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"Jackie stay down!" She shouted, a worried tone in her voice. She started firing her pistol at the guards, hitting one of them in the head. Jackie was hiding next to her, trying to shoot to but in obvious pain. He had blood coming out of his mouth and his hand, pressing firmly to his stomach was full of blood. Bullets flew past them both, v shot the last guard before grabbing Jackie's arm and quickly bolting to the delamain vehicle, hopping in. Both of them panting, hunched over.

The vehicle started to talk to them but v cut it off. "SHUT UP AND START DRIVING!" She yelled at the thing, more bullets firing at the vehicle as it kicked in gear, busting out of the building.

Jackie felt himself caught up more blood, his hand was more bloodier. His vision was starting to blur. Fuck he knew. He fucking knew. He shouldn't of dragged v into this. He looked over at v, her eyes full of panic as she tried to obviously keep him awake. He gave her a smile. He wished he wasn't so stupid, he wish he had more time with the women in front of him. He loved her. He just couldn't bring himself to admit it before.

"Why are you smiling?" V asked, her voice quivering as tears started to stream down her face. "You are going to make it big in night city, my love." He cupped her face, he felt so weak. A choked sob came out of her mouth, grabbing onto his hands. "We...We Jackie, we are going to make it big in night city." She cried.

He shook his head, knowing the end was near for him. "Please don't cry, chica." He managed to kiss her, grabbing the shard from his head, he slipped it in her and broke the kiss. He felt tears coming to his eyes, at least it wasn't her. "Take care of this for me.." he choked out, groaning in pain.  He felt his vision worsen, black spots showing up.  His body weak. He could feel his limbs begin to numb.

He could hear her voice, her voice shouting at him to stay awake and not to leave her.

He gave her one last smile.

He really wished he could.

And in the end, it all went black for him.


V's ears were ringing loud, her head spinning. She felt like her whole world had just broken down. All she could hear was the car speaking to her, she couldn't even remember what she said back.  She sobbed violently, her heart breaking into what felt like a million pieces. She stumbled out of the car, falling onto the ground. she watched it drive away. With her Jackie in it. Dead.

She couldn't believe what was happening.

She tried to calm her cries, knowing she needed to finish this for Jackie.

She managed to force herself up, her legs felt like they were going to fail her at any moment. She felt like she had a hole in her chest.

She managed to stumble over to the hotel door, forcing it open and stumbling in. She wandered around, trying to find the room. Everything felt numb, she couldn't hear anything. She lost him. He's gone. What is she going to do? Why did he.. have to die? She shook away her thoughts, wiping the newly shed tears away as she managed to find the room dex was located in.

(Please skip this part if your triggered by suicide and more.)

Dexter deshawn handed her a wad of cash, she had told him she didn't have the chip after arguing with him over Jackie's death. The man handed her cash and told her to get out and never contact him again.

V sat on the sidewalk, rage bubbling up in her. Her best choom was dead. She lost her Jackie. What was she going to do? The entire arasaka company would be after her, shes all over the news. She would be tortured to death for supposedly killing saburo arasaka and no one would save her. She had no one left.

She couldn't come back from this.


Here v sat, on a chair in her apartment, her breathe reeked of alcohol. Bags underneath her eyes, she looked awful. Her hair was a mess and she obviously had just been sitting there drinking herself away. Her head was spiraling into despair, throbbing. Her head felt like it was going to explode. She had no more energy or tears left to cry. She was broken. Utterly broken. She couldn't feel anything.

She couldn't believe this was happening. There was no way out and a wad of cash was not going to fix this.

She grabbed the pistol from her holster, she stared at the beautiful city she loved before her. She just wanted this pain to end. She couldn't bring herself to be tortured, killed and relentlessly hunted for the rest of her life.

She brought the gun to the side of her head, closing her eyes and leaning back in the chair. She pulled the trigger, she didn't even hear the gunshot as everything went black.

Everything was black, she felt like she was floating. No fear, no anger, no nothing. It was peaceful. All the weight from her lifted as she disappeared into the dark abyss.


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