Bloody Angel: Book 3

By PhynixQueen

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Annie has survived countless horrors and hardships in her life, and they've only been getting worse. Barely h... More

For Days Waiting
Lunch and the Lake
At the Infirmary
The Fifth Day
Celebrating Life
Belated Birthday
The Talk
The Talk pt 2
Awkward Truths
Friends, Some Unexpected, and Ones who are always There
Full Moon Mysteries
Memories of the Past
Truths and Turmoil
Lovers Confessions
Midnight Swim
Pre Wedding
The Wedding
Q&A / Requests
Q&A / Requests Update 1
Vacation: Days 1&2

Bachelor(ette) Parties

88 5 63
By PhynixQueen

Hello everyone!
First of all, I want to profusely apologize for the absence. I was sick for a couple weeks on top of MAJOR writers' block, but finally...finally I have finished this chapter!

So without further ado- enjoy!


It was definitely easier with Copia being home, only gone for two days to perform a Ritual and take care of some summonings at the Moscow abbey. No anxious depression, wondering how the other was or what they were doing. If they were being taken care of or if they were safe, but that was the only thing easy about the days before the wedding as their individual duties and tasks to finish before the ceremony kept them busy during the days and left them exhausted by the time they were ready for bed. Annie was anxious about them finally taking that next step on top of her being nervous and worried about everything going well for her little sister and it often left her mind racing as she overthought every minute detail.

It was Tuesday afternoon, the day before the wedding when Lilit and Annie made their way through the halls after Annie's class was dismissed, Annie carrying a tray with tea and fresh baked goodies as they made their way to Papa's study after receiving a summons from Phil, one of the oldest of the clergy ghouls here at the ministry who handled a lot of things out of sight.

“I wonder what it is he wants to talk about,” Lilit mused.

“He probably wants to ask about tomorrow. It's not every day a ghoul and a witch get married, after all.”

Lilit giggles and blushes, a smile spreading wide across her face. “I'm getting married tomorrow!”

Annie smiles and gently bumps into her with her own soft laugh. “My little bug, all grown up.”

“I've been grown up for a while, Eldfluga. You're just finally letting yourself see it.”

Annie hums her response as they turn the final corner, Lilit walking ahead while dragging her fingers against the wall to feel along the brass plates that hung next to each door stating what room was what. Papa's study was part of the same hall as the Clergy offices, down farther past where Copia's office was. Annie wondered how he was doing today as they passed his closed door.

“Two more down, Vorblom. I've been here before.”

“I have, too. It's just fun feeling the different textures under my fingers.” Lilit smiles back at her before knocking on Papa's door, opening it when the elderly man called for them to enter and letting Annie in before entering herself, closing the door behind her.

“Ah! Le mie streghe preferite! Benvenuto! Entra, entra!”

Annie giggles at the way his face lit up in a wide smile as he stood behind his desk, his typewriter forgotten as he rounds it to meet them only to be pulled back by the tube connecting his oxygen mask to the tank.

“Oh, Papa,” Annie gently chides as she sets her tray down before stepping over to assist him, untangling the tube from where it was stuck under his arm rest before pulling the tank behind her as she helps him to one of the plush seats.

“Forgive my excitement. I am just so happy to see you both have come.”

Lilit smiles and sits on the couch closest to his chair, reaching over to rest her hand on his arm rest. “You sent for us, Papa. Why would we not come?”

“Bah!” He waves his hand dismissively as he settles back. “You could have ignored me. There are more important things, no? Last minute details for your wedding!”

Annie pours the tea as she gives a soft laugh, handing a cup to Papa before passing Lilit one. “We've got everything figured out. The girls and I are going to set up in the morning, then go help Lilit get ready. It's going to be lovely, and then afterwards a celebration to remember.”

Lilit giggles with a blush, her smile wide on her face which she tries to hide behind her hand.  Papa watches her with his own warm smile, pulling his mask off his face to drink his tea letting out a loud hum of delight.

“Delizioso! I did not know we had such tea here. The ghouls, they have been holding out on me!” He takes another deep drink, muttering to himself in Italian.

“Not by choice, I assure you,” Annie tells him as she takes the seat next to him. “It's one I made, and I'm glad you enjoy it Papa. I could make a batch for you if you'd like.”

“Oh, do not trouble yourself, bambina. Not for an old bothersome man like me.”

“Papa…” Annie gently chides him once more, looking at him over the rim of her cup but he just chuckles, waving a hand dismissively before turning back to Lilit.

“So tell me, piccola strega. Ease my curiosity.” Lilit sits up more and looks towards him, a smile still lighting up her face. “There are so many fine men and women here. Why choose a ghoul to marry? They, ehehe, may be fun, or so I have heard, but to marry one? This has never been done. Not that we really had rules against it.”

“Well,” Lilit says slowly as she lowers her cup. “We don't really have a choice, Papa.”

“No choice?” The man blinks as he looks at her, moving his mask back over his face for several breaths. “Do not tell me that Cardinale let his ghoul run amok and you are being forced into a situation you don't wish! We are people of free will here! Oh, that Cardinale will hear about this!”

“No, Papa!” Lilit sighs and sets her cup on the coffee table in front of her before leaning over to reach for him as he starts to rise to his feet, muttering angrily in Italian, but her fingers finding his knee before turning over in silent askance for his hand give him pause. He looks at her wearily but lowers his hand to hers and she takes it with a gentle squeeze as he settles back in his chair. “Papa, no one has forced me with anything. I am with Mountain of my own free will. I love him, and he loves me. He takes very good care of me.”

“Then what is the no choice? I do not understand.”

Lilit thinks for a moment, trying to figure out the best way she could explain it to him before opting to try and explain it as it was explained to her. “Ghouls pick a chosen mate, someone they wish to be with but with any relationship those can fade and end. Very rarely a ghoul will find their true mate, someone who they've been destined to be with. There's a connection that runs deeper than anything else connecting that ghoul to his or her true mate once they find them. That's what's happened to us and it’s why we didn't have a choice. I'm his true mate.” Lilit's eyes flash for a moment before she sighs with a small smile, bringing her other hand over to pat the top of his. “Simply put, Papa, we are soul mates, and now that we are together it would kill us to not be with each other.”

Papa looks at her, his brows furrowing as he brings his mask back to his face, taking several breaths. “But you are human? That mate thing would only be with ghouls, no?”

“Usually, yes, yet it's happened for us. It's even rarer than finding your true mate to begin with.” Lilit gives him a smile as he mulls that over, muttering under his breath it Italian once more as she turns to Annie, switching to her mother tongue. “Firefly, should I tell him about the baby now?”

Annie raises a brow and gives a shrug, responding in their mother tongue. “It's up to you, Spring Flower.”

“Papa,” Lilit says slowly as she turns her face back towards the elderly man. “There is another reason why we've chosen to get married.”

