Will you be in a alliance wit...

By person1who1exists1

3.6K 64 321

Aleheather fanfic!! Ships: Aleheather (obviously) and Lyler ☆ There might be some more minor ships in here, b... More

*☆Chapter 1☆*
*☆Chapter 2☆*
*☆Chapter 3☆*
*☆Chapter 4☆*
*☆Chapter 5☆*
*☆Chapter 6☆*
*☆Chapter 7☆*
*☆Chapter 9☆*
*☆Chapter 10☆*
*☆Chapter 11☆*
*☆Chapter 12☆*
*☆Chapter 13☆*
*☆Chapter 14☆*
*☆Chapter 15☆*

*☆Chapter 8☆*

204 2 7
By person1who1exists1

A/N: Oh lord. I am so so so so sorry for the wait 😭 I literally forgot to upload lmao. The thing about a ''guarantee chapter'' every two weeks is total bull shit. We are going back to: I don't know what the fuck im doing. 

Anyway, sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes, and continue with the story!


Vicky's POV:

It's all going in to plan. Everybody will see how happy me and my honey - bun, and I'll probably get more views then I ever have! I'll be even more famous!

The best thing is, that black - haired idiot is still around, right? Soon enough, I'm sure she will stumble across on that video, and, SHATTER!  Will go her fragile heart. Then she will know that Alejandro, is MY cutesy pie, not hers.

I will be real though. Even though I am smart, and pretty and athletic and gorgeous and beautiful and intelligent and.. well..there IS loads more I could say..but..whatever. I could not have done it without the help of my pookie - bear's older bro, Jo jo. I think..

He was the one who brought me the things I need after all, without him, my likes and views would stay the same, meaning my money will too.

We can't have that happening, can we?

I wonder what Alejandro is  doing right now, hmm. Ha! I have a perfect idea! What if I turned up to his house, right now? I'm sure he'd be like, SOOOOOOOOOO happy! It's me, after all. The naturally, stunning Vicky Lass! It'd be like a suprise gift! With a very hot thing inside.

Alejandro, I am coming for you, my smoochy sheep! 

Cody's POV:

Ugh. Where is Courtney?

Heather hasn't turned up for a hangout, for-for weeks!

I miss her, I really do.

Heather basically refuses to talk to any of us, she only scrolls on her phone, and it's been ages since I have seen her LOOK at food.


Oh! That must be her.

''S-sorry for turning up late!'' she huffed, sweat beads falling from her forehead.

''Don't worry about it. Running to get her I s'pose?''

''Yeah. Heather?''

I sighed. ''She still let's me come over, but it's been ages since I've seen her eat, and every time I go to visit, she looks more bony and sickly.''

Courtney's exhausted face quickly turned in to a face of great concern.

''Oh my god. Okay, plan in action!''

So we started. We figured that Heather's sorrow source was her phone, so we intened to get a hold of it, so we could see what was troubling her so much.

However, the problem was that, she never let go of it.

''How on earth are we meant to get her phone if she never lets it go? She doesn't ever turn up to our group meetings anymore so how do we eve-'' yelled Courtney

''Stop right there Court.'' I spoke, my voice strict. ''I have an idea. At the rare times she eats, she usually leaves her phone upstairs. I know for a fact you are quite flexible, so sneak down into her room to grab her phone. I'll try my best to get her to eat, and you do your part.''


''Okay. Operation: Stop Depression, is a go!'' 

Heather's POV

I don't really know what to do. I feel..


Nothing matters anymore. That may be a over dramatic statement, but for me, it's true. 

Alejandro was practically my whole life. My parents were abusive, so I couldn't rely on them for everything. I still have Cody and Court, but now, all I get from them is sympathy and pity. It makes me feel horribly weak, and I hate it. 

Vicky Lass must be Alejandro's wife. It makes sense he's happier with her then me. She's his actual wife, when I was some girl he got with in total drama for more views since we were a fan favorite.

Every time I spot her on my for you page, a knot forms in my stomach. I forget to eat, and even if I did remember, I don't want too. It will just make me feel more sick.

I think I would probably dead by now if it wasn't for Cody though. Without him, I would never eat. He's been encouraging me every day to eat more, and it would be a lie if I said if it was no help.

Courtney too. Even though she has weird way of expressing her kindness, she definitely  does it. I've been sent so many letters from her, packed with money, I swear I'm currently a millionare.

I hope one day, Alejandro will leave my thoughts.

It will happen.



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