The Ultimate Interdimensional...

By Fireking492

190 27 86

Pmurt Nedib is dead. We survived the Infinityverse. But our troubles are far from over. Yappa Yappa has retur... More

A Knight's Blood
Return of Number 96
Escape from the Infinite Labyrinth
Plot Twists & Geass
Shifting Tides: Death of Charles
Zero Requiem Take Two
Villains Invade Disney World
The Stakes Keep Getting Higher
Interdimensional Positive Energy Overload
Entering The Dreamverse
Becoming Real
"Happy" Birthday
Making A Fake Kira
Setting A Trap
Battle in Sanctuary: Saga's Vengeance
Thanatos and Hypnos
Sword Duel! Swiftdrawer Vs Hades
Chaos In Gotham City
Hopeless & Crushed
Villain Arc/Battle of Watchtower
Rise of the Imaginary Numbers
Chasing Sailor Galaxia
We Fight Back.
Domino City Yami No Game
Zorc, Trueman, and Mayhem
Reality Warping Limit Break
BRAINS Vs. Zarc: Long First Turn
Break Summoning
Serious Dimension Hopping

The Multiverse's Destruction

9 1 4
By Fireking492

The Ultimate Interdimensional War

Chapter 12: The Multiverse's Destruction

Date: December 9th, 2023

Mizar replies: "We won't back down against you! Not after everything you've done over thousands of years!" He laughs coldly: "Even if you engage in battle with me, it will do you no good. Resistance is futile. You can only watch as the multiverse becomes one supreme world at long last. You can't hide any universes from me. Swiftdrawer tried to protect your universes from me. However, at this moment in time, they are quickly being corrupted and will soon become a part of my empire in this one world. The only world that should exist: the Ultimate Barian World. No other worlds need to exist. Only this world and my supreme rule over it. You have crushed all of my subordinates as well as those I enticed to work with me for the time being. But that does not matter to me. They were all pawns I put in place to distract all of you as I made final preparations to spread my influence throughout every single remaining universe. Not even the Dreamverse will be able to escape. Nor will the Nexus or the afterlife realms." Abstractoa speaks: "What you are speaking of is something even I could not accomplish with my power. Don Thousand, just what have you done?" "Amusing. Not even the Guardian of Creativity understands how I have been able to accomplish this. As more universes become part of my empire, my power only grows. And as it grows, it reaches out further and further into the multiverse to bring over more life forms to my side." The strongest of us try to attack him but nothing happens. "Are you done trying? Even if you are not, I once again tell you that resistance is pointless. I have become far more powerful than any other god. Slowly, the Nexus is beginning to come more and more under my control. As a result, the influence of you gods is starting to weaken. My conquest of the multiverse continues to accelerate."

Seiya shouts: "Damn it! If we can't do anything here, there must be sometjing we can do somewhere else!" A lot of us nod in agreement and prepare to look around the multiverse. However, we find ourselves unable to leave Don Thousand's castle. The Light appears and sighs: "Even I cannot stop him." The Balance appears and concurs: "This is a crisis that has forced us to fully intervene but our efforts have done nothing." The Odin of the world of Rune-Midgarts appears with a resigned expression. No one who has played Ragnarok Origin has ever seen his face. My Midgardian counterpart gasps and kneels in respect: "Lord Odin!" All matters of transportation are attempted to get at least one of us out but nothing works. Not even a black hole, wormhole, or time machine. Starlight Glimmer exclaims: "This can't be happening! There has to be a way out of here!" The Flash replies: "No dice. I can run as fast as I can but I still won't be let out even with the power of the Speed Force." Suddenly, many more individuals appear including every single god ever. That includes other versions of Odin and Athena. Osiris The Sky Dragon speaks: "Mortals and fellow gods, we have come here to lend our aid in a final bid to stop Don Thousand." The Paranormal Liberation Front also show up. Shigaraki looks angry: "This isn't what I signed up for! To be thrown away like trash by the person I've chosen to bow to! Don Thousand! Why didn't you keep your promise of letting us have full control over our own universe?!" Brainiac speaks: "Because he has no reason to keep any promises he has made. I saw this coming and still chose to oppose the heroes with all of you because I wanted to still get my revenge on Superman at the very least." Lex Luthor nods: "He's right, you know? I only took Don Thousand's deal to make him think I wasn't working behind his back. I fed all of the information I could to the others working with him."

Toga laughs: "Oh how I want Don Thousand's blood!" Twice raises an eyebrow: "Wait.. Toga, you're a genius! We can absolutely use Don Thousand's own power against him! He may be a god but he isn't all knowing! Lex Luthor proved that!" Don Thousand claps slowly: "All of you are so clever. But I am all knowing. How? My influence continues to grow throughout the multiverse and a certain god HAD followers in many universes where Earth exists." Athena replies: "What are you saying, Don Thousand?!" "There are multiple versions of that god. Due to universes where that god has no influence but is still worshipped, a version exists in the Dreamverse. Or did until I absorbed that version." He then shows us the severed heads of other versions of that god. "I have killed and absorbed the others as well. Due to what humans said of this god, I have gained the power to be all knowing. There isn't anything you know that I don't know. I knew some of my subordinates and others I recruited would turn against me. *The Plot appears* And even that the most powerful known individual would appear here at this very moment with their own subordinates. However, my imagination was elevated thanks to that god. And as a result, I will now always be stronger than even The Plot." The Plot replies: "I knew this would eventually take place once again. You are all knowing but so am I. And I know how all of this will end. You will conquer the multiverse only for a series of events to occur that eventually renders this entire plot of yours a complete failure. And in about a month, a campaign to conquer the multiverse again will really begin in the Death Note universe." "I know you know that. And because I even know what you know, no one can stop me. The ultimate battle will never occur now." "Once again, I know you know I know. You will still fail."

