By duvetbangtannies

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[ status : completed ] " Love is overrated, just like winter romance. " " Winter is when magic happens. It's... More



49 3 1
By duvetbangtannies

Within the intricate mosaic of existence, love manifests as the profound brushstroke, painting hues of connection and meaning onto the canvas of our shared journey.

7 am, Winter Havan.

With the soft glow of dawn filtering through the curtains, Taehyung found himself standing at the threshold of your room. Jungkook and Avery were away for a delightful morning walk whereas your mom was busy in her daily chores.

You laid in your bed, a cascade of morning light gently kissing your features. The quiet ambiance allowed Taehyung to appreciate the vulnerability of the moment, an intimacy that seemed to transcend the mere physicality of your connection.

Nothing really happened yesterday night. But the little moment and warmth you shared with him was everything. As he approached you, his eyes traced the contours of her face, his gaze lingering on the expression that painted your features.

With a gentle touch, he tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear, savoring the quietude that surrounded him. The air held a delicate tension for him.

Taehyung, his voice a soft whispered leaning in. "You are a masterpiece in the morning light, Faye. A living poem that unfolds with the dawn. " And with this, your eyes fluttered open, greeted by the tender words that hung in the air. For a moment, shock painted your features, a realization dawning on you as you processed the unexpected tenderness of Taehyung's sentiment.

Taehyung remained where he stood, a silent observer of your initial surprise. There was no judgment in his gaze, only a quiet acknowledgment of the delicate moment. His hands rested on either side of your bed being close to your messy morning face and hair.

" M-r. Ki-m what brin-gs you here ear-ly in the morning?" You stuttered.

"I couldn't resist witnessing the beauty of the morning that you embody. A bit unconventional, I admit." He whispers.

" Well, Mr. Kim , Any particular reason for this poetic proclamation being used on me instead in your manuscripts ? " You mocked little.

" Sometimes, the dawn unfolds its own poetry, and in those moments, expressing the beauty around us feels like an instinct. Your presence in this morning light seemed like a canvas of serenity. " He spoke making your cheeks turn pink again.

Your mom's voice echoed from downstairs, breaking the intimate spell between Taehyung and you.

" Faye, dear, Jimin's here! Come down, breakfast is almost ready." You regained your composure, exchanged a glance with Taehyung.


" Ready to conquer the snowman contest today? " Jimin inquired.

" Forever and always. " You high fived with his palm.

" You remember our childhood days ? Those snowball fights ? " jimin remencises.

" We used to have epic snowball fights, and you were the reigning champion." You chuckled.

" Good times, good times. Maybe we should revive that tradition today. " Jimin spoke taking a long sip of the apple cider from his cup.

As you discussed the details of their snowman creation, Taehyung, who happened to witness the scene, felt an unfamiliar pang of discomfort. His eyes lingered on the camaraderie between you and Jimin, a closeness that seemed to transcend the ordinary.

" Morning Taehyung. " Jimin greeted as he noticed his presence proceeding towards you both. Taehyung hums and settles down across you and Jimin on the couch.

An undercurrent of emotions swirled within Taehyung. His usual composure wavered, overshadowed by a growing unease that he couldn't quite pinpoint. His gaze went towards you and Jimin casually holding hands and sharing a ' close ' friendship.

" The snowman contest is a tradition here. Jimin and I used to team up when we were kids." You smiled cheerfully explaining to Taehyung.

" I'm sure I'll manage just fine." He tried to sound nonchalant.

"Oh, you'll love it! Jimin always adds a touch of flair to our snow creations. We used to build the quirkiest snowmen, and his ideas were always so imaginative." You glanced at Jimin appreacting his skills.

Taehyung felt an unfamiliar feeling of discomfort. ' Why do I care about Jimin's ideas? It's just a snowman contest.' he thought.

The mention of Jimin's creativity and shared history with you stirred a quiet storm within Taehyung, a storm he was yet to acknowledge in the light of the winter morning.


In the town square, a stage was set up for the judging ceremony. A panel of local dignitaries and enthusiasts eagerly awaited the unveiling of the creative snowmen.

Children darted around, their faces painted with joy as they helped their parents prepare for the contest. A group of friends debated the best way to fashion snowman accessories, their animated discussions adding to the lively ambiance.

You were paired up with Jimin, Jungkook was with Avery and Taehyung was building a snowman all alone.

You glanced at Taehyung who was struggling.

" Taehyung do you need some executive decision making for your snowman? " Jimin mocked while sculpting your team's snowman.

" I'm quite capable of creating a masterpiece on my own, thank you. " Taehyung's tone was colder than the snowfall.