“What other reason, piccolina? Love is not enough?”

“We would marry for love no matter what, but something has come from that love.” She shifts so she's perched on his armrest, bringing his hand up to lay it across her belly so he could feel the slight swell hidden by her loose dress. It takes a few moments before Annie sees him figure it out and his face goes from downturned confusion to a large grin, his eyes widening in happy surprise.

“Mia cara, stai per avere un bambino? Oh, è meraviglioso! Semplicemente meraviglioso!” He pauses to breathe into his mask but the smile never leaves his face.

Lilit laughs softly and nods, her smile shining bright on her face once more. “No one else knows though, Papa. Aside from Copia and his ghouls pack. We aren't telling others until after the wedding.”

“When did you find out? How long until the little one gets here?”

“We found out last month. Beltaine blessed us with our little gift. They will be here at the end of October or very early November.”

Papa blinks at that, his brows furrowing slightly before one raises in amusement and he gives a shrug. “Every year we say to be safe yet every year there are a handful who are blessed. But surely, piccola strega, you must be mistaken. A Beltaine babe does not arrive until February. I would know how long these things took. I have… I had three sons, after all!”

“If my baby were fully human, then they would be here around then. But their father is a ghoul, so my pregnancy isn't a normal one.”

“Well,” he sighs softly and pats the top of her hand. “You be sure to keep this old man updated, si? I wish to know all the things.” His smile widens and he lets out a soft chuckle. “I am so happy for you, mia cara. I know your mother would be, too.”

“Thank you, Papa. I'll make sure we keep you updated.”

Annie finishes her tea, setting her empty cup on the tray with a small clatter that draws Papa's attention back to her, the old man giving a nervous laugh. “Ah, Annie, mia cara. Forgive me, I forgot you were here as well.”

Annie laughs softly, shaking her head as she relaxes back into her chair. “It is alright, Papa. I figured you'd spent most of this visit talking to Lilit. I'm just enjoying the company. We've got a couple hours until I need to steal my sister away.”

Papa's eyes light up as he gives a laugh, pulling his mask back to his face. “Steal away, eh? Fun plans for tonight? Ah, but no drinking!” He wags a finger at Lilit in a playfully scolding way making Annie laugh again “Alcohol, it is not good for the bambino.”

“No worries there, Papa. We don't drink.”

“No, I don't drink.” Lilit laughs as she moves back to her spot on the couch with a smile. “You, my dear sister, have quite come to enjoy wine.”

“With dinner! And only ever a glass.”

“Or two. Or three!”

Annie lets out a huff, rolling her eyes. “Rarely. But, the point is, we will not be drinking tonight in any case. We know how to have fun without alcohol.”

“Yeah. Do you remember that one time when it was windier than usual? When we made those flying boats from the cabbage leaves and raced them over the meadow?”

Annie laughs and nods, easing into conversation of antics they got up to as they grew up, Papa listening with interest, laughing at the entertaining stories of their youth. He kept glancing at Annie, each time seeing her mother for a moment and he couldn't help but wonder why she had left all those years ago. He knew something happened with the ghoul he assigned to her, said ghoul ending up dying, but as to what happened or why he could only guess. And, truth be told, he missed her. While she was here she changed so many things, improved them for the better and the Ministry was thriving. He thought about how it would have been had Annie grown up in these halls. There were plenty of other children, but her laughter alone was magical enough to make anyone who heard it feel better. She was such a sweet child.

But, he thinks as he turns back to Lilit, if Morrgan had stayed this equally bright cheerful woman wouldn't be sitting here. Things happen for a reason, he tells himself. You can't always explain why or how, just that they do.

At some point the girls turned the conversation to Papa and he all to eagerly told them of his own antics as a youth. He had offered at one point to have the mysterious twins that usually accompanied him to fetch his saxophone but Annie gently turned him down after she checked the time on the clock sitting on the mantle.

“We've had a lovely afternoon with you, but we should get going, Papa.”

“Si, si! Off for some festivities before the main event. Oh, to be young again.”

“You're still young, Papa. Many years left ahead of you.” Annie smiles and gathers the cups, placing them back on the tray. “Would you like me to leave the cookies for you to enjoy at your leisure?”

“You spoil me. Grazie.”

He goes to stand but Annie places her hand on his shoulder with gentle pressure, keeping him down with a smile. “Ever the gentleman, Papa, but we can see ourselves out. We don't want you over exerting yourself and having Sister come after us for it.”

“Bah! Seestor would do no such thing! I am not as frail as she thinks!” He relents however at her gentle expression, though he lets out a huff as he crosses his arms over his chest, muttering in Italian making Annie giggle. It reminded her of Copia when he was having a streak of stubbornness about something and it made her wonder if it was something Italian men did in general, but in the next second she remembered what Alessandro had told her on the full moon. That Nihil was Copia's father. It made sense now, and looking closer, trying to see under the skull paint he always wore, she could see some slight similarities, though not many.

“Are you alright, mia cara?”

Nihil's soft voice makes her startle and she looks up at him with wide eyes. His face softens and he reaches over to cup her cheek with a soft pat. “Mi dispiace. I did not mean to frighten you. Are you well?”

“Yeah. Sorry about that, Papa.” Annie smiles and reaches up to take his hand. “Just a lot going on, you know?”

“Si. Many things happening in a short time.”

“I've barely had time to breathe. None of us have.”

“A vacation would be amazing.”

Annie and Papa look over at Lilit who's lounged back against the couch, face tilted towards the ceiling with a smile, absentmindedly rubbing her hand on her belly. “I've only ever been home and here. It would be nice to travel. Experience other places and things before the baby. Maybe visit places Ma did, but with as much as Copia works I don't think we'd all be able to go.”

“I do suppose…” Papa purses his lips, brows furrowing as he thinks. “That boy works too hard.”

“He really does.” Annie lowers herself to her knees next to Papa with a slight wince, holding his hand between both of hers. “He cares so much for this place. For the people here. He runs himself ragged day after day between his duties here and those as the frontman for Ghost. More than once I've had to drag him to bed after he passes out at his desk or on the couch because he can't stay awake any more.

“I've tried to convince him to take it easy. To ask for help. But he's a stubborn man and will put everyone else ahead of him and his needs.” Annie sighs softly, her shoulders relaxing as she shakes her head. “I don't know what more I can do for him.”

Papa looks at her, deep in thought before he lets out a soft sigh. “There is a break coming up. After the next Ritual.”

Annie nods with a small smile. “I've been excited for it because it means Copia will be home for a while.”

“What if he wasn't.”


The old man smiles at her, his eyes shining as he gives her hand a squeeze. “What if he, and you and your ghouls were not here during the break?”

“I don't understand. Where would we be if not here, Papa?”

“On a vacation, of course!” He laughs softly, pulling his mask to his face. “You all deserve that much. You especially after all you have been through.”

