Transmigrated to a Period Nov...

By NotSoAweSam

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Medical student Luo Chu Xia transmigrated into the deceased biological mother of the genius villain. In the b... More

Chapter 1: White Lotus
Chapter 2: Bone Broth Braised Noodles
Chapter 3: Protect Food [Hù Shí]
Chapter 4: Is It Sweet?
Chapter 5: Sweet
Chapter 6: Little Trash [Xiǎo Pò Làn]
Chapter 7: Wronged
Chapter 8: I Can't Do This Job
Chapter 9: Last Piece of Candy - Gone!
Chapter 10: Wanna Eat Delicious Food?
Chapter 11: I'm Going to Die
Chapter 12: Winning Candy
Chapter 13: I Heard Beef, Mutton and Fruits in the Northwest are Delicious
Chapter 14: Asking for Money
Chapter 15: Can I have Another Soda?
Chapter 16: Haircut
Chapter 17: Amidst the Chaos, It's Discovered
Chapter 18: Install the TV
Chapter 19: Really Delicious
Chapter 20: Administering Heavy Medicine
Chapter 21: Take Care Of
Chapter 22: Mom is a Fairy
Chapter 23: Mother and Son Next Door
Chapter 24: Beef Jerky and Dried Fruit
Chapter 25: Looking For A High School, Mother-In-Law Jiang Shengnan
Chapter 26: Taking an Exam, Watching a Film
Chapter 27: Test Results
Chapter 28: Look at the University, Newspaper
Chapter 29: Five Emphases and Four Beauties [Wǔ Jiǎng Sì Měi]
Chapter 30: Examination
Chapter 31: Cen Zhengnian
Chapter 32: Emotional Knots Aren't That Easy to Untie
Chapter 33: All in the Past
Chapter 34: 'Mom, Second Sister took something valuable.'
Chapter 35: Happy National Day
Chapter 36: Go
Chapter 37: Toothache
Chapter 38: Tooth Fillings
Chapter 39: Which University?
Chapter 40: Rain
Chapter 41: Small Bed
Chapter 42: Separation
Chapter 43: Farewell at the Train Station
Chapter 44: Autumn Outing
Chapter 45: Gingko Leaf Bookmark, Sending a Letter
Chapter 46: Letter
Chapter 47: New Year
Chapter 48: An'an Made a Mistake
Chapter 49: Where To Go For Chinese New Year?
Chapter 50: Departure
Chapter 51: Arrival
Chapter 52: New Year's Eve, Coming Back
Chapter 53: New Year's Greetings
Chapter 54: Aura
Chapter 55: Birthday
Chapter 56: Little Orange Lantern
Chapter 57: Returning
Chapter 58: Carp Baked Noodles and Puppies
Chapter 59: Shave
Chapter 60: We Will Reunite In The Future
Chapter 61: Decision
Chapter 62: Departure
Chapter 63: Arrived
Chapter 64: Meeting
Chapter 65: Primary School
Chapter 66: New School
Chapter 67: Settle
Chapter 68: Returning
Chapter 69: Locust Flowers
Chapter 70: Visit
Chapter 71: Return
Chapter 72: Preliminary Exam Ends
Chapter 73: Returning, Birthday
Chapter 74: Eat Watermelon
Chapter 75: College Entrance Examination
Chapter 76: Returning, Moving
Chapter 77: Moving, Weeding
Chapter 78: Show Off
Chapter 79: Acceptance Notice
Chapter 80: Register
Chapter 81: Skipping A Grade, Military Training
Chapter 82: Mid-Autumn Festival
Chapter 83: Let's Row The Oars Together
Chapter 84: Dog Sledding
Chapter 85: Spring Outing
Chapter 86: Mathematics Competition
Chapter 87: Jiang Shengnan And Father Cen Returned To The Capital
Chapter 88: Brother Cen's Family
Chapter 89: Courtyard House, New Year's Eve Dinner
Chapter 90: Jiang Zhiyi, Heizi
Chapter 91: Ice Skating, Pool Table, Used Bookstall
Chapter 92: Ice Skating, Puppies, Competition
Chapter 93: Competition, Airplane
Chapter 94: Go Home, Graduate
Chapter 95: Assignment, Summer Camp
Chapter 96: Summer Camp, Jiang Zhiyi, Guangzhou
Chapter 97: Jiang Zhiyi, Danger
Chapter 98: Cooperation, Independent Consultation
Chapter 99: Business Trip, Celebrating The New Year In The Northwest
Chapter 100: Training
Chapter 101: Training, Mission
Chapter 102: Outreach, Return
Chapter 103: Outreach, Slot Machine
Chapter 104: High School
Chapter 105: Check in, Ointment
Chapter 106: Go
Chapter 107: Decision
Chapter 108: Self-Criticism Paper, Birthday
Chapter 109: Buying A Car, Spring Outing
Chapter 110: Spring Outing, Rank Tournament
Chapter 111: Birthday
Chapter 112: Yun Meng Ze, Swimming
Chapter 113: Save People
Chapter 114: Letter, Math Olympiad
Chapter 115: National Competition
Chapter 116: Winter Camp, Training Camp
Chapter 117: Training, Grandpa Jiang Falls Ill
Chapter 118: Competition, Jiang Zhiyi
Chapter 119: Guangzhou Trip
Chapter 120: Returning, National Day Plan
Chapter 121: Movies, Checking Accounts
Chapter 122: College Entrance Examination
Chapter 123: Admission Notice
Chapter 124: School Starts
Chapter 125: University 123
Chapter 126: University, Visit
Chapter 127: Research, Jiang Zhida
Chapter 128: Jiang Zhida and Tao Tao
Chapter 130: New Year's Eve Dinner, Returning
Chapter 131: Jiang Zhiyi, Qian Ran, Zhang Lu
Chapter 132: Happy Resort
Chapter 133: Engagement, Training
Chapter 134: Haishi
Chapter 135: Graduation, Future
Chapter 136: Dream
Chapter 137: Zhang Lu, Tang Song
Chapter 138: Zhang Lu
Chapter 139 : Zhang Lu, Tang Song
Chapter 140: Zhang Lu
Chapter 141: Job Recruitment
Chapter 142: Zhong Qiaoqiao
Chapter 143: Technological Development (Chu Xia)
Chapter 144: Smartphone (Extra)