"Jungkook, how about we make ours do a snowball throw? That could be fun." Avery placed a twig for arms on their snowman.

" Sounds amazing. Our snowman will be the ultimate snowball warrior. " Jungkook winked while cooperating with her.

As Taehyung worked diligently on his snowman, the constant mocking from Jimin grated on his nerves.

" Taehyung, you sure you're not missing your office room filled with manuscripts ? Snowmen aren't known for their strategic literature planning, you know. " jimin's lips curved with a smirk.

You noticed Taehyung's unease.
" Jimin, don't be too hard on him. Maybe his snowman will surprise us. " You defended smiling.

While others were busy carving their perfect snowman. You approached Taehyung as he had almost given up.

" Mind if I lend a hand, Mr. Kim? Building a snowman is more fun together. " You smiled. His gaze meets yours.

" I would not say no to your assistance , Ms. Faye. Apparently, my solo editor in chief approach isn't winning any awards. " Taehyung added with sarcasm making you chuckle.

As you joined him, your hands brushed against the cold snow, creating a shared moment that transcended the competition.

" Maybe your touch will turn this into a masterpiece." He spoke witnessing you shape the snow flawlessly. As you both sculpted the snow together, a camaraderie blossomed in the frosty air.

" See, Mr. Kon snowman building is all about balance. A bit of fun, a bit of strategy." You shrugged.

" I guess I needed a different perspective. Thanks for bringing that." His lips had a thin smile.

" You should smile often. It looks really nice on you. " You complimented making him stare into your pupil for a bit too long.

Each team aimed to outdo the other, and beneath Taehyung's confident exterior, an internal storm of jealousy brewed, fueled by Jimin's relentless teasing.

The anticipation rose as the announcement for the winner of the contest echoed through the air.

"Ladies and gentlemen, after careful consideration, we're delighted to announce that the winner of this year's snowman contest is...

.... Taehyung !" You cheered the loudest being happy for his win.

Cheers erupted from the crowd, but among the joyful exclamations, Jimin wore an expression of mock outrage.

" Seriously? What kind of snowman did you make, Taehyung? " Jimin fienged in disbelief.

"One with a touch of executive charm, Jimin. It seems the judges appreciated sophistication." Taehyung's lips turned into a smirk while replying to him.

Being genuinely happy, you wrapped your arms around Taehyung unaware of your acts due to your excitement and happiness.

" Congratulations, Mr. Kim"

He was taken aback for a while but did not hesitate to wrap his arms on your back. In a fraction of seconds , you realised your actions, pulling away with an apologetic look.

" Uh-m. That was sudden out of joy and excitement. " He chuckled and held your hand leaving you confused with a raised brow. He guided you to the stage with him leaving the others in uncertainty.

" I must admit, I didn't do this alone. Faye here provided the artistic touch that made our snowman stand out. It's as much hers as it is mine. " He glanced at you while speaking at the crowd. You were astonished by his act.

" Mr. Kim- " you whispered and he winked smiling.

" Teamwork, right? " He whispered back near your ears making you nod with a blush.

You and Taehyung held the trophy, a symbol of your collaborative and shared moment of a special connection.

Jimin, unable to contain his frustration, stepped forward with a scowl as you both held the trophy.

"This is a joke, right? What did you do, buy the judges? " He scoffed at him.

"It's called creativity with Team work, Jimin. Maybe you should try it sometime." Taehyung said defensively.

The playful banter turned into a heated exchange as Jimin, unwilling to accept defeat, fueled the argument.

" You're always trying to overshadow everyone, Taehyung. May it be in the industry of your books or anywhere else. It's getting old." Jimin promopted.

" I earned this fair and square. If you can't handle it, that's your problem. " Taehyung's was shimmering in anger with his each words now. By this time you knew that this would end up badly. You tried to let the situation drop but it was not helping.

" Jimin-n , stop it. Please? " You requested with an worried tone.

" No, Faye ! " His tone was stern. The commotion attracted the attention of the whole crowd.

" Guys, let's not ruin the festivities with this argument. " Avery spoke witnessing the gravity of the situation. Jungkook approached Taehyung.

" Man calm down. " Jungkook whispered to Taehyung.

" Stay away from Faye. You're always stealing the spotlight, and I've had enough. " Jimin spats pointedly at Taehyung.

" You've got to be kidding me, Jimin. You can't handle losing, so you pull this stunt? Asking me to stay away from Faye won't change anything. She's not some prize to be won." Anger flared in his eyes.

" JUST SHUT UP..." Jimin promopted loudly in annoyance.


That's all Jimin could speak.

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