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Here she sat, on a bench. Across from Jackie's favorite bar, the coyote.

She was hesitant to go in. She didn't have anything for it. And wanted to follow traditions. For Jackie.

As she was lost in thought, she never noticed the "tumor" sitting beside her until he started talking.

"----and filth. In some ways, night city never changes." He sounded disappointed. He sounded like a normal person now, instead of a bad shit crazy who wanted to kill her. So it was a start. She had to get along with him or she would eventually end up zeroing herself. Again.

He wasn't wrong either. Night city is just filthy.

"Arasaka's still a despotic machine and the world's on a collision course with chaos. " He crossed his arms, leaning back into the Bench next to you.
He huffed, disappointment in his voice.

He was wearing a black tee, dog tags around his neck and a vest. He wore leather pants as well. His eyes were always covered by the sunglasses. His hair was dark as coal. She took in his appearance, he just looked very familiar to her. Not sure why.

"But hey! At least rogues still alive." As he spoke, his leg shook. His head turning away from the bar and looking at her. He finally calmed down enough, he wanted to strike a deal.

He did have some nerve, trying to talk to her after practically almost killing her. While it was something she wanted, she wanted to go on her own terms.

"You've got some nerve, bud. You tried killing me and now your talking to me like we've been chooms for years." She scoffed, turning her head back to the bar.

"You know you ain't gotta speak to me out loud, to talk to me. People will think your crazy." He had a arrogant smirk on his face as he pointed to the people staring at her like she was a nut. Jesus Christ.

"Whaddya want?" She asked him, her eyes wondering over to him. She still didn't trust him but she had to get along with the asshole for now.

"I've processed some shit, changed my mind. Don't want you dead anymore." He seemed to like talking with his hands.

She sent him a glare, not believing him.

"I doubt that. I don't necessarily trust your word, johnny SilverHand." She said as she leaned back into the bench, crossing her legs. "Your a asshole. And a asshole who tried to kill me."

"Hey listen, it wasn't easy for me. You woke up in a landfill after who knows what happened to you and I woke up in your head. Wrestling your thoughts, some of your memories. Think we're even." He negotiated. She semi felt bad for him for a second but it quickly washed away as he spoke more.

"And I've taken a step back, looked at things. Think we might be able to help each other. We could start with rogue. Her and I go wayyyy back to the stone age." He took off his shades as he talked to you, staring you in the eyes as he spoke. That did something to her heart. Made it flutter. Wasn't exactly sure what that feeling was but she brushed it off. Probably heart failure because of this stupid fucking tumor.

Puh-lease, like rogue would believe such a shit show like this.

"Your the ghost of Christmas past, johnny. Any friends you've had are either dead or so old their memories gone." She chuckled adjusting herself in the bench. Her eyes situated on him. God damn if this man didn't try to kill her and wasn't a big asshole, she would be.. doing a lot of unholy things to this man. He was just as good looking as jackie.

She wiped those thoughts away tuning back into the conversation.

"Johnny SilverHand died a legend. Nobody forgets that." Not appreciating her teasing. I guess.

"So you know Rogue. What do I say to her? I got a talkin' parasite in my brain.. claims it's her long lost choom, johnny SilverHand?" She scoffed, it sounded idiotic. Rogue was a smart woman. But she wasn't sure she would believe that shit.

He chuckled at her response. Rubbing his fingers together, his leg bounced a bit faster. "Trust me, Rogue's heard dumber shit then that. way back when you weren't even an itch in your daddy's ballsack." Ouch that's cold. She rolled her eyes.

"Don't need convincin', love. I've seen a lot of your memories. Disgusting. "

He positioned his hands behind his head, his eyes still directly staring into hers Everytime she looked at him. He had a stupid grin on his face.

"Rogue'll dance to any tune I play her. Just get us to the afterlife." Yuck. She deadpanned, slapping her face..why was she listening to this brain tumor.

"There is no 'us' johnny." She got up and grabbed her bag. He disappeared after that.

She decided it was time to.. say goodbye.. to her Jackie. And honor him.

She took deep breaths as she managed to make her way into the bar.

Her eyes locking with mama welles.

Johnny + V - Chippin' inWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt