The Lost Daughter

By DisasterChild20

11.2K 256 64

Matilda Jocelyn Mikaelson, the adopted daughter of Kol Mikaelson. When she was born, her mother abandoned he... More

Season One
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Seven

391 8 1
By DisasterChild20

Matilda sits next to Klaus, trying to do a locator spell on Niah using hers, Klaus', Elijah's and Rebekah's blood. Elijah sits opposite them reading one of Esther's grimoire as Klaus reads 'A Poison Tree' by William Blake. A dead girl lays on the coffee table, puncture wounds in her neck as she bleeds onto the floor. Rebekah walks in and stops "So, this is what you do the first time we're back together as a family? Vampire book club?" she asks. "Reading edifies the mind, sister. Isn't that right, Elijah?" Klaus tells her, not looking up from his book. "Yes, that's quite right, Niklaus." Elijah agrees. "And what's this business?" Rebekah asks, motioning to the dead girl. "This is a... peace offering." Elijah tells her. "I presumed, after so much time desiccating in a coffin, that my big brother might be a bit peckish." Klaus sighs. "And I explained to my little brother that forgiveness cannot be bought. I'd simply prefer to see a change in behavior that indicates contrition and personal growth. Not this nonsense." Elijah explains, motioning to the dead girl. "Well, I couldn't very well let her go to waste, could I?" Klaus smiles. "Well, I suppose I'll go fetch the rubbish bin, because she's staining a two hundred-year-old carpet." Rebekah tells them. Elijah looks up from his book to see the girl bleeding onto the table, the blood dripping onto the carpet "Ah, yes." he realises. Rebekah walks to the kitchen, Hayley soon walking into the kitchen too with Elijah following. Matilda opens her eyes as the map sets on fire, making her scream in anger and throw it across the room "Nothing?" Klaus asks her. "What gives you that idea?" she asks sarcastically.

Rebekah soon comes back in and starts scrubbing at the blood as Klaus continues to read, this time Matilda leaning into him and reading over his shoulder "Poetry about poisoned apples from dead trees. Looks like someone's worried about impending daddy-hood." Rebekah remarks. Klaus shakes his head "Nonsense. Elijah's back. In his presence, all problems turn to pixie-dust and float away!" he tells her. Rebekah side-eyes him and grins, Klaus grinning back. Elijah hears them talking about him and rejoins them in the living room "Strange, I don't recall any pixie-dust from the darkness of the coffin I was recently forced to endure." he tells his brother, opening Esther's grimoire and flipping through it. "What are you doing with Mother's spellbook?" Rebekah asks. "Well, in exchange for my freedom, I promised the witch Davina that I would share a few pages from Mother's grimoire. To help her learn to control her magic. I thought we'd begin with a little unlinking spell." Elijah explains. Rebekah and Klaus look at each other in confusion "Wait, you want to use her to unlink Hayley from Sophie Deveraux?" Rebekah asks. "Sophie brought us here under false pretenses. She doesn't just want us to take down Marcel and his minions, she wants to take Davina back. So, she yolked her own cause to ours with magic, threats, and half-truths. Well, no more. As of now, our deal with Sophie Deveraux is null and void." Elijah responds.

"Why not use Matilda?" Rebekah frowns. Matilda looks down slightly "I could easily siphon it from Hayley but... I don't want to accidentally hurt the baby." she explains, Rebekah nodding. "Besides, she's wearing herself thin with trying to find a way to get Kol back, and finding where Niah is." Klaus adds, reassuringly rubbing Matilda's arm. "Niklaus, I need you to come with me. I need five minutes alone with Davina. You need to make certain that I am not interrupted. You stay here and watch Hayley." Elijah tells his siblings, turning and leaving the house. "How did I get elected super-nanny?" Rebekah asks. "More importantly, who put him in charge?" Klaus asks, getting up and following Elijah. Matilda gets up and follows them "Where are you going?" Rebekah asks. "I don't babysit unless an actual baby is there." Matilda grins, speeding out the way as Rebekah throws a vase at her. Klaus chuckles as Matilda catches up to him and Elijah "Does that mean you're going to babysit?" he asks. "Obviously, I can't have my baby cousin being left in your hands constantly." Matilda grins cheekily, Klaus ruffling her hair as Elijah chuckles.

