Caught In Time

By cat_lord_24

370 50 26

A harmless prank for four teens soon turns into a fight to save their lives when they quickly discover that t... More

Chapter 1: Before
Chapter 2: Present Day
Chapter 3: The Prank
Chapter 4: The Dream
Chapter 5: Breaking the Law
Chapter 6: The Plan
Chapter 7: Breaking In
Chapter 8: Police Station and the Manor
Chapter 9: Pranks Aren't Funny James
Chapter 10: The Neverending World
Chapter 11: Ethan and Cassedee
Chapter 12: The Cave
Chapter 13: The Magic Manor
Chapter 14: Trapped
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter Part 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 16

6 1 0
By cat_lord_24

Cassedee could feel herself flying high above the tree tops--just enough so she could feel the leaves against her feet. She spotted James who was still throwing daggers back at evil Emily. That's what Cassedee has decided she would call that woman. Or that thing. Surely that woman was not human. She couldn't be.

A dagger flew at James and pierced him on his side. He shrieked in pain and clutched the wound. Cassedee had to do something. And fast. She could tell James was losing and that would

James could peril. She didn't even want to think about that, not now. She couldn't leave her friend--her--should she dare admit it? Crush. She felt sick admitting it but it was the absolute truth. She felt something for James. A sense of loyalty to James. To Ethan and to Nole.

Nole. Cassedee suddenly remembered that the beast that Emily was on was Nole. Did James know that?

Cassedee mustered up the courage and could feel the build up of her powers forming. If this fails me now, I don't know what I'm going to do.

Cassedee went slowly at first, the wind picking up as she accelerated. She remembered all the pain, the frustration. The confusion. She was angry now and launched herself full speed right into Emily. She grabbed the shoulders and pulled with all her might. The tears were forming again, this time falling down her face. Drying faster. But it was no use--she just let go. She could feel a fury deep within her and she yelled as loud as she could. She came charging at Evil Emily and grabbed onto her neck with her talons. She dug them in as deep as they would go and almost did a backflip, trying to knock her off of Nole.

It didn't work.

Evil Emily whipped around and snagged Cassedee on the arm.
Her long dagger dragged into Cassedee's skin and Cassedee cried out in pain. She looked down and could see the blood oozing out of the wound. She felt the burning sensation for a brief moment before she realized how badly she was bleeding. Little red dots started to appear through her shirt.

She ignored the pain and looked ahead. Cassedee let go of the witch's neck and shot herself forward and swirled around briskly. She would try it again--this time, coming up from under. A surprise attack or at least she hoped.

Cassedee lunged herself forward and accelerated her speed again. She could feel her wings flapping rapidly. She concentrated.

Now Cass, don't let yourself fall. Don't think about flying. Just fly. She told herself.

She circled around and she could see Emily charging towards her. She shot up and swooped back down.

This time, coming up under Emily. Cassedee could feel her talons extending as she prepared herself for what was going to happen.

She grabbed Emily's shoulders again--with more force. Cassedee gripped as tight as she could. She felt her talons dig into Emily's skin as the creature cried out in pain. A piercing sound that echoed through the trees.

James caught Cassedee's eye. She stared at him blankly. She could see his eyes were a bright yellow, staring into her soul.
James snarled and his teeth barred. Why was he so upset I had evil Emily?

She broke the gaze and and went sky-rocketing up. But then Cassedee felt the sudden motion of falling.

Not again.

The extra weight was too much.

She could feel herself drifting down to the ground at a rapid speed. She flapped her wings as fast as she could but still felt the sensation of falling,

Suddenly, she felt heat whipping past her.

They felt like fireballs of light. Not flames but a hot temperature. And they were going fast.

They were coming from James.

She could see James focusing all of his attention on her. Black smoke filled his yellow eyes and his mouth was open to reveal a dark gray mist that flooded out.

He looked like a werewolf-monkey hybrid. Four times his normal size. He too had become animalistic. Half human half wild beast. Just like the rest of them. Untamed.

What was going on?

Cassedee continued to plummet to the ground--afraid that evil Emily would escape if they both hit the floor.

Emily was screaming now--a high pitched yell that pierced Cassedee's ears. She ignored it, knowing full well that if she concentrated on the sound, it would break her focus even more.

Then, in an instant. One of the heat drops swirled passed Cassedee and went straight for Emily. Cassedee saw this and dodged it. But not enough. It caught Cassedee's wing and she screamed. The pain was unimaginable.

She was falling to the ground faster then she could think. Why would James try to hurt her?

She glanced up.

James's eyes became enraged even more and he lifted his hands up and thrusted them in their direction. Two fire bursts that looked like waves of flames came hurling from his fingers.

Cassedee could only watch helplessly as the flames reached her—the heat becoming more intense as they approached. She braced for impact but instead of the flames, she got the ground.

Cassedee looked down and panicked. The ground was even closer. She knew she would hit it. She cursed her useless ability. Why couldn't she master it? Why wouldn't it work? Why did James have it all figured out?

She could feel herself get frustrated. Her anger was rising. She sensed it.

Her wings recoiled and she hit the ground with a thud, her face landing right in the dirt. All she tasted was grit and stones as she took a few seconds to regain focus again. Pick yourself up, Cass.

Cassedee suddenly realized--where did Emily go? She lifted herself up, now on her hands. Her talons had retracted and all that was left was her fingers. Gripping the soil, she felt the texture.

It was cold. It was the only thing that was comforting her now.

Cassedee got up slowly first on her hands then knees. She continued to stare at the ground, trying to process what had just happened. Then, she realized that Emily had escaped. She cursed again. That wretched James. If he had just left it alone, she could have taken the witch on.
Suddenly, she heard whooshing coming from the tall grass. She didn't dare look up to see who it was. She already knew. She could feel the anger, the disappointment. Cassedee heard footsteps sloshing through the tall grass.

All she could see were two bare feet standing before her. Each foot was caked in dirt and burn marks. Heavy breathing now filled the silence. Rage.

"You shouldn't have done that, Cass."

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