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Her eyes darted over to the bench, near the afterlife. She sat down, pulling a cigarette out of the pack and lighting it. Fuck she hated cigarettes yet here she was.

She puffed on it, inhaling the smoke into her lungs. The feeling made her feel alive. She coughed, not used to it at all.

"Finally.." johnny moaned in content as he leaned back into the bench. He was a nicotine addict for sure. The noise made her heart flutter and her stomach churn in a delightful way.

She grumbled, as she continued smoking the cigarette. It was relatively quiet here,  not to close to the main road and she liked that.

"You know, she believes she got me killed but she didn't. She was just there to witness me being a dumbass. And getting myself killed. I didn't even die in the blast, I was tortured and then uploaded into mikoshi." Johnny explained, hoping she got what he was getting at. It wasn't her fault Jackie died, Jackie took the job and.. well, he knew the consequences. He knew he was going to die or at least get severely injured on the job. He knew. It wasn't her fault.

V shook her head. "Pity, she's lived with that for 50 years.." she didn't understand what he was getting at and he just dropped it. She sighed, laying down on the bench. Her head resting in Johnny's lap.. she always ended up like this at the end of the day, not sure why. She just wanted comfort even if it was from a asshole terrorist who is eating her brain away.

Johnny wasn't sure when the women got so comfortable with him but he didn't mind it. He wasn't used to affection and wasn't used to people wanting to be in his presence longer then a hour. However v seemed to really enjoy his presence.

She inhaled the cigarette, blowing it all out into johnny's face, it went through him. But he relaxed, he could taste the nicotine thanks to v. And the action made his heart flutter a bit.

He had a soft look on his face, a relaxed face. He was finally relaxed being near her. It confused him. He wasn't like this.

She gave him a soft smile. "You know, you aren't so bad Rockerboy. You do this with everyone you meet or just me?" She teased chuckling, not expecting him to answer at all.

"No, I don't think anyone's ever been affectionate towards me like this. And I've never let a women lay their head in my lap like this.." he mumbled, a red tinge on his cheeks. He didn't want to admit that but It came out.

She was a bit surprised, so he was a touched starved puppy. Cute.

He probably just fucked people and never was affectionate or they weren't with him. Never taken their time with him.

And the fact he's never let anyone do this with him made her heart flutter. Just friends v, just friends. She had to remind herself Everytime she met the man's eyes. Plus he was in her head, there was no way.. they could work like that. It was either him or her in the end.

And that broke her heart. She would give him her body, he deserved it.

She brushed off her depressing thoughts, hands unconsciously brushing up against his metal arm, she trailed her fingers up and down it. She could feel it but she just couldn't describe it. It felt.. almost real. She could feel how cold it was.

Johnny eyed the women's movements, he noticed a cute tinge of red on her cheeks. He wondered if he made her nervous.

"You should take a nap v, I'll wake you up if anything goes on." Johnny muttered out loud enough for her to hear. Her eyes met his.

His eyes taking in her face,  her plump lips, her beautiful green eyes, her cute freckles here and there. His gaze lingered on her lips a little to long. She bit her lip, trying to ignore his gaze.

She nodded hesitantly. Turning on her side and facing the bench wall and Johnny's torso. She kept her head in his lap as she felt her eyelids get heavy and she started to drift off.

Johnny hesitantly started to run his fingers through her soft hair. Enjoying how it felt.

He had no idea why he was like this around this women but he.. didn't mind it. For once in his life.


Johnny + V - Chippin' inWhere stories live. Discover now