נכתב על ידי lieveliveslife

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"All the dreams that I ve seen for us will come true ,the only difference is that I won't be there in any of... עוד

12] "PDA & DRAMA"
15]"FEAR & FIGHT "
"Trailer "
24] "WAR & ORGASM "
Alternate picturisation
⚠️28]"WILD & WILDER"
⚠️29]"WEEK & WEAK"
⚠️35]"EGO & GO "
38 ] "MOM & DAD"
⚠️41 ] "WET & DRY "


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נכתב על ידי lieveliveslife

Amara's pov :

One more day and I am going to be officially taken .....I will be Ayaan's wife ....and I can't even figure out if I'm feeling good about this.....

I for sure am not ready for this marriage ....I tried to persuade Priya aunty a lot and did my best to make her understand my situation ....I didnot tell her that I don't have feelings for Ayaan ....

But I did tell her that I'm not ready to take such a big responsibility or to move to this chapter in my life ...but all I got was the same answer again and again ....that they couldnt compromise on my life....and whatever that astrologer said did always come true ..

This I agree is true.....but whenever I think about this marriage ...all I feel is this unease and uncertainty ....I'm a person who think a lot before taking any trivial decision too...I do not take any step without being utmost certain about it ....

Hell....people nowadays don't even buy a dress until and unless they r sure that they like it....but here ....I'm getting married to a person whom I'm not certain that I could ever love in the future ....

But I guess there is nothing more I could do's not like Abhimaan will come and suddenly propose to elope with him ...I laugh at this stupid thought silly I could get....

The fact that I still have feelings for Abhi who is soon to be my brother -in-law is eating me from inside ....the fact that ...he will become like a brother to me in literal meaning ....from tomorrow ...

It's 4 pm now .....The wedding muhurat will be at 10 :30 am tomorrow ...and there will be a grand reception at night ....everyone are busy in the preparations....

I looked at my palms seeing Ayaan's name engraved on it through henna ....but what's the use of it
when someone else's name have always been engraved in my heart ....I scoffed at my life ....

Ayaan went to check the decorations ....the wedding is going to take place at our mansion itself first aunty and uncle wanted to plan it as a destination wedding ....but I didn't want to waste so much money on something which is being done out of neccessity ....

All of this wouldnt happen if the astrologer didn't predict that I am going to die if I didn't get married marriage marriage is feeling like a necessity to me ....

Or I could say ....I wasn't intersted in extravagant wedding or I might add...the wedding itself ...I don't want to get married in the first place ....but however ....this is something that I couldnt control....I have accepted my defeat to my fate already ....

There is so much hustle bustle around me due to the ongoing preparations ....everyone around me are running here and there....and me....I'm just staring at them and passing them a fake smile whenever they look at me ...

I hate it when there's so much crowd around me ...and this is inevitable for these days due to these wedding rituals....though there are many PPL around me mind and my heart are craving for some certain some ones presence ...

Sadly that certain someone is not my to be husband ...but his brother ....could my life get any more weirder ....I didn't get to see Abhii after yesterday's night ....he apparently left early in the morning as he was busy with something important ...

This made me feel sad that there is something that is more important to him more than me ....though I shouldn't be feeling like this ...I can't help it ....

Just as I was lost in my thoughts I got a call from Abhimaan ....making me smile like a Lil girl who got a candy ....

I took the call almost immediately not even feeling embarrassed of being desperate ....I need to listen his voice once had immediate calming effect on me ....

Me:"Hello Abhii ....where r u ?"....

Unknown:" Ma'am " wasn't Abhii

Me: "This is?"...

Veer:"Ma'am it's Veer,Abhimaan Sir's P.A

Me:"I see....where is Abhimaan ....why did u call me from his personal phone ?

Veer:" Ma'am actually sir got into an accident and we need guardian's signature to proceed further ....could please come ....pls don't inform anyone about this......this entire event was confidential ....we couldn't let more PPL know ...."

I felt as if entire ground slipped from beneath my legs and as if my world collapsed....the fear of losing someone I love gripped my heart ....

Tears began to flow as if the rain started drizzling from the sky ....

I wanted to speak but I couldn't bring the words out as I felt my throat is getting constricted no no ...I began repeating it ....again and again

Veer: Ma'am ....Ma'am ...hello ! ...are u alright ma'am ....please don't panic ....the doctors are here ....treatment is going on the chance of survival is good ....just compose urself and come down ...I will pick up outside the mansion.

Me: p-pls come fast (holds back a sob)...I need to see my Abhii( breathing heavily )

I somehow managed to utter by holding back my sobs ....