After Elijah sees Davina, the three family members head to Rousseau's to find Sophie. Going into the back room, they find Sabine just coming round "What happened?" Elijah asks, helping her up. "It was Agnes. Her men took Sophie." Sabine responds. "Day one with you in charge, brother, and already the witch linked to Hayley has been abducted by zealots." Klaus tells his brother. "Where is she?" Elijah asks. "If I tell you where Agnes is, you'll just kill her." Sabine points out. "Isn't that obvious?" Matilda and Klaus ask her. "Look, I know she's a little... coo-coo, but she's our last living Elder. That might not mean a lot to you, but it means plenty to us. The Elders are the only ones who can do important spells." Sabine explains. "Like completing the Harvest ritual?" Elijah asks. "You know about that?" Sabine asks in confusion. "Oh, you'd be astounded by the things I know." he responds. "Allow me to entertain you with today's list of priorities. One, unlink your friend Sophie so she no longer controls the fate of the woman carrying my child. Two, convince my brother to accept my heartfelt apologies for some recently dodgy behavior. Three, help my niece with whatever she needs. Four... there is no four." Klaus tells Sabine. "I believe what my brother is attempting to communicate here is that neither the life of this Elder, nor the Harvest ritual, nor your coven's connection to magic are of any relevance to him whatsoever. Now talk." Elijah simplifies.

Reaching Lafayette cemetery, the three of them find Sophie chained up in a mausoleum "Agnes stuck me with a needle. Cursed objects were created a long time ago. We use them so we don't get busted by Marcel for doing magic. The one she used is called the Needle of Sorrows. It was cursed in 1860 when..." Sophie groans as they break her free. "Jump ahead a few decades and tell us what it does, love?" Klaus cuts her off. "It has only one purpose: to kill a child in utero by raising her blood temperature." Sophie explains, the three Mikaelson's becoming furious "It's for a miscarriage." Matilda growls, Sophie nodding in response. "So, how much time do we have to fix this?" Elijah asks. "It will do what it's meant to by tonight's high tide. And believe me, it will work. I saw her use a similar object on a kid who went mad and killed a bunch of priests." Sophie tells them. "I'd like to have a chat with this Agnes. Where can I find her?" Klaus asks. "You won't. There are a thousand places she could hole up to wait it out." Sophie responds. "That's precisely why we need to unlink you from Hayley. No more danger toward her or the child." Elijah tells her. "No, what? If I am not linked to Hayley, I lose my leverage on you. We had a deal!" Sophie exclaims. "We are not on the same side, Sophie Deveraux. Our deal no longer stands!" Elijah glares, Sophie scoffing in outrage.

Matilda steps forward "Let's get one thing straight, Sophie. The only reason I haven't ripped your throat out is because you are linked to Hayley. Because of you my Uncle could lose his child, you don't want to see what I will do to you if he does. I have a thing about babies and children, you see. You are putting my baby cousin at risk, I won't hesitate to end you. Trust me, you don't want to find out how much like my Father I can be. Now fix this, or when you are unlinked i will kill you. Understand? Good." she glares, storming out as Sophie nods shakily. Klaus smiles and follows her out "Where to?" he asks. "St Anne's, there's a meeting of the factions today. We can use them to find Agnes." Matilda tells him, Klaus nodding in response.

"Mr. Mayor, what is this, an electoral debate? Marcel overstepped. I will handle it." Kieran tells the mayor. Klaus opens the doors, he and Matilda walking in "Easier said than done. Marcel is quite the little warrior." he tells them. The sheriff tries to stop them from entering, but Klaus breaks his fingers "Who the hell are you?" the mayor asks. "My name is Klaus, you already know my niece, Matilda. And you lot are the Faction. Pillars of the community who maintain the city's supernatural balance. Well, I should know. I created this group. Only, in my day, it was a bunch of pirates and corrupt politicians. Looks like nothing's changed." Klaus smirks, looking round the room. "One thing has: it's exclusively human now. No vampires allowed, especially no Originals." Kieran tells him. "Good thing I'm neither then, isn't it." Matilda smirks. "Besides, we haven't come to join! We've come to ask this group to utilize its considerable resources to find a witch Elder called Agnes. All we need is an address." Klaus laughs. "And, uh, why would we want to help you?" Kieran asks him.