“Do you mean it, Papa?”

“I don't see why not! It is long overdue. On the next break all of you will take leave and do as you wish. Go where you want.” He hums and nods to himself, smiling widely once more. “I have this wonderful house by the sea. Secret. Secluded. It has been a place passed down in my family for an age. It was my fathers. His fathers. His fathers fathers. His fathers fathers fathers.”


“His father's.” He gives another laugh. “The point is, mia cara. I have no children to pass it to now and I cannot travel there as often as I would like. You and yours may use it as you wish.”

Annie smiles up at him before hugging him tightly around his middle, laying her head on his chest. “Thank you, Papa.”

“Nothing to thank me for. Now, go.” He smiles and pats her head. “I will see you tomorrow.”

Annie smiles and eases back up to her feet, brushing off her skirt before leaning over to kiss his cheek, an action that left him smiling a giddy smile as he waved her off. Annie laughs softly at it and lifts the tray before walking to the door, Lilit following behind her after giving Papa her own farewell and kiss to his cheek, closing the door behind them. She links her arms though Annie's as they walk down the hall heading back to her room.

“So…” Lilit says, breaking the silence. “Still not gonna tell me what you girls have planned for tonight?”

“Nope!” Annie laughs and bumps into her. “Just that it's going to be fun. Have the boys told you what they're doing with Mounty?”

“Not a word, but with Dew and Swiss involved I worry what they'll do.”

“Oh, nothing too bad. You know Cumulus would've talked to them about it. Laid out some ground rules.”

“True.” Lilit stifles a yawn.

“Are you too tired, Vorblom?”

“Nothing a little top off from Aether won't cure.” Lilit smiles and pulls Annie to a stop, turning her eyes down the hall. “Speaking of. Here he comes now.”

Annie looks up, indeed seeing the familiar broad ghoul walking towards them. He raises his arm to give them a wave and Annie juggles the tray in one arm to wave back.

“‘Ello loves. How are you two doing?”

Lilit smiles up at him, releasing her hold on Annie's arm to walk over and take his instead. “We're good. Going to get ready for tonight and was just thinking about you.”

“Is that so? Needing a top off, I assume?”

“If you wouldn't mind. I don't want to end up falling asleep on the girls.”

Aether shakes his head, gently guiding Lilit as they continue walking up the stairs. “Not at all. That's actually why I was on my way up. Wanted to give you a check up as well, see how the kit is doing.” He laughs softly and leans over to Lilit, whispering in her ear making her giggle. “Don't worry. It'll be just us girls. Mounty's already been ghoul-napped.”

“Shouldn't you be supervising?” Annie asks with her own laugh, opening the door for them once they reach Lilit's room.

“Nah. They'll behave for the next hour or so.”

“With Swiss and especially Dew, I doubt that!”


“Guys!” Mountain groans, raking his hand down over his face. “It's barely past 3. Much too early to be doing shots!”

“Nonsense! Besides you know it takes a fuckton of alcohol to even affect us.” Swiss flashes a wide toothy smile as he finishes pouring out several shots, taking one as Dew, Ace, Kali and Rain do as well, though the water ghoul is hesitant about it. “Now, bottoms up big guy! As humans would say - Cheers to your last night a free man!”

“Swiss…” Mountain lets out a low playful growl before rolling his eyes, reaching across the table to grab the remaining shot glass. “Cheers to the start of the rest of my life.”

They clink the glasses together before tossing them back, Rain making a face and shaking his head as Dew slams his glass back on the table before throwing his arms into the air with a shout of excitement.

“Time to party!”

Swiss laughs and pours more shots, which Rain declines with a smile before pulling his sketchbook over as he shifts to sit next to Mountain. The large ghoul looks over at him with a warm smile after taking his next shot.

“What's up, Rain? How have you been?”

“I've been alright,” the water ghoul replies verbally, somewhat surprising his companion. “I got that sketch you asked about. Do you want to see it before things get crazy?”

Mountain's face lights up and he nods, scooting closer as Rain flips open his sketchbook, turning to the proper page before passing it over to him. The earth ghoul stares down at the image in awe, tracing his fingers over the detailed linework of a Red Tango Asiatic Lily, its petals a dark, almost black burgundy with brighter blood red tips and center nestled within the symbol of Lilith, a crescent moon with an inverted cross hanging through the bottom.

“I did it correct, right?” Rain asks, looking over Mountain’s arm to glance at the drawing as he nods. “What does it mean again?”

“Lilit was named after Lilith, hence her symbol. The lily itself represents marriage, love and spirituality but the colors. The colors mean passion and romance. A dedication of my heart. The black, since black flowers are rare, black lilies even more so, represent mystery, elegance and power. All of which my mate possesses.” Mountain looks up at Rain, a smile wide on his face. “This is perfect. Thank you.”

Rain flushes slightly as he returns the smile as Swiss walks over, looking over Mountain's shoulder as he leans into his back.

“What's that?”

“My next tattoo, courtesy of Rain here.”

“Next?” Kali leans over to try and see him around the others. “You've got tattoos?”

“We all do. How have you never noticed?”

Kali blinks at him before looking around at the others who all laugh at his expression. “I know Dew has a bunch, and I've seen a couple on Swiss. But you, Rain?”

Rain nods and pulls up his pants leg, turning to show a symbol that looked like overlapping triangles with a line through them, in the middle of which there's a circle with a Grucifix on the inside, and a squiggly L shape coming from the bottom on the back of his calf that Kali looks at with confusion, turning to watch the others reveal the same tattoo on the same spot.

“How in Hell did I miss that?”

Rain laughs softly, fixing his pants. “You never really were a leg man, so I don't blame you. Do you have any?”

“Tattoos?” Kali shakes his head. “Not a one. Never really thought about it.”

Dew slings his arm around Rain's shoulders, tugging him close while ruffling his hair. “You ever want a tattoo, you don't have to go far. This one comes up with amazing designs, and he's gotten damn good at giving them!”

“You're turning into a ghoul of many talents, Rainy,” Kali says with a wide smile, stepping over to take hold of his hand, giving it a squeeze. “Never stop surprising me.”

Rain blushes deeply with a small groan, not used to receiving so much attention from so many people at once let alone Dew's teasing as he continues to prod and nudge him. Kali notices and lets his hand go, taking a step back, and Mountain notices as well as he leans over to whisper in Dew's ear. Whatever he said has the gremlin lighting up with a wide smile before he nods enthusiastically and takes off down the hall.

“Uh, wanna fill us in as to why my mate just took off?” Swiss asks with a laugh and a shake of his head before he flops down into a vacant seat.

“Told him to get something. Should keep him busy long enough for Rain to do the tattoo.”

Rain blinks, head jerking back slightly as he looks over at Mountain. “You… want it done now?”

“Why not? I'm getting married tomorrow and I got this designed for her.”

