The Ultimate Interdimensional...

By Fireking492

203 27 86

Pmurt Nedib is dead. We survived the Infinityverse. But our troubles are far from over. Yappa Yappa has retur... More

A Knight's Blood
Return of Number 96
Escape from the Infinite Labyrinth
Plot Twists & Geass
Shifting Tides: Death of Charles
Zero Requiem Take Two
Villains Invade Disney World
The Stakes Keep Getting Higher
Interdimensional Positive Energy Overload
Entering The Dreamverse
The Multiverse's Destruction
"Happy" Birthday
Making A Fake Kira
Setting A Trap
Battle in Sanctuary: Saga's Vengeance
Thanatos and Hypnos
Sword Duel! Swiftdrawer Vs Hades
Chaos In Gotham City
Hopeless & Crushed
Villain Arc/Battle of Watchtower
Rise of the Imaginary Numbers
Chasing Sailor Galaxia
We Fight Back.
Domino City Yami No Game
Zorc, Trueman, and Mayhem
Reality Warping Limit Break
BRAINS Vs. Zarc: Long First Turn
Break Summoning
Serious Dimension Hopping
The Neo World Duel Carnival
End Of The First Round
Closing Stages Of The War
The Final Battle Begins
Desperate Survival
Don Thousand's Downfall

Becoming Real

4 1 0
By Fireking492

The Ultimate Interdimensional War

Chapter 11: Becoming Real

Date: December 9th, 2023

The nightmare them does a rapid series of things that I could clearly see and feel happening but there's no way in hell I could possibly even try writing about them. All I can say that there was nothing any of us could do to stop any of it, it hurt like hell, and we couldn't do any damage to our foe. It only stopped when we employed the strategy I used to eventually beat the Pontifex earlier. The nightmare looks angry as we all begin pushing it back: "How can this be!?! You're nothing! You're all nothing! If you were my employees, I would have disposed of you a long time ago!" I smirk: "Its something really simple to understand. Even someone as egotistical, power hungry, despicable, and foolish as you could wrap your head around it. But am I telling you what it is? No. I personally generally like having the advantage as long as possible when facing foes like you. It's fun to share what the advantage is but safety, victory, and battle prowess comes before that." "Why you!" Its hatred only grows, allowing it to become stronger in the process. Soon, the tables are turned on us. Not even a single one of my thrusts, swings, or slashes were doing anything now. "So you want to raise the game again? Oh but we can just keep doing that ourselves." And so, we just get into the same tug of war cycle as before. "Continuous Shadow Hurricane: 1 Million!" Yeah, that's pretty much how high up things have gotten. It's ridiculous but that's the truth in the end. My attack is nullified as the nightmare grows even stronger than us once again. Eva shouts: "Damn it! No matter what we do, this thing just keeps getting stronger than us!" Batman adds: "We cannot give up or lose focus for even a split second."

Silica shouts: "We will get through this! We always do in the end no matter how tough and scary things get!" The nightmare laughs: "You think you will be able to keep matching my power with your pathetic and sad imaginations?! Allow me to prove you wrong!" It starts invading our very consciousnesses in a bid to take us out that way. But I smirk: "You think that that will work again? We already individually conquered this earlier. Try harder if you want to continue existing." "I'm just warming up! I'm only getting started right now! When I get serious, all of you will have your consciousnesses killed just like that! You are weak! None of you stand a chance against me and never will! The stronger you pretend to be, the more I show what I can really do!" It then starts invading all of us with a lot more effort and force. All I could focus on was the intrusion of them into my consciousness now. "Back off! If you want to fight this way, then I will have to respond in kind! I figured out something earlier! I can counter with my own stuff. You may think you're going to completely crush me. But I have news for you. I can walk while experiencing a significantly excruciating amount of pain. In my original body, I just walked for hours with my leg constantly in pain 2 days in a row, first day the worst. I bore it by ignoring it and pushing through it anyway. That's how it goes in my original body. In my undead body, I have experienced many times more amounts of pain numerous times. I'm already familiar with annoying distractions and other problems. I've endured discomfort for hours, even whole entire days from waking to falling asleep. I'm not going to let you crush my consciousness, thus eventually causing my undead body to rot away. Even I don't know how strong I really am physically or on the inside." I retaliate to the invasion using all kinds of memories and thoughts. My mind gets full of many different thoughts at once as I use my long practiced ability to ignore everything around me almost completely to focus on my own thoughts. This pushes the nightmare out of my consciousness almost completely.

But it still manages to hang on enough to try to annoy me by grabbing my attention over and over much like how a customer at the place I work in my original body would but on a much more annoying scale. I had to resist that as well as my own spatial awareness and curiosity that were drawing me into responding to it. However, I'm even able to tune out something someone sitting right next to me in a car is saying. The forces of the roller coasters of Kings Island rarely get to me. I usually calmly experience them unless it's The Beast or Flight Of Fear we're talking about. In the end, I finish pushing the nightmare out of my mind and rely on my muscle memory as I go into a state that's aware of my surroundings but is focused on my thoughts. I don't usually truly get like this in battle because of all the factors I have to pay attention to but because I already was getting super focused, I am able to get into the state while still fighting. With me in that state, I don't pay much attention to what the others are saying or doing. I just focus on thinking through my counter every single move the nightmare makes. Since I can't ignore it completely for long, I have no choice but to focus on fighting it. One could argue that not only is this the true power of the human consciousness but the body limits the consciousness: not allowing it to be able to fully unleash such a pure state of mind. My sense of touch remains active as I can't fight without it. It's what keeps me aware of my surroundings somewhat. When I can't move the movement of my body parts, bad things can happen if I can't at least look at them. After some time, the nightmare is unable to even touch me as I continue to use my imagination to grow stronger. I even start feeding some of my own past thoughts to fuel my imagined power level. And I mean the thoughts I know very well that I've had in the past: the ones I recall most strongly.

