🧡💜ภคгยђเภค ๓๏ภtђ 2023🧡💜

By Sessakag

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A collection of one-shots written for the NaruHina fair on tumblr! Enjoy! Event Information:https://naruhinam... More

Table of Contents
A Day in the Life of the Uzumaki Family
How I Met Your Daughter
Beefcake Tower Uzumaki Style
Nothing Else Matters
For Him
Consequences of Grief
Protecting His Empress
Cruel Angel
Hima's Question
On The Outside Looking In
Slow And Steady Wins The Race
The Thin Wall Between Sex and Competition

Night At the Opera

173 10 2
By Sessakag

Chapter Ten

Night At the Opera

Prompt: High Society

" Ugh . This is torture."

"You weren't invited in the first place," Naruto shot back, glaring at his cousin, "all I asked you to do was get me a seat, dattebayo."

Karin shrugged, the bright yellow puffed shoulders of her gown fluttering with the motion, "well, when you said you wanted the best seat at the Opera House, I had to come see why. You hate this stuffy, high society crap, did you really expect me to not come?"


"Then you're an idiot and all that high education Auntie Kushina and Uncle Minato put you through was wasted," the redhead shrugged.

Naruto rolled his eyes, tugging at the neck of his starch stiffened dress shirt as he turned his attention back to the stage where the barrel chested, monkey-suit wearing male Aria stood center stage, his voice ringing throughout the room of entranced spectators.

Or rather.

Room full of entranced spectators minus two.

Naruto had to agree with Karin, this was mind-fucking-numbingly boring.

He hated opera.

Always had.

He didn't understand a word of what the hell they were singing, not to mention, the wide range of high pitch and low left his ears ringing long after he left the event. Opera was one of those acquired tastes the most bluebloods of his family and the snobs around them rushed to be seen at so they can brag about their private view boxes and how close they were to the stage as though any of that shit mattered.

Back when when nobody had cellphones and internet, opera was looked upon as an art form reserved damn near exclusively to the ultra wealthy.

Rich snobs would commission new compositions, pay for production then invite all their equally snobbish friends to watch the show they had nothing to do with besides fronting money, crowing about the ensemble as though the voice of the opera singers had come out their own throats.

In the modern age, all that pompous peacocking had lost it's value, but over the last five years, the upper echelon of society were determined to ensure it made a comeback in the 21st century.

Naruto didn't give a shit either way.

He was here to see tonight's up-and-coming Diva.

The future Prima Donna he'd only met and spoken to once for an enchanting hour at a Ball thrown by some elitist prick his dad did business with.

He'd seen her immediately, drawn to her the moment she walked in.

Not that her entrance had been very subtle.

Half the goddamn party, mostly male, piled towards the grand entrance to watch her arrival.

He'd assumed she was royalty or something, given the way her presence was announced, formally ( by the head butler), and informally (by the excited reaction of the party guests).

Instead, as he'd learned later after subtlety, politely and maturely, bugging the shit out of his mother for information and an introduction to the gorgeous woman swathed in yards and yards of sequence blue blushing in her circlet of male admirers.

An Opera singer his mother told him.

One of, if not the best, female performers in the world.

She wasn't what he'd expected at all, though he could admit he hadn't expected much considering he'd only been drawn to her outer beauty and looking for a one-night stand at the least, perhaps a short, month long tryst in which he could find new and creative ways to make her sing beneath him at best.

What could he say?

He was a bit of a playboy, he could be honest about that.

And the women in his technical socioeconomic class were more than game for a no-strings-attached romp until they found the ideal man to advance their social, political and financial goals.

Not that he himself wasn't a pretty big catch.

But it was well known throughout every circle that mattered that twenty-eight-year-old Naruto Namikaze-Uzumaki was a happy bachelor and not looking to change that any times soon.

He'd expected this Hinata Hyuuga to be of a similar mindset as those he'd hit the sheets with.