Chapter 129: Jiang Zhida, Jiang Zhiyi

923 15 0
By NotSoAweSam

Tao Tao saw Jiang Zhida, and an instant sweet smile appeared on her face. She immediately ran towards him and said, "Why are you here at this time?"

It's only seven o'clock now, and many people haven't had breakfast yet. Jiang Zhida's early arrival surprised and delighted Tao Tao.

Jiang Zhida quickly freed up one hand to support Tao Tao's body and said, "Be careful. I brought fish soup for you to drink."

Jiang Zhida shook the food box in his hand, and Tao Tao already smell the fragrant aroma of fish soup. 

She had been busy tidying up her house all morning and hadn't eaten yet. Smelling this aroma, her stomach immediately made a "gurgling" sound.

Tao Tao embarrassedly covered her stomach, blinked her eyes at Jiang Zhida, and pitifully said, "I'm hungry."

Jiang Zhida's smile grew wider, he ruffled her hair, and with a big hand, he reached out and embraced her shoulder, leading her into the house.

"Well, that's perfect. This fish soup is just in time."

"Uncle, aunt." Jiang Zhida greeted Father Tao and mom.

"I brought fish soup for you. Come and have it together."

Father Tao and mom smiled awkwardly at Jiang Zhida and did not come over. 

In this small house of Tao's, Jiang Zhida seemed to be at ease as if he were the host. Father Tao and mom were too nervous, as if they had become guests.

Jiang Zhida asked where Tao Tao's bowls and chopsticks were, and after getting the answer, he directly brought four sets of bowls and chopsticks, took out the fish soup and other dishes, and placed them on the table.

Then he forcibly led Father Tao and Mother Tao to sit in front of the table and handed them chopsticks, saying, "Uncle, aunt, take a look at these dishes. Do you like them? If you don't, I'll change and bring something else."

Father Tao held the chopsticks and didn't know how to start, just kept saying, "Like, like."

Mother Tao also nodded continuously. 

Jiang Zhida patted his chest, laughed heartily, and said, "Then I can rest assured! Uncle, aunt, quickly eat while it's hot."

He used the public chopsticks to pick up dishes for Father Tao and Mother Tao. The two of them ate the dishes Jiang Zhida brought over carefully, their eyes slightly teary, but their smiles were wide.

Tao Tao held a bowl, sipping the milky white crucian carp soup inside, and her smile never faded from her face. 

 Her gaze remained on Jiang Zhida's face, and the sweetness in her heart couldn't be suppressed. Her eyes were filled with admiration and affection for him.

After the meal, Tao Tao helped her mom clean up the table, but Jiang Zhida stopped them both.

"I'll do it, I'll do it! Doing these chores at home is my job."

Mother Tao wouldn't let him do housework in her own home. She busily held his hand, shaking her head and pushing him aside.

Tao Tao held onto Jiang Zhida, "Brother Dazi..."

