
By f4bulous

20.2K 471 17

"His touch made me feel tipsy, and I wanted to be drunk." - Julia Cunningham is a sports photographer in Nash... More



548 13 0
By f4bulous

The best part about being post-season is that we finally get some time off. No more having to go to the stadium every day for a few weeks. Until spring training begins.

Miles technically is never off. He has spent hours in the gym all week to keep up his training to be better next season.

The only way I got him to relax for a few days was to talk him into going on vacation, but I let him pick the place, and I'm still not sure it'll go well. He picked Vegas, which is where we are now, getting ready to head out for the night.

We decided to invite all our friends to come with us. Riley and Emma didn't bring anyone with us. Miles hadn't said a word to Emma or his sister about anything. They don't even know that he knows. It's like he just blurred it from his mind.

We decided to stay at the Venetian since it is towards the middle of the strip. I didn't realize how fucking large these buildings were. I swear I've walked over twenty thousand steps today.

I wore a black jumpsuit that was cut in a V down to the middle of my stomach. It was incredibly sexy, and I would have never worn it until Miles saw it and made me put it on. It shows off every curve I have, and my breasts are on full display, but hey, we're in Vegas.

I wore black heels and checked my hair and makeup one last time before finding Miles staring outside the hotel room window down at the Las Vegas Strip. The view was breathtaking. We were so high up that we could see everything; people looked like ants from up here.

I walked behind Miles, wrapping my hand around his shoulder, "I'm finally ready."

He unfolds his arms and looks down at me as he eyes me up and down. I blush as his eyes rake down my body, lingering on my breasts. His arm wraps around my waist as he pulls me in, "Julia, you look beautiful. Wait- no. You look fucking sexy."

I smile, looking down at all the skin I'm showing. "Not used to this kind of outfit."

His fingers trace up the front of my stomach, tracing over my breasts and to my throat. He wraps his hand around the back of my neck, leaning down and kissing me. "I'm not going to be able to keep my eyes off your boobs."

I laugh, "Well, it's a good thing we're in Vegas. I'm sure there are far worse outfits people are wearing tonight." I grab my purse, and we head to the lobby. Miles booked us a ride on a gondola, which I thought was super romantic.

The sun was setting behind the gigantic building when we got to the water to get on the gondola. It was picture-perfect.

The gondolier offers his hand to me to step inside, and Miles follows me. There was hardly anyone here since it was mid-week in February. It was a little chilly out here, but Miles sitting beside me was warming enough.

The gondolier rows us across the hotel's river as he sings a romantic lullaby in Italian. I lean into Miles as we relax and watch the hotel's surroundings.

Miles clears his throat, "Julia?" He asks, his fingers dancing across my shoulders.

"Miles," I say, turning to look at him.

"Is it," he pauses, looking embarrassed. "Is it cliché to ask you to marry me while we're in Vegas?"

I laugh, "I don't think it would be."

"Good." He shifts, the boat slowly rocking from his movements. His hand darts into his dress pants, pulling out a blue box, and I gasp. I didn't realize he was going to do it now. Oh my God.

He struggles to get onto one knee since we are on a boat, but he finally settles. He reaches towards me, flicking the box open and revealing the most beautiful ring I've ever seen. It was the shiniest diamond I'd ever seen. Actually, it's the only diamond I've ever seen, but it was beautiful. It was attached to a gold band that would match all my jewelry.

I grin as Miles looks terrified. I can practically see the sweat dripping off of him.

"Julia, I knew you were something special the moment I laid my eyes on you. I knew I'd never be able to let you go. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?"

I nod, raising my hand out to him. He plucks the diamond out of the box and easily slides it on my finger. I was right. It looked perfect.

He sits back down in the seat next to me, and I pull him in for a kiss, "I love you so much," I tell him, never wanting to break away from him.

"I love you too, Julia."

I want to do nothing but go back to the room and thank him. We spent the rest of the boat ride in peace as we both couldn't take our eyes off the ring. I can't imagine how much he paid for it. I know it was expensive.

After the gondola ride, he takes me to a fancy restaurant inside the hotel. I can't stop staring at my hand. Miles can't, either. Neither of us has wiped the smug smile off our faces, and I know tonight will be a long night for us—a long night of fun.

I swirl the wine in my glass, looking at smiles, "You do realize you asked me to marry me before you asked me to move in, right?"

"You're too observant," he mutters, rolling his eyes. He grabs my hand across the table, "Honestly, I didn't want to spend another minute without asking you. I've wanted to ask since the dinner with your parents when I asked your dad for your hand."

