Band aids - a Newtmas AU

By _Newts_limp_

209K 8.5K 10.1K

Newt is a suicidal teen who feels he is worthless. Thomas as has had feelings for the boy for a short while b... More

Chapter one -
Chapter two-
Chapter three-
Chapter four-
Chapter five-
Chapter six-
Chapter seven-
Chapter eight-
Chapter nine-
Chapter ten-
Chapter twelve-
Chapter thirteen-
VOTE!! (Not a chapter)
Chapter fifteen-
Chapter sixteen-
Chapter seventeen-
Chapter eighteen-
Chapter nineteen-
Chapter twenty-
Chapter twenty one-
Chapter twenty two-
Fun Facts

Chapter eleven

8K 362 226
By _Newts_limp_

Thomas let out such a blood curdling scream you'd know someone was dying as he stared in horror. A truck had been speeding down the street. It hit Newt with a bone crushing thunk.

Thomas ran over to Newts frail body, that was pushed deeply into the ground as the truck pulled over to block more cars from comming.

"Newt! Newt!" His voice straining with every word, his screams seemingly pointless since Newts face was pale and violently bare.

A beer bellied man with a grey whiskery beard and beady green eyes stumbled out of the car, pulling off his hat and apologizing profusely.

"Who the hell are you people?!" Newt dad shouted, stumbling through the doorframe.

"My son is one of Newts friends, my name is Melissa." Melissa calmly explained as a few tears slipped from her eyes.

"It's not my fault he died!" Newts father shouted, grabbing Melissa by the shoulders and shaking her.

Melissa nodded in fear and confusion.

"Not. My. Fault." He slowly repeated then dashed back into his house.

Thomas's bone chilling wails echoed trough the night only stopping when drowned out by sirens.

People rushed out of the white vehicle and placed Newt on a stretcher.

* * *

Thomas sat at home twiddling his thumbs. His body draped across the purple armchair of his living room.

His phone vibrated on the wooden coffee table.

Thomas slowly dragged himself up with sloth like movements.

Mom: Newt still isn't responding. I'm sorry, Thomas.

Thomas bit his lip trying to not let his tears slip. It wasn't healthy to do this to himself but he did.

His mother told him to stop asking her to send him updates on Newt but he got upset when she didn't, even though he got upset when he saw the updates.

Thomas hadn't been to school in a few days, he couldn't make it through the day without having a breakdown.

His phone began to ring. He answered quietly. "Hello?"

"Where have you been?!" A framilliar voice shouted into the phone.

"I'm sick, Minho."

Thomas could hear his scoff. "Sick my ass!" He shouted loudly. "You haven't been to school in like four days!"

"Minho." He groaned. "You being loud in my ear." Thomas hung up after that, not caring what he was going to say next.

Eventually Thomas got up and walked to the fridge. He found some wine and pulled it out.

"Why not?" He mumbled pouring it into a cup, even though it was one in the afternoon.

The drink felt nice. He didn't want to be where he was right now, he didn't want to be Thomas right now.

One refill, two refills, three refills, four refills, and Thomas kept drinking.

He felt light headed and soon collapsed onto the floor.

That evening when his mother arrived he was still on the ground.

"Thomas!" She shouted, waking him up.

"Mom?" He slurred.

"Come on, Thomas!" She angrily exclaimed as he helped her son up the stairs and into bed.

As she closed the door she sighed heavily and though to herself.

If this is what he does to himself while Newts in the hospital what's he gonna do if Newt dies?

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