Every single time the nightmare tries to attack me or invade my consciousness, I hit it with my sword using Piercing Darkness and Infinite Pain at the same time. "You will not defeat us. You cannot hope to catch up to my strength now. We will destroy you now. A simple Great Infernal Tornado Slash from me should do some of the work." Eva adds: "Lets get this bastard once and for all! Ladies, fire your guns!" And so, we all attack the nightmare at the same time. It is vaporized and we soon go on to help our comrades overcome the other nightmares. Alucard is locked into a constant tug of war with another of them. He laughs: "I'm not afraid of you, nightmare. A true vampire has no fear. I don't have nightmares, I make them." One thrust from my sword is enough to help Alucard finish that nightmare off. He grins: "Thanks for your help but truly, I had no need for it." "Sorry but I couldn't just leave you alone to fight one of them. You would have fought for much longer otherwise." "You're right. I would have. As long as I get to destroy some of the others, I will be quite satisfied and not show my displeasure to you over you ending my battle early." I nod and head off to continue helping. In time, all of the nightmares have been destroyed. However, one of a size bigger than the ones we have destroyed put together forms out of nowhere and restrains all of us effortlessly. It laughs: "You mortals and gods think you have won here. But let me tell you something. You have only won one mere battle. You will lose the war now. I am the nightmare of all nightmares. I get stronger by the second as I get closer to becoming real. I have existed for countless eons, biding my time until it was time for me to emerge. Don Thousand is rapidly catching up to my level of progress. Once I kill all of you, he will be next. No one is allowed to oppose me. I have no need for a name or face. I will live on in the nightmares of all living things for eternity. The multiverse will become mine to terrorize."

We start being suppressed more and more with our forms quickly put on the brink of collapsing. I yell: "Damn it! How the hell are we supposed to get out of this?! We can continue to grow as strong as we wish to be but it won't be enough to break free. Our power levels individually in here are enough to shake the multiverse like a 0.2 magnitude earthquake shaking a city." Luna speaks telepathically: "I believe Twilight may know a solution." Twilight replies: "I do. If this is a multiverse of dreams, then we should be able to create one shared dream to turn the tables." After who knows how long, we actually pull that off amidst so much agony and suffering. Our foe reacts strongly as a wild and fantastical world takes shape around us with all kinds of ideas thrown together into a chaotic masterpiece of abstract and surrealist proportions. The nightmare exclaims: "How did you manage to do any of this?!" Abstractoa replies: "You may be stronger than even me here but there is one element you seem to have missed completely. We can imagine things into being here just like you are able to as well." The chaotic nature of what we created has a combined stronger meaning and intent than our foe's very will. It shrieks and looks around in fear as it feels itself getting crushed by it. In a bid to survive, it lets go of all of us and retreats right before it could be reduced to nothing. "I will get all of you for this! Revenge will be mine! You'll see!" And with that, another enemy was dealt with for now. Pinkie Pie exclaims: "Hey, shouldn't we follow that thing?" Abstractoa replies: "That is not the best move at the moment. 10,581 universes have fallen to Don Thousand since our return to this realm alone. We must free those we can from the dreams and nightmares that are being used to take them over." Ginga speaks up: "Why don't we create more shared dreams and bring all of them into them?"

Revolver nods in approval: "That is a good idea, I have to admit that at least." Sailor Moon exclaims: "Let's get right to that!" I add: "Let's not put them inside any chaotic shared dreams. Those who are most compatible with each other should work together to create the shared dreams. That will net us a lot of stable shared dreams. Now that all of you have come to understand imagination in the same abstract way as myself through fighting battles in this multiverse of dreams, this shouldn't be too difficult." So that's exactly what we do. We split up into small groups that are truly balanced and stable. SHINC, Kirito's party, and The Z Fighters are some examples of balanced and stable groups within BRAINS. Balanced in this case doesn't refer to power levels or stuff like that. It refers to personalities mostly. The group I end up being a part of ends up creating a harmonious fantasy world. With all of that taken care of, all of us start going around to pop dream bubbles and teleport those freed from them into the shared dreams we have created. But it's not enough. Naruto creates hundreds of shadow clones to speed things up: "Come on, everyone! Let's all make clones of ourselves to really speed this up!" Shrugging, I'm amongst the first to follow his example. I create countless clones of myself to share the workload with. BRAINS has tens of thousands of fully fledged members at this point. Thus, millions of clones end up being created. However, that again is not nearly enough. Beerus complains: "What the hell is the point of all of this when the number of universes out there is a number even I couldn't describe?!" He was right. It felt like our efforts were getting us nowhere. Something had to change but what?

Creati speaks up: "I have an idea! Why don't we educate every single individual we have rescued to do what we are doing as well?" Whis hums: "That's not a bad idea. However, that would take too long." I think for a moment before replying: "As one of the top individuals in terms of creativity here, I don't think that will take too long actually. What if we just transmitted the knowledge and instructions required for them to help us out to them?" My idea gets put to the test. It quickly succeeds. And as we save more life forms, the number of individuals popping Dream bubbles and transporting those saved to the shared dreams grows at an accelerating pace. A pace that is almost self sufficient. When someone is given what they need, they save someone and transmits a copy of what they were given to that someone. It just keeps getting passed down. This is how we will stop Don Thousand from taking more universes. The point at which the rate of individuals being saved exceeds the rate of the ones being brainwashed is fast approaching. Especially as the remaining OSW pawns find themselves getting easily defeated over and over again. The villains sent by Don Thousand also prove to be pushovers against the now trillions of us and counting. It's a good thing most life forms will treat everything happening as just a dream and quickly forget about all of it as a result. Otherwise, we would have a huge problem on our hands. Nothing could stand against the growing rescue force at all. The nightmare from earlier was nowhere to be found. For an idea of how fast individuals are getting saved, just myself alone can pop hundreds of bubbles per second and keep transmitting the vital info as well as teleporting anyone away who doesn't want to help. My imagination has granted me a level of computational power unlike any I had ever experienced before through my planning and mental calculations.