Don Thousand suddenly expands his castle: "We will have more guests coming to join this meeting where all of you will remain helpless forever." As time passes on, more individuals show up. Sorcerer Mickey gulps: "Gosh, this is something that's even beyond my imagination!" Skips sighs: "Nothing we are trying is working even imagining things." I nod: "In this body, I have fully awakened the true power of Artist's Eye. But even so, whatever I imagine is of no help to us. Not even new allies I've been making. They don't have souls but otherwise, they're so incredibly powerful. Don Thousand has truly become more powerful than even any god could dream. We have no choice but to hold our breaths until something that might work is thought up and actually succeeds. The chances of that happening are incredibly slim to none but it's a chance that we cling onto for hope." But then, something feels different. Don Thousand's power shoots up even further. Even The Plot takes a few steps backwards. "It's happening. Don Thousand has done it. He has made the entire multiverse one." Abstractoa adds to The Plot's statement: "The afterlife realms, the Nexus, and the Dreamverse can no longer be sensed." What the hell are we supposed to do now? Don Thousand possesses everything except for us and my universe. And any other universes that can't be changed by our actions. That fact was what told us that there had to be a way to stop Don Thousand. The Barian god speaks: "I have achieved my goal. And now, I will destroy all of you because you annoy me."

He suddenly attacks all of us at the same time. Myself, Abstractoa, Mickey, and anyone else who can really use their imaginations do so to avoid being hit. I sigh: "Damn it! In a situation in which the enemy knows everything, the only chance one has is to use their imagination to come up with something new and original. Ironically, there's almost no truly new ideas out there because virtually all ideas come from something else. Many are formed due to countless influences. Abstract art is one of the only things that can be most often counted as not having that problem. But with the vastness of the multiverse, it's almost guaranteed that any abstract art someone like me created was already created in another universe. All forms of logic are in Don Thousand's hands now. So we can't count on any of it: not even quantum physics to stop our foe." I end becoming one of the individuals protecting everyone else with their imagination. "I didn't ask to be one of the main characters at the moment. But it looks like there's no damn choice right now. My vast mind and imagination must continue to be harnessed for as long as possible!" As the fight plays out, all of us continue to battle it out with Don Thousand. Even healers join in on offensive attacks. No one even dares try fusion because it did almost nothing earlier. Eventually, we end up performing the Interdimensional Positive Energy Overload by using all of our wills and positive emotions as a trigger.

Thanks to the battles in the Dreamverse, many of my comrades are more easily able to visualize in their heads with their imaginations: one of the key steps to a successfully performance of the incredibly powerful move. It is then followed by the Interdimensional Power Break which helped us stop the likes of Super Covid-19 in the past. At first, nothing happens. The moves just stay constrained within the castle. Don Thousand grins: "It's useless. I knew all of this was going to happen. Now that I have all of you trapped here, I can finally conquer the universes that kept refusing me before." Before our eyes, even my home universe(the universe I live in alongside you readers) is absorbed by Don Thousand. "This can't be happening. There goes my first home.. My friends, family, former teachers, coworkers, everyone. All made into Barian soldiers.. All of my art.. Everything.." I couldn't believe this was really happening before us all. The fact that Don Thousand is able to pull this off was just mind boggling. He laughs: "Now I really have conquered the multiverse and created one supreme world. The Plot, I see you know that I'm supposed to fall apart now that I have succeeded because there is something critical that I missed." He gets too cocky and lets those 2 moves from earlier escape. Before our eyes, Don Thousand's empire is torn apart all over again. He screams: "NOOOOOO! THIS CANT BE HAPPENING! I KNOW EVERYTHING THAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN!" The Plot speaks: "I purposefully make myself forget about what really happens at this moment every single time the multiverse gets reset. With that done, I fully integrate a fake memory that I always keep around into myself to trick you into letting your guard down. I can't let you succeed after all. The multiverse will be mine to destroy and reshape in my image. And you can't stop me. I even forgot about my plan to trick you until now."

Don Thousand then laughs as he only slightly weakens: "My empire may be split up completely but all of its residents remain loyal to me!" Snarky smirks: "Don't be so sure about that." Nagato adds: "The BRAINS Collective's plan to counter this situation has already been initiated." Abstractoa speaks: "I will now temporarily grant Godly Imagination to all individuals here who oppose you." "What?! How did I not know of this?!" "The plan was created outside of all known realities and erased from the memories of all who were involved. There is a single point that is not connected to even the Nexus. That's where the plan was created." "No! My empire! It's losing lands and loyalists quickly!" I speak: "Now I remember it. The seeds of rebellion have been sown. Sure, you won't weaken much from this but now, you will have to reconquer so much of the multiverse and fight all of us at the same time. With Godly Imagination in play, all of us can now strengthen ourselves even further than before to become a match to your power." The Plot gives a calculated and cold laugh towards Don Thousand: "You will now see your own downfall begin." The battle resumes and spreads out throughout the entire multiverse as Don Thousand duplicates himself many times over to fight each and every one of us at once. I fight a clone of his over Twisted Land. "Swiftdrawer! I know all about you. Now that I can focus on just you, I will crush you and make sure you never defy me again." "I won't allow you to do that or destroy the park I have worked so hard on." He blows it up only for me to restore it back to how it was.

