Arsh's Nesta

By sublimeblue

23.6K 2.3K 1.4K

••• |Mad Lover| Obsessive Husband | • | Secret obsession|••• ~ Mr... More

Arsh's Nesta
a. what's in Arsh's Nesta
b. what's not in Arsh's Nesta
2. His Arrogance hurts me
3. I crave for Blood, Power and _____ .
4. Rascal & Ugly Giant Teddy
5. What's my mistake Hukum ?
6. Breakfast Delicacies
7. Barged into his Life
8. Panipuri with Mr. Husband
9. Open heart with Husband
10. Cruel wait of 12 years
11. Is Hukum a Stalker?
12. The wallpaper mystery
13. Raw pain and pleasure
14. Gift for Future wife
15. Sexy Village Beauty
16. Horny B*tch & Do you want a kiss?

1. The First Royal Interview Ever

2.3K 165 52
By sublimeblue

"Today, I'm feeling incredibly nervous about the interview. It's the first time an interview is being held in the Royal Palace, and it's also my first time participating in one. I wonder why people are so curious about me. Just because my husband is a prominent figure in the business world, what does that have to do with me? After this interview, I fear I won't have any privacy. People might start taking pictures whenever they please.

It's been four months since I arrived at this place, and it's been nine months since I married my husband, who doesn't have time to communicate or even greet a good morning."

"Ma'am, may I come in?" asked my personal assistant. Yes, they assigned me a personal assistant. It's quite amusing, isn't it? So much has changed in just four months. If anyone had told me I'd have a personal assistant to manage tasks like selecting clothes from the wardrobe, helping me with bathing, and handling my hair and makeup, I would have found it funny.

She's an all-in-one package, so multitalented and versatile. Sometimes I feel she's better than me, more knowledgeable about royal etiquette and lifestyle. Maybe they should have married her with that emotionally unavailable husband of mine.

"You can come in, Maya."

"Ma'am, the reporters and the cameraman are waiting for you in the main palace."

"Yes, I'll be there in 5 minutes."

"Ma'am, do you need any more help with your outfit or hair?"

"No, Maya, I already feel a bit overdressed with everything."

"Mam, you look stunning. The whole world will see their queen today for the first time," added Maya.

"I'm not the queen yet, Maya. Anyone would look great with these clothes and luxurious makeover and hairdo. Anyway, thank you for making me feel at ease." Nesta didn't like her PA, maybe because she felt bad vibes from her or perhaps because Maya was perfect and put Nesta in her place when she made a mistake. Additionally, Maya's intentions seemed to be getting rid of anyone who got close to Nesta to greet or chat.

"Sorry, ma'am, but I think we should move quickly to the main palace," Maya said after reading a message on her phone. Nesta despised this attitude of Maya. Not just Maya, No one ever seemed to reply properly; they just talked and expected her to nod like a doll.

"Wait, has my husband reached the main palace?" enquired Nesta.

"Sorry to say, mam, but I think Mr. AAA won't be able to attend the interview," replied Maya, biting her lip.

"What?" shrieked Nesta.

"I don't know yet, mam, but I think we should head to the main palace." replied Maya and moved to waiting hall to take a call.

Nesta eyes started to tear up

"Seriously, you're going to ditch me for the first interview too? Am I invisible to you? Do you hate me that much? Then why did you marry me in the first place?" Nesta's mind began overthinking everything that had happened from the start, and she started taking rapid, shallow breaths.

Immediately, she rushed to the washroom and took some pills from her prescription. Maya's sister, Radha, a doctor, had provided her with these pills and suggested breathing techniques to calm her anxiety and nervousness.

After a few moments, Nesta managed to calm down. She wiped her watery eyes, reapplied her lipstick, and stood confidently in front of the mirror.

"You can do it, Nesta. You married a beast, after all. This is just an interview; you can do it easy-peasy."

Her outfit, ornaments and hairstyle

Nesta sighed after taking a last look at her outfit, dusting off any invisible dust, and started to move out from her queen chambers.

Soon, she reached the main palace, and everyone greeted her. Everyone was in awe after looking at her divine beauty. She had opted for a simple saree with minimal makeup and a long necklace, resembling a goddess of beauty.