5 minutes pass and now, the number of us is so much greater than literally trillions. As time passes on, I couldn't even see or sense most of those who were helping us BRAINS members with this operation. I knew that in due time, Don Thousand would be no longer able to take control of anyone else. After some more time passed, we ran out of individuals to save by popping their dream bubbles as there were now none in sight even for those of us who could see the furthest. The Dreamverse itself is an incomprehensibly big place as it is a collection of dreams, dream realms, and more all part of a bigger realm. It is even filled with past dreams experienced by the inhabitants of the multiverse. That's how big it really is. I can't really describe it any other way. With no one to save, we just kind of stop what we're doing. Someone asks: "What do we do now?" Benkei who has purple hair, purple? eyes, light skin, and a really large stature for a human and is a blader who uses Dark Bull replies: "We have to stop that Don Thousand! Bull bull bull bull!" Tetsuya speaks up: "I want to make that big crab scream in agony for what he's done! Are you with me, crabs?!" I sigh: "What a mood killer. This is not the time for such silliness. We need to find that bastard and stop him before it's too late." Crafter speaks urgently: "There is another matter we have to take care of first! The music of Minecraft is fading away. The servers are in grave danger." Gameknight adds: "I sense the enemy attacking them through this realm.." Abstractoa speaks: "Then we know where we all must go next." We go back to that dangerous place to find every enemy we had defeated already back up and causing problems with the biggest nightmare connecting itself to all of them. It says: "I told you all! Here is my revenge. Using Don Thousand's foolish pawns and the weak nightmares who bow before me, I have begun attacking the physical multiverse from here! And by doing so, I hoped to lure all of you here. And now that you are here, that distraction is now useless."

The attacks on the Minecraftian universes stop as our foe assimilates all of the other enemies into its agents. They then spread out to do its bidding for it. "Destroy them all, minions! All of you once feared me. Now, you obey me!" In the following seconds, all of them begin to attack us at the same time. Each enemy is able to attack 5 of us each. "Damn it! At this rate, we're going to be in for a long and difficult series of battles. Haaaaaaa! We musnt hesitate or hold back!" Again, I was right about the situation. Frieza attacks me, Bulma, Barla, Playmaker, and Ai at the same time with Death Bomb after Death Bomb. "Hahahaha! You may not be worthless monkeys but you aren't much better! Die in the name of the greatest nightmare of all!" "Oh glitch! We have to fight back!" "I'll test him. Great Infernal Tornado Slash!" My attack does nothing to him. "Looks like we can't go easy. Oh well. I was expecting that though I don't know about the rest of you." "Hahahaha! You think this is a test?! You'll regret that!" He powers up to his Black form and starts attacking us with a lot more force. The others are hurt but I take no damage thanks to the player abilities in Minecraft and RCT3. The villain glares at me: "You're making a mockery out of me! Damn you! I'll find a way to hurt you! Just you wait!" "Don't forget us! I'll blast you over and over again!" Barla begins firing the most powerful guns and explosives she could have ever imagined. Even anti matter grenades with greater power than the anti matter missiles we have to sometimes use. The villain is pushed back by this only to be caught in a Data Storm, be hacked into, and hit by massive neutrinos at the same time. I add onto that by using literallly every single attack I know in rapid succession. The Kamehameha wave was the finishing touch on that. Frieza is unable to stand up against all of this and almost gets completely vaporized.

However, the nightmare's energy starts awakening inside of him, making him far more powerful as well as repairing his damaged form. He could have already surpassed his Black form by his own efforts if it weren't for his overconfidence and the fact he isn't very creative or imaginative. Frieza glares at all of us: "You'll pay for that! I will make you all pay with your lives! For the nightmare who rules supreme!" He attacks all of us only to come short when my comrades and I power up again to his horror. "How can this be happening?! No one should be able to oppose my power so easily! As a devoted servant of that nightmare, I will put all of you in your places for good! Just you wait!" Several minutes later, he is once again on the verge of defeat. I speak: "It's over, Frieza." "No! No! It can't be over! It's only over when I say it's over! And I say it's not over so it's not over! Don't you see?! I am the emperor of Universe 7 and there's nothing that can change that! Nothing! Not you, not the nightmare, not even Goku!" Finally, he realizes what is allowing us to become so incredibly strong. And he starts doing the same but only gets so far due to his lack of a true imagination. Therefore, we are able to defeat him on our own. His form shatters and doesn't come back. The other villains fall like dominoes after that. The nightmare looks increasingly agitated but finally snaps when the last of its servants gets destroyed. "I should have known better than to let my new pawns take care of all of you! I'll just do this myself for now on! None of you will survive this! I guarantee it!"

It absorbs all kinds of things at once to become so powerful that not a single one of us could even react when it restrains all of us again. I try imagining a part of a fused world but nothing happens. The power and will of the nightmare is too strong for me to resist beyond keeping my form, consciousness, and power level stable. The others have the same problem. None of us could get free, even if we combined our best efforts. We just struggle to no avail for a while. That was until some side effects of everything that had been going on take place. Most of them I didn't even notice but there was one I did because if just couldn't be ignored. The full form of The Shadow appears. They say: "Well well well, it looks like my plan to insert myself into this multiverse was a good idea." The nightmare turns to see them and shrieks: "The Shadow?! This can't be happening! You're supposed to be fragmented into many pieces!" "Thanks to this realm, I know everything that has happened. You are the nightmare of nightmares but you will not be able to do anything to me as powerful as you have become. I also seek to become real by escaping this place for good. I will have no need for my fragments across the physical multiverse. They can be harnessed to attack me but that would prove useless." "Curse you too! Stay out of my way!" "I would stay out of your way if you hadn't chosen to stick yourself into my business. I would have left you alone as I'm willing to wait to get my revenge on many of the mortals you currently have restrained for leading my defeat. I was cautious enough to realize there was a slim chance that my backup plan to take over Gorganan could fail. Before the fight that ended him, I left a part of myself here."

