Joyous Day

Kitt_Chat द्वारा

534 17 125

Who knew that one simple wish would send a strange "joy" to the SagaVerse. All that some strange being claims... अधिक

- PROLOGUE lyrics -
- Chapter 1 -
- Chapter 2 -
- Chapter 3 | L.C REMIX lyrics -
- Chapter 4 -
- Chapter 5 -
- Chapter 6 -
- Chapter 7 -
- Chapter 8 | DEMISE lyrics -
- RENEGADE lyrics | Chapter 9 -
- Chapter 10 -
- Chapter 11 -
- Chapter 12 -
- Chapter 13 -

- Prologue -

72 2 21
Kitt_Chat द्वारा

-Begin Prologue-

B.C: …he’s right. I’ve been terrible. I’ve been away from my family for 8 months, and I didn’t return. I have no excuses.

C.B: And what did you learn?

B.C: …drama, discord, I hate it. I hate it all. I didn’t turn up for the final fight because I was sick but they don’t know that. I wanted to be there. But I think all the negativity I’d absorbed made me sick.

C.F: *slowly enters the room with an armful of orbs* Hey, Dad, you should check out my-

B.C: I just… I just wish everyone could be happy.

*the orbs fly into the air and scatter with a flash*

C.F: …what the hell did you just do?!


*meanwhile in sagaverse*

K.C: *reading a note sheet for her trumpet*

*the ground violently shakes under her, causing the note sheet to fall*


Bon: ?

K.C: … For the love of God.

*She snatches the note sheet and storms outside, leaving Bon alone in her room*

*Trees have been ripped up from the ground. It’s absolute chaos.*

K.C: … What kind of natural disaster happened here? And why did it have to happen here of all places.

???: And who might you be?

K.C: *She looks slightly uneasy* Uh- What the heck is this? And I'm K.C.

???: *has their back to K.C, just sitting on the ground* This is the chaos that refines a rough stone into a valuable crystal. The destruction that leads to peace. Do you understand?

K.C: *She starts to get even more uneasy and start to back away* Sort of? And who- no. WHAT are you?

???: I? I’m here to bring peace. Spread joy and mirth across the land. And you shall be my disciple. *they stand up and turn to look at K.C in the eyes*

K.C: *Starts to back away further, more worried than anything else* Whoa WHOA! What do you mean disciple?

???: Have you ever wondered at the origins of the universe? Who created the heavens and the earth?

K.C: … No? I've got too much to deal with to worry about shit like that. Now answer my question.

???: Your question will be answered in time, child.

K.C: You're weird. I don't like you. *She opens her eyes to look at the trees that have been destroyed*

???: Ah, such hate. Such distrust. There’s no need for it in a world that can achieve the state of paradise with a little… nudge.

K.C: Yeah sure. Whatever you say. You're creepy. I don't like you nor whatever you're talking about.

???: Would it interest you to know your friend called me here?

K.C: … Which one?

???: A certain unclean demon. Burn.

K.C: That LITTLE- *ahem* Oh. Okay. Sure.
Now, if you excuse me. Imma have a few WORDS with this little friend you're talking about.

???: Look at me. I want to tell you something before you depart, child.

K.C: *She looks at him, but her eyes are back to being closed* Can this maybe wait until I find him?

???: It’ll take you a long, long time to find him.

K.C: Uh huh… I'm still not trusting you just yet, my guy. Now, I'm out.

*suddenly, they teleport over to K.C and grab her*

???: And do you actually think you can find him? Let me assist you.

K.C: *Her eyes open in shock and she quickly shuts them* DUDE! GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME!

???: Look me in the eyes as I tell you something very, very important.

K.C: *She isn't complying a whole lot, trying to get out of their grip* I'M NOT DOING IT! NOW LET GO!

???: Fine. *forces her eyes open for about 3 seconds and lets her go* Have fun~

*they disappear*

K.C: *Collapses down and clutches her arms*
Wha… What the…

*A rift suddenly cracks open in the air and a figure tumbles out*

B.C: AA-

K.C: *She lifts her head up and instantly grits her teeth* YOU!
*She gets up and runs up to him, grabbing his hoodie*


K.C: *She's shaking him* WHAT DID YOU DO?!