Rain takes a deep breath before giving a slow nod as he rises to his feet, pulling his sketchbook close. “Alright then. I'll go get my gear. You know the drill.”

“Way ahead of ya.” Mountain smiles widely up at him, reaching out to grab and give his arm a gentle squeeze. “Thank you, Rain.”

Rain smiles and nods before jogging off down the hall towards his room leaving Mountain, Swiss, Kali and Ace sitting at the table in the den. Ace yawns and leans back in their chair, propping their feet up on top of the table, crossing their arms with a sigh.

“So,” they say slowly, turning their head towards Swiss. “I thought we were going out? Why are we hanging around here?”

“We will later. Too early yet, plus I have a… task to do before we can head out.” Swiss’ mouth slowly spreads into one of the widest smiles Ace has ever seen, hinted at joyous mischief. “We'll head out after that. Plus Mounty here wants that tattoo and that'll take, oh, hour? Two maybe?”

“Rain's gotten better so who knows.” Mountain pulls his shirt off as he rises to his feet, walking to the kitchen counter where he washes his hands and arms. “What is it you're up to, Swiss? What task is so important?”

“Oh wouldn't you like to know, big boy!” Swiss laughs and licks his tongue out over his teeth as he eyes the large ghoul. “Damn I forgot just how fine you were.”

Mountain laughs as he shakes his head, drying his arms. He glances up at Swiss with his own smirk before flexing as he reaches up to brush his hair away from his face, watching as Swiss eyes him hungrily with a groan, roaming over the strong planes of muscles from his arms and over his chest, down his stomach to the happy trail that disappears into his pants. 

“Your lady is a lucky little thing indeed.”

Mountain laughs again and walks back over to the table where he takes his seat once more, still shirtless as he turns his arms, debating on the best place for his tattoo. It's Kali's turn to look him over, finally noticing his tattoos. He's got a greyscale half sleeve from his shoulder to his elbow on his right arm consisting of different plants and flowers, some of which are colored in vibrantly breaking up the blacks and grays, with vines that trail up his shoulder and down to his right pectoral fashioned in some kind of tribal pattern. Kali can't help himself and reaches out to follow some of the lines with his fingers, Mountain looking over at him with a brow raised in soft confusion as he smiles.

“Ah, sorry,” Kali mumbles as he pulls his hand back. “It's really nice.”

“Rain did it. Took a few years since we kept adding to it, but you can see his improvement if you look.” Mountain leans over and turns his arm, pointing to a more faded flower with not quite steady lines. “First one. He was so nervous, but it's easily my favorite.”

“He's been doing this a while then?” Kali reaches out again, stopping himself but Mountain gives him a nod of silent permission and he traces over the lines with his fingertips.

“You know he dabbled with drawing when you were still here, but ever since… well. After he closed off from everyone is when his art really took off. It was his way of expressing himself and he's gotten so fucking good at it. Everything he draws is so life-like.

“One night Dew was complaining to Ifrit about the prices of tattoos and how much of a pain it was to get to a good shop since we're rather remote here. Said something like ‘If we had someone here it would be so much easier! I'd already trust my artist and know they'd do right by what I wanted. Hells! If Rain could tattoo half as well as he can sketch he'd easily make a living with the amount of people here who regularly get tattoos!’

“Well, Rain was sitting there sketching and he looked so nervous but he spoke up, so to say, and signed that he would be willing to try so all of us pooled together and got him everything he'd need. Machine, ink, gloves. Everything, and since then all of us have gotten at least one tattoo from him.”

“Why do you want to get this one right now? The lily.”

“Because I'm getting married tomorrow, and when I get married I want everyone to see it. Even if they won't understand it, I know what it symbolizes. It will be a permanent mark of my love and devotion to my wife inked onto my skin for all eternity.”

Kali smiles widely at him and nods in understanding. “Where are you going to get it?”

Mountain turns his arms again before pointing to his inner left forearm. “Right here. About time I get something on this arm.”

“Do you mind if I watch?” Kali looks up at him, eyes bright with curiosity. “Never seen someone get a tattoo before.”

“Sure. Ace has already moved to the couch, probably gonna pass out and take a nap and Dew is off on the fool's errand I set him on.” Mountain laughs as he crosses his arms over his bare chest. “Thinks he's gonna dig up a secret stash I kept hidden. Jokes on him, though. I've got a stash, just not where I said it was. All he's doing is helping me get ready to plant.”

Swiss blinks at him before erupting in loud laughter that has him doubling over in no time, his fist pounding on the table. “Oh… Oh M-Mounty! Y-you didn't!”

“I did.”

“He's gonna be so… so fucking pissed when he realizes. You know that, right?”

“Hence why I've got several joints pre rolled and ready just for him as an apology.” Mountain looks over at Swiss with a wide smile of his own. “Give him those and he'll forget all about the fool's errand I sent him on.”

Swiss laughs and shakes his head again before checking his phone. “Shit. I need to get ready for that… thing. I'll be back.” He stands and jogs over to the door, pausing to duck back in with a smile. “Good luck on the tattoo! See you guys soon! Hi Rain! Bye Rain!”

The others look up to see Rain walking in carrying a case in one hand, a small bag in the other. He goes right to the table and begins setting up his machine and laying out little cups he fills with the ink. Mountain and Kali watch him, waiting for him to pull on some black gloves before he motions for Mountain to show him where he wants it and to hold out his arm. He wipes down the area and lays the stencil, chewing on his lip as Mountain gives his nod of approval.

“Ready?” Rain asks, turning on his machine, a buzzing filling the air.

“As ever! At your leisure, Rain.”

Rain smiles up at him and dips the needle into the ink before bringing it over, giving one more glance up at Mountain and his reassuring smile before he starts tattooing.


“Everything else should be set up.” Annie reaches over and picks up a fresh bundle of lilacs, picking up a single stem to examine the beautiful purple flower. “Rhea and hers along with several of the ghouls have taken care of the tables for the banquet after. All that’s left are these flower arrangements and your bouquet.”

“They're so pretty.” Sunshine sighs softly as she turns the vase of flowers in front of her, adding another sprig of lavender to it. “Just like you'll be tomorrow. Mounty won't know what hit him!”

Lilit blushes, tucking some hair behind her ear as she giggles. “Annie's the plant expert who picked most of them. I just approved because they smelled and looked nice.”

“Yeah, but still. We've seen you in your dress and trust me when I say if he hasn't already passed out from how drop dead gorgeous you are this will surely kill him.”

Cumulus walks over with Cirrus, each carrying two mugs which they hand out to the others, Mysti accepting hers with a smile and thanks as Cumulus takes a seat on the edge of the love seat next to her as she watches Sunny bounce excitedly in her seat.

“Sunshine, you've been doing very well but dial it down. We're all excited for this.”

