My Poor Heart ♡ (short story)

By SkyandThunder

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"Go out with me for 10 days. After that you'll get rid of me for good" -Sam "10 days only! No more, no less!"... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 (Finale)

Chapter 3

679 38 9
By SkyandThunder

The dates ...


“You're looking beautiful !”

“Huh?” Kath asked dumbfoundedly.

Beautiful? She didn't even put the minimal effort on herself for the date as Irin had pointed out.

When Irin saw her like that , she literally asked her not to be a spoilt sport. Also she told her that Kath was doing nothing on purpose. Her friend wasn't completely wrong. Kath did put no effort. She advised her to at least try to look a little cheerful and put on some makeup. But Kath simply stated,  ‘I don't care, I just wanna get over with this.’ which Irin responded with ‘Girl you're impossible! At least put some lipstick on!!’ Irins then tossed a lipstick aiming at her head. Kath groaned.

It was a relatively hectic day in the hospital and Kath was tired from her shift. All she wanted to do was to go home and lie down with a coffee and a good book. But it was also necessary for her to get over with these dates. God! It even started yet and she already can't wait for this to be over.

“I said you look beautiful!” Sam repeated her previous words.

“I literally came bare-faced!” Kath argued

“That doesn't make my statement any less true. You are gorgeous. Are you tired?”

“A little bit , yeah!”

“Umm.” She scratched the back of her neck.  “You wanna postpone if you're tired?” That seems like a great idea. But the earlier she can check this dates out the earlier she’ll get rid of them, once and forever.

“Nah, I think I can tolerate you for a few hours!”

Sam only chuckled on Kaths remark. “Okay then. Let's go!”

She opened the passenger side door for Kath, and closed it after she entered the car..

Kath had absolutely no idea where Sam was taking her. But she thought it would be a typical first date location. Some typical dinner at a typical restaurants or something similar.

But Her heart filled with excitement and joy when they reached their destination.

It was a library cafe or bookstore cafe. A heavenly place for nerds. The interior was beautiful and extremely cozy designed to make one feel comfortable. The whole place was surrounded by books and there were tables to sit,  in addition to coffee and food.

“I think it was a hectic day in the hospital , so I guess this place will soothe you!” She said pulling the chair for Kath..

“How do you know it was hectic in the hospital today? You live there?” Kath asked playfully, she was in a fine mood.

“Well I know everything given the fact that I own the hospital!” She casually stated

Kath's eye bugged out, “Wait! Really?”

Sam just snorts, “No!”

“Idiot!” Kath scowled at her. She literally thought Sam owned the hospital.

Sam chuckled “Hospitals aren’t exactly my favorite place. I can't even be there for three days in a row! Suffocates me!”

“I know it's not anyone's desired place to be in but sometimes...”

“But sometimes we don't have a choice ..!” Sam finished unmindfully giving a smile. “So let's order and then collect some books. Shall we?”

Kath nodded.

They settled with some coffee and food and with books of their individual choices.

It was delightful and way more comforting than any random talk in restaurants or café.

So, the 1st day for Kath was… decent . Okay,  not just decent but good! Really good!  She got to be with her desired things, books and coffee.

Sam was okay. She never really tried to make her presence being pushed on Kath. They talk little about themself but a lot when the topic was about books. She has profound knowledge about books which Kath really didn't expect. She wasn't expecting much anyway to be honest.

They walk out of the cafe with a handful of books which Sam all paid for in spite of Kath's protest. Then Sam dropped Kath off at her apartment. Waking her to the door and leaving a soft kiss on Kath's cheek. Even though it was odd but Kath didn't protest because they already have an agreement. also Kath felt Sam actually had earned the kiss for herself.

Psst! Kath caressed her own cheeks where she's been kissed when there was nobody there to watch. And also she smiled after Sam exited.

But nobody needs to know that! Right? Right!

So the verdict of Day 1 was overall good..

That same night Kath received a text, “Do you find the sea interesting, Doc.?”






On Friday Sam took her to an aquarium,

“I know it's not the time to visit the beach or the sea. so I thought why not an aquarium!” Sam explained.

It was an experience to remember for Kath. She was so busy with her medical studies the past few years that she actually forgot to enjoy little moments and visit places. She never knew she was missing so much of the outer world.