What he hadn't expected was to meet a down to earth woman with a great sense of humor that laughed at his crappy jokes and made him laugh with hers.

That they'd bond over his current and her, surprisingly, former dislike of opera.

That little revelation had thrown him for a loop.

What professional opera singer grew up hating their current career choice most of their life?

One that hadn't actively made the choice, but had been browbeaten into it by her socioeconomic status greedy mother, unsurprisingly.

That at least was a play Naruto was familiar with.

Matchmaking mamas and 'let's talk business' fathers had always been the bane of his existence.

Everyone was always looking for a way to gain a leg up despite the fact that everybody here were already so far in the goddamn sky the next leg up was the space.

He hadn't expected her to be so uncomfortable with the fawning attention she received at the door.

Nor that she avoided High Society just as much as he did unless dragged into it by family that wouldn't take no for answer, and who she couldn't give a no to in return.

Of all the pleasant surprises and revelations he'd uncovered in that hour on the veranda with her, what he certainly hadn't expected was to find himself, him of all people in the universe, smitten , fuckin goofy smile and sweaty palms smitten , with the slightly shy, sweet-hearted woman with a body made for sin and a smile like an angel.

He'd come away from that meeting desperate to see her again.

Intrigued and entranced in a way he'd never been before he'd settled into jaded indifference.

In a world that'd long since become gray and listless, she was a splash of vibrant color he'd never seen before.

And so...

Here he was.

The dumb, stupid idiot Karin thought he was, twisting her arm to get him entrance into a musical performance he'd rather never have known ever existed than listen to, sitting through what had to be the devil's most prized torture instrument just to have the chance to exchange a few more words with her, or, if he got lucky, secure an actual, full on date, something he hadn't officially, voluntarily been on in damn near ten years.

His stomach clenched.

Him .

Of all people!

Smitten , fuckin goofy smile and sweaty palms smitten , gut churning with anxiety over a date that may never happen.

Even when she wasn't around, Hinata Hyuuga was blowing his mind.

"My my, what a gorgeous woman," Karin hummed quietly beside him, alerting him that the torture had ceased and his reason for coming had arrived.

Beneath a bright spotlight, Hinata Hyuuga stood between to

Her pretty pearl skin fairly glowed against the long, shoulder-less midnight gown. The heart shaped bodice was molded to her heavy chest, though high enough to merely hint at the idea of cleavage. Her wide hips wrapped in fabric brushed by glittering crimson sparkles, the long train of her gown pooling around her feet. Her long dark hair had been swept into a bun atop her head, long tendrils spilling down the back; vibrant crimson flowers woven into the strands.

He'd never seen a lovelier sight in his life.

The music began, and the first sound of her voice captured every fiber of his being.

Casta Diva, che inargenti

queste sacre antiche piante,

a noi volgi il bel sembiante

senza nube e senza vel...

The world fell away as the theater filled with the voice that had to be sent from beyond Heaven's gate.

Tempra, o Diva,

tempra tu de' cori ardenti

tempra ancora lo zelo audace,

spargi in terra quella pace

che regnar tu fai nel ciel...

As the foreign language filled his ears, Naruto found his love of opera.


An hour later, he stood outside the crush of the atrium at intermission.

He stood a ways back in a fairly shadowed area of the large room, hoping against hope he wouldn't run into of anyone he knew in his social circle.

He didn't care about being seen here, he just wasn't in the mood to put on his upper class mask.

Tonight, he wanted to be himself.

Like he always did, whenever he got the chance...

A gentle tap to his lower shoulder blade cut his morse thoughts short, and he braced himself for far a matchmaking mama, 'let's talk business' father or a pampered spoiled princess intent on being the 'lucky' woman that got him to turn in his bachelor card.

Neither was waiting for him.

Instead, his reason for coming stood smiling up at him.

"We meet again," Hinata observed quietly, her voice a mere thread he barely caught over the crush of people.

"We meet again," he echoed, grinning brightly at her.

"I saw you from the..."