"What if I told you that Agnes was the answer to a question you've been asking since you ran screaming from this town? That she is the witch who hexed your nephew, Sean?" Klaus asks. "We'd need some time to discuss-" Kieran starts. "I DON'T. HAVE. TIME. Nor do I like being asked to wait." Klaus chuckles. "You may have all the vampires in this town cowering in fear, but right now, you are dealing with the humans. And unless you plan on killing all of us, I politely suggest you do as I say, and give us time to discuss it." Kieran tells him, motioning to the other men in the room. Klaus leans toward Kieran and lowers his voice "You know what I like about you, Father? Is you're aware of our reputation, and yet still, you stand tall against me. Admirable! You have one hour." he tells him, leaving with Matilda.

Heading back to the church, Klaus and Matilda find Kieran about to leave "Going somewhere?" Klaus asks. "You're early." Kieran tells them. 'Well, it's a good thing we are. You seem hell-bent on enacting vengeance all on your lonesome. The trouble is, we need something from Agnes before you send her off to meet her maker. So, we propose we strike a deal! Bring her here! In exchange, we'll even ensure your niece, Cami, remains safe. Oh, we'd so hate for her to get caught up in all of this." Klaus tells him, sitting in a pew with Matilda next to him.

Soon enough, the police officers in the Faction return to the church with Agnes. Matilda smirks slightly when she sees her handcuffed "This is outrageous! What is the charge?" Agnes asks. The officers sit her in a pew and leave "Please, Agnes. You know that Marcel runs the vampires in this town." Kieran tells her. He is handed a folded cloth by the officer, which is revealed to contain the Needle of Sorrows "Who do you think runs everything else?" he asks her, holding the needle up "I believe this is what you were looking for?" he says, Klaus and Matilda speeding to his side. "Hello, Agnes." the two of them smile. "You made a deal with him?" Agnes asks, shocked. "After what you did to Sean, I'd deal with the devil himself just to make you suffer!" Kieran shouts. "You can't hurt me. The entire witch community will turn against you!" Agnes tells him, standing up. "ENOUGH! Please, enough! I don't care about witch politics. I don't care about your ridiculous little Harvest ritual. What I care about is this trinket. Undo its curse, or I'll show you things worse than death!" Klaus tells her, holding up the needle. "Dark objects don't come with an off-switch! The curse took root in Sophie, she's linked to your devil child. It's just a matter of time!" Agnes smirks.

Matilda glares at the woman "You are a sick piece of shit, Agnes. Sacrificing children, trying to kill an unborn baby." she spits. "Don't forget Niah." Agnes tells her. Matilda's face darkens "What?" she asks. "Who do you think took her? It was quite easy to sneak her out the city while you were out with Marcel." Agnes smirks. Matilda's vampire features show as she grabs Agnes by the throat "Where. Is. She?" she growls. "I'll never tell you." Agnes chokes out. Growling, Matilda throws her into the pew "Where. Is. My. Daughter?" she glares. "Klaus-" Kieran starts. Klaus ignores him and walks forward "Now, Agnes. Where is my Great Niece?" he asks her. Agnes keeps her mouth shut, glaring at them. Matilda gasps as she feels someone touch her back, making her turn "Ilda?" Klaus asks. Matilda shakes her head, closing her eyes and focusing her magic on revealing whoever touched her back. Klaus gasps as Kol appears "Kol?" he asks. "Brother." Kol responds. Matilda looks at him with tears in her eyes "My Little Firebird." Kol smiles. "Daddy." she smiles. Glaring, Kol turns to Agnes "This is how it's going to go, you're going to tell my daughter where my granddaughter is. If not, she or my brother are going to kill you and I will get it out of you." he tells her. "I won't tell you anything either way." Agnes retorts.

"You're a piece of work, Agnes. But, guess what? I'm quite a piece of work myself. You know, I contemplated leaving bits of you artfully arranged outside your family's tomb? I thought it would leave a fitting message." Klaus tells the witch, speeding over and pulling her into a choke hold "Don't. Touch. My. Family." he tells her. Elijah walks in and starts walking over "Leave her." he tells his brother. Matilda growls slightly "No, Elijah. She knows where Niah is." she tells him. Elijah hesitates "I wouldn't brother, we're working on this." Kol pipes up, putting a gentle hand on Matilda's arm. "Kol." Elijah breathes. "She knows where my granddaughter is." Kol tells his brother. Klaus spins Agnes to face him "Where is she?" he asks her. Agnes glares at him, Matilda putting her hand up and giving Agnes an aneurysm "Ooh, that looks like it hurts." Kol smirks, Matilda smiling slightly. "Just making her feel a tenth of what I felt when Niah was taken." she tells her father and uncles. "I won't tell you." Agnes glares. Matilda clenches her fist, making the pain worse "O-Okay. She's in Houma with a witch who couldn't have her own children!"Agnes screams out. "See that wasn't so hard." Kol tells her. Klaus pushes Agnes into Matilda's arms "I gave my word." Elijah warns.