“I know, but-”

She's interrupted by a rhythmic knocking on the door that draws confusion from everyone as they look around. No one else was expected to stop by today since Aether left, not even Copia as he was taking care of some last minute work before the wedding.


There's another knocking on the door and Cumulus goes over to see who it is, first opening the door a crack before heaving out a sigh as she opens it fully.

“Swiss. What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with Mountain?”

“Came to check on the little mama for him and to give her something. Can I come in?”

Cumulus looks behind her towards Lilit, seeing the younger witch nod with a smile so she steps aside letting the ghoul enter. He does so with a wide smile, pulling his mask off once he passes the threshold. He waves to the others as he rounds the corner of the couch to stand in front of Lilit.

“Hey pretty mama,” he says, crouching down in front of her. “How are you doing sweetheart?”

Lilit laughs softly, her eyes flashing as she looks at him. “I'm doin alright. What about you? Behaving?”

“Me?” He laughs, lowering his voice. “Never. What do you think I'm doing here?”

“No idea. Something ridiculous, I can imagine.”

“Oh yeah. But you'll love it. I hope you're good at seeing with your hands, little lady, cuz you'll need them.”

Lilit sits there, confused at his words as Swiss pulls out his phone and swipes it unlocked, tapping it a couple times before music starts playing from the bluetooth speaker nestled on one of the shelves, some lyrics before the guitars and drums start, the song rather bassy and rhythmic. His smile is back, wider than before as he rises to his feet.

“Swiss, what are you..-” Cumulus starts before groaning, pinching the bridge of her nose as Swiss starts to unbutton his shirt as he sways his hips, the others watching with wide eyes. “Please tell me you're not doing what I think you're doing… She can't even see!”

He looks over and winks at her before turning around, teasingly pulling his shirt off his shoulder before shrugging it back into place in time to the music. “Yeah she can. She has her ways, remember? Plus, I'm only just starting!”

Annie tears her gaze away from Swiss and his little show, looking at the others who are staring at him with amusement. Even Lilit is smiling widely, eyes focused on him, and Annie notices a flash of purple before they go back to normal. They did that the night of the full moon as well, when Omega shared his sight with her. Did that mean..?

Lilit turned to her and gave a subtle nod before turning back to Swiss as he finally pulled his shirt off and tossed it aside, revealing straps of leather around his shoulders and torso like a harness as he spun around, running his hands down his chest as Cirrus and Sunshine started whistling and cheering. He dances in a sensual way to the music as he stalks towards Lilit and though thoroughly confused Annie can't take her eyes off the ghoul, intrigued at what he was doing. This was entirely new to her, but she wasn't complaining, even laughing when Lilit flushed a dark shade of red when he took hold of her hands and placed them on his chest, moving them down over his stomach. This was going to be an interesting afternoon.


“You remember the aftercare?” Rain asks as he carefully washes Mountain's arm, the fresh ink shiny and bright on his skin. “No swimming, and to lotion it?”

“Yeah,” Mountain says with a small laugh. “I remember what to do. Swimming won't be a problem since I don't generally swim anyways. That's your thing.”

Rain laughs with a smile as he shakes his head, patting the skin dry. “Of course it's my thing. I'm a water ghoul.”

Kali walks over from where he was at the kitchen counter carrying three steaming mugs of tea, setting two on the table in front of the other ghouls before taking his seat again as he leans over to look over the tattoo with a low whistle, Ace craning their head to get a look from their spot on the couch.

“Damn, that's impressive. You're really good, Rainy.” He looks up and smiles widely at the water ghoul. “When can I book an appointment?”

Rain blinks at him, Mountain letting out a soft laugh at the blush that rises up his face. “Y-you'd want one? From me?”

“I don't see anyone else around here who can tattoo, or draw as good as you.” Kali sets his mug down and steps behind Rain's chair, leaning down and wrapping his arms around the ghoul's shoulders as he kisses his cheek, making him blush deeper when he whispers in his ear. “Another first for us, another virginity you get to take.”

“Kali!” Rain hisses, hiding his bright red face behind his hands as Kali and Mountain laugh softly.

“You are so adorable when you blush, you know that?” Kali nuzzles into the side of his head with a light purr, holding Rain tighter for a moment before letting go as to not overwhelm Rain more than he already was. He's about to say something when there's a loud growl from the hall leading towards the common room and the four ghouls turn to see a very pissed off Dew storming through the door, his hands and arms covered from dirt up to his elbows, clothes splotched with mud and bits of grass and roots. He even had a smear of it across his forehead and his tail was flicking behind him, lips curled in a snarl.

“Mountain! You heaping pile of compost!”

Mountain looks at him, unphased by his moody outburst and trying his best not to smile. “Yes?”

“You're fucking lucky you're getting married tomorrow or else I'd pound you to pulp for that damn stunt!” Dew jabs his clawed finger in his direction, tail flicking again as he stalks closer. “Secret stash my ass! Had me digging for hours and there was nothing there!”

Mountain simply raises an eyebrow as he crosses his arms over his still bare chest, relaxing back in his chair. “Are you sure?”

“Yes I'm fucking sure!” Dew stomps over, his lips curling more to reveal his fangs as he seethes. “I am covered in mud, hungrier than hell, and in need of a goddamn smoke, something I can't do because there was nothing where you told me to dig! The other ghouls were looking at me like I was nuts! If you wanted me to leave or something all you had to do was say so, not send me on that damn waste of time!”

He shoves at Mountain's chest then but the large ghoul remains unmoved as he finally laughs resulting in the gremlin turning red, smoke curling from the corners of his mouth as he growls. He opens his mouth again to spew Satan knows what when he halts as Mountain pulls a ziplock baggie of rolled blunts from his pocket, waving it in front of Dew's face.

“I… is that..?”


Dew lashes out in an attempt to snatch the baggie from him but Mountain holds it out of his reach. That only irritates the gremlin and he jumps, trying to snatch it again. Mountain is quicker, standing and holding the baggie high above his head, giving it a shake.

“Is that any way to ask for one? I thought you had better manners than that.”

Dew growls and jumps but Mountain turns and keeps it out of his grasp. Letting out a snarl he jumps again, grabbing his shoulder and climbing up his back before launching for the baggie but Mountain just tosses it to his other hand, laughing loudly when Dew goes crashing to the floor.

“Fuck!” Dew groans, pushing himself up as he shakes his head. “I give up… I'm too damn tired for this. Someone get me a drink!”

Mountain laughs softly and reaches over to ruffle his hair, easily avoiding the swipe of Dew's claws as he shrinks away from it before he opens the baggie and tosses a neatly rolled joint to him. “Enjoy it, Fire Ant. You deserve it, and there's more where that came from, but maybe go take a shower first.”