Veer :In 10 min ma'am ...

Just as he cut the call...I began sobbing openly ....and kept muttering pls be alright my love ....

I need to go to him....I need to be strong right now ....he needs me....I tried to pep talk myself and slowly went out of the mansion from back gate ...

My heart is pounding like crazy ....just as I went out....Veer ...who is Abhi's P.A came with his car and was about to get down ....

I didn't let him get down ....I immediately opened the door and got into the car....

"This is not the time for the formalities ...let's go ...I need to see him immediately"I said

He replied " sure ma'am " and started driving ....he's going in an average speed....

I rushed " pls drive faster ....what if soemthing happens to him....go fast"

He uttered something like " He will kill me if he knows this " making me frown

But he visibly increased the speed and took a way which I didn't know ....but I brushed any doubts becuz he informed that they were dealing with some confidential stuff ....

Then he took me to some mansion ....which looks like it's out of some imaginary world ....

I asked "why are we here ?...Is Abhi inside "

He replied " Yes ma'am I said it's confidential ....he's getting treated inside this mansion"

U guys might think that how am I so confident in Veer ....that I came alone with him?

Well....I trust Abhii's judgement..veer has been with Abhi from so many years ...if he is not a good person Abhi could easily recognise that ....and moreover what could I possibly loose of something did happen...

Its not like I'm happy to live ....and I'm not sacred to die ...but if I stayed back ....I might not be with Abhi when he needed me...

So I am not at all bothered of this being some scam to killme...

As veer stopped the car ...I immediately got out of it and rushed inside the mansion running ....while veer also followed behind trying match my speed ...

As I was running I asked " where he's in?"....he replied " upstairs"

I began climbing the steps alternatively and stumbled on the last step but as I was about to fall on my face ....a hand caught me and balanced me....

And I who had only one thing in my mind didn't even look at his face and pushed his hand and rushed to search for Abhi in the rooms ....

As I searched in one room calling " Abhi?" ....and returned finding it empty ....and was about to rush to search the other room,I saw Abhi ....standing at the stairs where I stumbled earlier with his hands in his pockets ...

While I stood there shocked and thought he was just an imagination....veer rushed behind him calling him " Sir ...I ve done what u ordered me to "...

To this he nodded still looking at me ...while I stood there unable to comprehend what actually is going on here ....he made his way towards me with an amused look on his face and a slight yet genuine smile ...

"Y-you....(gulps)...a-acident ?" I don't even know if my word made any sense ...but he seemed to understand he nodded his head negatively while frowning and said "It was a lie "..

I looked at him incredulously " WHAT ?WHY?"I shouted at him ....with a mix of shock and anger ...

But he looked so calm...."It was the only way to bring you here ...out of that mansion without anyone knowing "

I was irritated ....he did all this ....for what again bring me hear

And this made me grit my teeth ...and asked him once again ..." What u said just now is true?"

"Yes" he said ....and this made my anger out of control and "thudddd"

I fucking SLAPPED HIM......I did ....I was already going through enough trauma....he just added more to it by faking a fucking accident ....for what to bring me out of that mansion ....

He would have just asked me to meet him here and I would have come here immediately ....he didn't need to do all this shit...

He seemed to be shocked by my were veer and all the other guards ....but he didn't show any traces of anger ...." HOW COULD U ?"I shouted with tears falling from my eyes ...

He gulped while looking at my tears and his eyes started tearing up too...seems like I slapped him too hard ...but that serves him right ....for this past 2 hours yes 2 hours entire world felt like it was flipped upside down ....

I wiped my tears harshly as I heard " sorry ".

I took deep breaths and asked " what's all this for ?" Ignoring his sorry

He said " Marriage " ...that was his answer tf am I supposed to understand ....

I shouted " FUCKING ELABORATE" making everyone including Abhimaan flinch at my voice ...

" We are going to get married " he said this by looking into my eyes ....I was again shit shocked ...

My eyes visibly went wider and I gasped inaudibly his words sank into my brain ...

" Come again ..?" I asked coz I needed the confirmation...

He sighed and looked into my eyes once again " WE .ARE .GETTING.MARRIED."He repeated his earlier words again word to word ....firmly ..

I asked " who is marrying who ?" Shaking my head at the most unexpected thing that I have ever listened from his mouth....

He did not get irritated ...he patiently replied again ..." U Amara Arora is marrying Me Abhimaan Rajvansh "..