Jiang Zhida didn't insist anymore because he noticed Father Tao and Mother Tao's discomfort. He sighed inwardly but continued smiling, "Alright, it seems Uncle and Aunt still care about me!"

He took Tao Tao outside for a walk. Today, Jiang Zhida had other things to attend to and couldn't stay here for long.

The two walked along the narrow path in the alley. The sides of the path were not as clean as the main road outside, and due to long-term neglect, there were many small pits on the road.

"Tomorrow my mom and dad will come over. Nervous?"

Jiang Zhida walked on the side closer to the road, holding Tao Tao's hand and guiding her around the small pits.

Tao Tao turned her head, looked at Jiang Zhida's handsome face with a bit of a rogue charm, and nodded, "Nervous, but not too much."

Tao Tao has already informed Jiang Zhida's parents about the situation at home, so her level of nervousness isn't very high. 

However, it's impossible for her not to be a little anxious. Tao Tao's main concern is that when Jiang Zhida's parents come over, her own parents might become excessively nervous.

Jiang Zhida laughed heartily, rubbing Tao Tao's hand and showing no intention of letting go.

"This afternoon, I'll have someone else bring you lunch."

"No need," Tao Tao refused. "I know how to take care of myself and the baby. You don't have to send food anymore."

Jiang Zhida suddenly stopped and gently covered Tao Tao's abdomen with his large hand, confidently stating, "This is also my baby, and I have a responsibility for him too."

Tao Tao could never resist Jiang Zhida. Sometimes, she couldn't argue with him and could only helplessly say, "You're being too exaggerated. The neighbors are watching."

Jiang Zhida replied, "Let them watch. They have nothing to do with us."

Tao Tao loved Jiang Zhida's confident personality the most, caring little about the opinions of others. 

Although she had worked hard to build her own confidence, there were still times when she couldn't help but be concerned about others' gazes.

After seeing off Jiang Zhida, Tao Tao stood at the door, ready to go inside. The neighbor next door, who always took advantage of her mom's inability to speak and borrowed things without returning them, stared at Tao Tao with curious eyes.

"Tao Tao, is that your boyfriend?"

Tao Tao glanced at her. She didn't like any of the neighbors on this street because they had all bullied her family before. 

She gave a nonchalant "yes" and ignored the neighbor's probing gaze, directly stepping into the house.

The neighbor wanted to follow, but Tao Tao slammed the door shut with a bang. The neighbor nearly collided with the door and muttered, "What's so proud about? You're just using your skills to seduce people. I knew you weren't anything good."

The door suddenly swung open, and a basin of water splashed from head to toe onto the neighbor. Tao Tao stood at the door with a cold expression, saying, "Try insulting me again!"

Having experienced Tao Tao's fierceness before and seeing that her current partner seemed difficult to deal with, the neighbor was afraid of retaliation, fearing she might be silenced in the middle of the night.

Drenched with water, the neighbor didn't dare to vent their anger anymore. Grinding their teeth, they silently cursed in their heart and retreated to their own house.

Father Tao and Mother Tao knew they were too lenient to protect their daughter, and they wouldn't stop Tao Tao from expressing her anger. Instead, they quietly supported her from behind.

 For instance, when Tao Tao got into a fight, they handed her a stick; when she splashed water, they prepared a basin for her to hold.


At noon, when the clinic was closing, Chu Xia was preparing to go home for lunch. Feng Xiaoyuan rushed into her consultation room.

"Chu Xia, do you have time today?"

Chu Xia had already picked up her bag and was about to leave, saying, "If you're talking about work hours, I don't. But I can spare some time for lunch."

Feng Xiaoyuan sighed, "I have another issue with Dr. Bai."

Chu Xia: ...

She had heard Feng Xiaoyuan talk about her love-hate relationship with Dr. Bai countless times. Every time they had a disagreement, Feng Xiaoyuan would come to her to play the role of a confidante.

Chu Xia never provided any specific advice, but Feng Xiaoyuan always felt that after talking to her, she could magically solve the problems between her and Dr. Bai.

Feng Xiaoyuan had been pursuing Dr. Bai among the doctors and nurses for the longest time. Perhaps touched by her love, Dr. Bai agreed to be with her.

However, conflicts arose continuously once they were together. Feng Xiaoyuan always felt that Dr. Bai didn't value her enough. 

Moreover, despite being in a relationship with her, Dr. Bai remained kind and gentle to other female colleagues and nurses in the hospital, helping them whenever they asked without clear boundaries.

Fights between Feng Xiaoyuan and Dr. Bai often stemmed from this issue. It wasn't limited to their colleagues; sometimes, even Dr. Bai's patients became a source of conflict.

In any case, Chu Xia found Feng Xiaoyuan's love life exhausting.