"You tend to give your word at the most inopportune times, brother. We've been doing things your way all day. Come on! Just one little snap and it's 'Toodle-loo, Agnes.' She deserves it!" Klaus tells him. "Matilda, Niklaus, don't make another move. You have asked for my forgiveness. I will grant you that forgiveness, but do not make me break my word." Elijah warns. Klaus glares at Elijah before motioning to Matilda to let Agnes go "She took my daughter from me." Matilda tells Elijah, tears falling. "I know." Elijah tells her, giving her a look. Matilda lets go of Agnes, Kol pulling Matilda into his arms "My noble brother, how was that for personal growth, eh? Still, it is just like you to spoil all of our fun." Klaus tells his older brother. Elijah stares Agnes in the eyes "Oh, not necessarily." he responds, zooming to one of the men who helped Agnes and ripping his heart out. He throws the second man into the air as he does the same to the third, ripping his heart out. Elijah turns to Matilda, Kol and Klaus, a bloody heart in each hand, dropping them to the floor. He pulls out his pocket square to wipe his hands as Agnes stares at him in horror, the other three Mikaelson's grinning behind her "Now, I swore you would not die by my brother's or niece's hand. I said nothing of my own. Nobody hurts my family and lives." Elijah tells Agnes, grabbing her by the neck and pushing her backwards before snapping it "No one." he says, leaving the church.

Matilda turns to Kol, tears in her eyes when she feels her magic fading "Hey, don't cry Little Firebird." He tells her, kissing her forehead and pulling her into his chest. "I don't want you to go." she whimpers. Klaus walks to the side to give them some space "Hey, I'm always with you. Even is you can't see me, I am always here and watching over you." Kol tells her. Matilda buries her face into his chest "I love you, Daddy." she tells him. "And I love you, My Little Firebird." Kol responds, kissing her head before disappearing. A broken sob leaves Matilda, Klaus speeding over and pulling her into his arms as her legs give way "I've got you Little One." he tells her gently. Matilda clings to him, letting him hold her as she cries "We'll bring Niah home and get Kol back, I promise you Ilda." Klaus tells her, kissing her head.

Standing outside Rousseau's, Matilda waits for Klaus who walks out looking angry "Come on, let's get home so we can plan where to look first." he tells her. Matilda nods, taking his arm as they start walking down the road. Marcel catches up to them, Matilda rolling her eyes "Hey, where you been?" he asks. Klaus stops walking and rolls his eyes in annoyance "Not still mad about our tiff the other night, are you?" Marcel asks as Klaus and Matilda turn to face him. "Water under the bridge." Klaus smiles in a fake manner. "Cami's all yours if you're interested. I'm feeling like right now's not the right time to pursue a relationship. Life's all about timing, you know? Speaking of, I swung by your house earlier to commiserate over a drink, but I must have just missed you." Marcel tells him. "Oh, the Palace Royale didn't suit me, I moved on weeks ago." Klaus responds. "Nooo, I mean your other place. Interesting location to put down your roots, the same plantation where I was a slave. I guess that's why you never invited me over." Marcel tells him. "Well, how rude of me. I'll speak to Elijah. I'm sure he'll be pleased to host you and Davina for the evening! Especially after you were so hospitable to him." Klaus smiles. "Good! I look forward to it." Marcel responds, shaking hands with Klaus. As soon as Marcel leaves, Klaus and Matilda look at each other in worry before speeding to the mansion.

Reaching the mansion, they find Elijah on the phone to Rebekah "Hayley's gone. Where is she?" he asks her. "WHAT?" Rebekah asks. "Marcel was here." Klaus tells Elijah as he and Matilda walk in. Elijah looks stunned and absentmindedly drops the phone from his ear, Matilda leaning against the doorframe.

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