"I built this park. You may be all knowing but you have never even been there so how can you understand it as well as I do?l "Very clever. If that won't work, I will just have to destroy your will and then you as well for good." "Good luck with that." We engage and clash over and over again. He is clearly much stronger but I'm not taking any damage or losing any stamina or anything. "Mortal! How are you doing this?!" "This imagined body turned real has the invulnerability granted by Minecraft's Creative Mode. Not even the void could kill me. There was a time it could kill someone in Creative Mode but that was several years into my past by now. Unless you happen to know the only thing that could kill a creative mode player which is a game command, trying to kill me is a waste of time." It just keeps on going like we have ended up locked in a battle that will never ever end. Time begins to accelerate around us as we go from universe to universe still fighting each other. Time became just a concept to us. I didn't know how long we fought but we just kept going and going without stopping for a second. And I slowly grew to match his strength thanks to Godly Imagination. That ability allows the user to create just about anything as well as expand their imagination and ensure they can keep powering themselves up with that imagination even outside of the Dreamverse. It's why Abstractoa has never once been actually defeated. The battle continues to go on and get wilder by the moment. When I come to surpass the Don Thousand clone's strength, reality itself begins to fall apart as all locations start to overlap over each other like a digital art document with layers of image after image merged into a single layer while not diminishing any of the images' appearances.

Time and space in all places that exist cease to be separate. I find myself overlayed with everyone else fighting against Don Thousand's clones. It was really strange to fight the clone I was already long going at before this with him overlayed with the other Don Thousands. The laws of physics no longer apply. Energy is now created and destroyed instead of only being able to go from one form to the next. Molecular and atomic bonds cease to exist as all matter turns into energy: myself included. Energy is the purest form of existence in the multiverse because matter can be destroyed to become it through the collusion of positive and anti particles. My foe speaks: "Now you've all done it! Everything is coming together! My empire! No! It's gone!" "That's right. Our fights have begun to warp the multiverse together into something chaotic and unstable. Can't you feel it? The multiverse's restored stability is coming apart already. Even with the fact many universes share the same coordinates in space-time and are distinct by how they vibrate, none of what's happening should still be happening." Just as I say those words, something big begins to occur. Abstractoa speaks: "It is happening! The destruction of the multiverse along with what operates outside of it! With the multiverse being a multiverse of multiverses of multiverses of multiverses of multiverses of multiverses, that means everything is about to be destroyed, triggering a reset." The Plot adds: "This happened in the last cycles too. It will pass in time." Don Thousand withdraws his clones and attempts to counter the instability of the multiverse with his full power. But his attempt is unsuccessful and actually backfires, causing his very being to become part of the merged multiverse itself. This speeds up what has already begun. Before our eyes, the entire multiverse collapses in on itself. It turns into a seemingly endless void of nothing. Most of the others are erased instantly. Very few of us survive. I sigh: "What now? Is it over? Was everything for naught?"

Abstractoa replies: "As one of the most notably creative knights in the entire multiverse, you should know the answer." "You know what. I do know the answer. And it's a firm no." The Plot speaks: "This is one of my least favorite parts in the cycles. You two and all other survivors, we are going to work together to bring the multiverse back." And so, that's what we do. We combine all of our abilities together to reverse the destruction of everything. It all somehow rewinds back to the moment before the explosion. The Plot opens a portal and urges us: "Enter this portal! To stop the multiverse from being destroyed again by the explosion, we will first have to return to the moment the multiverse was reset after the last cycle ended the same way as always." And that's what we do. Before the others who would be destined to be destroyed could react, we entered the portal. I saw a multiverse get destroyed so quickly that all time and motion went backwards. It stops with past versions of The Plot and Abstractoa going to different places. Present Abstractoa speaks: "This is the multiverse after every reset: before Prime Earth ever split in two. At this moment, it was just born. But as you can see, there is still a vibrant multiverse here. It's just that most of what you see has ceased to exist by the time I brought you to the Creative Realm for the first time, Swiftdrawer. And now, we must wait for the multiverse to go as it always does." I reply: "Why is that?" The Plot speaks reluctantly: "I don't like having to explain anything but I will still explain from here. For now, our feuds will remain as they are with no action taken. Due to the nature of what will happen to the multiverse if we don't change something specific, we do not have the power to travel forward any longer until the time is right. We had to come to this point as it's the only way to stay safe from the moment of the multiverse's destruction. We did survive that but if we travel even a second forward or backwards in time, it will destroy us even from this far back in time."

I sigh: "Damn it, this is going to be so much waiting. I might as well do whatever I can to keep myself occupied in the meantime." I create a universe outside of the multiverse for myself and spend all of my time in there. Milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, seasons, years, decades, centuries, millenniums, ages, epochs, and eons pass. Universes are created and destroyed. Multiverses and timelines branch out, expand, get destroyed, and more. As all of this happens, I do pretty much anything I can think of as much as I can: read, write, think, eat, sleep, sword train, create, destroy, play, game, make videos, ride things, go to conventions, you name it. Anything to pass the incomprehensibly long wait. All within the universe I made which I keep shaping as I see fit. But then, Abstractoa eventually approaches me. "Swiftdrawer, I see you haven't changed your appearance much. Come with me. It's time to prevent Don Thousand from making his imagined power become real." "Very well. That's all Ive been waiting to hear for so long. I kept sleeping a lot to kill much of the time. It's about time to finally pull this off. I have already erased all my memories of what has happened ever since we parted ways not long after the point the multiverse always resets to. That means I won't have too much of a scrambled mind when I finally wake up in my undead body. The information I would have had would have been too much for my undead body to handle if I didn't just erase all of those memories." And so, we finally teleport to the Dreamverse which so happens to be the only place the multiverse explosion can't touch us. The Plot speaks: "This is the time for us to set aside our differences to stop Don Thousand. I look forward to settling everything in the ultimate battle with all of you. But for now, I will not harm you."