"What? When did you do that?"

He lets go of my hand and leans back in his seat. I want to wipe the smile off his face. "You were so damn wasted when we got there. Your mom made you go to the bar and get water while we waited for our table."

"That's why you let it slip out that you had a ring."

"Yeah, fresh on the mind."

"I can't believe my dad let me go that easily. What a douche," I joke.

"Well, honey, you know the type of charm I have. Everybody loves me."

I snort, "Wait till your fans find out you're getting married. I think the world might end that day."

"They already know," he says, sipping his beer.

"What? How?"

"I may have hired a photographer to catch the moment."

I yank my phone from my purse and see the many notifications on my phone screen. "Shit. Do the girls know?"

He nods, "Yep. They were next to the photographer. I'm sure they have pictures too."

At least they won't bitch at me for not telling them. I click on a photo sent to me of the two of us on the boat. Tears swarmed my eyes at the sight of us. So in love. "Miles," I croak.

"Oh, don't cry, Babe. You'll make me emotional." What did I do to deserve this man? He is truly an angel.

Suddenly, my mind crossed over to the fact that he was engaged to another woman just a year ago. I look away from him, trying to push it from my mind. Was he as perfect to her as he is to me? "I know that look, Julia. What's wrong?" I shake my head, taking a long gulp from my drink. "Julia," he lowly growls.

I sigh, looking him back in the eyes, "How did you propose to Caroline?" I blurt.

Something flashes in his eyes. Hatred? Confusion? He rolls his eyes, "Really?"

"You were the one who made me tell you. I wasn't going to say anything."

He takes a long sip from his drink and stares into my eyes. I want to tear mine away, but I'm frozen. Even when he's annoyed, he still looks at me like I'm his world. His silence makes me wonder what he's thinking about. Did he put her so far back in his mind he forgot about her?

"We were at her family's house for her birthday when I asked her to marry me. Her entire family was watching; it was honestly creepy. Part of me knew deep down I shouldn't. My gut knew something I didn't and obviously shouldn't have done—one of my biggest regrets in life, but you, Julia. You changed my life from the moment I met you. You made me feel alive. You were one of the first to make me laugh after I left Caroline, and I'll never forget how it felt."

A tear slips down my cheek, "I love you. Sorry, I asked."

"You can ask me anything, and I'll tell you. I'll tell you all about my past relationships, when I had my first kiss, when I lost my virginity, anything."

A smile tugs on my lips, "Alright, hotshot."

My gaze turns to my hand once again as the diamond shines off a light from the restaurant. Miles takes that hand again, "So, you moving in, or what?" He says with a smirk.

I laugh, "What? No romantic gesture?"

He chuckles, "You're right. I should have asked while I was coming inside you later."

I about choked on the last sip of wine I was drinking, "Jesus, Magic Mike. No chill."

"Come on, let's get drunk and lose some money." He stands up from the table, pulling his wallet out to leave a tip. I follow behind him out of the restaurant to see my friends watching us from the bar across the hall.

Enma comes barreling out of the bar, wailing, "Julia!" She approaches me, snatching my hand and looking at the ring. "Oh my god, it's even more beautiful on you!"

The rest of our friends follow behind her, eager to see my ring. "Wow, Moore. You did good," Caleb says, patting Miles on the shoulder.

"That's because we helped pick It out," Amber chimes in.

Miles chuckles behind me, his hand snaking around my waist. "Honestly, after fifteen minutes, I handed Amber my card and went outside and sat on the curb. They did the absolute most in picking it out. I thought they were the ones going to her and not me."

I turn in his arm to look at him, "You ass. It took only fifteen minutes for you to give up?"

"He literally asked the lady to ring him up their most expensive ring. He even showed her a picture of you and asked what she thought you'd like. Thank God we were there because you would have hated it," Riley spills, earning a glare from Miles.

I bite my lip to prevent myself from laughing. I swear. I don't know how I landed this man, but I'll make it a promise never to forget how he's treated me like I'm his heaven. His sanctuary. He spoils the hell out of me, and I don't deserve it.

"Babe, don't listen to them. They," He points to all three of my friends, "Literally told me to leave. They said they were feeling anxious because I was breathing down their necks. Riley even called me nosy." That makes me bust out laughing. Im so glad to call them my best friends.

Amber claps her hands together, "Okay, we got shots in here waiting for us. Let's go. Come on, let's celebrate!" We all cheer, following in behind her.

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