On the other side, Nesta thought she might be overdressed, and everyone was staring at her for that reason. She smiled politely at everyone and sat on the sofa as suggested by the cameraman.

"Mam, shall we start?" asked the reporters, watching Nesta look around with a doubtful expression.

Nesta then said, "Let my husband join too," to which the reporters and cameraman exchanged awkward glances. They finally said, "Mam, sir is in Paris attending a car launch event, so he will not be able to join you now."

Nesta was shocked when they mentioned he was in Paris. How did they know where he was and not her? No one informed her about her husband's whereabouts, and here she became a fool in front of everyone. She didn't want to overthink anymore and gave a smile to them, saying, "Let's start the interview."

The reporters began asking her questions. One of them inquired, "Mam, can you please introduce yourself and mention your education details?"

Nesta replied, "I am Nesta Rajput, and I have completed my masters in Hotel Management."

Another reporter asked, "Mam, you have a beautiful name and why did you not take your husband's last name? You mentioned you are a Rajput. Does that mean you come from the Rajput family, and your father is Dhanurjay Rajput?"

"I am my own person and had an identity before marrying him, so I continued with my family name. Yes, I belong to The Rajput family, and my father is Dhanurjay Rajput." answered Nesta. He never asked me to take his last name thought Nesta.

"Wow!" exclaimed the reporters. "That means more business partnerships and collaborations between the Rajput family and the Agnivanshi family, is that right, mam?" asked the reporters.

"And another question, Did you marry for business expansion purposes?" inquired one reporter. Meanwhile, another reporter asked, "Mam, can you tell us about new ventures?"

"I don't have much insight into the businesses you're referring to, but I'm certain I didn't marry him for business purposes," Nesta responded. she really did not know much about the business dealings and family involvement.

Another reporter inquired, "Mam, was it an arranged marriage or a love marriage?"

Nesta blushed slightly, answering, "It's a mix of both-arranged and love." Nesta remembered how her now-husband had asked her, "Would you like to marry me? Because I would love to marry you."

"Mam, who proposed first, and how grand was the wedding? Can you share the date of your marriage? We are eager to know when Sir got married," another reporter inquired.

"Actually, love confessions and wedding proposals are very intimate moments. I'm not going to answer that now. We got married nine months ago, but I won't be revealing the exact date. Let the mystery continue." smiled Nesta, but inside her mind she is appreciating herself for lying so smoothly.

"Nine months and we didn't know a thing about our king's marriage and to whom he was married. But right now, we're happy to see the love of his life sitting here in front of us. Ma'am, the next question: Are you pursuing any job or continuing the family business?"

"I have my own small business that I manage, and I also hold a job. However, I am not involved in any businesses related to the Rajput or Agnivanshi families." answered Nesta.

"Mam what business you are involved in and where do you work?" asked another Reporter.

"Regarding my business, it's a small venture related to event planning. As for my job, I prefer not to disclose the specifics for privacy reasons." replied Nesta.

"Mam, please tell us about sir. How is he? How does he shower you with love? And name the expensive gifts he gave you?" asked another reporter.

"He is a great person, and I'm happy to have married the world's best gentleman. As for gifts, he has given me many, and I loved each and every small present he gave me," replied Nesta and felt happy for the way she is lying and managing everything so effortlessly. Though she is not a fan of lies and manipulations she has no other way right now because whole world will be seeing her and the King through her words. so words should be great she thought.

"Mam what about the best gift you gave Maharaj and what does he like the most in you?"

"I would say, I am the best gift I've given him. He appreciates everything about me, except when I'm moody or feeling angry. Trust me, you don't want to be near an angry Nesta," she joked playfully with everyone. In reality she knows he hates everything about her and cannot even sit beside her or share his own bedroom to stay.

"Mam, can you tell us about Sir's daily routine?"

"You'd better ask him directly! As far as I know, he hits the gym, well for workouts i guess, then heads to the office to, well, work, I assume. But honestly, that's all I know!" Nesta chuckled, making light of the question. Nesta do not know his routine herself then how can she say anything to them, in case even if she knows anything about him she cannot give away Maharaj's daily routine just like that.

"Mam, we want to know more about you, but you're not answering us and maintaining privacy. Please, Mam, tell us more about you."