With that said, we quickly locate Don Thousand's imagined self at the moment he's about to escape from the Dreamverse. I merge with my past self and exclaim: "Hold it right there, Don Thousand." Myself, The Plot, Abstractoa, and the others work together to effortlessly mend the cracks to the Dreamverse. Barla yells in shock: "Swiftdrawer?! What?!" "I will explain later. He was about to become real. Nothing we could do would have stopped him. But now, that's different." Abstractoa merges with their past self as well: "That is how things are unfortunately." The Plot coldly stares at everyone: "I will only cooperate with handling Don Thousand. You're all still my sworn enemies. After all that I've now done, I'm even closer to sparking the ultimate battle." Abstractoa replies: "You aren't the only one who has gained much after all of that." I nod: "Now it is time to deal with Don Thousand. Or rather.." The Plot clones themselves: "We'll let our clones handle this Don Thousand for eternity if need be. I will now wake up and begin the next phase of my plans to destroy all of you along with the entire multiverse." I clone myself too. The clone nods at me. I turn to my comrades just as Abstractoa clones themselves too as do the others that have come with us: "There is no point in staying here anymore. Our imagined clones will handle Don Thousand. I will miss this immortal invincible godly form but it's time to face reality again. Coming here with this form from reality has caused this form to become just an imagination once again by having come into indirect contact with the boundary of the Dreamverse itself."

Abstractoa adds: "BRAINS members, the individuals you helped help in this realm have all been woken up and returned safely to dream bubbles with their memories of all of this wiped clean. Don Thousand will still have more surprises waiting even with the failure of his ultimate plan. Please wake up as soon as you can." *Ending 2: Imagine* "Sometimes, it feels like the status quo will never change. Sometimes, it feels like we're all going to fail in all that we do. *Young and new BRAINS members try new things, worried that they will fail miserably.* But still, we imagine a future where everything is bright. Where the air is clean, where people live together in harmony, where society no longer needs authority. *Snapshots of Tomapie, Minecraftia, and Mii World where communal societies have been successfully created are shown.* They say that that's impossible, just an optimistic dream made up by optimistic people. But is our nature not in caring for others? *Swiftdrawer stops for a while to help a town in need.*The stars are shining. We get stronger everyday. Imagine a world where bigotry, authority, and more are things of the past. *A future version of Duel Academia where this is achieved is shown.* It doesn't take a lot to see beyond the narrow view the oppresses try to push on all of us when you are able to resist their wills. I imagine a better life, a better world everyday. *Various individuals in so much pain dream of a better life in a more kind world.*

"My heart is at ease when I do acts of kindness for others.Sometimes, it feels like the status quo will never change. *Facts and statistics of the lack of social progress in the USA of many timelines over a stretch of time.* Sometimes, it feels like we're all going to fail in all that we do. But still, we imagine a future where everything is bright. *A painting is shown: depicting a futuristic and beautiful version of a current depressing modern city which itself is seen behind in the distance of the canvas the painting itselfis on.*Where the air is clean, where people live together in harmony, where society no longer needs authority. They say that that's impossible, just an optimistic dream made up by optimistic people. *Online debates where tankies, fascists, and others mock the dreams of leftists are shown as a slideshow.*Weren't we all meant to be raised with love and kindness? When it comes down to it, a species thrives when its groups are in harmony. *A big family of gorillas are seen playing and working together all in a day's time.* Competition breeds pain and suffering, it takes the lives of many creatures. Imagine, imagine a reality free of what holds civilization back in so many places. *Dictators, CEOs, and more are overthrown.* Dream and think forward while holding onto what you hold dear. Keep learning, grow stronger, become more resilient and kind. Imagine what your ideal world really is like.*A closing scene of the entire BRAINS Collective spending time together on a beautiful planet is shown.*"

After feeling once again energized from a song that breaks the 4th wall, I manage to get myself to wake up back in Herbsalvin and I's bedroom. Herbsalvin awakens at the same time as me and gives me a certain look that I reply with in kind before saying: "It's not time for us to play yet. This battle still isn't over. My clone amongst others may be handling the imagined Don Thousand but Don Thousand himself's forces are still out there even though many of them were completely wiped out earlier. It's so late at night here now but oh well. *drinks sleep replacement potion* Guess it's time to get to work without the aid of an op body created with my imagination. I still have a long time to go before I can become op in this body too." "Yes, you are right, my knight. Let's make haste and head onwards to wherever it is we are needed." We soon find Dominic who yawns: "Apparently, OSW has started a whole new campaign to cause us trouble. What a nap causation. We have a new mission. The 3 of us along with some others are all needed for it. Get your swords ready because we need to head to the.. Animal Crossing universe. Or more specifically, Fun Land." "Fun Land? I've not really been there much in years even though I used to be its mayor for a couple of years." Once we arrive there along with some other comrades, something appears in the sky. It's an image of Don Thousand's face and he is angry. "BRAINS Collective, you continue to be in my way. I had to make a clone of myself in the Dreamverse just to be able to escape it. Thanks to you, my entire Dreamverse plan has failed. But I was able to get more allies and pawns to fight for me in case I did fail. Now, many universes are under attack and I know you all have been dispatched to them. Because of that, all of you will now be destroyed systematically! You don't stand a chance."

Dominic yawns again: "We better gather the Fun Land residents together." We spread out across town after I create town maps for everyone with Artist's Eye before handing them out. I first head to the beach to hopefully get Kapp'n and Gulliver. Gulliver is sleeping as usual. I decide to pick up some coconuts and bananas from the trees planted along the beach before going to Gulliver in case the Barians destroy the trees. I approach the sleeping Gulliver by poking him with my sword. He wakes up, yawns, panics, gets confused, and calms down: "Hey, Swiftdrawer! It's been a while! I still am not used to you being called Adam that much anymore or the fact you are no longer mayor of this town." "Yeah, it's been a while despite the fact we have been on many of the same recent BRAINS missions. But this is no time for that. The enemy is coming to this world and you and everyone else have to be ready. Meet with the others. I'm getting Kapp'n. Someone else will get Tortimer and the others on the island." "Alright! I will do so! I need to stretch my legs anyway." I then walk to the town's small wooden dock and speak to Kapp'n. He agrees to meet the others too to prepare for the attack. We have intel that OSW plan to take over the world by starting with Fun Land as it is where we have the strongest influence with every resident a member of BRAINS and all. With them taken care of, I go to the nearest villager with a house's home: Winnie the giraffe. I knock on her door only to find a note reading that she's sleeping. I enter inside anyway through teleportation and wake her up the same way. Before she can reply, I say: "I apologize for interrupting your sleep but this town is going to be invaded at any moment." She forgives me and gears up for battle. Since we found out non-Miitopians other than me can take on the jobs offered by Miitopia's Guardian, the jobs have become a popular way for the weakest BRAINS members to be granted some powers and abilities. Winnie naturally chose the Princess job, it suits her personality well.

