Johnny + V - Chippin' in

By mushrommmsss

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A world where Dexter deshawn doesn't kill her. A world where she zeroed herself, what a fucking idiot. --- T... More



31 2 0
By mushrommmsss

Johnny had made her take a break today, she pushed herself way to hard recently and Johnny cared for her health.

Today she didn't have to be strong. She was still grieving Jackie, she was slowly but surely getting over him. He would always be her best choom She couldn't understand what her feelings for Johnny silverhand were. It was insane to have feelings for a chip in your head but she couldn't help it. She didn't know if it was REALLY feelings for him, she felt completely different about him then she did with Jackie. But there was a intense.. atmosphere between him and her. Whatever it was, she kept it to herself for the time being.

Currently she was walking down the sidewalk, hands in her black plaid skirt pockets. She had tights on and a large hoodie thrown over herself to protect herself from the cold. Her boots clicking against the pavement as she walked, she was paying attention to everything around her. She could hear the busy city noise, it seemed night city never slept even at night.

A man in a alleyway caught her eye, laying on the ground. She rubbed her eyes, obvious bags under them as she walked towards the chain link fence. She hurled herself over the fence, landing it thankfully.

She inspected the man, he was obviously dead but he had a few items on him, she scanned the items and him before picking up the gun. It said Skippy on the side of the gun. She flinched as the gun started talking to her "new fingerprints detected." The gun spoke.

"What in the actual fuck.." she mumbled under her breath, confusion written all over her face. A hologram of..a bullet with a face popped up from the gun. It smiled at her and winked. She made a weird face and cringed a bit as she held the gun back from her. "Increasing volumbe by 33 percent. New fingerprints detected." The gun spoke.

"What.. in the fuck are you?" She asked confused..

"User inquiry, technical specifications. HJKE-11 smart gun with built in ai. Experimental model. Name Skippy." Skippy spoke. She was even more confused but figured it was best not to ask it again. She eyed the dead man, on the floor. Poor smuck honestly.

"Was that your owner? Guy by the dumpster?" V asked, raising her brow. "Checking memory.. resources available - 100 percent. All files removed manually. Possible cause - theft. Original owner, no data. Suggested solution, none."

She was definitely keeping this fucking thing.

"I'll keep ya."

"Processing request, no objections found."

She leaned up against the wall, talking to the gun. I bet people thought she was fucking stupid or crazy if they passed by.
"Are you functioning well?" V asked, hopefully nothing was wrong with the gun.

"Running system diagnostics. Testing will take approximately forty-seven seconds." She sighed, impatient. She was just trying to make it to the bar.

"Bum bum be-dum bum bum be-dum bum bum--" what in the actual fuck..

"What are you doing?" V sighed loudly, rubbing her eyes.  "I'm making the wait more pleasant, with a soothing melody."

The gun called Skippy continued to sing for another 20 seconds, making v want to kill herself again. Finally the gun was done. "Test successfully completed. The program 'skippy v0.01 ALPHA' is running correctly." Whew won't have to fix the thing, she guessed. It was kind of annoying and cool at the same time.

"Alright so what can you do... Besides talk my freaking ear off, of course." V chuckled quietly. "Primary feature, automated targeting. In case of critical threat to user - autonomous shooting capabilities." That's pretty useful honestly. "Please choose one of two operating modes, first mode, puppy loving pacifist. I will aim at the enemy's lower extremities. Second mode, stone cold killer. I will aim exclusively at the head." She figured she'd need it at one point so she decided to go with stone cold killer. "Stone cold killer, my kinda gun honestly."

She eyed the gun as it adjusted it's settings, singing away again. Jeez. "Selected mode, Stone cold Killer - happy slaughtering!" The hologram disappeared. She shuddered a bit, a tinnyyyy bit creeped out by the gun but decided to stuff it in her gun holder and forget about it for now.

She looked at the guy and shook her head, he'll be found sooner or later. She hurled herself back over the fence, stuffing her hands in her pockets as she continued to her destination. Thinking about her new gun.


She had just gotten done drinking at the el coyote, talking to mama Welles and wishing her the best. She got pretty buzzed and decided to take the metro home. So here she was stumbling a bit as she managed to pay for her ticket and get a seat on the empty metro. She groaned as she rubbed her head..she really needed that break from doing jobs. She is really grateful for Johnny.

She finally managed to make her way home. As soon as she got home, she stripped off her hoodie, letting her breasts fall out and slipped out of her skirt and other clothing items. She walked up to nibbles, rubbing the cats head making it purr. Her brain was all fuzzy from the alcohol, it made her a bit happier.

"You do realize I'm still here right?" Johnny spoke as he glitched onto her couch. He tried his best not to eye her entire body but still managed to stare at every little curve and detail on her body. She flinched a bit and looked over at Johnny, she shrugged, a loopy smile on her face. "You've seen worse." She managed out before turning around and heading into the bathroom. She turned on the hot boiling shower and sat down in the shower. The hot spray hitting her back. It felt so good. She groaned quietly from the feeling before tucking her legs to her chest and laying her head on her knees.

Johnny really made things a lot easier to deal with, Jackie being gone is something that's very hard to deal with for her. he gave her meaning and a purpose in life. And Johnny is doing the same. She hoped he didn't hate her for being upset still sometimes or still crying from it, she didn't want to bother the man so much. She knew she had little time left and didnt want to waste his time, she wasn't sure he even cared or if it was all a facade. She felt bad. She should have worked more today. And Johnny silverhand is a stone cold killer, why would he dare to care about a women like her?

V really sucks at hiding her thoughts when she's drunk, Johnny reading most of her thoughts. Appeared into the shower turning off the shower, he wrapped a towel around her and helped her to her feet. "Your aren't wasting my time ya know kid, your allowed to feel. It's human to feel, its gross but it's reality." V's head was spinning, she couldn't really manage anything back as she groaned and pointed to the bed. Johnny helped aà awwher to the bed, sitting her down. He searched the place for a shirt and found a oversized black t shirt and slipped it on over her and took off the towel.

"You need to sleep okay? You deserve to rest. I know your in pain and can't sleep to well but try tonight." Johnny smiled a bit, taking off his sunglasses. She nodded softly, her movements were unsteady as she slipped under the covers, moaning a bit of how nice it felt to just lay down under them. Johnny say at the end of the bed watching the women, as she closed her eyes and almost passed out immediately.

he was trying his best to show he cared. But it was hard, being a engram. He was still confused on how he could interact with v but couldn't explain it and always let it go. It wasn't important.


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