Escape from Remnant

By TheGoonsLover

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Tarkov is like a living breathing hell. It will play and toy with you. Let you believe you are one step ahead... More

Chapter 1: A day in customs
Chapter 2: Prapor
Chapter 3: The folder
Chapter 4: Unexpected
Chapter 5: Remember the Light House
Chapter 6: Something's gone all terribly wrong
Chapter 7: The withered silver rose of Texas
Chapter 8: The first shower in awhile
Chapter 9: Mercenaries and their bullets
Chapter 10.1: Mercenaries and their mission
Chapter 10.2: Mercenaries and their mission
Chapter 11: Eyeless dogs
Chapter 13: Lord of War
Chapter 14: Resounding Horror
Chapter 15: Another Purpose to a well oiled machine
Chapter 16: Survival with no purpose
Chapter 17.1: The world is your canvas
Chapter 17.2: So paint it all black
Chapter 17.3: Consequence of Thy Actions
Chapter 18: Simulation
Chapter 19: David versus Goliath
Chapter 20: The Vaulted Rabbit Hole
Chapter 21.1: The Die Is Cast
Chapter 21.2: The Die Is Cast
Chapter 22: Curtain Call Volume 1
Chapter 23: For What The Future Holds
Chapter 24: Unheard Of
Chapter 25: All Roads Lead To Ozpin

Chapter 12: Cacophony of War

227 6 4
By TheGoonsLover

Note: tarkov logic will be applied.

In rows of 10, 30 students sat in the lecture hall. They didn't know what to expect from this strange class that appeared onto their timetable. All their timetables were decided for them as teams based on their traits as a team by the staff at beacon academy who worked tirelessly the night before to do so while making sure all the teachers would be available. But this class was different, their combat training class with the headmistress Glynda Goodwitch was labeled as combat class 1, now there was another one called combat class 2 with no mention of who would be instructing the class. Only the time and location was present. The location was similar to the original combat class, divided into 2 sections with a area for fighting and a more standard layered seating area that went gradually higher. Safe to say they would be well equipped for this lesson given that all the amenities were present.

Special thing was that only 60 students worth of teams were assigned to take this class. But next to nobody was complaining since they were all mostly dedicated becoming professional huntsmen and understood that these classes were to make sure they did not fuck up in the end when actual lives were on the line. All of the students were gathered on time and were just waiting for whoever that would be teaching the class to walk through the door. But it would be foolish to say everyone was enthusiastic about the lesson to the uptmost degree.

They want to learn but it was the literal last class of the day and everyone was more eager for dinner or to head back to their dorms for whatever activities they may find more palatable. "So who do you think will be teaching this lesson?" Yang asked one of her friends sitting in the elevated row behind her. "Don't know. There was literally nothing about this class..." He says shrugging his shoulders. Beside Yang Weiss and Ruby were still thinking about the talk they had with Professor Port and headmaster Ozpin respectively earlier after the Grimm studies class incident with the boarbatusk. The shock on their faces when 2 familiar men walked into the class, it was the mercenaries from their initiation. Specifically the man with the brush stroke camouflage pants and man with blue vertical striped shirt.

They were still dressed in their combat attire even lugging their backpacks on their backs. "Alright you lot, we will be your instructors for this class." The man with the camouflage pants said, the 2 of them set their bags down on the teacher's desk and begin to peel off their head gear. First it was their helmets, then off their masks went also onto the table, the camouflage man did not take off his aviator sunglasses for some reason though. The both of them looked remarkably similar yet distinctly different at the same time being both bald and having been through enough stress to permanently alter their faces.

Next to come off was their weapons setting aside their long guns onto the table. Ruby's eyes immediately sparkled at their guns, they were so different compared to everyone's like there was a brutal aspect to it. Very utilitarian. Weiss was disgusted remembering what one of them told her but since the talk with professor Port those feelings had slightly calmed down knowing this wasnt daddy Schnee's perfect mansion anymore. "We, are not teachers nor lecturers here, we are mercenaries. You will not find out about us so don't even try. My name is Texas, no that is not my real name. My friend's name is Moron." Some of the students in the back snickered to themselves hearing the other instructors' name.

"Ay you little shits in the back, got something funny you want to share with us all?" Moron snaps his fingers and points to the back of the classroom, the students immediately feel the gaze of seemingly a thousand eyes come down on them.

"Look I'll be honest here, we will swear, we will insult you, we will berate you because what we are teaching must get into your head. This is life and death stuff I'm teaching you about. Outside of smalll practical assessments there will be no examinations. But hey I'm not responsible when civvies die on your watch." This was unexpected, a very far cry and atmosphere for what they expected from a class.