"Talk as we walk. What's the problem this time?"

 Chu Xia motioned for Feng Xiaoyuan to follow her, signaling her to lower her voice.

"It's because of that nurse from the Dermatology Department. She knows I'm dating Bai Shao, and deliberately pulled Bai Shao's arm in front of me, provoking me with her eyes!"

Dr. Bai's name is Bai Shao.

Chu Xia: "I've told you, when you're in a relationship with Dr. Bai, you'll encounter such things."

From the beginning, when Feng Xiaoyuan pursued Dr. Bai, Chu Xia mentioned that Dr. Bai's personality was somewhat indecisive, and being too gentle in relationships with women could lead to disaster. 

Although Chu Xia didn't repeat such statements after Feng Xiaoyuan and Dr. Bai actually got together, every time Feng Xiaoyuan complained to her, Chu Xia would reiterate her previous predictions.

Feng Xiaoyuan was in agony. "But I finally got him to be my boyfriend. I can't bear to give up. He said it has nothing to do with them; they're just colleagues."

Chu Xia found it uninteresting to listen to Feng Xiaoyuan's complaints. She couldn't persuade someone in love, and she didn't want to try.

"If you want to continue dating him like this, go ahead. I have to go home for lunch. I haven't experienced what you're going through, so I can't offer any advice."

Chu Xia herself felt tired of giving advice. She had mentioned Dr. Bai's flaws to Feng Xiaoyuan before, but since Feng Xiaoyuan was fully invested in him, Chu Xia could only respect and bless their relationship.

"Chu Xia, Chu Xia, don't go."

Feng Xiaoyuan chased after her. "Teach me how to make Dr. Bai change into someone like your husband."

Chu Xia didn't know what to say anymore. She pulled Feng Xiaoyuan's arm and said, "I haven't asked my husband to change anything for me. He has always maintained clear boundaries with others, and it's related to his personality and character."

Chu Xia's words held a deep meaning, and she wasn't sure if Feng Xiaoyuan could understand the hidden implications. 

However, Chu Xia couldn't and wouldn't interfere in Feng Xiaoyuan and Dr. Bai's relationship.

Lately, Cen Zhengnian wasn't as busy. During lunchtime, he would bring food back from the cafeteria and eat with Chu Xia at home.

But today, Cen Huai'an was at home, so he didn't prepare the meal; it was Cen Huai'an who cooked. 

As soon as Chu Xia entered the door, Cen Zhengnian could tell from her expression that she was upset. He walked over, naturally took the bag from her hand, and asked, "Had a tough day at work?"

Chu Xia shook her head, changed into slippers, and stood up, saying, "No, it's about Feng Xiaoyuan and Dr. Bai again."

Cen Zhengnian instantly understood; Chu Xia had talked about these two at home before.

At the dinner table, Chu Xia explained the situation with Feng Xiaoyuan. Cen Zhengnian looked a bit puzzled, "Why, when it's clear that Dr. Bai is not a suitable match, can Feng Xiaoyuan still like him so much?"

Cen Zhengnian replied, "Perhaps it's not just liking him. She might have invested too much without receiving the expected return, and psychologically, she doesn't want to let go."

It was the first time Chu Xia had heard this explanation, and after thinking about it, she found it quite reasonable.

Feng Xiaoyuan's recent words perfectly matched this explanation; she nodded, "Maybe that's the case."

Feng Xiaoyuan's matter was just a side story for Chu Xia. Later, she discussed Jiang Zhida and Tao Tao's situation with Cen Zhengnian and Cen Huai'an.

"I wonder when I'll hear good news from them."

Cen Zhengnian said, "It should be soon."

Cen Huai'an was puzzled, "Mom, what good news about Uncle and Sister Tao Tao?"

Chu Xia forgot she hadn't told Cen Huai'an about Jiang Zhida bringing Tao Tao to the hospital. She smiled and said, "What other good news could there be? The news of their marriage."

Cen Huai'an paused, showing surprise and confusion in his eyes. He furrowed his brow and said, "But isn't Uncle and Sister Tao Tao pretending to be a couple? Are they going to have a fake wedding now?"

Cen Huai'an couldn't comprehend this operation; his brain seemed to malfunction for a moment.

Chu Xia chuckled, "No!"

Cen Zhengnian explained beside her, "Your uncle and Tao Tao are really together, and they are genuinely getting married."

Cen Huai'an's expression returned to normal, and he breathed a sigh of relief. He believed that marriage was a sacred matter and not something to be taken lightly.

If his uncle were really having a fake wedding, he might find it challenging to cover for him in front of their grandfather.

Cen Huai'an was also curious about how Jiang Zhida and Tao Tao got together, but as long as it wasn't a fake marriage, he didn't necessarily need to know the details.


