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When she awoke, she was in her bed, covered up. She was confused on how she got her... Her memories were a bit foggy. She just remembered passing out on a bench. Usually when she ended up doing that, she'd have Jackie take her home. But there was no Jackie here. So who took her home??

She brushed those thoughts away, at least she got home.. she yawned softly, rubbing her eyes. She sat up in bed and peeled the covers off of her. She actually had a good night's rest. That was.. very hard for her. Especially now.

She thinks the bullet hit a important area in her brain that made her dream nice things because she rarely ever dreams or dreams about horrible things.

"Viktor took you home. I trusted him enough and decided to not wake you up, you needed rest. You look better now, id get a shower and lets get going. We have a lot of gigs to get done." Johnny spoke, leaning up against her armory door, his arms crossed as he stared at her.

She was surprised, Viktor? Was he following her? He must've knew.. she sighed.

"Yeah yeah whatever mom." She grumbled, managing to stand up and walk over to her bathroom. (Damn she is really like a cat lol.) Not bothering to shut the door, She slipped out of her clothes, throwing them on the floor but setting Jackie's hoodie on the sink and turned on the shower.

She sighed, the feeling of the hot water hitting her skin felt nice. She doesn't remember the last time she actually enjoyed something.

Her head started to hurt, her vision getting a bit blurry. She coughed, covering her mouth. She looked down at the blood in her hand, her heart rate picked up.

Fuck, she was really running out of time.. she debated on everything. She decided if it came to her or johnny, she would give johnny her body. She would be at peace, this world has ruined her. Who she was. Her dreams of the future as a child. Her future. Jackie? All gone. Johnny would probably destroy the world but hey? He's alive and would probably do more then she could ever in her dying, weak body.

She shook her thoughts away, washing the blood away.

It was better to not think about it right now...

Didn't want to plague him with such weird thoughts.


She walked out of the shower, still naked, ignoring johnny. A hoodie in her arms. Jackies to be precise. And walking over to her closet, grabbing a pair of shorts. She slipped them on and slipped on Jackie's hoodie.

Johnny waited for her to be dressed to look over at her. "So you just gonna wear that thing all the time?" He questioned, raising a brow at her. She rolled her eyes and picked up her gun, keys and headphones. Right she had to go see about her car too.

She put on her headphones.

"I want to keep him with me, you wouldn't understand.." She responded to him as she got all of her stuff. He shook his head, he does understand but kept it to himself.

She plugged her headphones into her phone and turned on the samurai radio.

Turning up the music, the song blasted never fade away, she ignored johnny and slipped on her shoes. "Gonna go talk to Barry." She mumbled, stuffing her hands in her pockets and walking out of the door, locking it behind her. Johnny was a bit confused.

Johnny + V - Chippin' inWhere stories live. Discover now