Biff and Curly became tanks. Kyle a warrior. And so on. Some time later, we all meet up by Fun Land's Town Hall. Isabelle smiles: "Hey everyone! Glad you all could make it here safely. We won't let our enemies take this town, right?! *we all indicate our agreement through various means* Great! Okay. So.. What should we do first to prepare for them to come?" Biff goes off running at top speed only to come seconds later with an enemy captured and beaten unconscious: "They're already here! And I'm ready to use my muscles and tank attacks to crush them!" Blathers yawns: "I would much rather have a nice rest right now but the enemy is too persistent for that." "Blathers! You helped me figure it out!" Herbsalvin stares at me: "Is she always like this?" "Pretty much, yeah. As nothing too bad has happened and Don Thousand's plan to reign over one supreme world for eternity was thrown to the wayside, Isabelle is in really great spirits." "I hear you two! But anyway, here's what we must do! Time to try out the DHI system for battle!" Blathers smiles: "Sounds good. I'll be able to go back to sleep after all." Pinkie replies: "Omigosh, aren't we forgetting something important?!" Katt nods: "We can't sleep in town when the enemies are currently sneaking around. We have to go you know where." And so, we all split up to go to the BRAINS bases in the worlds we all come from in order to fall asleep and go into DHI state in Fun Land. It is successful. We all show up at the same meeting spot as before.

But then, Tom Nook appears from the sky. He looks at us as a bunch of enemy troops and others emerge to stand by his side. Isabelle widens her eyes: "Tom Nook! What are you doing here and why are you with them?" "Revenge. Money. Power." Timmy exclaims: "Uncle, have you gone nuts?!" Gracie comes from somewhere else to stand with Tom Nook as well. The business tycoon smiles malevolently: "You are all going to pay dearly for the mistake this town has made in ousting me and making my business here obsolete." Gracie adds: "Labelle, why did you choose to help convince your friends and family to have me removed from my partnership with Timmy and Tommy? There is no one who is as great of a designer of high quality furniture and clothing as me." "I didn't want to believe it. For years, I idolized you. But now, I know the truth about you. You make your goods much more expensive than they have to be to make more money. Just like Tom Nook." "I never expected you to pull off such a rock n roll style of behavior. But no matter. I am also here for revenge, power, and money." Gracie and Tom Nook shout in unison: "Barian Battlemorph!" Cubix yells: "Warning! Danger! Must protect comrades!" He becomes the frontline of defense. Once the two are fully transformed, Lief says: "I just wanted to share my happy little plants with everyone. *transforms into Flower job and equips enchanted gardening tools* But if I must fight again, I will fight again." Mabel puts her paws on the air: "That's the spirit! We'll stop you even though you have sided with Don Thousand!" Tom Nook stares at Gracie: "How do you want to kill them all?" Gracie equips a designing tool and uses it to destroy the others who were with them: "Just the 2 of us. We split them in two. It's a very organized style."

"Excellent! This plan will be done by tomorrow morning so expect our world to fall to us by then." I end up in the group who end up fighting Tom Nook. The tycoon has transformed into a Barian humanoid raccoon with the same color scheme as his original form except the fur is skin, he has no mouth, and his eyes are smaller as well as crimson. Alucard grins once more. He holds nothing back as he makes the first move. "Prepare to be silenced forever! My master has permitted me to go all out and eliminate you!" He creates monsters that attempt to tear Tom Nook's flesh while also firing his special gun effortlessly and expertly at our foe. But all Tom Nook does is stand still, pull something out, and starts doing something. Teacher while held in Fran's hand uses a skill: "*skill activate* Identify. I see. So he is using some kind of skill to nullify damage by giving up some of his money? That's a new one." Fran replies: "That won't stop us!" Jet barks in agreement. Liten says: "If this is what he can do to defend himself, I bet his methods of attacking are far more powerful and problematic. I will help with the front guard. I'll take on as much damage as I can." Tom Nook smiles: "Is that the best you have?" Alucard laughs: "You are so much more entertaining than I expected you to be. You think all of this will be enough to prevent me from killing you? You must be mistaken, I live for the thrill of an exciting battle! Show me more! Don't hold anything back! Show us how merciless you really are!" Tom Nook does something like crunch the numbers while his skill remains in play. But that just leaves him wide open for Teacher to steal his skill. The raccoon is not happy: "I can't believe my skill was just stolen."