His brow creased as her voice faded beneath the volume of the room.

He bent down, shouting, "say that again, I can barely hear you over the noise!"

Instead of answering, she took his arm and led him away.

He followed her out of the hall and back into the theater, then ducked into a side door halfway down the dimly lit aisle leading backstage where sound proof walls shut the heavy drone of conversation.

His gaze slid up and down her slender form as she walked.

Caressing her bare shoulders and exposed neck.

Lingering on her slim waist, flared hips and peach shaped buttocks.

Distracted, he nearly ran into her as she stopped at a door among a corridor filled with doors.

"We can talk here," she told him, smiling over her shoulder, "its...my dressing room. It's sound proof too, sometimes I practice in here before I go on stage."

The door in question had her name etched in bright golden letters at the top.

She opened it and led him inside.

It wasn't very big, or rather, it was filled with so many clothes, props and frilly accessories that there wasn't much space left, and the huge white vanity against the far wall certainly didn't help.

"Please excuse the mess," she murmured turning to him with an uncomfortable smile.

"You call this a mess?" he chuckled, "you should have seen my bedroom when I was a kid. You'd swear a clothes bomb went off in it."

She laughed softly, the sound so beautiful to him.

His heart, that'd been a rushed tap up until now, melded into a hard pounding drum against his ribs.

His palms growing sweaty as he searched desperately for a way to say what he'd wanted to say to her all night without sounding like a complete idiot.

His eyes darted around as though the room would help him, before falling back to her shy profile.

' Open you mouth stupid! ' he shouted at himself.

Stalling for time as the sudden silence stretched on, he blurted out, "your flower!"

Her brows creased with confusion, eyes questioning.

' Idiot. Idiot. Idiot. '

"Your flower," he swallowed sickly as he repeated his idiotic observation, carefully touching one of the bright red flowers threaded in her hair hanging on by a thread, "it's uh...falling out, dattebayo."

"Thank you..." she whispered, taking his hand in hers and holding it suspended beside her cheek.

"No problem..." he muttered, unable to look away as she tugged on his hand.

His feet moved forward...

Closing the semi-respectful distance between them.

"I'm always..." he continued faintly as she arched onto her toes and wrapped her arms around his neck, "happy to help..."

Her soft lips, thankfully, shut off his brainless rambling, filling his mind with something else entirely.

Her kiss was a bit clumsy, but not overly so, and by the time he dipped his tongue into her minty moist cavern, she'd picked up the rhythm and started her own. Tasting and sweeping his palate, touching her tongue to his once, then twice, before deciding she liked the flavor, sucking on it like she'd found the illusive ambrosia in his mouth.

Lighting him on fire in the process.

He was barely conscious of them moving, of him leading her to the messy vanity behind her until it rattled under their combined weight.

He lifted her on the polished wood, knocking makeup and hair accessories to the floor in the process.

She wasn't the least bit concerned, her only goal to unfasten the buttons holding together his trousers.

This wasn't the first time he'd been in a situation like this, but it was the first time his heart was pounding so hard he was afraid it'd beat out of his chest, or felt like the moment she wrapped her hand around his painfully engorged cock that he'd spill all the pent up desired he had for her all over her hand with one single stroke.

He needed to slow down.

To recapture his scattered braincells so she understood this wasn't just a fling.

That he wanted far more from her than what was most definitely about to be the most spectacular sex he'd ever had in his life.

He couldn't bring himself to pull away.

To break away from the delicious heat of her wet, willing mouth.

And when his pants hit the floor and her hand found him, he knew it was far too late for him to formulate a coherent petition for a temporary pause with all the blood rushing from one head to another.

She smelt too good.

Tasted too good.

Felt too good in his arms.

He struggled with the goddamn zipper holding together her gorgeous gown, dipping his head to suck on the gentle slope of her neck, arching into the far too gentle grip of her little hand, and yet even that lack was turning him on.