This is a dream ...that's all....come on he sees me as his Lil sister ....he would never even think of marrying hell this could happen...I scoffed at my dream (that's what I thought)

"Ok....ok ...(burst out into laughing )see I'm getting married tomorrow ....and here I'm dreaming of marrying brother-in-law"...I uttered between my laugh making him frown

" If I don't sleep well ...I can't wake up tomorrow ...ok? let's stop this dream for now what say?" I offered as I patted his cheek ..

He sighed once again and held my hand that was on his cheek and removed it from his cheek...but still held it in his hand ....

He then said" sorry "...I said " It's ok was not ur's only a dream anyways" nonchalantly

He replied "Not for the thing I did earlier ...but for thing I'm about to do now " making me frown...

And just as I was think of what he meant by it ...he pinched my hand that he was holding ...making me shout "AAAA" ....I was about to rub that place to sooth it ...but he beat me to it and began rubbing soothing circles where he pinched and uttered "'s not a dream"...

This made me still in my place and I came into reality ....and accepted that this all the REALITY not a mere dream ...

I harshly withdrew my hand from his hold ....and said in a low voice "AbhijI swear to god ...if this is a prank...I will forget that u are seven years elder to me and beat u with my bathroom slipper right on ur handsome face"

This bought an amused look on his face ...he said ..." It wasn't a prank .."the sincerity in his eyes made me understand that he wasn't lying ....

I held my head unable to process too many shocks in what ? Like three hours !!.this is like a mystery movie unfolding infront of me...

He asked " Are u alright?" and was about to get near me ....I showed him a palm and said "DON'T....WHY?"...He agained frowned at me ...may be unable to decipher what I'm asking ....

"why do u want to marry me ? So suddenly ?"I clarified ...

"I hate Ayaan did u think that I would ever let him be happy? ...I would never want to hurt you but unfortunately he loves u....I won't harm u ....but I just can't let him marry u and be the happiest man in the world "I gasped at this ....

He didn't want to marry me becoz he too secretly loved me like I expected ....but it was a form of revenge for him ...just to get to his younger brother ?

" I thought of proposing u after I returned from Abroad so that I could just break his heart....becoz from the starting I knew that he is in love with u ...but that bastard beat me to it ...he proposed u ...."

"I thought u will get tired of his ways but u both were happy ....he was happy and I couldn't handle it ....I thought to propose marriage to u and u will accept it becoz I'm more successful than him...but he beat me to it again....this time...I couldn't let him be happy ....not again"

That's it...that's all I ever meant to him?someone who isnt even more important than his bloody revenge.....someone who he simply sees as a pawn ....

" You thought I will accept ur proposal just because u were more successful??"that's how he saw me as....?As a gold -digger?

"Am I not ?"that's his answer ....and ........."thudd" I slapped him again ....this time...I couldn't control my sobs along with my tears heart got shattered in the most brutal way ...and my knees gave up as I stumbled down on the ground

All of the things he did were a mere act to make me fall for him...which unknown to him...he was successful at ...but it was just to take revenge on Ayaan...

And me being an emotional fool fell for him so deep that ....even now when he was showing his true colours I'm hoping that it was all a nightmare ...a cruel and unreal nightmare which could never be true ....

Now that I realised everything was just an act ....and were with an intention to hurt someone else ....I realised the phase which I was in earlier where I thought he just saw me as his sister was much better ...I would die to just go back to that phase ....becoz that was genuine ?or so I thought ....

I began closing my mouth with my palm trying to control the sound of my sobs that had been echoing through the entire mansion ...

And he said " Be ready ....tomorrow we are going to get married at the same time....10:30 am"...and he left to God knows where....

" Like hell would I agree "I said firmly ...looking at him with my red angry eyes ...

He slowly walked towards me and crounched down to face me and then he took out his phone from his pocket and did something in it ...then he turned it towards me.

" Sure...if u want ur Ayaan to die in my hands " there lied Ayaan in the video his face covered in blood while he was tied to chair ....and he was almost unconscious ....

"Ayaan ....don't do anything to him....I will marry u...pls leave him...please " I begged

" All u need to do is marry me Amara....and he will be alright "saying that ...he left from there

While I didn't know when I cried myself to unconsciousness ....all I saw when I came into my senses was I was tucked into a bed and covered fully till neck through a warm blanket ...

As if I would fall for these again...I laughed to myself ...

Soon few women who seemed to be the helpers came into the room and began directing me to get ready for the so called marriage ....

Abhimaan's pov:


How dare he....Amara is already dealing with trauma....this might have been so dangerous ...I fucking regret giving this responsibility to him....but I was busy in dealing with Ayaan myself .

Just how the things took an unexpected turn today ....

Today ....Amara who was the only one who cared for me genuinely ....began to hate me...all becoz of me ....