K.C: … What? *She stops shaking him and drops him*

B.C: a- What’s up? o.o

K.C: *Clears her throat* Your little WISH sent a weird god looking thing here and it was talking about a paradise and shit like that.
It grabbed me and made me look into its eyes.

B.C: A god? Bro, I just wished for everyone to be happy. Is that so wrong?

K.C: That's what it said it was here to do. I don't know. It was so weird.

B.C: Huh. Welp. *shrug*

K.C: Don't welp me. *She slaps him* This was your doing. So I'm not getting any more involved in whatever happens.

B.C: Ow! Dude, what the hell?! It was an accident!

K.C: Still your fault. Now, I'm gonna have to finish that song I was trying to play on my trumpet.
*She dusts herself and storms off into her house*

B.C: She’ll get over it. Right?

*C.B and Anomys confirm this lmao*

B.C: Right. *begins trynna clean up the damage like a good demon*

*Few days later…*

*B.C would get a call from Noko*

B.C: City morgue! :D

Noko: B.C, this is Noko. And this is something regarding my girlfriend.

B.C: Ah. What’s up?

Noko: It's… probably my paranoia, but she's been having this wide smile on her face for the past few hours. And it NEVER falters. At all.

B.C: Maybe she’s just really happy? For some reason?

Noko: No. It hasn't left her face ever since she got up. I don't know what's going on, but maybe you do?

B.C: Nah, I’m stumped. Could I see her?

Noko: She's doing Mello's hair. Mello doesn't seem to notice anything weird. But I have a picture.

B.C: Send it to me.

*B.C would get a ping in his texts, it's an image of K.C standing in a mirror from an hour ago. She has that wide grin on her face*

B.C: Damn. Not even I’ve been like that.

Noko: Yeah, and it's kind of scaring me… Do you have any ideas of what to do?

B.C: Not really. But I want you to keep me updated, Noko. Okay? Maybe let Nytro know as well.

Noko: Y-Yeah. Okay. I will.

B.C: Awesome. See you later.

Noko: See ya. *He hangs up*

B.C: …C.B, yeah. I’m thinking that as well…

*Next day.*

*Noko calls again*

B.C: You’ve reached the Bythorne Paranormal Society, how may I help you?


B.C: …what happened this time?

*A ping in his texts. K.C is staring from a corner, with this abnormal smile on her face and her eyes are worried as well. They seem to be leaking actual molten gold*

B.C: Looks like someone told her the theme was “Xenophanes.” OKAY, C.B I’LL BE SERIOUS OKAY OKAY OKA-

Noko: PLEASE, YOU GOTTA HELP ME! I'm worried for her! And even Mello won't go near her!

B.C: I’ve watched analog horror. Keep her quarantined. And if things get worse… she may have to be put down.

Noko: *There's a choked sound when he said that* … Okay. I'll let her know.

B.C: …I’m so sorry, Noko. You need anything?

Noko: … Can you take care of Mello while I'm putting K.C in quarantine? I don't think he'd want to be around to see whatever's going on with her…

B.C: Of course. I’d be more than happy to.

Noko: Thank you so much, B.C. I'll be there soon to drop him off.

*Noko hangs up yet again*

B.C: …did… did she say what…

*Another day passes.*

*This time, it wasn't a voice call. But a video message pinged in B.C’s phone*

B.C: Hm?

Noko: Is this thing working? Okay, uh… So I did what you told me to do. But, this is only getting more weird… *The video pans to what seems to be K.C with her back turned, she's seems to be grayscaled, and gold drips from the floor*

Noko: She won't even look at me anymore…

B.C: … *taps back a response* “Two options, as I see it. One. Get the hell out of there. Two. Execution.”

Noko: B.C, I can't-


Noko: EEP! *It cuts off and the video ends*

B.C: …to go check or not to go check?

*he sits and ponders for a little bit*

B.C: …I’m worried about Noko. But the guy’s strong. I think he has this.

*He waits. Probably a bad idea lma*

C.B: Dude, you gotta go.

B.C: I know, I know. It’s what the right thing to do would be.

C.B: Awesome. Then. Let’s. Go.

Mello: Squeak?

B.C: Mello, I’ll leave Anomys here with you. C.B and I are gonna go… out. For, um…

C.B: Errands.

B.C: Yes. Think you two can hold down the fort?

Mello: *He nods, smiling*

Anomys: Kid, we’ll have a great time.