Impatient, he yanked on the zipper, finding her mouth again, his kiss more urgent and demanding, swallowing her surprised exhalation as he reached down with his free hand and wrapped it around hers.

He squeezed, tightening her grip around his throbbing cock, breath sawing from his lungs as he shoulder her the quick hard stroking he was desperate for. Pressing her mouth so tight to his their teeth clacked, she found his tongue again as they worked his twitching cock together, panting together as he thrust into their combined grip.

"Fuck yeah," he whispered against her lips, "just like that."

He fought the urge to close his eyes and feel , wanting to memorize the blazing desire turning her eyes molten silver.

He rocked his hips, tugging her plump bottom lips with teeth before licking both top to bottom.

She went for his mouth again.

Hand tightening on the heart of his arousal.

Her legs falling open to him, though her gown kept them from circling his hips.

She yanked her hand away from his pre-cum slick cock, nearly unseating herself from the vanity as she frantically shimmied the restrictive, most likely very expensive as hell, fabric up her smooth legs, neither one of them fully registering the distinct sound of ripping cloth that followed the action.

With the gown partially out of the path of his greedy hands, he abandoned her zipper and reached under her dress for the warm paradise he was determined to sheath his cock within.

He made short work of her panties, ripping them down her legs, dragging her slight down the vanity.

Gripping the soft, soft flesh of her thighs, he hiked her back up, stepped between her widened legs and found her soaked pussy with his fingers.

"Oh!" she gasped, a mix of pleasure and surprise as her spine arched.

He rolled her wet button slow, giving her just enough pressure to wipe her mind clean.

Her hand on his dick slowed to a sluggish stroke, her back slumping heavily to the glass mirror behind her. He followed her, taking a half step to press as much of his body against hers as he could with disconnecting his hand from the delicious bundle of nerves putting that blissed out look on her beautiful face.

He watched, fascinated and hungry as pleasure overtook her delicate features.

He hummed approval as little puffs of ecstasy whispered through her lips, "so fuckin pretty, Hinata."

"Naruto-kun..." she mewled, eyes falling closed, fingers gripping the lapels of his suit.

Dipping his head, he ran a moist path from her fragile clavicle to her feminine chin with the hot length of his tongue, pausing to suck on the dip right below her little ear hiding in her thick hair.

She rocked into his mess caress, her first real moan hitting him hard as it rang out in the small room.

His balls ached in reply.

Taking her mouth again, he fumbled for her thighs, folding them into her belly, hanging one over his curled bicep to free up a hand so he could line their sexes before he embarrassed himself in a creamy explosion all over the outside of her warm cunt.

He stroked his weeping head along her slippery crease, groaning deep in his throat as heat and friction chipped away at his control.

She was tiny.

Tiny tiny .

He strained, fighting for inches and losing.

"Fuck," he panted, aroused and frustrated he couldn't slid inside.

And too fuckin horny to properly understand why he couldn't.

He stroked her clit again, desperate for her to be ready for him.

To give him the delicious wetness that would ease his way inside, but fuck could he understand why a pussy this wet needed more play.

She dripping, coating his fingers and palm in a feminine glaze that made his head swim.

A shaky breath left her throat as she reached to still his hand.

"I'm ready now," she whispered as she reached for his naked hips.

She pulled him to her, giving him those first few inches he hadn't been able to get on his own, the squeeze far from easy but more than welcome.


Fuckin God her pussy was amazing.

His buttocks clenched as pressure filled his sac.

He bit his lip, holding on by a thread as climax beat at tip of his dick.

That surprised gasp filled the room again as he sank deeper, her slender arms circling his neck, her shaky hands clinging to him.

There was a moment of resistance.

A moment of panic when he feared he wouldn't be able to cram the rest of his screaming cock inside her mushy paradise.

Then her body gave.

Her amazing cunt sucked him inside, the blissfully brutal grip nearly squeezing the hot creamy ejaculate from his tortured balls.

