. But she said it'll be worse for you if I let you live and take away everything you have." Luca says, his eyes now darting between me and Aurora, as we both glare at him.

"Search them." Luca orders pulling a gun from my jacket. "Especially don't trust these bitches but be careful with the young one. She's pregnant." Luca winks at Aurora before he rips open the front of Polly's top and all of us comply. "How many fucking knives do you have?" One man asks Aurora, placing three knives on the table. "Honest answer?" Aurora smirks, and they nod as if she's stupid.

"I don't count. I count guns, knives are a plan B." She says as they rip off her jacket roughly, pulling some more knives from her holster. "Hey! I said be careful. Do not harm the baby." Luca warns and Aurora stays smirking. "Do you always carry so many knives?" Finn asks her. "No, that was just for fun." Aurora replies quietly.

"So, sign. Every fucking one of them. You can sign them on your knees, on the floor." Luca says shoving the papers onto the floor. But seeing I wasn't moving anyway, he throws the table to the side. "Get on your fucking knees and sign!" He yells and I crouch down, maintaining eye contact.

"You know a friend of mine once said, 'big fucks small'. So I had to find someone bigger than you. Now, you may know there are two families in Brooklyn, who may want to take over your monopoly on the import of liquor into New York." I say. "But if they move against you in New York, they'll start a war between the families." Polly adds.

"However, if you were to die in a vendetta with some fucking bookmaker in Birmingham, they could take over your business without a war." I say. "We also contacted a business man in Chicago. He's also interested in moving into the liquor business in New York. His name is Alphonse Capone." Aurora speaks up.

"You've been talking to that fat fuck?" Luca spat. "You see, all the blood relatives you brought with you from New York, they're all dead, Mr Changretta. And these men here, they work for money, for the highest bidder. They now have new orders." I tell him.

"Is that right? Even you, Matteo?" Changretta asks, turning to face his 'men'. Slowly turning back to me, reaching for his gun but Aurora is faster and she picks up one of her knifes, throwing it into his wrist. It makes him drop the firearm and I get to my feet as we get into a fist fight, and I smash his head against the gin bottles.

Holding him by his hair, I turn his face to the door that's just opened. Arthur walks in with Isaiah and few other Peaky boys. Raising his gun, Arthur fires it and puts a bullet through the Italians head. "Tell your people in Chicago, that Michael Gray will sign the import license to New York. Three hundred barrels of English dry gin a month." I speak to Changretta's ex-men. "Leave. Tell your boss what you saw here today. Tell him you don't fuck with the Peaky Blinders." Arthur orders before Aurora and him hug as she squeezes him tightly.


"Listen up! Before we go and eat, I'd like to say a few words." I say gaining the group's attention, wrapping my around Aurora's waist. "Last time we were all here, it ended badly." I say. "Understatement." Polly says lowly. "And now, we're in a happier place. That's it. I'd like to raise a toast." I say, lifting my glass.

"Hold on, hold on, a few words I want to say front the heart and this time, you're gonna let me finish, Tommy. Now, as you all know, Arthur Shelby is dead. 'Cause of that, Tommy's offered me a way out. A new identity. Start a whole new life for me self. I've thought about it...mad a decision." Arthur pauses. "I ain't fucking going nowhere!" He smirks as we all cheer.

"Our enemies are gone. Dead, all of them. For the first time since me two kid brothers, Tommy and John, enlisted in the Warwickshire Yeomanry, we have peace. So, I think I'd like to make a proposal that all of you, the Shelby Company Limited, insist that Tommy here, take some time off. Time you took a holiday, Tom. Put your feet up. War's over. No one wants to kill us." Arthur says.

"So, to peace." He raises his glass as does everyone else when me and Aurora share a look, and I nod. "Well, we've actually got some news. Some of you know, some of you don't. Uhm, so I'm pregnant, again. Almost five months." She says and everyone bursts into cheers, Arthur's the loudest.

"You're pregnant? Rory, you're fucking pregnant!" He shouts, picking her up into a hug making her laugh. "Arthur, be careful." I scold, shaking my head but Arthur ignores me. "You're pregnant." He says again, quietly, placing his hand in her small bump. "John would have loved this. You being pregnant, him being an uncle again." He says lowly and only I hear him and Aurora nods sadly, placing her hand over his.

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