"Well you better start believing because now a world of pain and misery awaits you. You are not a very satisfying opponent so far. But do you have the guts to try to destroy us with great power?! Show me! Show me!" Tom Nook starts taking things seriously. All of his attacks are money related. Or rather, bell related. "Bell Explosion!" He throws bags of bells at all of us which then explode. The explosive force of each one catches us off guard. "Damn it. If my armor hadn't been upgraded, that attack would have been able to make a moderately large dent in it." I save Isabelle from being sent flying by grabbing her and using the weight of my armor to plant myself firmly onto the ground. Liten meanwhile absorbs a lot of the damage from the explosives along with Cubix. Hugh yawns and casts a spell on Tom Nook: "Sleep tight!" That's right, he now has the mage job. Our foe is unaffected, grows 4 arms made from bell coins, and begins attacking all of us at once. I am able to keep up with his hits but none of my sword attacks do any damage. Alucard frowns: "This fight is getting tedious and frustrating. You aren't even letting me hurt you a little bit, Tom Nook. With that skill of yours gone, I do not know what's allowing you to withstand all of the damage you should be taking. But still, I'm going to kill you no matter what happens. You're my target. I won't stop until you're dead!" "It is not wise to continue fighting me. With all the bells I have, I can keep spending them to kill all of them and keep myself out of harm's way. What you are trying to do is useless. Soon, none of you will still be alive as we take over the entire world in the name of Don Thousand. *turns to me* And you! Former Mayor Adam or Swiftdrawer as you call yourself now! If it werent for you choosing not to stay in line, I would have never been expelled from this town! You are part of why I was expelled after all! You helped change the villagers!"

"Yeah, I had a small part to play in the decision to expel you. So what?" "I'm going to kill you first!" "Now that is so unlike you to say. But go ahead. Try me." Tom Nook focuses most of his attacks on me while all of our attacks are rendered useless against him by his bell coin arms. Now, he is throwing destructive bell coins and pouches in one hand and Barian energy blasts in the other hand as well as unleashing eye lasers. But I go All Clear before any of the attacks could hit me. I have become a pure hologram. My sword remains in my hand as it is now holographic as well. Anything worn by a person who crosses over to a DHI stays with that person. But if they hold or store something they picked up while in DHI state, they cannot go All Clear to become a pure hologram. Tom Nook gasps: "Impossible! My attacks are passing through you!" "That's right. You can't touch me. Nor can I touch you. Or can I?" I use Artist's Eye to pin him in place with metal rods I imagine impaling through him. Alucard laughs as usual: "Now this is a fight I can enjoy! But let's not kill Tom Nook so quickly. I want to have some more fun with him first." Liten states: "That's not a good idea. Tom Nook reminds me a lot of Aincrad's floor bosses. I'm not sure why he does but it's keeping me on edge." "Then what do you suppose is the best way to deal with him?!" I reply: "A quick killing of him. I know you like to quickly kill enemies who are too weak against you to put up a fight." "You're right, I do enjoy doing that." Tom Nook breaks free of the rods but it comes at a bloody cost. Alucard proceeds to drink that very cost.

"Mmm, what an interesting taste. I have never tasted anything quite like this before." The villain is briefly shocked at seeing this only to regain his composure as his body rapidly regenerates. Leif says: "He can self regenerate? That sounds a lot like those Nomu. I had an encounter with one once. It destroyed some of my precious plants when it ambushed me!" Tom grins again: "You can't kill me! As long as I have bells, I will never die!" Curley replies: "Then we'll just bankrupt you!" "Good luck with that, it will end up being a poor business decision. And you will all regret it! After all, why should I rely on just me?" An army of Tom Nooks appears only to be fused together with the expelled Tom Nook. The fused Tom Nook looks no different from before but his power level is something else. "Now that I have fused together with all of my counterparts in every town in this world, I am unbeatable. Everything you have done up to now has been rendered pointless. Now say goodbye forever as I kill all of you right here and now!" Not only does he forget that I've gone All Clear but he doesn't realize that the others can go All Clear too: even Alucard who has already been hooked up into the DHI system despite only joining BRAINS while the battles in the Dreamverse still raged on. All of us go All Clear in response to him unleashing all of his powers and attacks at the same time. He keeps trying to hurt us but everything passes through us. We stay in All Clear for a while. "Why must all of you be so hard to kill?! Make yourselves normal again so I can kill you all!" Liten shakes her head: "We will never listen to the likes of you." "Then how about I begin demolishing Fun Land in earnest? Thanks to all of you, I have already leveled so much of it. When the town is all gone, I will build my new headquarters here." He just starts destroying everything. Hugh almost gets out of All Clear just to try to stop him. But I shake my head: "There's no need to do that, Hugh. Town will be fixed by someone later. Please just let things play out." He sighs but nods.

We just watch as he tries and he tries to hurt us, not even once trying to figure out why everything is fazing through all of us. Alucard sighs: "This is getting very boring." "Not for much longer. Once he's exhausted, he should be much more fun for you to kill." "You're clever for a human." "Oh, am I? Actually. I'm a zombie in this body but I am a human in my other body." "How interesting!" Seconds pass before Tom Nook starts slowing down a lot. Liten shouts: "Now!" We all get out of All Clear and ambush him. He is unable to stand a chance against us. Our foes were unable to adapt fast enough to put a stop to us today. Tom Nook is left stuck between all of our attacks and trying to evade them. Due to this, he soon begins to die even with how powerful he has become thanks to Don Thousand. Our DPS drained the rest of his bells as apparently, he had another skill that required his bells to keep up: a nearly impossible to cross barrier. When he ran out of bells, it simply vanished, letting us be free to do as we wish to him. When I pulled a Defusion on him, it was basically over. My duel disk had been upgraded as I requested to truly become a knight's duel disk. All of the other Tom Nooks were kept alive but sent far away. Meanwhile, our foe lies on the ground completely defeated. We outdid him to the point he no longer has any way to fight us anymore. "I surrender!" "It's too late for that! Prepare to be silenced!" Isabelle holds up her right paw: "Wait a moment." The enemy gives up on trying to get back up. Instead, he weakly says: "You may have defeated me but I will still get my revenge on you someday!" Alucard takes the pleasure of killing him. With Tom Nook dead, all that was left was to help the others kill Gracie.