" Fuck, fuck ," he hissed, body shaking as hips gave an involuntary jerk, the tight tension between their sexes leaving him seeing bright white starbursts behind his eyes.

He wasn't gonna last.

Fuckin shit he wasn't gonna last.

Nothing in all his years of fucking had ever felt so goddamn good .

Desperate for a distraction, he kissed her, swallowing her little sounds of distress, sliding his hands up and down her naked arms to sooth her.

She gripped his flanks, holding on to him as her petite form trembled.

"Are you alright?" he wheezed, and though it physically pained him, he asked, "want me to stop?"

She shook her head, pressing their foreheads together.

"I'm alright," she whispered, and though tears glittered at the corner of her eyes, she smiled at him, "I've never been more alright than I am now."

Heat pooled in his groin, "you make it hard to last, sweetheart, especially talking like that, 'ttebayo."

Her arm wrapped her around his neck, her pretty eyes drifting half mast with desire as she muttered against his lips, "sorry...Naruto-kun..."

He had no fuckin idea why that lit a fire under him, but there was no dousing it now.

He rocked his hips, slow at first, fighting for his place in her resisting cunt, nearly weeping with relief when her tight flesh started to give.

Melding and molding around his cock in welcome.

He lost himself in the sensation, a mindless animal rutting and growling inside the mate he'd chosen for himself.

She wasn't quiet underneath him.

Her cries were loud and wanton, no longer uncomfortable and pained but ringing with the heavenly sound of ecstasy and feminine conquest.

He revealed in it.

Revealed in the aphrodisiac rhythmic squelch of her cunt.

He quickened his pace.

Throwing more weight behind each thrust.

Fucking her against the vanity, knocking more shit off its surface as he pounded her wet insides with as much force as his body could muster.

The hard wood of the vanity digging into his legs.

He filled his greedy hands with plump thighs, pulling her down the vanity until her pale legs dangled over the outer sides of his forearms, a position that looked really uncomfortable with her head bent funny tucked near the base of the mirror, her shoulders barely on the table with him supporting her lower body.

If she was any measure as uncomfortable as she looked, she didn't seem to give a shit.

Her eyes were closed as her body jolted with each hard thrust, neck arched as her mouth sang rapture.

He didn't know which he liked watching more.

Her beautiful face in the throes of pleasure, her bouncing ivory globes or their joined genitals.

His gaze flicked down and held, everything below his belt growing unbearably heavy.

Her pretty pink pussy on full display to his hungry eyes, giving him a unimpeded view of the delectably torturous clutch of her saturated walls.

It was the filthiest, most beautiful sight he'd ever seen in his damn life.

His arousal shinny tanned length disappearing inside her pussy, only to reappear soaked and dripping.

He was baffled by the sight, distantly questioning how such a tiny hole could take his girth, could take his cock from tip to base like filthy, fuckin, hot wet magic.

Every inch of this woman was fuckin magic.

From her sharp humorous wit and complex mind, down to her lush body and brutally honest desire.

Naruto knew he was in deep.

Figuratively and literally.

She stiffened beneath him, spine arching as her lips parted in a silent scream.

A torrent of hot moisture dripped down his dick, bathing his turgid flesh in fragrant female orgasm, sucking him deeper into her hot, wet confines.

Squeezing him.


Over and over in a series of contraction that demanded his attention.

Demanded the hot creamy climax in his balls.

He grimaced, then grunted as he fucked her in earnest, railing into her without an ounce of restraint as he chased his fiery end.

The vanity mirror banged the wall in time with his thrust.

More shit, something he hadn't thought possible, tumbled to the ground.

His toes curls in his expensive loafers as he lost it.

Eyes squeezed shut, Naruto pumped his hips frantically as a guttural groan began in his throat.

An orgasm so far out of this world hit him so hard, so deep, he felt like the hot ejaculate that left his cock was laced with his goddamn soul.

He barely had the state of mind to pull out.

Spilling his seed across the lower half of her soft belly, squeezing and milking his tip the way he knew she would have had he stayed inside until the end.