B.C: Have fun, you two. *leaves with C.B(obviously)*

*At K.C’s place:*

B.C: *bursts in* Alright, I’m here. I’m here.

Noko: *Grabs him by the hoodie and yanks him back outside, slamming the door shut*

B.C: That’s the second time this week. What the hell’s going on?

C.B: K.C got worse?

Noko: I put her in the bedroom and locked her in… but then she started to claw at the door, screaming for her to help guide me… mixed with some crying here and there.

B.C: …that all but confirms it. I know what’s happening.

Noko: Explanation, please?

B.C: She mentioned some god thing to me when we spoke about a week ago. I think it did something to her.

C.B: B.C must be living his analog horror dream.

B.C: More like a nightmare. This is awful. What else was she saying?

Noko: I couldn't hear much from the crying and what seemed to be coughing noises from behind the door. But she really seemed desperate.

B.C: May I listen for myself?

Noko: I mean… sure. But don't let her out. Please.

B.C: Of course not. I may be stupid but I’m not an idiot.

*they cautiously enter the house*

*There's dead silence and stuff being smashed from Noko and K.C seeming to have had a fight*

B.C: I thought you said she was just constantly crying, rambling, etc.?

Noko: That was when I locked her in the bedroom. But she didn't make it easy.

B.C: …let me in there.


B.C: Just for a little bit. I can teleport out if needed.

Noko: Are you sure?

B.C: I’ve faced some shit the likes of which has never been seen in this MULTIVERSE. I think I can handle this.

Noko: Okay… it's the room on the right. Just head down the hallway first…

B.C: *nods and begins to walk down the hallway*

*Again. Dead silence. And there are no lights on either*

B.C: Just gotta pretend this is the Mandela Catalogue.

C.B: -_-

B.C: *reaches the door*

*He opens it and K.C is sitting there like a rag doll, with her head down*

B.C: *steps in and slowly shuts the door*

K.C: *Coughs like hell, but doesn't lift her head at all*

B.C: Kitt? This is an intervention. You’ve been asleep for 3 ye-

C.B: No.

B.C: Fine. We’re worried about you.

C.B: *looking around at the room itself*

*It is a complete mess, stuff being knocked over and gold drips from her mirror, which is also cracked a little*

C.B: …uh, B.C? This doesn’t look OK.

B.C: Yeah, I know. Kitt. Wake up.

K.C: *Still coughing, but it sounds extremely painful and she clutches her stomach and moves her knees closer*

B.C: *takes a tentative step forward*

K.C: *Coughs out a bunch of what seems to be molten gold and falls to her side, coughing out terribly*

B.C: *takes two more steps* Is that… gold?

K.C: G-Ge… *She coughs out more and curls up into a ball*

B.C: *tries to take another step but is held back by C.B*

C.B: Dude. She’s telling us to leave.

B.C: I wanna investigate a little more.

C.B: B.C, no.

B.C: She’s one of my best friends. I have every right to worry.

K.C: GET OU- *She throws up more gold into a bigger puddle, crying out afterwards*

B.C: Yup, OK. That’s good enough for me.

*B.C runs out and shuts the door*

*There's a lot more coughing from behind the door*

B.C: Noko, she’s a goner. I don’t know what the hell this is but you need to leave. Now.

Noko: B-But… What do I do with Mello? What do I tell him?

B.C: Anomys can handle it. We’ll say K.C went on vacation. The kid’ll believe anything.

Noko: … if you say so.

B.C: So. At this point, there’s only one thing we can do. *he draws his thumb across his neck sadly*

Noko: … Are you sure?

B.C: Does that look curable to you?

Noko: No. But, maybe we can find a better place to contain her?

B.C: Like where, Noko?

Noko: … *He looks unsure, holding his shaking hands and looking at the floor*

B.C: It pains me to say it, but she needs to die. *he’s tearing up himself*

*There's shuffling coming from a closed drawer*

B.C: …give me a moment.

*he cautiously opens it*

*It's Bon. But they seem nauseous and mostly tired*

Noko: Bon? Oh… right. *He goes and picks up the doll, that seems to be torn up and dirty*

B.C: Why was Bon in there?

C.B: I don't know. Noko?

Noko: Just when I had trouble getting K.C to the room, Bon tried to help. But K.C must've accidentally thrown them into that drawer.