There was so much to see, so much to know. There were colourful fishes.

She saw sharks as well.

Kath enjoyed herself in the aquarium. She had her personal guide with her, named Sam. She was giving her insight about the sea life.

“And how do you know about all these different species of sea ?”

“Well, I researched as much as I could for the past two days! So I could present you some real good time , so that you don't feel you're wasting your precious time.” she said truthfully

“Really? Research for giving me some good time huh? You think you can impress me with that? So I fall for you and keep giving you more days?” Kath asked playfully

Sam smiled her very contagious smile, “You see that's where you're getting it all wrong Doc. I'm not trying to make you fall for me! That's the farthest thing on my mind."    She turned to look directly at Kath's eyes,   "All I am trying to do is to create some good memories for both me and you. So we could cherish those and could smile, even then when we're in tough phases of our time. also, so that, If you ever remember me you will remember me as someone who did something interesting,  not as someone who kissed you at the very first hand that too without your consent!”

“Ugh, don't remind me of that!” Kath intentionally said so that she didn't have to respond to all the other things she said. All the impressive things.

Sam chuckled, “That's exactly what I'm trying to do! Replace the bad ones with some good ones. Come on Doc.  We still have so many things to see..”

She held her hands and walked Kath to explore the place more.

They ended day 2 in a similar manner as day 1. Walking to the door and then leaving a kiss on her cheek.  She earned the kiss that day too..

Day 2 verdict- Pleasant!






“You really want me to join you?” Irin asked, being unsure and also she didn't want to interrupt Kath's date.

“Yes! I don't want you to be alone”  Irin was going through a breakup and being a good friend Kath asked her to join them for today.

“She wouldn't mind? After all, it's your date!” Irin asked again, reluctant of Kath's idea.

“If she minds my friend or me trying to be there for my friend then she isn't worth it!” Kath said firmly. It was simple for her. The person who isn't considerate of another person's bad situation, is not worthy of anything.


“No buts, I'll also get to know what kind of person she is. So it's not only for you but for my benefits too. Lets go!”

They went to the parking lot where Sam was present already!  She was leaning against the car , frowning hard as she was talking with someone on her cell phone.

She noticed them approaching and smiled,  “Yeah I'll talk to you later, Sky!” ..... “Yes, yes,  I will ! Bye!” she cut the call.

“Sorry that was my brother. Hello!” She said, putting the phone in her pockets.

“Hey Sam. This is Irin, my friend. She's going through some tough phases. So I asked her to join us today! I hope that's okay!” Kath let everything out in one go.

Sam smiled, “Sure no problem , Hello Irin!” She put forward a hand to shake.

“Hi Sam! I hope you don't mind me crashing your date.” Irin said, shaking her hands.

“No at all , you're more than welcome. And don't worry, whatever you're going through will be fine in no time! Just hold on tight alright?” Both of the friends were a little surprised at the easy and friendly remark. She said those things so easily as if She was an old friend.

Sam opened the door for both of them “and now I hope you can sing!”

It was a karaoke night at the local pub. It was a  western style theme saloon which serves drinks and food.. Very vintage and very classy..

The three of them were seated together and having a great time. The patrons and the staff were friendly as well.

Everybody was enjoying themselves and singing their heart out at karaoke. Even Irin was enjoying it, despite her somber mood. She even sang a song...

Kath noticed Sam was talking to an old gruffy man sitting on a stool beside her and both of them were laughing at something. Kath smiled unknowingly at their interactions, Sam was so easy going. She could make friends so easily. Where being an introvert Kath find that very difficult . Sam was conversing with the man as if they were old friends. Some moment later the man introduced a old lady as his wife to her.

When someone finished their song on Karaoke the friendly old man pushed Sam on the stage to sing..

Sam got on the stage, “Okay, so this song is dedicated to that old man right there, who in his youth asked for blessing for marriage from his lady love's father and got rejected! But married her anyway.. and now running this fine establishment together. Cheer's to their love.”

Oh! They were the owner of the pub!

The crowd cheered for her, and the song “Rude” by Magic started to play..

(I recommend you guys listen to song, its a fun song!)

Sam starts singing ,

“Saturday mornin', jumped out of bed
And put on my best suit”

Sam acts like she was putting on a coat, she tightened her imaginary tie around her neck.