"You wanted to leave me alone?!" "I had no interest in disposing of you for now. When I become strong enough to become real, I would have returned here to deal with you so I could get my revenge and not let you get yours." The nightmare and The Shadow fight it out. But as the seconds tick by, the battle becomes less and less even. The Shadow strengthens while the nightmare weakens. It screams: "Why am I getting weaker?!" "You are a creation made from many things and creatures including those that were once under my direct control or influence. I embody all of the darkness in the multiverse, you are nothing more than a weak imitation of me. You will soon be snuffed out as if you never existed to begin with." And just like that, the nightmare is defeated and just barely manages to escape with very little left to keep it alive. Almost all of its power was absorbed by The Shadow who turns to us now that we have been freed as a result of their actions. They speak: "Now, it is your turns to be drained of your powers and be destroyed too. You can just surrender peacefully and line up single file. I will absorb you that way unless you resist. If you resist, I will make all of your last moments as painful as possible. You cannot defeat me but I would prefer not to be distracted by all of you from what I have set out to do." We all try fighting them but to no avail. "I told you. You can't defeat me." The Shadow then suddenly turns and prepares to leave: "None of you are currently worth my effort. There's a bigger enemy I must destroy and absorb first. With Don Thousand's power made mine, I will become real, destroy all of you, and escape this realm at long last!" They disappear without a trace.

We all come up with means to travel faster than ever before across the Dreamverse to search for The Shadow, Don Thousand, and the humiliated nightmare of nightmares. Yusei and the other Signers end up leading the way. We search and we search at speeds that far exceed even Overdone Ovenzilla Speed and interdimensional teleportation. But no such luck. Some of us quit but others like me, we don't quit. We keep looking. But after some time, even we are forced to face the facts. If we can't find them, we have to let them come to us. That's the only way as no method of locating someone is working to find any of them. I sigh: "We might as well continue to power ourselves up with our imaginations again. That's the only way this is going to work at all." *Opening 2: Dimensions Of Disaster plays*

"The battles, they continue on. Destruction and chaos widespread. *Kira/Light wickedly begins killing innocent people with the Death Note* Everyone is suffering, everyone might as well be dying too. These are the dimensions of disaster. *Heartland City and Neo Domino City are being invaded by Barians* Everything is falling apart. I hate how things are going, this isn't what we asked for. *Swiftdrawer cries out in agony while clutching their sword tightly*The worlds are broken, they're losing their independence. Our bonds keep us moving forward. *SHINC and the Akatsuki share a meal* But the despair around and inside of us continues to wear down on us. When will this end? *Exhausted heroes fight many resurrected villains at the same time*These are the dimensions of disaster. I sing this song knowing that what I'm seeing is only a portion of the nightmares around us that are inflicting misery everywhere. *TVs displaying different angles of attacks in the Saint Seiya universe*The complacent masses are unprepared when the oppression comes for them. They don't know how to resist, how to fight back, how to truly think for themselves.*Citizens of an alternate USA lukewarmly welcome their new Barian overlords or happily welcome them with open arms.* The battles, they continue on. Destruction and chaos widespread. *An entire world's surface crumbles into dust* Everyone is suffering, everyone might as well be dying too. These are the dimensions of disaster. *Several dimensions become highly unstable and dangerous before being absorbed into Don Thousand's empire*"

"Hey. It's a new day but it feels like all that can go wrong is going wrong and crushing all of us along with it.The battles, they continue on. *A sequence of battle after battle playing out in the skies, orbit, and seas of Mii World is shown* Destruction and chaos widespread. Everyone is suffering, everyone might as well be dying too. *Some innocent people are driven to suicide by what's happening around them.*These are the dimensions of disaster. Everything is falling apart. I hate how things are going, this isn't what we asked for. *The Lancers and other duelists look on in concern as things beyond their control happen*The worlds are broken, they're losing their independence. Our bonds keep us moving forward. *The gamers in BRAINS distract themselves with Squad Jam 8* But the despair around and inside of us continues to wear down on us. When will this end? *A sequence of heroes facing their rival villains is displayed*These are the dimensions of disaster. I sing this song knowing that what I'm seeing is only a portion of the nightmares around us that are inflicting misery everywhere. *The most observant members in BRAINS watch on as things get worse as they make plans to take action.* Don't lose yourself to the oppression or the conformity."

"When the invasions come to your doorsteps, you have to be prepared to fight back. *flashes of many battles begin playing in rapid succession* Even if it means you go against what they said to do when threats knock down your door. These are the dimensions of disaster and that won't change until the enemies at the core of this hell are defeated and brought down for good." We all witnessed that 2nd opening playing before our eyes. It energized us, refreshed our minds, and gave us motivation. "That's it! It's time to merge my very willpower and everything that makes me a knight on the inside with my form!" I feel a lot stronger after doing that. I got the feeling that after this is over, we will all emerge with greater ties to the connective power of the imagination. We will even come out a little physically and mentally stronger at the very least. Final boss music starts playing out of nowhere. Or rather, the SAO floor boss music. Kirito shouts: "It's almost time for the confrontation with Don Thousand! We'll defeat him here and trap him in this multiverse! With that done, One Supreme World will collapse!" Asuna replies: "Don't say that! We don't know how this is going to end up. But regardless, we must soon fight with every single thing we have!" Heathcliff nods: "This is going to be the ultimate test for all of us. Until we are completely ready and confident in defeating Don Thousand, we must stay here to continue strengthening ourselves. Only then will we be able to have a chance to defeat him once and for all."