I later found out killing them both really was a good idea sadly as information found in The Sneakers' hideout by some robots showed they have been up to a lot of harmful and selfish acts lately. It took no time to finish off Gracie. Isabelle looks solemn for once: "We have done it. This world is saved but at a cost I wasn't ready to pay. I know Gracie and Tom Nook were really bad on the inside but I can't help but miss moments of when they were around." KK Slider starts playing a fitting song to the current mood on his acoustic guitar which he had not even that long ago used as a deadly weapon that puts the most awesome but still ordinary electric guitar to shame. I put a hand around her shoulder: "I understand that. I think all of us do, even just a bit in Alucard's case." As this happens, the defense systems installed in, around, and above the entire world automatically decimate the rest of the enemy forces that were sent to help invade the universe in the first place. Gakuto teleports to us and freaks out immediately: "Everyone! Your mission here may be over but so many other universes are under attack right now! Please go to one of them as soon as possible!" "Damn it. Don Thousand has really gone out with this backup plan of his, hasn't he? It's like he's trying to take over the multiverse and make it one singular world within a short time again." And thus, we ended up teleporting straight to the Lego Movie universe. Emmet greets us: "I'm glad all of you could make it. You came here just in time. We need your help. Our home is being destroyed by invaders and we are preparing to defend against them right now."

And so, the long process of helping fight battles across universe after universe begins. But once it's finally done for now, Don Thousand sends out a bunch of clones to confront all of us at the same time and speaks through them. "Hear me, BRAINS Collective! This isn't the last of One Supreme World. In fact, I'm going to use these clones to exterminate all of you right now at the same time." Right as he says this, we feel divine energy suddenly become present and detectable. The Light appears to destroy the clone that was just talking for him: "There will be no more of that. I am going to shut down all current attempts to destroy the multiverse." It's clear they're only sounding calm to make their plan be fully understood and taken seriously. Not that long later, I'm eating breakfast back in Mii World now that it is December 10th. "What a ride things have been so lately. It's so much to take in. I can't believe that the Dreamverse stuff would be wilder than I ever thought they'd be in the almost 2 years since I began thinking up things that eventually led to me figuring out that the Dreamverse would be a place I would have to go to to help out in along with nearly all of my comrades. This is not how I envisioned things going at all. But what's done is done." After breakfast, Yappa Yappa pulls me aside: "Swiftdrawer! I killed so many enemies that I don't have bloodlust right now!" "What else is it, Yappa Yappa?" "Can you tell me about non binary? I've always accepted your pronouns for reasons that weren't typical for nearly the whole time we've known each other." "Sure, why not? Non binary isn't something you can expect so many people in my world to understand easily. It is a diverse term: applying to people who do not see themselves exclusively as male or female if they identify with either at all."

I had to take a deep breath but continued after doing so: "I believe it would be better if I told you what being non binary means to me. How I identify with it. I do not feel like I'm a man or a woman. I just feel like a fully fledged human being and sole individual despite my less than alive state in this body. That's it, I'm just a human, a person, an individual. I am a they. Someone who is most comfortable with being referred to words such as they, them, their, and they're. Being non binary is a vital part of who I am. When I say that I'm non binary, I say it without a shred of doubt. Gender is a social construct. After all, gender in societies like the one I come from is often determined by social elements related to one's assigned sex at birth. I was raised as a boy because my body has male anatomy and physiology. I never was taught to do anything girls were expected to do. But I was taught things to prepare for me to be a straight married man someday which obviously will never happen now that I know I'm a little different. The gender roles of society were largely responsible for me seeing as myself as a boy for most of my life. That's what I thought I was because I was never told otherwise. No one in my family or at the schools I went to told me about other options than just he or she. That there were other genders. How could I have known about my being non binary when no one was there to tell me that that was something I could be? In the society I'm from, gender identity for a person is usually defined by what other people tell them it is. Most people never even once question their gender because they were socialized to accept that they're the gender everyone else saw them as. And scum like Pmurt Nedib, Ron DeSantis, Greg Abbott, and Donald Trump want things to continue that way but without allowing people to ever question their gender. A different gender identity is nothing to be ashamed of. If you look like a man but don't feel like one and identify as something else, that's a you thing. You are what you identify as as long as your identity is real and not just something fake to con people with."

"No wonder Pmurt Nedib in the end is even more ruthless than I am! He rejects all kinds of gender identities!" "Now that we know for certain he will be back someday for quite some time, it's obvious that he really did become more unstable the more hateful he got. You should have heard all of the screams he had on the day he died. You did hear a lot of them but not all." "Yes. I'll make sure that his grave is much deeper next time! Now please tell me about being gay too!" "Okay, why not? This is important to talk about especially in my world as the Nazis try everything they can to justify destroying queer identities and lives. In the dumpster fire that is the country I live in there, many of them ran on transphobia as part of their campaigns last year and a bunch of them failed in part because of that. I am who I am and no one but me can define my gender identity. Only I know myself well enough mentally speaking to be able to really figure out my identity. There's no one better at understanding one's mind as that very person themselves. Honestly, sometimes it feels like I may be more than just gay but I don't really care. Thus, that's part of the reason I identify as gay. I'm content with that. But why am I gay? It's a long story that goes back almost 6 years. Basically, making friends with some bisexual people helped me begin to really question who I am and who I like. Due to this, I ended up calling myself bi because I thought I still like girls. After hearing some things from furry YouTubers in 2019, I realized that gay describes me better."

