A Splash of Spirit

By littahmaya

519 19 5

Hazel May is a lonely girl, stuck in a grey world. When she meets Jacob she immediately gets along with all o... More

January Blues
Yo osho
Wear protection
Sunday, finally a fucking fun day
Easy Jet
Fuck Boy
Chocolate beasts
Too Cool To Be Annoyed
Awkward apolagies
Strange brownie
Immoral selfies
Pratt with an M
Equal and opposite reactions
Cheaky Kisses
Confessions and stolen teddy bears
'Im just saying you could do better'- (short chapter)
Hurting the bad boy
King and Queen

Suck it and see

8 1 0
By littahmaya

"Im so proud of you," Smiled my mum, sorting out my uniform

"Thank you"

"I hope your happier in college" she said playing with my ringlets

"I hope so too" I whispered

"My Hazel in college." said my mum, smiling to her self

Todays my final day of school, then 9 weeks holiday then I start college. School didn't do me much good, I just hope college is a bundle of fun.
Im going to Claringdon College because its across the road from the best ice cream store, and I love ice cream so im pretty stoked.


I sat in the assembly hall, surrounded by a load of tearful teenagers crying because they don't want to leave.
I sat there comfortably waiting for them to open the doors so I can walk out this hell hold for the last time.

"Students of Hove hill" Greeted my headmaster

"Or should I say, past students of Hove Hill." He annoyingly joked

The whole assembly let out a group laugh as if what he said was even a tiny but humorous.

"For you guys continuing into 6 Form, the journey has just began. But for those who are leaving, we wish you luck in your new college." He continued "You guys did some voting for your fellow pupils, so I'm going to read out the awards."

Im not going to win anything, I never win things

"Funniest student, Pier Lusack."
The whole assembly gave a round of plause, I don't even know who the fuck Pier is. Ha

"Most achievements, Jackie Dunstall."

"Most popular student, Shannon Hyde."
I know everyone voted for her to take the piss, but she didn't know that so I clapped for her merrily .

"Best looking boy, Matt Payne."
The whole assembly erupted in a loud round of a plause, thats gonna go straight to his vain head!

"Best looking girl, Hazel May."

My face slowly grew red, the whole assembly turned to me to analyse my award winning looks. I wish I could just disappear right now.

My heart was beating at 10000 Bpm, I was so nervous I didn't know what to do with myself.

How did everyone vote for me, I don't even know half the people in this year group.

The assembly ended and the whole year slowly walked out the school gates for one last time, hugging, kissing, crying.

I turned around to get one last glance at my school, not one bit of sadness reached my cold heart.

I swung around to rush home when I saw Shannon Hyde behind me stretching her arms for a hug.

I gently gave her a hug.

"Are you coming six form here or are you leaving?" She asked concerned

"Im leaving, im going to Claringdon College. You?"

"Im staying here for six form." She said, exited

"Im cant believe you got voted most popular student" I said, playing with her thick hair

"I thought I was a bit popular, but not most popular." she said proudly

Honestly, no one actually knew her but they voted for her to take the piss but as long as she believed it than I'm happy

"I wish you all the best for six form" I smiled

"Thank you, I'm a bit nervous because of the new people, the harder work" she said

"You'll do good Shannon, Just don't let people like Christian step all over you, there'll be a lot of people like him in six form," I warned "Im super nervous too, I don't think I'll know anyone In my new college, but I'll suck it and see"

"Suck it and see?" She giggled

"Have you never heard of the Arctic Monk- don't worry, it means don't ask questions just do it, you'll never know whats to come."

"What?" She asked confused

"Don't read the small print" I said


"Don't over think things, just jump right into it." I said, trying to keep my cool

"I don't understand?" She repeated

"Like, chance it!" I said, raising my voice a bit

She stared at me blankly

"Okay, you see them jelly bean packets, where they don't tell you the flavour?" I asked

She nodded

"You don't know whats to come, but just bite that jelly bean because you never know it could be that disgusting bogey flavour, however it could also be the best flavour you've ever tasted in your whole entire life." I said, inspired

"Ohh." she said slowly nodding

"Suck it and see Shannon Hyde." I said, whilst walking away

I took one glance at my school building, and all the people around saying their good byes and I realised no matter how much I hated school, no matter how much I dreaded going everyday,
Its still going to be the most fucking worst thing Ive done I'm my life.

Adios Hove High, I don't know whats to come but I'll just have to suck it and see.

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