The day after tomorrow arrived quickly. 

Due to pregnancy, Tao Tao was fond of sleeping and would fall asleep promptly in the evenings. On the other hand, Father Tao and Mother Tao, unable to sleep, tossed and turned.

They were always concerned about whether the house was clean enough, if things were placed in the right positions, whether there were enough chairs, and if the table was too low.

Consequently, the couple would carefully get up in the middle of the night and tidy up the house once again before finally lying down to sleep.

However, the next morning, the two of them woke up before dawn. 

While Tao Tao was still sleeping, her father and mother quietly opened the door and, taking advantage of the fresh morning produce, went to the market to buy groceries.

When Tao Tao woke up, she found her parents already busy in the kitchen.

She went in to help, but her mother gently pushed her out, gesturing for her to eat. 

Now that she wasn't alone, it was essential to take good care of her health.


Not only the Tao family but also the Jiang family was in a nervous flurry early in the morning. 

Yang Mei tried one set of clothes after another, asking Eldest Uncle Jiang and Jiang Zhida for their opinions.

"Is this outfit too formal? It makes me look a bit serious, and it might make Father Tao and Mother Tao nervous."

"The color of this outfit looks a bit old-fashioned, it won't do."

"This one seems not formal enough, making me appear disrespectful to Tao Tao's family."

"This one looks too flashy, not suitable."

After trying multiple outfits, both Uncle Jiang and Jiang Zhida had numb expressions on their faces.

"Mom, if you keep trying on clothes, the whole day will be gone!"

Jiang Zhida, unable to bear it any longer, finally spoke as he watched the minutes pass by.

Seeing the time, Yang Mei patted her head and said to the two, "Oh dear, why didn't you remind me?"

In the end, she quickly selected an outfit that was somewhat formal but had a young and gentle design, showcasing her respect for Tao Tao's family without appearing too distant.

Yang Mei spoke up, signaling that it was time to leave. Jiang Zhida and Uncle Jiang exchanged a relieved look and sighed simultaneously.

The gifts were prepared the day before, suitable for a first meeting.

When the engagement or wedding date was set, they would present betrothal gifts and other items, as one carload of gifts wouldn't be enough for such occasions.

Jiang Zhida drove towards Tao Tao's home, while Yang Mei nervously checked her makeup using a mirror.

"Head of the family, do you think this lipstick looks good on me? Is it too red?"

"Mom, it's fine. You don't need to be nervous," Jiang Zhida said from the driver's seat.

Yang Mei finally put down the mirror, saying, "I'm doing this for you. If I wasn't afraid of offending your future mother-in-law and making it difficult for you to find a wife, I wouldn't be so nervous!"

Jiang Zhida nodded repeatedly, "Yes, yes, Mom, Tao Tao and I will truly appreciate you. We will take good care of you after we get married!"

Yang Mei tried to hold back her laughter but couldn't help smiling. She rolled her eyes and said, "You're just good at sweet-talking. You don't need to say it; Tao Tao is a good girl, and she will take good care of us too."

The car finally stopped at the entrance of Tao's house, and a group of neighbors came out to see. This time, they were curious about the family they used to look down upon. What gifts did the wealthy son-in-law bring to their daughter this time?

"Look, that disabled couple knows how to keep accounts. They can't earn money, but what's the use of having health problems? She's good-looking and got into college; she still found a rich man to marry. We didn't have such foresight back then."

"You're right. Before, we kindly advised them. What's the point of their daughter studying so much? It would be better for her to go out to work and get married early to ease the burden on the family. Who would have thought they had such a long-term plan? How could we compare?"

"That's true. If I had known, I wouldn't have let my daughter drop out of school early to come back and help take care of her younger brother."

As soon as Jiang Zhida got out of the car, he heard these voices. These neighbors didn't avoid talking about people, especially when it came to the disabled couple they looked down upon.

He raised an eyebrow and looked at them with a somewhat disdainful gaze. His voice was not loud but carried a hint of indifference, "What are you talking about? Say it again in front of me."

Yang Mei and Eldest Uncle Jiang also got out of the car. The dignity on their faces was no longer concealed. They stood beside Jiang Zhida, watching those gossiping neighbors.

In the hearts of the three, there was a faint pain and an uncontrollable anger, especially towards the situation of Tao Tao's family in the alley.

These people were bullies who feared the strong. When facing the resolute Jiang family, not to mention idle gossip, they would even tremble at the sight of them.

"I... I..."

"We were just joking."

"Yes, yes, we think Father Tao and Mother Tao have a long-term vision, much smarter than us."