B.C: Bon, listen. K.C isn't herself anymore. We're gonna have to put her down. I've got a weapon. It'll be quick and painless. I promise.

*Bon looks completely in shock and looks at Noko, who just nods slowly*

B.C: I wish it didn’t have to be this way… I’ve already lost one friend to my hands…

C.B: B.C, stop. That wasn’t your fault. And even he said that.

B.C: It was still me.

Noko: Look, can we please just get this over with? The longer we wait, the worst this may possibly get.

B.C: …Okay. *flicks a knife into his hand and heads back to the room*

*This time, the door opens with ease. But the inside was much worse. Smiles, strange words and crosses are drawn on the walls and bigger words written in dripping gold on the wall from where K.C was*

B.C: Wow. That was quick.

C.B: Caution.

*There's no one here. It's empty. Along with a few more drops of gold in the middle of the room.*

B.C: *kneels down to inspect it*

C.B: Got anything?

B.C: Not quite yet. Investigation sta-

C.B: *bonk*

B.C: Fine. Let's just… *takes a look at the words*

*“They will guide us.” are the big letters*

*“Joy” is written everywhere.*

C.B: This is sketchy. Where could she have even gone?

*There are scratch marks along the walls, and even on the roof, to where a small vent is at*

B.C: Maybe she's hiding in the shadows ready to jump us.

C.B: No way.

B.C: What? I'm considering all avenues. And in any case, I'm fucking with you. She obviously vented.

C.B: -_- Dude, can you take this seriously?

B.C: OK. You wanna go up there?

C.B: FUCK no.

B.C: Well neither do I.

*the two stare at each other before C.B speaks up*

C.B: Rock, paper, scissors?

B.C: Fine with me.

*Best of 3. B.C loses(laugh at this loser)*

B.C: Damn it. *jets up into the vent*

C.B: *tapping his foot nervously*

*In the vent system, there are more scratches and drops of gold, with a long scratch mark leading further down*

B.C: *calls down to C.B* Go get Noko out of here. I'm onto something. *proceeds to follow the scratch mark*

C.B: *outside, he nods and goes to find Noko*

Noko: *Fiddling with his thumbs, completely out of it*

C.B: Noko, get out of here. Now. She disappeared.

Noko: *No response, as he's in another place in his head*

Bon: *nods and drags Noko by the bottom his shirt out of the house*

*Meanwhile, back in the vent*

B.C: Jeez, hope her insurance covers this. This can't be good for the air quality.

*The scratch mark stops abruptly, and there's a smear of gold that leads downward*

B.C: To follow the creepy gold stain or not to follow the creepy gold stain?

*after a bit of contemplating, he follows the creepy gold stain*

*He falls from the vent into a golden puddle and he is in the kitchen*

B.C: Yick. *scrambles out of the puddle* Aaaand my hoodie's ruined. Grreat.

*The kitchen is tidy. But there's a golden trail that leads to the door outside*

B.C: Wow! A trail? Just for me? She shouldn't have.

*The door is wide open with a golden handprint on it.*

B.C: You know, I'm starting to see a pattern here. *follows creepy trail 2: electric boogaloo*

*It leads out to the backyard. And there's nothing there.*

B.C Now I get jumped. That's how this works, innit?

*No sound. Just B.C in the backyard in the middle of the night.*

B.C: Apparently not. Welp. Off to find her. C.B!

C.B: *skids up after a little bit* Yeah?

B.C: She's gone. We have to find her.

C.B: Not another game of hide and seek. That trope's overdone.

B.C: But we have to. Come on.

*the two take off in search, they see that the gate door to the neighborhood is open, and seems like someone kicked it down*

B.C: Dramatic much?

C.B: *deadpan*

B.C: :P

C.B: Whatever. Here we go. *grabs B.C's arm(since he can't be trusted on his own)and goes through the gate.*

*There are golden drops leading to a house, and then stopping.*

B.C: Ten bucks she's in there.

C.B: You're broke.

B.C: Precisely. *walks up and kicks down the door* FBI, OPEN UP!


*Nothing. Just more stuff being broken*

B.C: I had my fingers crossed.

C.B: You actually suck.

B.C: This has been a pretty long search, hasn't it?

C.B: It's been 5 MINUTES.