“There better be more…” Dew grumbles as he stalks back towards the hall, already lighting up the blunt leaving a cloud of smoke behind him. Mountain just laughs again and shakes his head before tossing the baggie on the table to grab his shirt and pull it back on. Rain and Kali look at each other before they start laughing, Mountain peeking up at them as his face lights up in another smile and he laughs as well before shaking his head once more.

“How did you escape that unscathed?” Kali asks, sipping at his tea

“Dew will never change,” the tall ghoul replies as he takes his seat, stretching his legs out and crossing them at the ankles. “Show him a blunt, it'll take all his focus. As for him trying to claw at me? Longer arms help.”

The last bit catches Kali off guard and he chokes on his tea, his laugh turning into a coughing fit after he accidentally inhaled some. Mountain reaches over and rubs his back with an apologetic smile.

“Sorry mate. You good?”

“Yeah.” Kali coughs again and gives a thumbs up when the fit subsides, dragging his free hand down his face. “I'm good. Just caught me off guard.”

Mountain nods and leans his head back, closing his eyes with a deep exhale. Kali leans over and nudges his arm.

“Are you good?”

“Why wouldn't I be?”

“Well, you're getting married, for one.” Kali shifts closer, leaning against the table after taking hold of his mug again. “With all the chaos going on, I can’t help but think a wedding is kind of out of place.”

Mountain gives a smile and nods, cracking an eye open to look at him. “But isn't that the best time to? To remind everyone that even when things are crazy and hectic there's still time for good things to happen. Besides.” He takes a deep breath, rolling his shoulders before relaxing again, hands folding over his stomach. ”Out of everything else going on, the wedding is the least of my worries.”

Kali frowns and opens his mouth to say something when their attention is brought to a new sound drifting down the hall; whistling broken up by laughter and the squeak of shoes against the stone floor. Dew did not laugh, let alone whistle, and everyone else who would use this common room were working, so that only left one ghoul. They were proved correct when Swiss entered the room, unglamouring with a twirl, pausing to dance and hum along to whatever song he had going on his phone looking kind of ridiculous, making the others laugh and roll their eyes.

“Someone's in a good mood,” Rain says as he cleans up his inks and wipes down the table. “What were you up to?”

“Who? Moi?” He laughs and runs his fingers through his hair as he walks over, smile extra wide and toothy.

“Yes you. You look like you've been up to something.”

“You could say that. Truth be told…” He opts to step into the couch cushion then onto the back of the couch only to jump down on the other side rather than walk around it causing Ace to grumble and move their legs. “It was really funny watching their reactions.”

Mountain arches an eyebrow, turning to face his companion catching sight of the leather harness under his unbuttoned shirt. “Who's reactions to what?”

Somehow Swiss’ grin widens, eyes shining brightly as he laughs. “Well, I may or may not have stopped up by the girls and given them a bit of a show.”

“By show you mean..?” Rain asks slowly as he fiddles with his discarded gloves. Swiss turns to him and gives him a look of ‘Really?’ before shrugging his shirt off and undoing his pants, shoving them down a bit to show the skin tight leather booty shorts under them.

“What other show besides a great one?” He chuckles at the blush that spreads on Rain's face. “Lilit loved it. Couldn't keep her hands off me. Enjoyed every moment of me stripping, dancing, and grinding on her.”

“You did what to my mate?” Mountain asks, a growl building low in his chest

“Hey hey hey!” Swiss steps back, raising his arms in front of him as Mountain sits up tensely, his eyes narrowing. “Everything's good, big guy. She's fine! Was just a bit of fun! You know Mamacita would stop anything if it got too out of hand.”

Mountain glares at him for a moment, lip beginning to curl as the growl grows louder before he blinks and shakes his head, reaching up to drag his hand down his face. “Right. Sorry.”

‘It's cool, big guy.” Mountain nods and eases back into his chair, the other three looking at him with worried confusion. Swiss steps closer and tentatively rests a hand on his shoulder. “You okay? That was very out of character for you.”

“Not necessarily.” Everyone aside from Mountain startles at Aether's sudden voice as he enters the room, turning to see him drag his hands down his face with a sigh as he continues. “He's right and proper mated with Lilit. He's already protective because of that. Add the kit and the fact he's being kept away from her today, and then you tell him you were stripping for and getting felt up by her?”

“Didn't think it would be an issue. She did enjoy it, though. And it was all in good fun.”

“I know,” Mountain says with a small smile. “Deep down I know and I trust her with you, but instinct and all.”

“It's going to get worse as she progresses. Just be mindful, yeah?” Aether says with a tired smile as he preps a mug for tea. “And Swiss? Go change. No reason you need to keep that on.”

“Fine! I'll go change. Need to shower anyway. Worked up a bit of a sweat.” Swiss laughs and refastens his pants after pulling them into place. “Man, I wish I took a video of it though. Annie's face was absolutely priceless. You guys ever see her turn as red as her hair? It's the funniest shit ever!”

The others laugh as he walks out with a wave, his steps holding a swaying bounce as he dances to his music that was still streaming through his phone. Aether shakes his head with a soft laugh before rounding the counter and table with his mug to the empty chair next to Mountain, patting the larger ghoul's shoulder as he eases himself down with a tired sigh.

“How are you holding up today, Mount?”

“I'm good.” He smiles over at Aether before shifting to show him his new ink. “Rainy finished this for me before Dew and Swiss got back.”

Aether looks it over with a smile and a nod. “Mighty fine work there, Rain. I think it's your best one yet.”

Rain flushes and smiles before gathering his supplies, going to return them to his room leaving Ace Kali and Aether with Mountain. Ace lays back down on the couch with a wide yawn and sigh.

“So… once those three get back are we gonna finally do something fun?” They sit up enough to peek over the couch with a smile. “Sorry but y'all's have been boring today.”

Mountain laughs and shakes his head, crossing his arms over his chest as he turns towards the ghoul. “No one said you had to stick around Ace. Besides, don't think we didn't hear you snoring up a storm when you were napping.”

“I don't snore!”

Kali laughs loudly drawing Ace's glare to him. “Ace, my dude. You do snore. Hella loud too.”

The others hum and nod in agreement and Ace pouts, crossing their arms over their chest, mumbling that they really didn't snore. An easy silence falls over them then as they relax and wait for the other two, something that doesn't take long as soon after they can hear them coming back down the hall, Swiss laughing loudly and Dew grumbling at whatever Swiss had said.

“It's true!” The multi ghoul says, giving the shorter gremlin a playful shove as they pass through the doorway, Rain snaking past them to go back to his spot at the table. “I don't think you'd last more than five minutes if I did that.”

“You're so full of shit! Now shut up and keep your hands to yourself before I bite them off!”

Swiss laughs and reaches over, grabbing Dew by his hips and drawing him back into him as he leans down to whisper in his ear. Whatever he says has Dew turning several shades of red as his eyes widen before he covers his face with a groan turned growl as he pries Swiss’ arms off him to stomp forward, flopping down onto one of the chairs with a sigh. Swiss just laughs and veers off to the kitchen area, climbing onto the counter to reach the top shelves in the cabinets where he pulls out several large bottles of alcohol, holding them up with a wide grin.