"That's right, we're just a bunch of uncouth people who can't talk and don't have much brain power. Please don't hold it against us."

The neighbors explained in a flurry of words. The Tao Tao family, who heard the voices, also came out. They had never seen their usually disdainful neighbors speak so positively about them.

And they were all saying good things about their family.

Even without knowing the details, Tao Tao could guess what had happened. These neighbors never had anything good to say, always ready to criticize.

They would flatter and curry favor with those in powerful and wealthy families, bullying the weaker ones. However, they also feared that the weaker ones might become strong.

Tao Tao had long seen through them and had ignored their requests to speak kindly on their behalf. She looked directly at Jiang Zhida, Yang Mei, and Eldest Uncle Jiang.

"Uncle, Aunt, Brother Dazi, you're here."

Father Tao and Mother Tao had put on the new clothes that Tao Tao bought for them yesterday.

Facing Yang Mei and Jiang Da, who looked like significant figures, they nervously twisted the corners of their clothes, not knowing what to say, wanting to shrink back.

Jiang Zhida walked to Tao Tao's side, hugged her waist, and looked at those who had just spoken, saying, "If I ever hear those words again, I won't mind bringing my brothers to stroll around this little alley."

The people trembled and quickly shook their heads, expressing that they dared not. Then, they tried to run away.

But a single "Stop" from Jiang Zhida froze them in their tracks, and they stood still, too scared to move.

Jiang Zhida: "Apologize to Tao Tao's parents and Tao Tao."

"I'm sorry. I don't know how to speak. Tao Tao, please don't mind."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I speak without thinking."

Various apology voices echoed, leaving Tao Tao's parents standing there, not knowing what to do, their gazes drifting.

Because they never expected that these people who liked to bully them, who gossip about them every day, would actually apologize to them.

Tao Father Tao looked up at the sky. The sun was rising from the east, and everything was real.

Tao Tao couldn't express her feelings. She tightly held Jiang Zhida's hand and whispered with gratitude, "Thank you."

She thanked Jiang Zhida for supporting her and her parents, for helping them reclaim the apologies they had owed for so many years.

However, when Tao Tao looked at those neighbors who liked to bully the weak, there was still disgust in her eyes. Acceptance and forgiveness were impossible. The wounds of so many years couldn't be healed with just an apology.

The group of neighbors, having finished apologizing, was finally allowed to leave by Jiang Zhida. They hurriedly ran away.

Jiang Zhida's intimidating appearance just now, like encountering the leader of the underworld, scared them. They were afraid that one night, Jiang Zhida would bring his gang of brothers over, and then they would surely meet a tragic end.

Yang Mei opened the trunk and asked Jiang Da to help carry things. Jiang Zhida also went to help.

She carried two boxes of nutritional supplements, saying to Tao Tao and her parents, "Today is the big day we meet. We can't let those people affect the mood. If you feel that their apologies are not enough, I'll have Dazi come and help you seek justice."

Tao Father Tao and Mother Tao waved their hands, "No... no, we can't trouble you."

Mother Tao couldn't speak, but she gestured, expressing the same sentiments.

Yang Mei smiled and said, "The two children are about to get married. We are all one family in the future. What's the trouble? We didn't bring much today. The main purpose is for our two families to meet first, discuss the upcoming betrothal gifts, formal proposal, small rituals, and the wedding date."

Father Tao didn't know what to say and nervously replied, "Anything is fine, anything is fine."

Mother Tao nodded along.

"How can anything be fine? We all really like Tao Tao. Naturally, we can't let her be wronged in the marriage. She should have everything she deserves."

Eldest Uncle Jiang and Jiang Zhida placed the gifts they brought at the wall by the door, forming a small pile.

Father Tao looked at the items and said, "It's too much, way too much."

Eldest Uncle Jiang clapped his hands and said, "Not too much. In-laws, as Dazi's mom said, marrying Tao Tao into our family is our family's good fortune. We value her very much."

Jiang Zhida also added, "Uncle, Auntie, taking your daughter, who you've raised so well, I have to show some sincerity as a man!"

Father Tao and Mother Tao felt the respect from Jiang Zhida's family, their noses tingling with emotion. They were happy for Tao Tao finding such a good family.

Yang Mei and Eldest Uncle Jiang explained that the betrothal gifts should follow the highest standards of modern weddings, including betrothal money, the four major gifts, clothing, and jewelry, none of which should be omitted.

Father Tao kept shaking his hands, saying, "It doesn't need to be so much, not so much."

Mother Tao also anxiously waved her hands.

Tao Tao gently spoke to Jiang Zhida, Yang Mei, and Eldest Uncle Jiang, "Uncle and Auntie, I don't mind these things. The betrothal gifts really don't need to be this much. As you can see, our family can't come up with such a large dowry."