"I understand your curiosity, but some things are better left private, you know? However, I'll try my best to share what I can!" Nesta replied politely. Yet another lie, she mused, feeling guilty for deceiving everyone. "I'm definitely going to hell for all these lies I'm saying in front of the whole world," she thought. "Why do they want to know more about me? If they knew the reality that the media knows better about the Maharaj than I do, it's going to be a huge story for centuries."

"Ma'am, we've heard that there's a significant age difference between you and Maharaj. What's your age, ma'am? And could you also reveal Maharaj's age? We only know his birthday is in March, that's it," asked another reporter to Nesta.

"What? His birthday is in March? Wow, I didn't even know," thought Nesta. "I am 26, and I cannot reveal Maharaj's age because I do not know the reasons why that was kept a secret. We do not have a significant age gap; it's just normal," replied Nesta, covering the fact that she herself does not know about his birthday and birth year.

"Ma'am, why are there so many secrets about Sir's age, marriage, and his birth mother?" asked another reporter.

Nesta's mind was stuck on the words "birth mother." She was puzzled, thinking, "What birth mother? There is already Rani Sa. What are these reporters talking about?"

Before she could reply, Maya came and ordered one of the security guards to remove the reporter who dared to ask about Maharaj's secrets, dates, and birth mother. She was furious. These were not the questions she had approved. She provided a script, and they were supposed to ask only those. How dare they pry like greedy dogs, she thought.

Before any other reporter could ask questions about her behavior, she first made sure that Nesta was not in front of everyone to witness the potential nasty politics that would take place. So she ensured that Nesta was sent to her queen chambers.

"When Nesta was being escorted back, a reporter loudly questioned, 'Ma'am, please tell us why you were kept secret and why you are not coronated yet?"

Maya made sure to silence him by slapping him in front of everyone. She intended for everyone to behave properly and carry on with their lives. If Maharaj found out about this, it would be their last day. In a way, she was protecting their lives by slapping them.

Every reporter was shocked by the way Maya behaved. One of them decided to teach her a lesson. He took a picture of her with his camera and pretended to be afraid of Maya, just like every other reporter. No one noticed what was going on because security began to escort the reporters out.

Maya oversaw everyone's exit. She grabbed the cameraman's hand, asking for the video footage, and then handed over the cameras to security. She sent the cameraman away with empty hands, mentioning that she would directly deal with the company's CEO for their reckless behavior and stupid questions.



Her chamber

Nesta came to her chambers and dismissed everyone to leave. She threw herself on the bed and began to cry loudly.

"Why didn't he come? How come I do not know where he is attending a meeting? And I don't even know his birthday, and most importantly, his birth mother. Then who is Rani Rukmini? Isn't she his mother? What the hell is wrong with my life?"

She heard loud screams and went near the large windows to see what was happening, but she couldn't see anything because her queen chamber was built to provide her with complete privacy and protection. Frustratedly, she returned and removed her jewelry and bangles. She felt a throbbing headache. She wanted to rip her hair out due to the frustration. She didn't know what to do. She didn't know why he married her, why her father insisted she shouldn't leave him, and why he became so distant after marriage, especially when he was a bit better before. She didn't know anything about his business or life, and she felt like giving up.

She went to the temple in her chamber, and started crying in front of the Durga Maa. "you are not just a idol, you are my savior maa, but why are you not helping now? she cried and screamed.

Later she ran from there to the portraits of her Maharaj in the main hall of queens chamber. she looked at all of his pictures silently standing at the entrance. There were so many royal pics of his in the entire chamber.

His portraits

After a while, she walked near his portrait placed at the end of the main hall entrance of the queen's chamber and stood in front of it. "Do I have to look at you only in portraits? When will you come home, not just home, but close to me? Near your wife, Maharaj?" she asked the portrait.

Disturbed after the interview, she couldn't contain herself. She dropped to the floor and gazed at his face with love and longing, losing consciousness in her disheveled state.



Hello Lovely people

2600 WORDS....hope you enjoyed long chapter.

How's the first chapter ?...

What do you think about Maya?

Your thoughts on that reporter who clicked Maya's picture?

About Nesta?

About her Maharaj?

Please feel free to share your comments and do read ARDENTLY

There is a connection between ARDENTLY and ARSH'S NESTA





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