And so, we continue to raise ourselves to even greater heights. We won't let our foe beat us. We are dead set on pulling this off. Alucard grins: "This should be by far the most exhilarating fight I will have ever participated in! This is going to be fun!" "Alucard, continuing powering yourself up." "Yes of course, my master." Seras exclaims: "Don't forget about me! I'm going to get stronger too!" "How could I forget you, police girl? I'm looking forward to seeing what you will do!" A few minutes later, I feel ready to go after growing stronger by merging myself with so many of my failed, forgotten, and successful ideals as well as my positive feelings from the past. "This is it. It's just about time." That's when The Shadow and Don Thousand appear in the distance, loudly and violently fighting each other. "You will not get out of here, Don Thousand! I will escape in your place and kill you first!" "Foolish. I will ultimately be the one to win this. I am nearing my goal to break through the edge of this multiversal realm." "Hahahaha! I can't help but laugh. You are so pathetic that my normal attitude just won't do. Prepare to not only lose but to have your consciousness die right here right now!" The nightmare returns, once again stronger than before. But before it can say anything, Don Thousand turns, crushes it, absorbs it, and gains even more power as a result. "You think that little power up will do you any good?! How amusing!" "I will put you in your place now." "I dare you to try." Within seconds, I could no longer follow their movements as they continued to clash. Not even my imagination could allow me to see any faster movements, huh? I'm just silent as all I get is the audio of the battle and the feelings due to the shockwaves that are warping everything around all of us.

This continues on for what feels like an eternity. During such, Reiji speaks: "Perhaps we should support one of them in order to defeat the other more quickly." I reply: "I don't like that idea." Barla sighs: "If you ask me, that really is not a good idea." "I see. And I know why you feel that way. They are both individuals who are highly dangerous and have caused a lot of problems up to this point. I misspoke. Even if we helped one defeat the other, we would still be dealing with an enemy who we could not hope to match at this point in time." We all end up strengthening ourselves even further as it all keeps going on. Eventually, it all finally comes to a stop when Don Thousand has The Shadow on the ropes. The Shadow utters: "How are you able to defy me to this extent? Im behind many of your actions and helped create the conditions that ended up creating you." "Once again, you are a fool. You are the embodiment of the darkness throughout all existence. Or to put it more correctly, you're one of many. You're amongst the most powerful embodiments. However, you have never lived a mortal or normal god's life. I have done so. And there are other reasons why you are nothing to me." Whatever he says next goes way over my head. I never found out what he meant. Only that The Shadow's response was one of frozen terror: "This can't be.. You have done the impossible.. Defying and surpassing me.."

The Shadow's form is crushed completely by Don Thousand only for them to be devoured whole by the Barian god. Don Thousand gives a rare laugh: "That fool was never a match for me. Now that I have The Shadow's powers, I am so much closer to escaping the Dreamverse and granting the power inside this imagined body of mine to my real form. When that happens, it will be not just the end of the BRAINS Collective but the end of all resistance against me." He ignores us as if we aren't even worth his time to be noticed by him. Strag exclaims: "We can't let him accomplish his goal! We have to stop him! Right here and now!" It's a good thing all of us ended up pretty much sticking with the moves we know while also boosting them by leaps and bounds using all the imagined power we have gained thanks to this realm. That sure makes writing about all of this significantly less complicated. Can't complain with that. Nimona grins: "METAL!" Alucard laughs: "This really will be the greatest fight I have ever been a part of! I just hope it doesn't disappoint me!" Yu smiles: "It's time for Libra's true powers to emerge and light things up!" Various others speak as well. Right as we begin to attack, I say: "Huzzah! We must get going and stop him before he becomes too powerful to stop in the physical multiverse!" Even with all of my strength and power poured into one sword thrust, the damage I deal only shows up as a tiny wound on Don Thousand's form. The others face similar disappointments. Tsunade yells: "Damn it! Just how strong is he?!"

Don Thousand looks at us with bored eyes: "Annoying bugs. Shoo." With one flick of one of his body parts, all of us are sent flying. I recover, grit my teeth, and fly away to where we just were. The others pretty much do the same. Vegeta gasps: "What a stunning power level! How are we supposed to even make a mild dent in him?!" Goku replies: "We hit him a lot harder this time!" "I hope you're right, Kakarot." Biara speaks: "It is time to not just battle offensively and defensively anymore. I have created a large number of digital viruses that can even affect physical living tissue outside of the virtual worlds. And I am not the only one who has done so." She and the others who created such viruses deliver them into Don Thousand by way of attacks so powerful that entire galaxies would be ripped apart upon receiving them. But even when they successfully plant all of the viruses, nothing happens. Don Thousand just looks increasing impatient: "Are you all of you BRAINS members done now? Try as you will but nothing you can do will defeat or kill me. I am unstoppable even amongst the other gods." Alice replies: "We shall find a way to slay you! And when you die, all of your work here will have been for naught!" "Pathetic girl, you don't realize just how much power I now have. The wills of my pawns across all of the universes I have had absorbed into my empire have given me many boosts in power. Your imaginations may be boundless but even they can't stand up to what I am now capable of."

We all attack Don Thousand with more force at once. But in the next second, he crushes nearly everyone's forms. Those who don't have them crushed are gods or are like me and happened to absorb some kind of limitless video game mode. The gods step forward and stop holding back. Beerus frowns: "Damn it! I have to put my all into this battle after all. And I was just about ready to take a nice nap when this is all over. Whis, you better make sure there's more of that delicious ramen for me to enjoy." "We have more pressing matters than that, Lord Beerus. Let's focus on Don Thousand." "Pfft. Whatever." Athena speaks: "We must do what must be done. Now that we have embraced the imaginations required to increase even our strengths, it is up to us to hold nothing back anymore." Abstractoa nods: "Up to now, we have been concealing our full powers. But now, it is clear that the mortals under our protection must be given our full assistance." The light skin, blue haired, blue eyed, and white robed Poseidon adds: "Like we agreed, I will help as well. The multiverse is my home too. Athena. Let's settle things once and for all someday." "We will do so when the time is right." "Very well. I look forward to it." While the rest of us rebuild their forms and emerge even stronger, the gods and those of us who didn't have to rebuild their forms go on the attack with not a single individual holding back anymore. With everyone else soon joining us, it feels like we have an actual shot of defeating our foe. This time, the fight doesn't stop because of us being flicked away. It is chaotic. Worlds are created and destroy in an instant. Things appear and vanish. Energies collide. The rules of reality that still apply in the Dreamverse nearly break down into nothing. All kinds of objects, life forms, and more show up only to be removed just as quickly. Stars explode. Chemical reactions occur.