"Alright, now shall we get into the meat and potatoes? This class is to teach you about fighting, I don't mean flashy pipe dream one on one fights or against the Grimm. I'm talking pure survival, practicality, down to earth. You there." Texas points to Weiss to which she is taken aback by her name suddenly bring called.

"Tell me, when I don't know your out in a situation for survival do you know how to scavange for the supplies you need?"

"" She responds not knowing the answer to such a question. To her there is no world she could imagine where not even food nor water is available to her.

"Alright what about you?" He points next to Ren who is much more composed than Weiss was.

"Do you know how to treat a gunshot wound? Never mind on yourself but another person?"

"Hm...wouldn't aura heal the wound?"

"No shit Sherlock but you have a bullet embedded inside you now. Plus it depends on where the bullet has hit, what kind of ammunition was used. Aura is not a catch all way to heal yourself, it is slow and you potentially run the risk of bleeding out if you just stand around waiting for it to heal on its own."

Everyone begins to understand what he is talking about now, Glynda only taught about fighting. This was a whole new scene of fighting.

"When your shot by a full metal jacket bullet let's say, and the damage it causes to you is too severe for your aura to fix on its own. The bullet has embedded itself into your arm, it has fractured one of your bones, hit a artery causing blood to gush out all while your in the heat of combat. Just imagine the pain and stress clouding your decisions on what to do!"

Everyone of the students talked to each other giving their own answers, some more smug while others actually trying to answer the question.

"You will not be fighting just Grimm out there, you will be fighting people too. The police isn't available every single time and like hell your in atlas so the military is out of the question. You have to be willing to incapacitate, kill! Now let's begin the lesson, first lesson you will learn the basics!"

"Weiss...? I don't think this is a normal class..." Ruby gives a side eye to Weiss feeling something was very wrong with the class. The atmosphere was very uncomfortable for the students but they couldn't leave. At least the class isn't graded outside of small assessments. Texas takes a step back and begins to unpack his backpack of the class materials, Moron comes up next seemingly less confident than Texas.

"Don't mind my accent students but today as my friend said we learn the basics! Starting off with meds! You will need to know about the choices of medicine and healing items that are available to you. What do they do? What are the differences between the seemingly similar things. For starters what do you carry?"

The students started shouting out random answers but almost none of them were actually good, most just shouted bandages or prescribed medication for minor diseases like the common cold, a few actually shouted out a individual first aid kit which was good. Moron singles out a student who had given the glorious answer of bandages, not even regular bandages, the kind that are stuck on to cover a scratch.

"Surely your not too much of a fucking idiot to use bandages on a heavy bleed are you? It would just soak and soak and soak up all that juicy oxygenated blood into that bandage then keep flowing out!"

Texas takes over stepping forward pulling out his medical supplies as a example of how not to die of medical related situations. He takes out his AFAK from his LBT Load Bearing Chest Rig showing it to the class.

"This is my trustly AFAK, or to give it its full name the adaptive first aid kit. It contains nearly everything needed for immediate attention to wounds while in combat. It is the prime example of a first aid kit, usually you can get these easily on the market, just look around."

It was a black pouch with a little red cross emblazoned on the top right of the front to signify its purpose. Unzipping the kit open, Texas reveals a array of medical tools at his disposal. He moves a projector to focus onto the opened AFAK so that the students could all see what was inside clearly. Pointing to the components he begins to explain each and everyone of them's purpose.

"Starting off we have bandages, these are not your regular bandages for cuts and scrapes. These bandages are more so for light bleeds as we call them. Then there are tourniquets these are for when blood is spewing out everywhere left right and centre. There are also these, I'll be honest this shit is experimental military but if you get them they will save you a good few seconds, they are called haemostatic applicators which can stop heavy bleeds too. Of course you can improvise, absorbant rags plus alcohol equals sterile bandages, likewise belts, ropes or strong rags can serve as tourniquets in a pinch."

It went on and on and on, nearly everything about the basics of medical supplies and healing. Most of the students did not know how to cope with the sheer amount of knowledge being transmitted to them. Team CRDL had already given up, so did most of Yang's friends, Ruby was trying to pay attention but she felt like the wait of the world was upon her, Yang had given up altogether, they say that the human mind can focus effectively on 3 things at once well blake and weiss had to put all their focus onto what was being taught.

"And that's why you need to have a CMS. Any questions...?" There was a second of pause signifying how absolutely drained the class was. Moron looked back to Texas having taken over sometime when they has begun to discus the topic of painkillers. "Alright since you lot are bored to kingdom come how's a little exercise? Moron hit it."

"Alright." He punches in some commands into the projector and a image comes up on the screen.

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