I Wanna Be Yours | Bojan x Kä...

By BojanGurl14

11.5K 416 177

Although they think that they're just friends, the spark between them is something which they cannot resist... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28

Part 29

158 12 2
By BojanGurl14

The next two days passed by way too quickly. Bojan has never felt this anxious in the past two days, ever since getting invited to an interview with Jere.

Him and Jere spent the last two days in the hotel. They ordered breakfast together on the day of the interview. Jere wanted Bojan to calm down, he wanted him to feel comfortable and okay. He wanted to show him that he had nothing to worry about, and that whatever happens, he was going to be there with him to support him.

After a few hours, they got a taxi to the studio for the interview. Once they got there, they touched up their hair and clothes and the people working there told them to take a seat.

There were only 15 minutes left until the interview.

Bojan kept fidgeting and tapping his leg. His heart started beating much faster and his body started to heat up. Jere noticed. He wanted to hold his hand so badly, he knew that would calm him down. But there were people around, which would probably make Bojan even more anxious.

So instead, he gently tapped his shoulder. Bojan turned to look at him. With their eyes locked together, Jere smiled at Bojan to reassure him.

Even Jere's smile was enough to calm him down. Now, his heart began to flutter because of Jere. He felt so amazing knowing that Jere smiled at him that way, and that hopefully he will get to see that smile again in the future.

Bojan: "Wait... the future??? What am I thinking???"

Without realising, Bojan was picturing his future... his future with Jere.

He could not imagine it any other way. Any other was dreadful... unbearable. Jere was not only someone he wanted, but he was someone he needed. Jere became a necessity. Without Jere he would lose all purpose in life... life would no longer be worth living.

As he looked into Jere's glistening eyes, it took so much willpower to hold himself back from kissing him. His lips looked so soft. His skin was glowing. His hair was so fluffy. He looked perfect. But he had to control himself.

Eventually, the interviewer came and told them that the interview was about to start.

The cameras turned on and they were live.

Interviewer: "Welcome to another interview on 'VIPs Unravelled'! Today we have two very special and very much awaited guests. It's an honour to meet you Bojan Cvjetićanin and Jere Pöyhönen, also known as Käärijä".

Bojan: "It's a pleasure to be here", Jere nodded in agreement.

Interviewer: "Let's start with some questions related to your career. So, do you have more concerts planned?"

Bojan: "Yes actually. The rest of the band and I will be travelling to different countries around Europe during the next few months."

Interviewer: "I am sure all the fans are curious where... maybe you can reveal a few places?"

Bojan: "I guess this is a good time to make an announcement then. Joker Out will be travelling to France, Germany, Italy, Croatia... that's all that I am going to say for now".

Interviewer: "That is so exciting! What about you Käärijä?"

Jere: "I won't be travelling as much, but I have a few concerts planned in Italy and many gigs in Finland".

Interviewer: "Italian fans sure are lucky to have you both going there! Next question... any new songs coming out soon?"

Jere: "Nothing official for now, but I can say that I have a song in the making".

Bojan: "Me too. The band and I are still writing our next song, but we don't know when it will come out yet. Writing can take a while sometimes".

Interviewer: "That's understandable. Many artists say they write the most when they feel inspired by something, or someone. Would you say you feel inspired right now?"

Both Jere and Bojan blushed a bit. Without even thinking of anything else, they immediately thought of each other. They were each other's muse.

"I would say I feel quite inspired", Jere said while smiling.

"I'd say I feel quite inspired too", Bojan affirmed while smiling shyly too.

Interviewer: "What would you say is your source of inspiration?"

Bojan started panicking a bit. What was he going to do??? Blurt out Jere's name??? That would be so embarrassing...

But Jere took the lead. As he promised, he was going to be there to help and support him.

Jere: "What inspires me is whatever emotion I am experiencing in the moment... could be happiness, sadness, anger, loneliness..."

Bojan: "I-I agree. Yes, emotions are my source of inspiration too".

Interviewer: "So, music is a way of expressing yourselves and your emotions. That might be why you gained such a large following, because people connect and relate to what you are feeling".

Bojan: "Yes, I feel it's important to connect with fans, not just through meet and greets and things like that. Connecting with fans through the music we make is really satisfying".

Interviewer: "That's beautiful. Now... moving onto more... personal questions..."