But there was no other way...that shit head Ayaan revealed that HE NEVER LOVED AMARA was all his plan to get to me....

And that bastard said ...he wanted to fuck her ....make her pregnant with his child ....take the control over Arora Group of Industries which Amara will be inheriting and then leave her

He said ...the only way to break me was to break Amara....and is fucking true ....

That's why I didn't want this marriage to happen ....and though I don't beleive in Astrology I can't take risks when Amara is involved in it ...

So ...the only way was marrying her ...I know ...I could have just said that Ayaan had been lying to her all long ...

But ...1)I don't have any proofs and

2) Even if she beleived it ....she would be utterly broken by the fact that the only man whom she loved after her parents did never even care for her ...he was just lying ...I am afraid she wouldn't be able to take it
(Author:bitch that's what happened now ....u dumbass)

3) I said all the things that Ayaan did to her ...but I turned the culprit into myself that in future if I revealed Ayaan's true face ...she would be able to take it a Lil better than now ...slow and study wins the race......I already revealed half truth to her ...all I need to reveal later is all those things I said werent done by me ...but by Ayaan

ok it doesn't make sense ....

Ok to sum it up....I doing these things to her will be less painful than Ayaan whom she loved so much doing them to her ...that's my logic ...

And also ....I didn't reveal the fact that I loved her ....becoz ...I thought that wouldn't make any difference ....she already loves someone else...and saying that I love her atlast would make her presume me as a perverted psycho ...

And when she broke down into sobs infront of me ...I just wanted to run to her and hold her in my arms and reveal all the truths to her and kiss her till she forgets Ayaan ...

But all I did was ordering the guards to leave and threatening her showing Ayaans video and rushing to the near by wall...where I hid myself and began to loose it finally and cry listening to her muffled sobs ...while biting my lips so as to avoid any sound to come out of my mouth ....

And suddenly when the sobs stopped I relaxed a bit at first but then panicked as I saw her lying unconscious on the cold floor ....I rushed to her and scooped her into my arms and carried her to the nearest bedroom...

I tried to wake her up ...but she didn't budge ...I immediately ordered veer to call for a doctor ....

The doctor checked on her and said it was just due to stress ...and dehydration. ..and prescribed some medicine ....which I put on my phone reminder that I can remind her to take them without fail . ..

After the doctor left I covered her completely with the blanket from neck to toe....and put the AC at her preferred temperature ...then I sat on the ground adjacent to the bed and held her hand ..

I kept holding her palm and kissing it continuously ...and muttering sorry Jaan every time I kissed her palm...and crying along with it making her palm wet with my tears ...

Becoz I truly was sorry for whatever happened ....I know she probably hates me now ...hate is not an emotion which is unfamiliar to me...

Everyone hates me....but I never cared....but all that mattered to me was Amara....and now the fate turned so cruel Amara ...who means the world to me.....hates me...

The look that she gave me earlier ...killed me from inside ...

Thinking of this fact that Amara hates me now is killing me...

But if this is what I needed to endure to ensure that she is protected ...I will gladly bear all her hate....though it feels as if she is ripping a layer of my heart slowly and painfully every day after we get married ....

Marrying her doesn't mean...I will get physical with her ...or will try to show my rights on her ...never ...

Though...marrying her had always been my dream ....I know she will never consider me as her husband and will never love me

I accepted this fact that my love can never be reciprocated .....and I'm mostly certain that we can never go back to the way we used to be ....because that I saw the way she reacted to my revealation.....

I'm sacred of the way she would react if she knows it wasn't me that lied to her ...but it was her Ayaan...the one whom she loved and wanted to share her life and sees her future with...

Revealing the truth now isn't worth her tears ....she is never going to love me anyways why to reveal the truth right now and break her heart ...?And about Ayaan ....I will deal with him myself ....I will protect my Jaan from him...

I will surely reveal his true colours but bit by bit ....

And tomorrow we are going to get married ....though I can't truly call her my wife ....because I'm practically forcing her to marry me....but atleast legally she will be mine for sometime.

Yes some time.....because ...after 2 years....when she will be out of danger according to that astrologer ...I will let her choose whatever she wants

And ofcourse she would choose to divorce me ....and I as usual will do whatever she wants me to ...Married to me or not ...she is always going to be a free bird ....

I didnt know when it became morning while I was in my thoughts ...I kissed her forehead for 5 secs uttering "I love u Bacha " and left the room to prepare for the D-Day .



The longest chapter is here ...

Do u guys think what Abhimaan did is right ?

How do u feel about Amara ?

Do u think Ayaan deserves the treatment that Abhimaan is giving him?

המשך קריאה

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