A Splash of Spirit

By littahmaya

517 19 5

Hazel May is a lonely girl, stuck in a grey world. When she meets Jacob she immediately gets along with all o... More

January Blues
Yo osho
Wear protection
Sunday, finally a fucking fun day
Easy Jet
Fuck Boy
Too Cool To Be Annoyed
Awkward apolagies
Strange brownie
Immoral selfies
Pratt with an M
Suck it and see
Equal and opposite reactions
Cheaky Kisses
Confessions and stolen teddy bears
'Im just saying you could do better'- (short chapter)
Hurting the bad boy
King and Queen

Chocolate beasts

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By littahmaya

"Hazelnut, I knew I could spot you from the crowds" said Jacob walking towards me

"I missed you." I said smiling

"We came to get you from school. We're going to Crushed fruit, do you wanna come? I'll buy." he asked

Jacob and smoothies, that can really cheer me up.

I jumped in the front seat while Amy, Eddie and Daniel sat in the back.

"Hazel you look so sexy in your school uniform" politely greeted Daniel

"I think it looks horrible" I said, screwing up my face

"Knee socks turn me on"

"Thanks" I smiled awkardly

"Your girlfriends right next to you!" Laughed Jacob

"Ive come to turmes with fact that Daniel appreciates beauty" Amy said, smiling

"Thats why I love you." said Daniel

She grabbed his neck and started snogging him, constantly falling onto Eddie, he clearly felt awkward constantly trying to move away but unfortunately the back was too small.

"Hazel, you look upset. Are you Okay?" Asked Jacob, whilst driving

"Im okay" I lied

"Hazel? You don't have the usual happy gleam in your eyes, whats happened" he asked, concerned

"Its just some boy" I hesitantly admitted

"Do I need to have a talk to anyone for you?" Asked Eddie

I giggled "Its cool, I'm already starting to cheer up"

Indeed I was.

We approached the colourful juice bar in the middle of town, it looked unique and fun. Some where I'd love to work.

We walked in the colourful store.

I stood by the counter reading the exotic menu.


.Avocado, pears, spinach and mango
.Strawberry, banana, and macca
.Lime, broccoli, pineapple and apple
.Mangoes, mangoes and mangoes.

Milk shakes:
.Chocolate Beast
.Strawberry delight
.Banana swirl
.Caramel twist
.Vanilla dream

"How may I help you?" Asked Ocean from Behind the counter

She stood wearing her own edgy clothing with a plain apron Hiding it, she works here?

"You work here?" I asked raising, my eyebrows.

"Yeah, which means we get 50% off" said Jacob, looking smug

"Cheapskates." Said Ocean cutting her eye.

"How may I help you?" She proceeded letting out a sigh.

"The usual." Replied Jacob
"Chocolate beast?" She said looking disgusted "Of all the exotic, healthy smoothies we offer, and you continuously buy 'Chocolate beast', continue eating that and you'll turn into one" She laughed

He cut his eye "You sound like my mother" he said laughing

"Fuck you" she said grinning

A chubby looking young man approached Ocean with stern look on his face, his badge read 'Bill grammes, store manager'

"Ocean I don't want to have to continuously warn you, stop verbally abusing customers" Bill warned

Jacob looked smug "Yeah Ocean, you have to show some respected"

Ocean gave Jacob a deathly stare

Bill turned to Jacob "do you wish to make a complaint?"

A massive smile invaded Jacobs whole face "Umm.." Jacob hummed provocatively

Oceans glare grew more intense

"No thank you, Bill" Jacob answered, clearly thrown back by Oceans threatening glare

Bill walked away to the back of the shop

"See Ocean you should listen to Bill more" teased Jacob

Ocean looked around to check if Bill was close enough to hear

"Shut the fuck up Jacob" she said, trying to keep an angry face on, but her smile was gleaming through

"What would you like hazel?" She happily asked "I know you'll be more exiting than Jacob, ordering 'chocolate beast' in a healthy smoothie store! What is he like?" she laughed

My stomach started to turn.
I love chocolate milkshakes, this is embarrassing.

Should I order Chocolate beast and embarress myself or order a fucking Spinach smoothie portending to be one of them healthy hipsters who care about their diet?

"Can I can I pl-" I stuttered

"Can I get a Chocolate beast please?" I revealed, my face growing red

We all went silent

"Wow hazel" said Ocean, shaking her head In disappointment.

"I expected more from you.."

"Im sorry! What can I say?" I replied sorrowfully

"Stop, just stop. You let me down." She sighed, walking away to make our Large Chocolate Beasts

Jacob reassuringly put his hand on my shoulder "Don't worry Hazel, you didn't choose the Chocolate life, the Chocolate life chose you"

"Thank You Jacob, I knew you'd understand" I replied Thankfully

We both walked towards a round table, joining Amy, Eddie and Daniel.

The shop door slammed open.

Jordan entered, his curly fair looking messy, though really cute. He wore a Grey jersey with a massive sweat patch in the middle and a super cool pair of nike black joggers. One word: crotch.

Jordan grabbed two chairs, falling onto one and slamming his feet up onto the second one

"Green protein shake, Ocean" he shouted, not even bothering to turn and look at her

"Whats the magic word?" Ocean replied sternly

"Abracadabra." He replied, lazily.

"Jordan why are you so sweaty?" Complained amy, scrunching her nose.

"Training." he Answered

"Why do you train like everyday" she asked

He didn't reply.
He looked down to his shirt and lifted it up, revealing a toned six pack. He remained straight faced, looking out the window ignoring everyone.