“Who's ready to get this party started?”


“Two pair! I win again!” Swiss smiles widely as he gathers up the cards, biting on his lower lip as he looks at the ghouls sitting on the floor around him. “Well? What are you waiting for?”

Rain laughs as he watches Ace, Aether, Mountain and Dew pull off an article of clothing leaving Ace with their boxers and one sock, Aether with his boxers and both of his socks and Mountain in just his boxer briefs. Dew glares at Swiss, who had his boxers and shirt on, before standing and pulling his briefs off leaving him bare for all to see, his tail flicking behind him as he balls them up and tosses them at Swiss, smacking him in the face with enough force to knock him back a bit. Rain and Kali, though playing as well, have both opted to not strip, or strip as much. Kali stopped after his socks and shirt and Rain kept his clothes on, minus his socks, decisions the others respected.

“Weren't we gonna go until someone was naked then play something else?” Rain asks, averting his eyes to look at Swiss.

“What'd you have in mind Rainy?”

Rain laughs softly, taking a sip of his water. “I wouldn't know. You know I'm not one for these kinds of things.”

Ace hums and grabs the bottle to their left, a caramel flavored vodka and finishes it off. “Spin the bottle? Truth or dare? Oh!” They sit up and laugh, shaking their head. “I think we've got ‘Twister’ somewhere around here. That would be a laugh!”

“As nice as they are, I'd rather not be stuck with Dew's balls in my face thank you very much!” Aether says with a loud laugh that the others join, said gremlin drawing his lips into a line as he gives the broad ghoul a shove, face flushing brightly. “Speaking of, why don't you fetch your undies and put them back on?”

“What? Don't like looking at my cock?” Dew laughs and raises his hand, catching his underwear as Swiss launches them at his head. “I already know my balls, while pretty, don't seem to do it for you.”

“We could play ‘never have I ever’,” Kali suggests as he leans back on his hands, legs stretched out in front of him with his ankles crossed.

“Do you want me and Dew to die?” Swiss asks with a huff of a laugh. “Because if we play that, me and him will die of alcohol poisoning.”

Aether laughs and hefts himself to his feet with a stretch, rolling his neck. “So do water shots as well as alcohol. I think it could be fun.”

“I'm game,” Mountain agrees. Rain and Ace nod as well in agreement. Game decided on Swiss stands and pads over to the kitchen, pulling out a pitcher and filling it with water before making his way back over to the others who are shuffling the bottles of alcohol around, getting ready for the game to start. Ace lays an empty bottle on its side in the center of their circle, turning to Mountain with a smile.

“Would you care to do the honors to see who goes first?” They ask, gesturing to the bottle. The large ghoul nods and leans over, giving the bottle a spin. They watch it as it slows, finally stopping with the neck pointing towards Aether who looks at it with an arched brow before giving a shrug.

“Alright then. Never have I ever…” He trails off, pursing his lips as he thinks. “Never have I ever had sex in the confessional.”

Dew, Swiss and Aether take a shot, the others laughing softly. Aether spins the bottle and it lands on Swiss who laughs, licking out at his lower lip before he speaks up.

“Never have I ever had sex in public.”

Dew grumbles and takes a shot of water along with Swiss, Aether refilling his shot glass to take one. Somewhat surprisingly Ace also takes a shot. Swiss spins the bottle, watching as it slows and lands on Mountain who grins widely.

“Never have I ever had a foursome.”

Swiss sighs and takes another water shot along with Dew who glares at Mountain, taking his shot slowly. Mountain winks at him and reaches over to spin the bottle, watching it land on Swiss again.

“Never have I ever forgotten to duck while walking through a doorway, smacking the shit out of my head.”

Mountain rolls his eyes with a loud laugh that the others join in on, taking a shot as Swiss spins the bottle, slowing to a stop on Mountain yet again.

“Never have I ever been tied up and forgotten about because my partner got distracted.”

Swiss, Dew and Aether quickly take a shot and he reaches over to spin the bottle pausing when Rain hesitantly downs his shot as well. The others look at him with wide eyes, Ace blinking at him in confusion. Kali fushes and bites at his lip as he turns away.

“Really? You, Rainy?” Ace asks. The water ghoul nods slowly, eyes flicking over to Kali as he blushes. Ace gives a shrug and a small laugh as Mountain spins the bottle.

“Finally!” Dew exclaims, throwing his arms up when it lands on him. “Never have I ever gotten over eager and knotted a partner without realizing it.”

Mountain turns an interesting shade of red as he quickly takes a shot followed by Aether who rubs the back of his neck with a shrug. Dew spins the bottle and it lands on  Ace, the ghoul exclaiming in excitement as they pump a fist into the air.

“Never have I ever slept with a woman.”

“That's a lame one,” Dew grumbles as he takes a shot. Everyone else but Rain and Kali take one as well as Ace spins the bottle.

“Never have I ever,” Rain starts slowly when it lands on him, pausing to chew on his lip as he tries to think of what he could ask. “Stolen something from Copia.”

“What kind of question is-” Kali starts before breaking off as Aether takes a shot, his brows lifting in shock. “Aeth?! What'd you steal?”

The broad ghoul laughs softly and holds up one of his hands. “Nothing serious, but I've nicked more than one of his shirts over the years without him knowing.”

“At least it was only shirts.” Kali watches the bottle spin, slowing as it comes to Ace again.

“Never have I ever only had one partner.”

They take a shot along with Kali who lets out a sigh after making a face, opting for a different alcohol to refill his glass. Rain looks over at him from the corner of his eye, brows furrowing slightly at that revelation, but he doesn't have time to question it as Ace spins the bottle  and it lands on him again.

“Never have I ever been so drunk I passed out.”

Swiss and Dew roll their eyes and take a shot of water, watching the bottle spin and land on Mountain. He hums softly, leaning forward to rest his elbow on his knee with his chin propped up on his hand as he thinks on what his next question could be. What things he knew that could embarrass someo- he smirks, sitting back up with a laugh.

“Never have I ever seen Imperator naked.”

Aether groans and takes a shot, then another right away as he shakes his head. “Thanks for bringing that memory up, mate. Had finally forgotten about that one.”

“When in Hell did that happen?” Kali asks. “How did that happen?”

Aether laughs and crosses his legs, dragging his hand down his face with a sigh. “I was still fairly new topside here and tried to phaze without a clear destination in my head. Popped right into her chambers as she was dressing. Why do you think there's a no phazing rule?”

“That's because of you?!”


While the others laugh and let that tidbit of information sink in Mountain spins the bottle and it lands on Aether who gives a lopsided smirk. “Never have I ever ripped my pants while gardening, flashing several ghouls in the process.”