B.C: Fair enough. *begins to look around. Maybe for more cryptic messages or somth*

*There's bloodstains on the walls, as if there was a fight, and more scratch marks*

B.C: Wow! First liquid other than gold!

C.B: You’re a messed up individual.

B.C: How fresh is this blood? *lays a finger to it then his tongue*

C.B: BRO WHAT- oh wait that’s actually smart-

*It's fresh. Then there are more crashes and bangs coming from upstairs*

B.C: Ladies and gentlemen. We got ‘er.

C.B: Bro is NOT Paul Bremer.

B.C: Sshhh. *silently goes upstairs*

*The sounds sound like a man fighting with someone. And the sounds of maniacal laughter are heard too*

B.C: *jumps up onto the top floor, two black energy balls appearing in his hands* PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR, KITT. BECAUSE THAT’S PROBABLY YOU.

C.B: *facepalm*

*The person holding down the man looks to B.C with a grin that's abnormally wide. They then slam the man's head down again and leaps up onto the roof*

B.C: Don’t you run from me. *follows close behind*

C.B: *stays back to check on the dude*

*The person on the roof keeps laughing and then stops*

B.C: Alright. I’m here.

B.C: …wow, I have no idea what to say. Haha.

K.C: HAHAHAHAHA! Look who finally decided to join the party! Care to have a taste of what'll be promised to us?

B.C: *has his eyes shut like sands undertale during his fight* I’ve been trynna join, Kitt. You’re just a bit too fast. And also, what?

K.C: Let me… enlighten you, my friend. *She suddenly disappears*

B.C: *plants a foot behind him to brace just in case of an attack - he knows better* What’re ya doin

*A giggle is heard around him but it's difficult to pinpoint where*

B.C: Did that god do this to you?

K.C: *She's still invisible but it sounds closer to his left ear* Maybeee…

B.C: *he strikes out* Then this is my fault.

K.C: Awww, all of that self hate and negativity… here, let me FIX that!

*Strings wrap around his arms and legs and lift him off his feet*


K.C: *lifts his head to face her, she's now visible* Now, open those eyes for me, Burn.

B.C: Why should I?

K.C: I have something to show you! It'll be cool! Trust me!

B.C: *his eyes stay closed* Nah. -w-

K.C: *She grips onto his jaw tightly, almost threatening to break it* Look at me.

B.C: Kh- OK, OK, fine. *his eyes open

K.C: *She smiles wider and makes him look into her eyes* There we go!

B.C: You look weird. :P

*She doesn't respond, just keeps his eyes looking into hers*

B.C: OK, I’m done now. *shuts them again*

K.C *tightens a string around his neck* No. Open them again.

B.C: Would you actually kill your friend?

K.C: Hm… You're right! Our new god wouldn't like it if a follower is dead. *She loosens the strings and drops him*

B.C: Thanks, but you know I’m atheist.

K.C: *she just chuckles*

B.C: So what was the point in that? I don’t…

*his face falls as he remembers something. “Your little WISH sent a weird god looking thing here and it was talking about a paradise and shit like that. It grabbed me and made me look into its eyes.”*

B.C: …oh no.

K.C: *She's now laughing like a maniac*

B.C: …you know what? I really don’t like you right now.

K.C: Aww… my feelings are hurt. *She wipes a golden tear from her eyes*

B.C: Actually, I take it back. You've learned sarcasm. That clears everything.

K.C: And guess what? You're my second catch of the day!

B.C: That dude we caught you savaging?

K.C: Yeah… sadly it won't be as long as your's. Oh well! The more the merrier!

B.C: Elaborate.

K.C: The longer you look into my eyes, the quicker the joy spreads. So… his is around a week.

B.C: …thats how long it took you… and me? How long do I have? Because I'll fight it. I always have and always will.

K.C: Hm…. *Counts the seconds on her fingers* Aw… also a week.

B.C: Awesome. More than enough time to take you down.

B.C: C.B, get out of here. Find everyone you can and evacuate.

C.B: What?

B.C: I'm done for. Go, NOW.

C.B: …alright.

B.C: *he spins the knife in his hand and his eyes snap open, burning bright red* Let's do this.

K.C: *She laughs out and leaps down in a spin to her feet* Okay! Let's play, Crimson!

B.C: I'll fight you until I can't anymore. Then I'll end it myself.

-End Prologue-

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