“Got in my car and raced like a jet
All the way to you”

She pointed at that old man who tipped back his head in laughter.

“Knocked on your door with heart in my hand"

She made a finger heart

"To ask you a question,

'Cause I know that you're an old fashioned man
Yeah (yeah)”

Again pointing at the man, she got off the stage with mike in her hand and sat at on the stool between the man and Kath . She then pointed pointed at Kath,

“Can I have your daughter for the rest of my life?
Say yes, say yes, 'cause I need to know”

She tries to act like a stubborn man while singing the next part,

“You say I'll never get your blessin' 'til the day I die
"Tough luck, my friend, but the answer is  NO ! "

Sam puts her hand on her chest as if she's been shocked with the rejection and walked back to the stage singing further,

“Why you gotta be so rude?
Don't you know I'm human too?

Why you gotta be so rude?
I'm gonna marry her anyway

(Marry that girl) marry her anyway
(Marry that girl) yeah, no matter what you say

(Marry that girl) and we'll be a family
Why you gotta be so rude?”

She swayed a little with the song..

By the end of the song everybody was singing with her. Even Kath and Irin too.. the two best friends had the best time of their life forgetting all the worries, all thanks to that one particular person. She had the ability to pull off any party!

The date ends with Sam driving both of them to their apartment. But she didn't accompany them to the door, neither did she kiss Kath..

Day 3 verdict - Brilliant but no kiss.

Another text that night, “Can I interest you in games Doc.?






“Oh! I love the arcade!” Kath said when they entered the building.

It was magnificent inside. Neon lights were illuminating the whole floor. And so many games to play..

“Oh yeah? Let's see if you can beat the Arcade champion!” Sam said grinning.

“Is that a challenge Ms.?”

“Only if you're up for it!”

“Ohh it's on!”

They played every game in the arcade with Kath winning the most of it. She was competitive after all, and a challenge is a challenge for her .

“So who's the real champion now?”

Sam just chuckled, “If I get to see your little dance after every win I'll lose the next ones happily..”

Each time after a win Kath did her little victory dance. Kath blushed, “I still won!”

“Yeah of course you won! But I'm the real winner here!” Sam smiled

‘Her smile is not as bad as she first thought’ Kath thought.

That day Sam walked her to her door and left a soft kiss on her cheek..

Day 4 verdict - Fun and very enjoyable day.






“What kind of a snowman is that?” Kath was laughing her heart out at Sam's snowman.

They were here for Ice skating.

After skating on the Ice, they were out here in the snow making a snowman and just simply enjoying the day. Ice skating was so much fun. Both of them fell on their butts quite a time but still it was very enjoyable.

It was a particularly cold day today. So they had a warm meal which was delicious and would keep them warm from inside and after that they decided to make a snowman together.

It had become a delight of Kath's life. She didn't even realize that now, how eagerly she waits for Tuesday and Friday each week. 

“It looks like I'm crap at making snowman !” She scratched the back of the neck, embarrassed!

“It doesn't only look like it! In fact You are carp making a snowman!” Kath laughed and she pouted. Her nose was red from the cold plus the pout she was looking adorable.

“Aww Don't pout! Let's make it together” Kath suggested.

And they made a perfect snowman together… Sam sat on the ground, breathing heavily. Apparently it was very hard work for her.

“See that's how you make a snowman!” Kath told her.

“Yeah, you're good at this. I can only make this!”  she brought out a shape she made and showed it to Kath.

It was white heart. Symbol of purity and innocence.

Kath smiled and took the heart. “At least you can make something!" She said playfully, "Now stand up, you're butt must be freezing !”

“Oh yes! I can't feel it for a quite a time now !” She said standing up and Kath laughed at her remarks.

By the time they reached Kath's apartment, it was snowing.  It was truly beautiful.

Kath felt Sam was sensitive to that much cold. Because she was looking pale and was shivering slightly while driving despite the fact that it was warm inside of the car. She asked her if she's okay. She said she's fine.

Kath protested that she didn't have to leave her to the door but Sam didn't listen. It was cold outside but she left a warm kiss on Kath's cheeks and then said goodbye. Kath smiled at her adorableness.

Date 5 verdict- Adorable and Cute..


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