"Oh no...here we go...", Bojan thought.

Interviewer: "So, many fans are wondering about your love lives. What's your relationship status?"

Jere decided to take the lead again. As much as he wished that Bojan would reveal that they are together, he knew that he would not want to reveal their relationship during an interview...

Jere: "I really appreciate that fans care about me as a person too, not just my music. But I would like to keep my personal life private for now. I hope people understand".

Interview: "That is completely understandable. It can be quite difficult sharing such intimate information to the public. What about you Bojan?"

Bojan: "Well... I am also grateful for all the fans that care and support Joker Out. But right now I am mainly focusing on creating more music with the band".

Interviewer: "I am sure that your fans understand where you're coming from and I am sure they appreciate your hard work and dedication. Now, moving on..."

And the interview went on for another 20 minutes. At least the question were not as bad as Bojan thought they were going to be.

After the interview, Bojan and Jere got a taxi back to their hotel. They went up to their room. Bojan immediately laid down on the bed. He never thought that an interview could be so exhausting. It drained every ounce of energy out of him.

Jere decided to lay down next to him.

They both stared silently at the ceiling for a while. Then, Jere tuned his head towards Bojan, while Bojan kept staring at the ceiling.

Jere: "A-are you okay?"

Bojan looked at Jere, making eye contact with him again. God his eyes... he gets lost in them every single time.

Bojan: "Yeah... I am just really tired."

Jere intertwined his fingers with Bojan.

Bojan's hand was a bit cold, while Jere's hand was warm. He held his hand tightly to warm it up.

Bojan: "Thanks for helping me during the interview".

Jere: "Of course, I told you I would".

Bojan: "I know..."

Bojan looked up towards the ceiling again.

Bojan: "I'm sorry..."

Jere: "Huh? For what?"

Jere genuinely felt confused.

Bojan: "I am sorry that I didn't have the courage to say that we are together... I want to... just not during an interview..."

Now Bojan could not look him the eyes. He was scared, waiting for Jere to tell him that they are over... that he is going to leave him... and the sad thing is that he felt like he deserved it. Jere showered him with love, waiting for him, understood him... yet he still did not have the courage to open up about their relationship.

With his warm hand, Jere slowly turned Bojan's face to face him, while still having his other hand intertwined with Bojan's.

Jere: "You need to stop worrying so much Bojan. I understand that you did not want to say about us during an interview".

I tear streamed down Bojan's face. "I don't deserve you..."

Jere wiped Bojan's tear from his face. "Don't ever say that again."

"I don't want you to hurt anymore because of me".

"Bojan... you're the best thing that has ever happened to me..."

Bojan felt a million butterflies in his stomach and his heart fluttered.

Bojan turned his head again to look into Jere's eyes. His eyes spoke a million words... he could tell that what Jere told him was genuine.

Bojan pulled Jere towards him and pecked his lips.

Bojan: "You don't know how badly I wanted to kiss you during the interview..."

And he kissed him again, this time a bit more passionately.

Jere: "M-me too..."

The kiss kept on escalating. The room was dark, with only the slight moonlight coming through the window.

Then Bojan pulled away and started into Jere's eyes again, as the moonlight shone on them. He caressed Jere's cheek slowly with his thumb.

Bojan: "Do... do you want to know what my source of inspiration is?"

Jere was suddenly so curious to know. "Of course I want to know."

Bojan stared into Jere's eyes for a few seconds, without saying anything.

Jere blushed. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Bojan smiled.

"Because it's you... You are my muse Jere".

Jere's chest tightened. His heart began to race, and a tingling sensation swept across his skin. The weight of those words rendered him momentarily speechless.

After another few seconds of maintaining intense eye contact, Jere broke the silence.


Bojan: "Yes, Jere. You give my life meaning. You make me feel things that I have never felt before..."

Words could not describe how flattered Jere felt.

Jere: "You know... do you also want to know what I thought of when the interviewer asked that question?"

Bojan: "What is it?"

Jere scooched closer to Bojan. He gazed intensely into his eyes.

"You, Bojan. It's you"


*I think this is the longest chapter I wrote so far. Hope you enjoy!!!

*I appreciate your comments so much!!! xxx

*Thanks for reading!!! <3 <3 <3

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