Yang Mei held Tao Tao's hand and said, "Bring whatever you have for the dowry. These things were prepared in advance by Jiang Zhida, and he has the same standard no matter who he marries. His older brother got married the same way before."

The Tao family couldn't refute any further, as Jiang Zhida's brother had set a precedent. If they continued to refuse, it would make things difficult for Yang Mei and her husband, and it wouldn't be fair to their two sons.

"By the way, we've already consulted someone about the formal proposal, engagement, and wedding date. Since the time for the children to get married is tight, I've brought the auspicious dates for you to choose from today. In-laws, discuss and decide which date is suitable. Dazi will pass the message to us when you've decided."

Father Tao and Mother Tao didn't know what to choose, so they let Tao Tao decide for herself.

Since the wedding was imminent, Tao Tao quickly picked three dates.

All of them close, as she didn't want to wait until she was visibly pregnant.

The chosen wedding date was the 16th day of the second lunar month, an auspicious day for marriage. Yang Mei and Eldest Uncle Jiang, looking at the date, had even bigger smiles on their faces.

"This date is well chosen, and there is enough time to prepare for the wedding. Tao Tao, discuss with Dazi about what kind of wedding you'd like, and we'll follow your preferences."

Tao Tao nodded. The meeting between the two families was successful, and everyone was satisfied.

After the Jiang family left, Father Tao and Mother Tao finally relaxed. Tao Tao noticed beads of sweat on their foreheads; they were too nervous.

"Tao Tao, you found a good family!"

Saying this, Father Tao's eyes began to redden, and Mother Tao, using a handkerchief, wiped her eyes. She held Tao Tao's hand and made some excited sounds, expressing her happiness.

"Mom, Dad, rest assured, I will cherish this blessing."


Jiang Zhida took Yang Mei and Eldest Uncle Jiang back home. He went directly to Yun Meng Ze and first informed the head chef of Yun Meng Ze about preparing some nutritious dishes suitable for pregnant women.

Then he went to the office where his brother worked, knocking on each door and telling them about his upcoming wedding. For those who were not at Yun Mengze, he informed them through phone calls.

Shen Chuan was on duty today. He exclaimed, "Dazi, you just casually mentioned getting married without any warning! Who are you marrying? Tao Tao?"

Jiang Zhida looked at him disdainfully, "Who else besides Tao Tao?"

Shen Chuan slapped his own forehead, stood up from his chair, still finding it hard to believe what he had just heard. 

But he was also very happy for Jiang Zhida that's all, and slapped him on the shoulder, "Brothers congratulations! You guys, this is finally the right thing to do!"

Shen Chuan knew a bit about the complicated relationship between Jiang Zhida and Tao Tao. They started as contractual lovers, later became real lovers, and then went through a break up. In short, this way to go is not easy.

He thought they would continue their entanglement for a long time before getting married, but it happened sooner than he expected.

Tu Hongxiao also congratulated, "Congratulations."

After Jiang Zhida's other brothers learned the news through the phone, they rushed over from home, bombarding him with various questions. 

Why are they getting married so suddenly? Who proposed? How many children are they planning to have after marriage?

There was also talk about organizing a bachelor party for Jiang Zhida since he was the last bachelor at Yun Meng Ze, even Shen Chuan got married a couple of years ago.

Jiang Zhida picked and chose which questions to answer and skipped the ones he didn't want to address. A bachelor party was unnecessary; he was too busy with the wedding preparations to spare any time.

He didn't even have time to hang out with friends today. When the head chef announced that the food was ready, Jiang Zhida immediately stood up, took the food box, and left Yun Mengze. He refused to let others deliver the food to Tao Tao.

"There's something fishy," Shen Chuan rubbed his chin. "I've never seen Dazi deliver food to someone every day before."

Tu Hongxiao stood up and went straight into the kitchen, with others following suit.

"What dishes did Boss Jiang just ask you to make?"

Jiang Zhida instructed him not to say, and the head chef chuckled twice, evasively saying, "They're dishes that the future madam likes."

The others, aware that Jiang Zhida had forbidden the disclosure, didn't press further. After all, they would find out eventually.

Tao Tao, seeing Jiang Zhida bringing another lunchbox of food, said to him again, "You don't have to keep running back and forth to bring me food. I can take care of myself and the baby."

"I know, but I also want to take care of both of you."

Tao Tao didn't know what else to say.


Chu Xia received a call from Jiang Zhida, initially thinking it was about something related to Yang Mei. However, he informed her about the auspicious day for their wedding.

Chu Xia immediately smiled and said over the phone, "Congratulations! I'll definitely give you a big red envelope."

