The Switch (pjo/hp)

By Nerd_andproud_tobe

2.5K 131 31

Percy wakes up and suddenly finds himself in an unfamiliar place, surrounded by unfamiliar people who use an... More

Charter 1: So Lost and Out of Place
Charpter 2: Percy Finally Understands What the Hell is Going on
Chapter 3: Harry Potter is Back!... Sort of.
Chapter 4: Hogwarts Gets Crowded
Chapter 5: One, Two, Three... Four?
Chapter 7: Dragons!?
Chapter 8: The Strength Within
Chapter 9: The Weighing of the Wands
Chapter 10: Alright, Maybe Two Strengths from Within
Chapter 11: The First Task
Chapter 12: Why Can't Anything Be Easy?
Chapter 13: All The Girls Hate Percy, and Maybe Cedric Does Too
Chapter 14: The Yule Ball
Chapter 15: Ever Heard of Privacy?
Chapter 16: The Second Task
Chapter 17: Mr.Crouch Goes Insane
Chapter 18: Percy Finally Understands
Chapter 19: Why You Gotta Ruin The Peace With Bad News?
Chapter 20: Meanwhile
Chapter 21: The Third Task

Chapter 6: Framed and Famed

117 6 2
By Nerd_andproud_tobe

He finally reached the painting of the fat lady. He couldn't wait to just crash in his bed and be miserable.

"Caput Draconis." He said dully before the fat lady could say anything. She swung open with an annoyed look.

As Percy entered the common room, there was a burst of sound. He jumped, and every Gryffindor approached him, asking him how he managed it and congratulating him. Someone even tied a Gryffindor flag around his neck like a cape.

"Even we couldn't do it, Harry." One of the Weasly twins said.

"Yeah, it's bloody brilliant!" The other shouted, and everyone cheered back in response.

"No, guys, I didn't-" Percy tried, but it was no use.

"We snuck some food in from the kitchen to celebrate!"

"C'mon, Harry!"

"Guys, please, I'm tir-"

"Now, are you gonna tell us your secret or not?"

"Yeah, Harry. How'd you manage it?"

"I didn't put it in!" Percy yelled, silencing everyone. He was tired, distressed, and depressed. Why couldn't they just let him sulk miserably in peace? "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm tired."

He knew he was disappointing them, everyone, but he just couldn't do it. He couldn't party for a reason like this because he honestly didn't want to die.

He climbed up the flight of stairs, finally entering the dorm. To his relief, he spotted Ron sitting on his bed, and Percy sat on his own bed, (or Harry's) sighing.

"Oh, thank the Gods you're here." Percy said. "I needed a familiar face to calm me down."

"From what?" Ron said coldly. "Why would you do this?"

"Oh, c'mon. You actually believe that I put my name in?" Percy laughed half-heartedly. "I would never, I swear."

"But you did!" He scowled. "You're ruining Harry's reputation even more than it was already ruined! And you could've at least told us you would do it!"

"I swear on my life, I didn't do it!" Percy said, now angry. "Besides, I'm basically signing my death warrant. I know nothing about magic. Why would I do it?"

"Well, I don't know what crossed your mind, but we trusted you, and you failed our trust." Ron spat. "You know, after we figured out you weren't Harry, we could've just thrown you back into the woods to rot!"

"You must be really thick to actually think I would put my name in intentionally." Percy fought back. "I'm not stupid, and I don't have a death wish!"

"Alright, whatever you say." Ron muttered as he lay down, turning his back on Percy.

Gods of Olympus, life just couldn't bear to see him happy. Just when he started to fit in at Hogwarts, boom! Some mystery person enters him in a deathly competition, framing him of doing so. Percy drew his curtains, fuming, as he flopped onto his bed.

He thought he was too angry, scared, and depressed to fall asleep, but eventually, his eyelids became too heavy, and he slowly drifted off to sleep.


"Oh my Gods, Percy, finally!"

The voice came from a blonde girl with stormy grey eyes, and she looked really worried. "Um..." He mumbled.

"I thought the Iris message would never reach you!" She said. "Where are you?"

"I, uh." He struggled to form a sentence, than he finally said, "do I know you?"

"I-" her eyes widened. "Percy, do you remember anything?"

"Not really." He admitted, still no memory of the girl in front of him. He guessed he knew her, as she regarded him a way a friend would. "Only my name."


"Yes." He immediately said. If she knew Nico, he would love to see him.

"Really?" She seemed surprised that he remembered anything. "Who is it? Do you recall a name?"

"Yeah," he said, getting excited. "Nico?"

"I thought so. Wait a sec," she said. "I'll go get him."

Percy waited for her to come back. He was quite happy to finally be seeing a familiar face.

"Percy?" A deep, soothing voice yelled as he came into view. He was just as Percy remembered him. Dark hair, deep brown eyes, annoyingly tall, and overwhelmingly attractive. "Percy, are you okay? Where are you?"