Big bangs are sent off against each other. Differing points of history as well as various worlds converge around Don Thousand. Many other things happen as well. It just keeps escalating and getting more intense as time passes. That was until Don Thousand stopped acting lazy and began crushing us like bugs: "All of you heard what I said. I shouldn't have expected any of you to listen. For refusing to, you will all be killed without being able to resist even just a little. Once I destroy your consciousnesses for good, I will absorb all of you and quickly finish what needs to be done to escape from this reality. When that is done, I will kill and destroy all of your bodies that lie out there before making the entire multiverse mine in a very short period of time. All resistance will be terminated and converted into a part of me or my army." Pearl panics: "Oh no! Nothing we do is having any effect on him? What do we do?! Wait.. Fusion! That's what we must do! Steven, fuse with me!" "I don't know Rainbow Quartz 2.0 is a good idea." Goten and Trunks say: "Did someone say Fusion?" Dominic yawns: "Thankfully, all of the advanced magical and scientific defenses that have been imagined are up and running now. This will buy us some time. What a nap causation." "Fuuuu-siiiiiion.. Haaa!" Gottenks is now on the scene. Vegito and Gogeta appear at the same time after them. Shining Neos, Neos Wiseman, D/D/D Flame High King Genghis, Cyber End Dragon, Photon Twin Lizard, Cyberse Clock Dragon, and more are successfully summoned. "And now! The beary, scary, Frightfur Chimera!" "Undead Jammer! Welcome back to the war!" "I summon Dark Paladin!" The fusions just keep happening even as all of the defenses are destroyed. Don Thousand is playing with us now.

He could have stopped all of this at any moment but it seems he finds our efforts very amusing and wants them to take their course until he chooses to come in and destroy them all at the same time. What he didn't know was that we weren't done even after all of his opponents ended up fusing together. The fusion I found myself a part of ended up being a very powerful warrior with armor so heavy that it could very well cause a galaxy to collapse into a truly massive black hole or something like that. Not to mention the sword. It's a sword that could cut right through the time stream and fragment countless timelines in a single thrust. But the fusions themselves fuse together after we hear our foe speak again. "Fusion? That won't help any of you. You are only delaying what I have planned for all of you." A fusion of all of the Crystal Gems replies: "Are you sure about that? Because if we think we're done, you're mistaken." As that fusion sings a version of Garnet's "Stronger Than You", the fusing is really on. After a couple of minutes, there is only one fusion standing. They say: "Don Thousand, I am here to stop you. You have no need to know me by any name or face. As you can see, my appearance is constantly changing. That is the effect of this realm's power on a fusion such as myself." The fusion has a single weapon. It's a combination of a longsword, fist, dagger, knife, rifle, handgun, sniper, shotgun, laser blaster, bomb, bow, mace, axe, chainsaw, wooden plank, spike, staff, wand, wooden bat, katana, short sword, rapier, saber, cutlass, pistol, revolver, taser, computer virus, magical energies, various jutsu, the Kamehameha, kunai, throwing star, hammer, shield, and more.

The two clash. So many attacks are executed simultaneously. The rules of a normal fight do not apply. Nor could I even make out how they fought. When it was over, the fusion had lost and was immediately split up back into us. Don Thousand stares at all of us: "What did I tell you? Nice try but your fusion was unable to harm me in the slightest. There is no hope for your cause. Surrender. Join me and become more powerful than ever before." Yuma shouts: "Like hell we will! You bastard! We will never bow to you! Never!" "Have it your way." Don Thousand leaves out of the blue, leaving us all behind. Iida shouts: "After him! We can't allow that villain to do what he wants. Even if we have to strain our very imaginations to stop him, we must not allow him!" Raphtalia adds: "Now that a new connection between me and Master Naofumi has been established in place of the slave crest, I am determined to be his sword more than ever!" Oh, that's right. We decided to do a little intervention over the whole slavery accepted in Raphtalia's World thing. Through some ancient magic, a pact that's exactly like the slave crest but isn't harsh or oppressive was found and used to keep Naofumi connected with anyone individual who has become his slave through that crest. Additionally, some of the slave traders have been convinced to let their slaves become free people who live in underground societies and can be hired through a one purchase job contract. Unfortunately, we had to limit doing that in order to not interfere too much with their timeline's progression. Raphtalia's World was liberated from OSW due to the Interdimensional Positive Energy Overload at the Magic Kingdom and that was drastic enough of a change in things.

The new bond thing between Raphtalia and Naofumi has really come into play in this realm in ways none of us could have ever seen coming. We chase after Don Thousand to no avail for some time. That was until countless still dreaming individuals came to us with the knowledge that we were behind them being released from their respective dreams. One of them speaks: "We have come to know of the threat and location of Don Thousand. Allow all of us to join you. Together, we can stop him before he realizes his goal. But we must make haste. Time is very quickly running out. Moving hastily is of the essence." Thanks to the literally trillions of individuals who came to join up with us, reaching Don Thousand's new location wasn't hard nor did it take long. He stares at us: "You think all of you together pose a threat to my rule? Don't be so confident. I will crush all of you after I destroy your hopes and dreams." With ease, he sends all of us back. "Now, none of you are worth my time. I do not need to kill your consciousnesses here anymore. Even if you wake up, it will still be too late for all of you once I've done what I'm about to do." He doesn't say anything else. Instead, he forces us into place as he begins achieving the ability to become real. His body becomes more and more well defined as if the visual resolution is going from 72 ppi to 4,000 ppi. Parts of the Dreamverse begin to crack apart and parts of the physical multiverse are revealed as a result of that. The villain struggles to cross over through some of the cracks but once he does, we can see space itself tremble. Pirate Blaster yells: "Arr! After him! I bet the equivalent of all the booty I've helped dig up in the past that these forms of ours will become real too once we pass through those cracks!"