Amy's face became red
"Um, err-" she cleared her throat

"Its not as good as mine" vainly interrupted Daniel

He Began to raise his shirt revealing a six pack that was rather impressive, but nowhere near as muscly as Jordan's

"See, look at Daniels and he doesn't even train. Effortlessly sexy" her glittery lips pouted

"Yo, you guys are embarrassing yourselves looked at mine" said Jacob, lifting up his shirt, revealing his skinny body,

Daniel laughed with sympathy.

"What do you think Hazel?" He said, smiling at me.

I raised my eyebrows and shook my, head looking impressed "You make The Rock look like a little girl" I said, smiling.

I turned to look at Jordan who was leaning against the wall with his chair tilted, his arms resting behind his head. He looked overly relaxed considering he was in public. His top was still up revealing his impressive row of muscles. He must have forgot he kept it up, it was awfully distracting.

I looked away and nervously cleared my throat.

Jordan sniggered, sat in the same position.

"Whats wrong Oakley?" He asked, smiling

"Its Hazel, nothings wrong" I nervously replied

His smile grew larger
"Oh" he replied nodding his head

He lifted his sweaty top all the way to the top revealing more of his muscled body.

He glanced at me at the corner of his eye to check if I was looking.

I could sense him smiling, cheasily.

Why did he have to have such a great body?

I grew increasingly uncomfortable and nervous

I broke the silence "will you stop?" I snapped, trying not to smile

"Stop what?" He asked leaning his chair forward to lean on the table.

His elbows were on the table and his fists were holding his head up, his light brown eyes focused on me.

"Nothing" I replied nervously, avoiding eye contact

"Ok" he replied, quickly moving on

He shifted to his previous position, lifting his shirt up again

"Pull your shirt down" I said looking away so he couldn't see my smile

He came close to me again

"Why?" He asked with his fist over his mouth prevent himself from laughing

"Am I making you nervous?" He asked

He started to stare at me more intense, his eyes focused

I nervously looked down but he gently lifted my chin up so that we were both glazing at each other,inches away.

"Am I making you nervous, beautiful?" He repeated softly

My heart began to race

I never get lost for words, whats wrong with me?

He started to laugh, slowly leaning back on his chair

"I wasn't nervous" I said, stroking a curl behind my ear

"You to put on quite a show" Interrupted Jacob, clapping.

I forgot that everyone else was here watching

"Don't let Jordan get you in a trance" smiled Eddie, ruffling his wavy hair.

"He could never.",I replied stubbornly

"You went red, and you couldn't
speak," Said Amy, matter-of-factly.

Jordan remained silent, leaning back with a cheesy smirk on his face.

Jordan's officially an idiot.

Ocean finally arrived with me and Jacobs chocolate beasts, and Jordan's protein thingy majig.

"Enjoy your nutritious refreshments" she said sarcastically

"Thank you very much" said Jacob patronisingly ignoring the sarcasm to annoy her.

Jordan looked at my chocolate beast and laughed nodding his head as if he just learnt something new.

"Why are you nodding your head as if your gathering information?" I asked Jordan curiously

"Why are you psycho analysing me" he smiled, not taking me seriously

"Its just so easy to read you" I said "like a book" I continued, smiling at him

He raised one eyebrow "Read me then"

I could so read him, he was just like Matt Payne.

"Cool. Your sporty, Good looking so you think your like the king of the world. You think you can put girls in a trance. Your very arrogant because all the other girls may fall at your feet," I said, not hesitating "But I'm still standing cause' I see right through you-"

He grinned and looked proud "Good looking?"

"Okay Cupcake, let me read you." he said, licking his lips

"Wait, I'm not finished doing you" I moaned

His eyes gazed off looking distracted and he had a faint smirk on his face

What did I say?
Oh Shit

"You have a dirty mind," I panicked "I meant do you like, fin-"

He placed his finger on my lip

"You give people sexual offers, which make you come across quite needy and-" he started

I straight faced him

"Are you going to give me a chance?"

"Fine." I replied dryly

"You think I'm good looking," he smiled as if he was proud of himself

I shouldn't have said that. Is that all he gathered?

He slowly looked down to my Chocolate beast.

"And of all the drinks healthy drinks you could have chose, you choose 'chocolate beast', so sexy" he winked

"And if i wanted you, I could have you" He finished

I tried to remain unbiased, but burst out laughing.

"Cool" I said, amused "You could never have me, I'm immune to bad boy ways" I said

"I can infect you" he said, calmly

We stared at each other for what felt like a decade

"So are you guys coming?" Asked Jacob

The whole group turned to look at me and Jordan who were giving each other evils

Ocean appeared to have now joined us

"Oh hi Ocean, sorry go where? I asked, confused

"You too where too busy flirting to listen to our conversation" laughed Jacob

"Or notice that Ive joined you" Added Ocean

"Their in love" added Bella who had also just arrived too

What the hell?

"Fuck no, of all the girls." complained Jordan

"Shut up, of all the boys." I replied

They all laughed apart from me and Jordan who appeared Grossed out.

"Yeah so as I was saying, my dads having a BBQ on Saturday. Are You two coming?" Asked Jacob

"Yeah, cool" I answered

"I have a football game, but if coach is is a good mood, I'll consider it" Said Jordan

"Sweet." said Jacob

I hope his coach is going to be in a bad mood, because he annoys me do death.

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