"I'm fine. As to where I am, it's a long story." Percy gave a cocky grin.

"Are you at-"

But suddenly, everything got foggy, and his voice sounded far. "Percy, stay where you are! Don't leave!" Nico shouted. "I'll find you, I swear!"

Percy tried to say something, but everything faded away as he heard different voices around him.


He bolted upright, taking in his surroundings. He was in his bed, behind his drawn curtains. Those voices he had heard were coming from the boys getting ready for a school day.

All of yesterday's events came back to him, and he slumped back on his bed, groaning. He still didn't want to die, but seeing Nico, hearing him, ignited a small flame of hope inside him. He wouldn't mourn until the day of the task came. He wouldn't just quit, saying he's a goner. He was going to try. And when he was done posing as Harry Potter, he was going to remember. He was going to go back home.

He got up and got ready to face the day that came. As he dressed, he wondered if Hermione would believe him or not. He shoved the thought away. Of course she would. She was smart. She would know that Percy would never.


Yes, absolutely.

But what if she didn't?

Then he would go through it on his own.

Could he manage that?

Only the Fates can tell for sure, but he was hoping he could, as the Fates were vile creatures who seemed to hate him a lot.

Was he talking to himself?


Did he care?

He didn't give a shit.


Ron had pretended not to see Percy as he left the room. He avoided people's questions and ran out of the common room. Hermione wasn't there, so he guessed she was probably already in the Great Hall.

As he entered the hall, starving, he spotted Hermione and headed her way.

"Hey Hermione." Percy said as he sat down next to her. She was reading a newspaper, the Daily Prophet.

"Oh, so you're just going to go on like nothing happened?" She scoffed.

"C'mon, Hermione. You don't actually believe I did it, do you?"

"Did you?" She inquired.

"No, I didn't!" Percy said, agitated. "I mean, I don't know anything about magic. Why in Hades would I enter my name? I don't have a death wish!"

"Prove it."


"Prove you didn't put your name in the Goblet of Fire." She said, never taking her gaze off of her newspaper.

Percy was fuming. Did everyone he considered a friend really just go against him?

"Fine, think what you wanna think!" Percy said angerly. "How am I supposed to get proof? You expected me to place a camera in the Great Hall? Fine!" He said again. "I don't need your help anyway, I'll just die alone during the first task."

He stormed out of the hall, losing his appetite. He heard Hermione say something, but he didn't want to hear it. She didn't want to believe him? She can do what she wants, and so can Ron. Fuck them, he didn't need them.

But a part of him was hurt. Why would they think he would lie to them? All he did was be loyal to them, answering all their questions truthfully, and they stab him in the back like that?

I deserve better, Percy convinced himself.

As he thundered down the halls of Hogwarts, not really knowing where his feet were carying him, he heard footsteps from behind him.

"Go away, Hermione. I'm not hearing any of it." Percy spat, but he heard a different voice speak behind him.

"I'm not her, don't worry." Percy spun around, only to be face to face with Draco Malfoy. "I couldn't help but hear your argument. I'm sorry for them, they're quite annoying."

"Are they?" Percy snorted, as he began walking again, Draco following in pursuit.

"Oh, yes, very." The blonde complained. "I only ever tolerated them for Harry."

"They didn't seem that annoying at first." Percy noted.

"Well, I suppose they're not that annoying. Harry loves them."

"Why are you talking to me anyway?" Percy asked. "Don't you hate me?"

"I did at first, but that was only because I was blinded by anger. I thought you were Harry, and I guess anyone would hate someone posing as someone dear them, wouldn't they?"

"Yeah." Percy agreed, glad there was someone on his side. "Harry's your boyfriend, right?"

"That annoying little shit is in fact my boyfriend." Draco said, and Percy laughed. Draco joined, as they continued their walk down the empty hallways. "Say, did you put your name?"

"Ugh, I'm starting to get bored of this." Percy groaned. "No, I didn't, but technically I could've."

"How come?" Draco asked.

"Well, I'm pretending to be fourteen, but I'm actually around seventeen." Percy explained, and Draco snickered.

"You're quite short for a seventeen year-old." He laughed, as Percy jokingly pushed him.

"Shut up." But he giggled little too. "Do you actually believe me?"

"I mean you sound pretty sincere to me." Draco said, and Percy let out a sigh of relief.

"Great." Percy grinned. "Thank you."

"You don't need to thank me. That's what friends are for, right?"

Word count: 1653

Oh, look at that. I updated. Sorry guys, but I've been studying for my finals, and I barely have any free time. But hey, here's another update!

I really liked Percy and Hermione's friendship, but I also really wanted him to bond with Draco as well. Don't worry, they'll make up after the first task, like they didn't in the book.

Suggested fanfic: Sea Angels, by RainbowSpark18. (The sequel's called Death Wings)

Anyway, until the next chapter!

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