"Then what happened?!" "This is the simplified very short version but I will continue. My first crush on a guy was literally in spring of 2018. I forgot to mention that. My first crush was Austin. You know, the screaming pop star I'm great friends with. We actually were together for some time. I also had a crush on someone I know online in my world. He didn't have the same feelings as I but I was okay with that. I hoped he would return them someday but that never happened. I'm just glad that he knows for pretty damn certain that he's straight. Honestly, even straight people would benefit from questioning their identities. In most cases, they will not realize that they're actually not straight. Instead, they will just become more certain and confident that they are straight. And good for them. It's seriously important to know who you are in order to have a solid level of confidence and self trust. As time went on, I found myself still liking guys. After I turned 18, that's when it really became indisputable. Back when I was still 16, one of my grandparents if I'm not mistaken told me I'm not gay and I cried. But when I finally became free to without any issues view a certain genre of digital images and photographs featuring guys by turning 18, I didn't just like what I was seeing. By then, I was already long incredibly sure I was gay. But this. This made damn certain no one could tell me I don't like guys. Hell, I was in my first relationship in my original body for a couple of months starting 2 months before I turned 18. It didn't last long because the other person wasn't doing much to keep it going. My 2nd relationship in my original body was very different. Valentine's Day 2021, I got together with someone I was already good friends with for months. Besides a couple short relationship breaks and a 5 month long one, we were together between then and March of this year. About 18-19 months of those 25 months, give or take some days or weeks."

"So interesting! I think Im starting to really understand love and self identity again after all this time.." "That's good. Well, I suppose that's another step forward in your recovery. Sadly, there have been searches for anyone you knew before the SDL took over but none of them were found alive. At this point, BRAINS is your new family." I hug him tightly as he screams, cries, and more. After Yappa Yappa calms down, I let go of him: "Yappa Yappa, I'm glad to see that what makes you a kind person deep down is coming back. You still have a really long road ahead of you but I'm proud of how far you've come already. Hey, why don't we spar against each other?" He accepts and we go to one of the training grounds. I want to take this moment to mention something I may or may not have brought up before already. My helmet has a new feature: a pretty large red feather on the top of it. So that combined with the non binary cape that now hangs from my waist when I'm not in battle basically makes my appearance more knightly than ever before. Once we prepare to spar, I adjust my cape as well as the tabard style cloth to go inside my armor and adjust my knight visor to fit over my nose and mouth like a face mask. A while back, when I started doing this, I had leather added to the side of it that isn't visible to others so that it's more comfortable and protects me better. I didn't want it to just be an accessory. Once we're both ready, we stand on opposite sides of the training group, get into our respective stances and run towards each other.

"Yappa Yappa! Let's enjoy ourselves! For now, the enemy has been stopped. We can relax a bit by giving our all in a spat between the two of us! Haaaaa! I'm coming! You better be ready!" Our weapons clash and for a while, we fight evenly matched. He may be more powerful but I have better equipment and my sword is easier to attack with than his pitchfork. But eventually, things heat up when we start landing blows on each other. We keep going until exhaustion comes with an excruciating burn of the muscles. I was so beat when we finally stopped: "Damn, that was really good not to mention completely exhausting. My entire body aches from all of that. I'm going to need to rest for some time after all of that." "It looks like I have more muscle than you! I'm not aching!" "Of course you aren't. You had me on the ropes for a while there. Let's go do something else that's far less physically demanding. And no, I'm not taking my armor off. I refuse to unless it's necessary for its sake to or I need a shower or the only way medical treatment can be administered to me is having it removed from my body. I love my armor. Also, one can never let their guard down as a BRAINS members. Especially now that we know Don Thousand knows all about the collective thanks to The Sneakers. The last remaining member of that group is now trapped on a survival island style tropical island with no hope of escape other than death by drowning or other means if you count death as an escape. I don't. Work is currently ongoing to prepare something that will erase all leaked information about BRAINS from Don Thousand and anyone connected to him's memories as well as any physical or digital records also tied to him."

Sometime later, Yappa Yappa and I split off to do our own things as he had an appointment with one of Mii World's best psychologists to go to. The BRAINS Collective holds mental health to be vital and needing to be taken good care of. As I sort of wander around, I end up finding a suicidal BRAINS member trying to kill themselves with a dangerous relic. I gently take the relic from them and put a hand on their shoulder. "Hey, I know you want to give up on life but please don't do that. Speak to me. Tell me what's going on, I will listen to your struggles. Please allow me to do what I can to help you." They go through a lot of emotions as they tearfully explain how useless they feel and how many times they've been powerless or incompetent as well as trials of almost dying and getting seriously hurt. They also mention experiencing an awful childhood full of ridicule, bullying, harassment, and more. "I see. So that's what's going on with you. I'm glad you were willing to share this with me. I'm not an expert in dealing with suicidal thoughts and intentions even though I've thought of ending it all myself at times. Listen, okay. You aren't alone, there are others here who love and care about you. We are here for you. You don't have to shoulder your burdens alone. I never got very far in taking my suicidal thoughts seriously. I don't want to be gone from this world. I don't want to die in my original body. I don't want to lose this body. Why? Because I have so many reasons to live. I want to fight to make things better, help people, continue creating art and writings, keep growing stronger, persist in my knighthood, and more. If you have a reason to live, that may be all you need to overcome your thoughts of suicide. I'm sure that isn't always the case but when it comes down to it, how you handle your suicidal thoughts ultimately is up to you."

I cleat my throat: "In this multiverse, as long as you are willing to do whatever it takes, you can accomplish anything or at least fail without never giving up. Rules and laws are made to get life forms to act in specific ways for many reasons most often to promote conformity. In the end, they can't truly control us. What are the things that have kept you going until just now?" "I.. I wanted to help save others like me. I wanted to do what I thought was right.." "Isn't that enough to keep living? There are few out there who can thrive while being completely and truly alone. I must admit: I'm not among them and you don't seem to be either." I give them my hand. They accept it. We continued our conversation until they were satisfied and felt better. I directed them to see someone who could help them better than I could after imparting to them advice on how to become more confident and create a tranquil mindset within their thoughts amongst other things. I don't write about this kind of thing often but it is necessary to do things like help those you care about and work together with when they really need it. I will see you in the next thing of mine you end up reading. Thank you for sticking with this story documenting the conflict with One Supreme World. It's far from over.

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