NIMRON :The legendary spirit...

By Adrien57

70 11 0

This story revolves around a dragon named Nimron. Wounded because of the betrayal of his family and had to g... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter ten

Chapter nine

1 1 0
By Adrien57

Wei Ning came out of the room panting.

"What kind of prince is he. He doesn't know that with just him glaring at someone is enough to make that person faint"

"That prince is unpredictable. Just now he was blaming the girl and whoosh he started scolding me. I need to stay far away from that prince if I want to live long" he continued.

"Wei Ning who are you talking to?. And why are panting like you ran from your house to here." Hou asked.

"No master Hou it is not what you think. I am not panting I am taking a deep breath" Wei Ning said.

"Wait don't tell me you were talking to yourself just now" Hou ming smiled.

Wei Ning put his head down to hide his face.

"It's okay to talk to yourself but not in public apart from your good dressing people can mistake you for a crazy person. Do you want that?" Hou ming smiled.

"Yes master Hou I will take your advice. It won't happen next time" Wei Ning explained.

"What have I done to deserve this. Did I live a bad life in my previous life. Why all this? I was talking about the prince now master Hou has come with his own. When will I rest? And he saw me talking to myself how embarrassing" Wei Ning said inwardly.

Seeing Wei Ning keeping quiet made Hou ming to come closer to take a look at the face of the man in front of him. And looked at that man he saw a deep red face.

He burst with laughter and Wei Ning looked up.

"Master Hou what is funny?" Wei Ning asked.

"You are blushing Wei Ning. You are blushing. Do you know how you look right now. You look like that fresh tomatoes I saw in the market." Hou ming said.

Wei Ning blushed a deeper shade of red and Hou ming laughed.

"Wei Ning what were you thinking that made you blush so much. Wait don't tell you were embarrassed" Hou ming continued.

He gasped "oh Wei Ning you did not tell that apart from baozi. You also sell tomatoes. Don't worry tomorrow I will have to tell Chulan about this" Hou ming said.

"No please master Hou it is only baozi that I sell. I don't sell tomatoes please" Wei Ning said. ' o my this is so embarrassing'.

"Well I won't tell Chulan about this only on one condition" Hou ming smiled.

'what have I done? It was the prince that I had to deal with. Now it is master Hou' Wei Ning said inwardly.

"What condition master Hou?" Wei Ning asked squeezing his hands at his back.

"..." Hou ming saw what he was doing with his hands at his back and smiled more.

Wei Ning saw him smile at him widely. ' o no there is trouble. When ever master Hou smiles at someone without a reason then he is not going to spare you. What did I do to offend him? I was pleading with God to save me from the prince but right now I think I also need his help right now ' Wei Ning said inwardly.

"Wei Ning relax you don't need to squeeze your fingers. Do you want them to break. I am just advising you when Chulan comes and sees that your fingers are broken. I won't save you from him" Hou ming said.

Immediately Wei Ning dropped his fingers. ' it is very difficult to stay with a guardian'

"Wei Ning I just want you to accept that you come from the tomato family and also accept that you sell tomatoes " Hou ming smiled.

"Alright I come from the tomato family and I sell tomatoes" Wei Ning repeated.

Hou ming burst into laughter. "Good boy no wonder Chulan likes you"

' you mean hate me. I was saying that the prince is a bully but master Hou ming is very bad and a very big bully'. Wei Ning screamed inwardly.

"Master can I go now?" Wei Ning asked.

"Sure you can go. You can go but remember to wash your face because it is like a tomato. I am just saying this so people will not go and buy thinking that you are a tomato and leave the real tomato. Go in peace and come in peace with the buns" Hou ming said leaving the embarrassed man to calm down.

"How did I get involved with the guardians?" Wei Ning asked himself.

When he was out of the gate he was already calm. Walking to his stall. He remembered how he got involved with the guardians and at that time he was just twelve years old.

Flash back

"Hey you Ning give us that now" a boy yelled with a gang of three boys and one girl.

"Yes give us that buns this instant" another boy yelled.

"Please I beg you my grandma and I use this to earn a living please I beg you" little Wei Ning pleaded with tears in his eyes.

"O the little kid is crying. What should we do? Should we leave him?. Those in favor of leaving him should keep there hands down and those that are not in favor should raise their hands up" the first boy said.

The whole gang raised their hands. Wei Ning started crying.

"O our dear Wei Ning no one is in favor of you. So give it to us nicely and you won't get hurt" a girl said.

"Please my grandma is going to be angry" he sobbed.

"Shut up kid. You are making me angry. Is it us that made you an orphan. And you did not give us the daily supply yesterday so give us that. You know what to do " the boy said looking at his gang.

"No please" wei Ning sobbed and held the bag of buns tightly waiting for them to beat him as usual. But he did not feel a thing. He opened his eyes and saw a very beautiful young boy holding a beautiful fan in his front shielding him.

The gangs tried to come and fight him but he beat them up like they were nothing. Even though they were clearly older than him.

Immediately a beautiful young girl that is about his age came.

"Don't you know how to bow to his highness" she said as she kicked them. Blood came out of their mouths.

"Your highness we are sorry forgive us. We didn't know it was you" the leader of the gang said.

"Shut up even if you don't know. You should have respect." She said while the young prince held her to stop.

He came to Wei Ning and gave him a hand.

"Your highness" Wei Ning said.

"It is alright you are safe" he said.

The prince voice came out as gentle as the wind. And it gave Wei Ning relief. His eyes filled with light.

The prince turned to the bullies and his eyes turned cold.

"Being an orphan does not give you the right to bully him. Bai Lue call our guards to clean this mess" he said.

He turned to me "what is your name?"

"Wei Ning your highness" Wei Ning replied.

"Wei Ning from today onwards you will supply me buns and also be taken care of by the royal family. You don't need to fear" the prince said as he held Wei Ning ignoring the sounds of plea behind him.

Present time

' Till today I am still grateful your highness for saving me even though he is cold now. I will still try my best ' Wei Ning said to himself.

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