The tall ghoul sighs and takes a shot, laughing when the bottle lands on him yet again. “Never have I ever been caught balls deep in Cumulus behind the altar by Secondo in the chapel when they were supposed to be decorating and setting up for a sermon.”

Aether groans and takes a shot, the others laughing. “Don't you lot laugh. Secondo was a right scary man when that happened. I actually feared for my masculinity.”

Mountain laughs and spins the bottle with a little more strength than before, watching it slow to a stop pointing at Kali who smiles.

“Never have I ever gotten off from someone stroking my tail.” Dew takes a shot, turning away with a bright red face and a pout as he grumbles. Swiss has his own soft blush and is trying so hard not to laugh but when he chances a peek over at Dew he can't help it and the laughter explodes out of him only making the gremlin darken in his blush, his tail curling and flicking behind him.

“Shut the fuck up!” Dew seethes, crossing his arms tightly over his chest. “You know how sensitive my tail is when I'm all worked up…”

“So…” Ace says slowly as they shift closer, a mischievous smile spreading on their face. “If I were to do this it wouldn't affect you?”

Before Dew can react they reach behind him and take gentle hold of his tail near the base, giving it a sensual stroke. Swiss was already moving, lunging for his gremlin as he turned with a growl and swiped his claws at Ace, grabbing and pulling him back.

“Don't fucking do that!” Dew hisses, struggling against Swiss’ hold. Yet again tonight he turned an interesting intense shade of red from the tips of his pointy ears down to his chest. Swiss laughs, placing a kiss against his neck before whispering in Dew's ear and slowly he calms down. Ace winks at him earning another grumble before he spins the bottle for Kali with it landing on Rain who laughs, a thought popping into his head.

“Never have I ever gotten a boner because of something Annie did.”

Aether, Swiss, Dew and Ace let out a collective sigh before taking a shot before Rain spins the bottle, stopping on Mountain once again

“Never have I ever moaned when Annie pulled my hair.”

Dew seethes, letting out a hiss between his clenched teeth before taking another shot. “How did you even know about that? You weren't there!”

“Lilit told me. Wish I was there to see it! I bet that's when you got that boner, too.” He spins the bottle letting out a sigh when it lands on him. Glancing around he catches sight of Aether sporting a cheeky grin as he takes a drink of water and he smiles. “Never have I ever been pegged by Cumulus while Copia watched.”

Aether blinks and sits up a bit straighter,  slowly looking over while his eyes narrow before he takes a shot, slamming the empty shot glass down. Mountain spins the bottle, letting out his own groan when it stops yet again pointing towards Aether, the broad ghoul grinning as he gives him a playful look.

“Never have I ever gotten someone pregnant.”

Mountain lets out a playful growl and downs his shot. He's about to say something when Swiss takes a deep breath and lifts his glass to his lips to take his shot drawing everyone's attention to him. He avoids their eyes and gives a shrug and shake of his head.

“It was a long time ago, back in the pits,” is all he says, cutting off Dew who opens his mouth to say something. “And not something I like to think about.”

Dew looks at him, an odd expression crossing his face as he reaches down to rest a hand on Swiss’ knee, giving it a gentle squeeze. Swiss looks at him and gives a small smile before he sits up, smile widening as though nothing had happened. He reaches over around Dew and spins the bottle, laughing when it lands on him.

“Okay, last one. Never have I ever kissed or been kissed by Dewdrop.”

Everyone laughs and takes a shot except for Ace and Kali, the air ghoul giving a lopsided pursed lipped pout.

“Well I feel left out now.”

“Coulda given you one, but not after that stunt you pulled…” Dew grumbles with a huff, tail flicking in annoyance. “Kali on the other hand…” He turns to the other multi ghoul in the room with a  smirk he didn't see as he was rubbing at his eyes.  “Wanna change that?”

Kali laughs and shakes his head mumbling something about being okay but Dew is already moving, crawling over the bottle and when Kali opens his eyes he's startled to see Dew right in front of him. His eyes are bright and shining as he reaches up to grab the back of Kali's head, drawing him in while kissing him deeply. Off to the side they pick up a low growl before Dew is pushed back by Rain, looking at him with a disapproving frown as he scoots closer to Kali.

“Aww does jealous Rainy boy want one too?” Dew asks before leaning forward once more, this time to kiss Rain gently with a smirk. “There.”

“Extra left out now,” Ace sighs, crossing their arms over their chest. Swiss rolls his eyes and grabs at Dew's waistband to tug him back into his lap, arms snaking around his middle as he nuzzles into the back of his neck.

“So, Mounty,” Swiss says, resting his chin on Dew's shoulder. “Are you ready for tomorrow? To take that next step with Lil Mama?”

“Why wouldn't I be? You know we're already technically married by ghoul standards.”

“Yeah, but this is a big ceremony where everyone will be watching.”

“So?” Mountain sighs softly as he leans back on his arms, shifting to get comfy. “My eyes will only be on my mate. This is for her, after all.”

Swiss nods giving Dew a soft squeeze. “Well, tell us then if you're really ready for the step after that.”

“What step would that be?”

Swiss rolls his eyes with a laugh and replies in a sing-song tone.  “First comes love, then comes marriage. Then comes a baby in a baby carriage!”

Mountain rolls his eyes and reaches for a random bottle of alcohol, bringing it to his lips to take a big swig right from the bottle. “I'm honestly fucking terrified. Not just of something going wrong.” He sighs seeing the questioning glances from the others, swirling the amber liquid that fills about 1/4 of the bottle before he leans back and chugs it in two gulps, looking at the now empty bottle.

“You all know how I am. How much I hold back even day to day because of my strength. How even with the slightest…” He barely flexes his fingers around the bottle after holding it off to the side and it shatters, the pieces falling to the floor with a clatter. “A kit is so tiny, and fragile compared to me.”

“Mountain.” Aether scoots closer, resting his hand on his shoulder as he gives him a gentle reassuring smile. “You are strong, yes. But you are also the most gentlest ghoul I have ever known. You will do wonderfully as a father.”

“Besides, you've got us,” Kali says with a smile. “We'll be there to help you if you ever need it, but I think between you and my sister I think you both will have it covered.”

Mountain nods slowly before letting out a deep exhale. “You all will be amazing uncles. Thank you.”

“Not just an uncle,” Ace says more to themself than anything, “But I'll sure try.”

“You know what being an uncle means, right?” Dew asks with a wide smile earning some looks of confusion. “We get to teach them all the bad words and get into the best of hijinks!”

“Dew…” Mountain shakes his head, his shoulders moving as he laughs silently, the laughter building until it bubbles out of him. “Do that and I won't be able to save you from Lilit, let alone Annie. You think one angry witch is bad, try having two come after your ass.”

“Worth it!” Dew shouts, thrusting his arms into the air.

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