Jiang Zhida replied, "Thanks, sister-in-law. Make sure cousin gives one too."

Chu Xia chuckled, "Of course! Should we also have An'an give one? After all, soon he'll have a little brother or sister."

Jiang Zhida thought for a moment and said, "Hmm, that works too."

After hanging up the phone, Chu Xia couldn't wait to share the news about Jiang Zhida's upcoming marriage. However, Cen Huai'an, who was watching TV, was the only one at home as Cen Zhengnian hadn't returned yet.

"An'an! Your uncle is getting married on the sixteenth day of the second lunar month. You should give him a red envelope."

Cen Huai'an objected, "That's not fair; he's my elder."

Chu Xia explained, "Not for him, for his child."

Cen Huai'an furrowed his brows, "Since when did my uncle have a child?"

Chu Xia smiled knowingly, "In the future."

Cen Huai'an sighed, "Alright then."

He found this reason acceptable.

When Cen Zhengnian returned home and heard the news about Jiang Zhida's impending marriage, he specially called Jiang Zhida to congratulate him. Jiang Zhida personally requested a large red envelope from Cen Zhengnian.

Having informed everyone who needed to know, Jiang Zhida finally made a call to Jiang Zhiiyi, who was overseas.

Unfortunately, Jiang Zhiyi was not at the embassy when Jiang Zhida called, so he couldn't reach her. 

Jiang Zhida wasn't in a hurry and waited until two days later when he finally received a call back from Jiang Zhiyi. She had been away for a few days on a reporting assignment and just returned.

Jiang Zhida asked her, "How's it over there? Did you encounter any difficult situations?"

Jiang Zhiyi's only impression after going abroad was that the motherland was wonderful. She had adapted well to everything overseas, but she had also achieved considerable success in her work.

"No, after all, I have the embassy behind me. The locals are somewhat wary of me, so nothing problematic occurred."

Jiang Zhiyi chatted with Jiang Zhida about many things. She missed home; it had been two or three years since she last visited.

The main hindrance to her returning home was the inconvenience. Every time someone from the embassy went back, she happened to be away for work and couldn't make it back.

"Zhiyi, I'm getting married in February after the Spring Festival."

Jiang Zhiyi was momentarily stunned by Jiang Zhida's sudden announcement, then she laughed, "You should indeed get married. You're in your thirties, and Aunt and Uncle must have been pressuring you."

"Zhiyi, when are you coming back? If you don't come back soon, Qian Ran really won't be able to wait for you."

Before calling Jiang Zhiyi, Jiang Zhida had called Qian Ran. Upon hearing about Jiang Zhida's marriage, Qian Ran first congratulated him, but then there was a long and silent pause.

After a while, Qian Ran said in a bewildered tone, "Dazi, I'm almost at the end of my patience."

Jiang Zhida naturally understood what he meant and didn't hesitate to say, "Then don't wait. I'll talk to Zhiyi."

Qian Ran sighed deeply, "My mom has been pressuring me. Now that you're getting married, I have no other excuses. I can't refuse the blind dates my mom arranges anymore. Bro, I really like Zhiyi, but I can't wait for her forever."

Jiang Zhida reassured him, "No need to wait. I'll talk to Zhiyi."

Qian Ran: "When I've made up my mind, and then I'll talk to her myself."

Clearly, Qian Ran hadn't made the decision so quickly. After all those years of being with Jiang Zhiyi, it wasn't something he could just let go with a simple statement.

Jiang Zhiyi was the first person he had liked since reaching adulthood, and he liked her very, very much. He thought he had found a soulmate, and that made it incredibly hard for him to let go.


Jiang Zhiyi remained silent for an even longer time upon hearing Jiang Zhida's words. When she finally spoke, her voice sounded somewhat hoarse, carrying a suppressed mix of emotions, "Brother, I understand."

Jiang Zhida responded, "Zhiyi, pursue your dreams, and we support you. But you can't be so selfish, staying abroad without returning and still keeping Xiao Ran hanging. Also, you should think about our family. Since you left the capital, except for the year Grandpa fell ill, you haven't come back. Reflect on that."

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Zhida, to be honest, despite the inappropriate behavior of his second uncle and aunt, felt a twinge in his heart seeing the way they were constantly seeking news about Jiang Zhiyi due to their inability to contact her.

However, this was a matter between Jiang Zhiyi and his second uncle's family, and Jiang Zhida couldn't interfere.

It was only with the occasion of his wedding that Jiang Zhida finally expressed those sentiments to Jiang Zhiyi. If she truly chose her career, he didn't know about the rest, but he knew that Jiang Zhiyi would lose a very good match.

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