He shuddered violently, his strokes slowing to nothing.

With a harsh breath he sheathed himself inside her body once more, twitching as her warm insides contracted around him, the feeling almost too much to bear.

He felt his groin tingle.

Blood rushing back into his semi-flaccid cock.

Her breath hitched beneath him as filled her cramped confines once more.

It felt good, and he was determined to have her a second time, but, for once in the last half hour or however long, his mind was finally functioning again.

He lifted her, righting her body on the abused vanity, keeping their bodies connected as he moved.

Her petite form sagged against the mirror, her eyes closing briefly as he settled between her thighs.

She looked dazed and well loved, her lips swollen, eyes teary and relaxed.

He swallowed, licking his suddenly dry lips as the urge to destroy her all over again hit him full force in the gut.

Sucking in a stabling breath, he fought the urge clawing at his insides and cleared his throat.

"So uh," he muttered, drenched in sweat, drowning in soul deep satiation and hungering for more, "I didn't mean to uh, jump you like that, dattebayo."

She giggled beneath him, squeezing his cock in the process, drawing a long groan from his throat.

"I-I think I was the one that jumped you," she muttered against his chest.

Sucking a shuddering breath, he arched his hips, her answering moan starting a stirring in his loins all over again, as he chuckled, "that's true, and swear to God, I'm not complaining, I just uh...really like you and wanted to see you in a uh, official kinda capacity 'ttebayo..."

She drew back, gracing him with that bright, beautiful smile beneath those clear, moonstone eyes shining with something so rare in his world.


"I-I had hoped that you would, um, want to see each other in a...official capacity," she rushed out, dipping her head, her displaced bun falling from her crown completely, sending long dark strands tumbling tantalizingly over her bare right shoulder, "but I um...had heard you weren't the...dating type..."

He ran his thumb across the soft skin of her upper arms, before threading his fingers through the shiny hair there.

"I'm wasn't, not until now," he told her with implied significance she thankfully didn't miss.

He took another breath and continued.

"So...don't take this the wrong way, and again, I'm damn sure not complaining but, you don't, uh, feel like you do this often..."

He thrust shallowly between her thighs, wordlessly clarifying where he was going with this as her snug pussy squeezed him viciously as he drove forward and clung greedily on his retreat.

Her lip parted and a new flush bloomed in her cheeks, before she answered breathlessly, "I wanted..."

She mewled as he thrust again, thighs tightening as they shared bliss.

He dipped his head, pressing mouth to the corner of hers as he coxed softly, "you wanted...?"

"I wanted..." she whispered, struggling to put word to thought, "wanted...to do something...for me for a change..."

He paused mid stroke, dick hard enough to hammer nails, but mind

"Something for yourself..." he repeated.

She nodded, blushing prettily, but chin lifted defiantly, as though he'd nay say her, "I've spent most of my life following someone else's plan but that night we met at the Ball...I just...I thought there was a connection..."

"There was," he injected, muted excitement that she'd felt it too blooming in his chest.

Her eyes softened, sweat slick finger tips tracing his lined cheeks, "I'm glad...so glad I wasn't the only one that felt it. That night meant so much to me...I'd gotten so used to the gray walls of my life and meeting you...filled it with color-"

He pressed his lips to hers, tasting the words he'd felt in his heart since that night on her tongue.


Little known fact about me, I actually enjoy opera music.

The song Hinata sang was called Casta Diva. I think it fits her so well, the version I listened to from a singer name Anna Netrebko is close to what I imagined her sounding like :D



Pure Goddess, whose silver covers

These sacred ancient plants,

we turn to your lovely face

unclouded and without veil...

Temper, oh Goddess,

the hardening of you ardent spirits

temper your bold zeal,

Scatter peace across the earth

Thou make reign in the sky...


Is that not beautiful????!!

This prompt was supposed to be for day 10 but I'm still working on the others, so this is out of order!

Hope you enjoyed!



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