I'm amongst the first to try that out. Once I step out, my body feels completely real. To test it, I prick my finger with my sword. It bleeds. I put my hand over my heart. It's beating. I feel for the energy I gathered in the Nightmare Realm and find it simply stored away and currently unused. "Huh? This body really is alive. Well then, I guess it's true. It seems that you can also become real by just becoming very powerful and escaping the Dreamverse yourself. Good to know." The battle against Don Thousand greatly complicates. He sees us after his 2 selves become one: "You have followed me out of the Dreamverse. I have no interest in any of you. I will allow the other villains as you'd call them to take care of all of you." So many villains appear at once. Pmurt Nedib, Bowling, Freddie, the SDL, Death Gun, Sugeo/Oberon, Zorc Nercophades, the Great Leviathan, past versions of reformed villains, Darth Vader, Zerg, Maleficent, Cruella, Chernabog, Grodd, Lex Luthor, Brainiac, Darkseid, the Summertime Song, Happy Birthday, Internet, Anti-Pops, POH, Jigen, Delta, Code, Kaguya Ōtsutsuki, Pain(past Nagato), King Piccolo, Lord Slug, Commander Blue of the Red Ribbon Army, White Diamond(past self), Peridot(past self), All For One, Garlic Jr., Hector(Black Circle), the White Witch Gunnr, Black Zetsu, Madara(past Obito's impersonation), the Dead Moon Circus, and many many more. Sailor Moon gasps. Tuxedo Mask reassures her: "Do not be afraid, Usagi. We will get through this." Venamous laughs: "Im back! And ready for the ultimate revenge!" The Ginyu Force do their infamous pose. Shigaraki looks at them and sighs: "If I didn't want to kill all of you heroes so badly, I would have already killed those clowns myself. Turned them to dust just like that."

Alucard laughs again: "Now this is brawl! I can't say I've been in many of these! This is going to be very interesting! Releasing all restrictions until the target is silenced." Lex Luthor grins: "Good to see some of you again! It's too bad for you Don Thousand made an offer even I couldn't refuse! So much power and all I had to do was break our fragile truce and help him get rid of all of you. It was a very beneficial business decision. Don't worry. Once you're all dead, there will be nothing for you to worry about." Past White Diamond speaks: "What's this? Pink Diamond, are these your new friends? Are you having fun pretending to be something you're not? Well no matter, I'm going to teach you a lesson by force. I hope you enjoy seeing your friends become part of me." She begins trying to corrupt all of the gems so that they turn the same color as her and become her puppets. But it fails because of Nagato, his Paths, and Konan. "We won't allow your twisted sense of what's right and wrong be allowed to continue creating suffering." Pain and HIS Paths as well as Past Konan stand in their way. "We are trapped in a cycle of hatred. This multiverse shall know pain. One can only truly understand someone if they know the same pain." Past Orochimaru laughs: "I'm going to destroy that brat Naruto and all of Konoha!" Orochimaru replies: "In the interest of protecting my research, I will stop you myself. There's no one better suited to beating me than me. How amusing is that? I find it quite fascinating." Jesse exclaims: "Woah?! Am I see double?!" Past Romeo laughs at him and Romeo: "You think you can stop me and that that's a huge concern, Jesse?! And future me, you should know better than to follow the path you are currently following!"

Gofast stares right at me: "Sinner! I'm going to inflict divine punishment for what you did to me last year! I'm only here to get what I want. The first chance I get, I will invoke the name of our lord and savior to eradicate Don Thousand with God's judgement!" "Oh goodie. I get to deal with you while Don Thousand is allowed to do as he wishes with the multiverse. I'm surprised the fabric of reality hasn't begun to be torn apart with all that's going on." "Are you making fun of me? How low will you go?!" "Just can it. We can do this the easy way or the hard way. Easy way: I send you back. Hard way: we fight till one of us dies. I know you wouldn't accept anything but that for the hard way." "You will have to use your wokeist hard way. For your sins, I sentence you to death as a representative of God himself!" We begin to fight each other. My counterpart is wielding a greatly upgraded ender sword. I wasn't expecting him(I'm going to use those pronouns as Gofast currently rejects the notion of they/them being his pronouns completely) to be able to keep up with me and be an even match. "God's warriors must continue to become stronger in order to fight the greatest threats to his supreme authority. May God bless all who believe in him! And to hell with all who don't and/or sin in other ways!" "Shadow Hurricane!" "Holy Slash! Begone, attack of darkness! Be vanquished!" Our attacks cancel out. "I see you've gotten stronger." "Don Thousand gave me a lot of power and I will later use it to punish him on behalf of God and Jesus Christ themselves after I banish you from existence." "Yeah but you're going to be dead before you can even get anywhere near pulling that off for real. This is a fight to the death after all. I won't lose. I'm impossible to kill right now." "Impossible to kill? That's also a sin! Accept your fate and take on divine punishment! Holy Uppercut!" He tries to get me with his sword through that move but I manage to evade with ease.

"You know, that move nearly hurt but it won't hurt as much as what you're going to feel when I counter your move!" "I won't let that happen! You will twist in agony like someone in a movie!" "What?!" "I am going through that again. And if you dare laugh at me, I will inflict what you deserve even sooner, sinner. Enjoy your last moments before I get my revenge on you for killing me!" "We'll see about that. System command: activate all emergency defenses in my gear. This is no drill. This is the real thing." We continue to clash with our blades. The pseudo divine power mixes with Barian power. He starts pushing me back so I start putting in more effort into my swings and thrusts. That requires me to pay more attention to how much I'm applying to them. Before, I was swinging and thrusting as well as slashing at my normal pace that requires little mental effort to do on my part. Everything around us warps as our fight crosses the boundaries in space and time. Below us now is a prehistoric world inhabited by dinosaurs. "Dark knight, I will destroy you for sinning!" "So you know about my job change. But riddle me this. What killed the dinosaurs?" "God's wrath!" "Wrong. You experiencing a fatal blow at my hands seconds before what would have wiped them out instead would have done so." The reason I'm now winning is because of the difference in experience that has only widened between us since I killed him off. I unleash every single attack in my arsenal at the same time. Gofast actually has godly holy armor on now instead of what he had on when he transformed several times when we last fought each other. The white and golden armor with a blue cape looked like it is made for a chosen champion of the gods or a legendary hero destined to don it thousands of years after its creation.

But against all of my attacks, it broke apart and Gofast so slammed into the ground so hard that the impact was a mass extinction event for the world we had found ourselves in while fighting against each other. My foe attempted to fight back but it was no use. "You do not understand, Gofast. The reasons why you have lost are the difference in our levels of experiences, intellects, imaginations, and armors. My armor far surpasses yours even if yours really came from the God of Judaism, Islam, and Christianity. The god who has no say over your timeline. Those religions worship the same God but many christians in our individual timelines have been brainwashed into hating jews and muslims. Inevitably, this has led to the genocide in Gaza ongoing since November 7th, the labeling of Pro-Palestine individuals as antisemitic, the Holocaust, the War On Terror, and many more evils perpetrated by so called christians who claim to follow the will of their God as well as Jesus Christ. They say they love everyone and yet, many want to see the destruction of people who are different than them. And you are an example of them. I'll give you one last chance to keep living now that you have been revived. Surrender and change your ways. The path you follow is cruel and goes against the very things Christianity is supposed to be about even if the Bible feels like one big collection of fictional stories." "I will never adopt what a sinner like you has!" He tries to fight back with all of his power but without his armor and the differences I outlined before, he is nothing to me. I quickly stab him in the heart to finish him off. Pulling my sword out of him, I move onto fighting with whoever most needs help against who they're fighting.

But one thing remains certain about all of this. This is all one big distraction to allow Don Thousand to go after our other bodies and conquer universe after universe with ease. I personally use the power I now have to literally shift the universes BRAINS members call home as far away from Don Thousand as possible and create a whole other realm to house them in. That is how powerful I currently am. I am at the peak of my power. It won't go any higher now that my imagined form is real. With that done, I find Sonic and friends struggling against Eggman and his latest army of robots. Even with the help of the Botties, robots, and others who are best suited for fighting robots, Eggman is winning because all of his robots have so much power that they actually have detectable power levels. That shouldn't even be possible for robots who aren't androids. The villain laughs: "Hehehehe! None of you stand a chance against my army! I'm just going to watch and enjoy as you all get slaughtered after struggling for as long as you can against my robots! Even if you destroy hundreds a second, that won't be enough to put a dent in my army! Soon, the Eggman Empire will finally be established with all of you out of my way!" I join the fight. It turns out that because of my knowledge and imagination related to various forms of art gave me a substantial advantage in powering myself up with my imagination. Right now, I am amongst the strongest BRAINS members due to this. Most members simply have not delved into the world of artistry as deeply as I have. This, Eggman is shocked when I single-handedly wiping out hundreds of his robots per second. "This can't be happening! How are you doing this?! Swiftdrawer! I'll get my revenge on you yet! Even if that comes in the form of all of my robots completely destroying you before I even bother joining in on the fun!"

Sonic smirks: "Hey Egghead, looks like you underestimated our artistic knight buddy by a lot! Come on everyone, let's try to catch up!" Shadow speaks: "Gladly." Amy readies her hammer as it transforms into a truly deadly weapon that makes Pito's frightening 10 second massacre in Squad Jam 2 in GGO seem much tamer by comparison. Soon, Eggman's army starts shrinking at a rapid rate after I begin using my full power. "Damn, this is still taking too long. We have to get rid of all of these villains before we can chase after Don Thousand." But then, the trillions of individuals who caught up to us in the Dreamverse have their imagined forms cross over and become real. They go from place to place, crushing every villain with ease. Eggman is no exception. He isn't even able to scream when they come for him. In an instant, they appear. Far under one second later, Eggman is gone and they have already gone somewhere else. It's safe to say that it takes no time at all for all of the remaining villains to suffer the same fate. Even the likes of Gorganan and Pmurt Nedib were no match. Tails sighs of relief: "I'm glad that's over." Knuckles nods: "Yeah but let's not stay still for any longer. We were lucky that none of Station Square was damaged while we fought Eggman's army and he ended up being defeated himself so quickly." I reply: "You are right. There is no time to waste. I got all of the universes inhabited by BRAINS members away safely. You may have sensed this universe being no exception. Actually, the only exception is my universe since it is literally untouchable. *we get going to find Don Thousand* Now that I think about it, that's not just because changes we make don't affect it. It might also be that it's constantly being thrown between different timelines all the time, it is still constantly being changed, or something to that effect. Who knows? Even I can't figure it out with all this power I have right now."

In no time, Don Thousand is tracked down. We all head for him and easily break through his castle's defenses. Astral states: "This is most unusual. Why has he not killed our original bodies? And why has he chosen to come here instead of effortlessly conquer universe after universe by corrupting and merging them into this world?" Katori replies: "I don't know why but I have a very bad feeling about all of this." Tron nods: "Even I feel uneasy. Normally, I'd be able to laugh at least a little bit. But not now." Girag looks serious: "This is really bad." Tsunade speaks: "The malice here is very strong. Even though it has no chakra, I can still feel it." We continue further into we reach Don Thousand's throne room(most of us end up not even going in that room because there's literally trillions of us right now). Don Thousand laughs: "You're just in time for your dooms and the loss of everything you hold so dearly." To be continued..

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