Wish (Girl Sensation's Versio...

By GirlSensation

3.7K 101 21

This is a rewrite of the movie Wish, celebrating 100 years of Disney. However, the movie was received with mi... More

Wish (Girl Sensation's Version)
Song Revisions + Commentary
Forced To Be A Tour Guide
Out of Control
When You Wish Upon A Star
The Brightest Prince Ever...Literally
Treasure Hunt
Realizations and Recollections
Victim and Fugitive
Operation: True Love
Night Market Festival
Secrets of Stell
Suspect Above Suspicion
Black Hearts, White Garments
Star-Studded Revolutionary Team
Prince in Peril
Battle of Truth
To Light Up The Sky
Lost Lullaby
'Til We Meet Again
New Beginnings, Missing Piece
The Starry Surprise

Mother Knows Best

159 4 0
By GirlSensation

Stell: This dude we have to meet is named Garciano.

Asha: Oh, well, where can we find him?

Stell: Actually, from my list, he's in a frowned upon place.

Asha: What do you mean?


Yellow lights brightened the brown establishment cluttered with tables, people, bottles, and money bags.

Stell: (pinches his nose) this place reeks of something weird.

Asha: Magia. It's a drink that can intoxicate anyone that consumes it excessively.

Stell: Must be similar to Astrologio's Starlight Wine, or Supernova Wine.

Asha: Astrologio? Isn't that a kingdom in Luminasia?

Stell: Yeah, it's very famous for liquor and astrology. I can tell you more about the kingdoms.

Asha: Let's cut to the chase, okay?

Stell: If you say so (shrugs).

Valentino sees buff men with bushy beards and arched eyebrows, which made him quite scared. He hid under Asha's dress, terrified of the men.

The trio finally saw Garciano, who was arguing with another person and had a cast on his left upper limb.

Garciano: Hasser! I played this thing fair and square, therefore, you must pay me tenfold of my betting money!

Hasser: You secretly replaced the cards just for you to win! I witnessed it.

Garciano: Lies! It was there the whole time. Shut your mouth, old miser!

Referee: Apparently, I saw no foul play with the gamble. But since you are tied, and only one must stand the winner, I think you should settle this with—

Hasser: Arm wrestling!

All the spectators laughed at Garciano, who suddenly started sweating.

Referee: But Mr. Garciano is unfit to wrestle as his strongest arm was dislocated a few days ago. Wouldn't it be unfair?

The men laughed again, thinking that Hasser wins the gamble.


Everyone looked at the trio. Asha was baffled, while Valentino kept hiding.


Hasser: You think you can defeat me, scrawny boy?

Asha: Stell, look at that guy. His muscles are bulging; he might as well flatten you like a discus.

Stell: Trust me (winks at Asha).

He went to the table, sat down in front of it, and held the hand of his opponent.

Hasser had a look of confidence as if he did this many times before and came victorious, but Stell seemingly thought of something. Asha sensed it's something unusual.


Hasser (mind): This boy...he—he—

Stell: Whoa. You're so resilient, Sir.

Hasser could no longer keep his patience, as Stell managed to hold his own for a long time. His arm was too tired from forcing Stell's to go down, so eventually, he let go.

Referee: We clearly have a winner, Garciano and his volunteer!

All the men were just bewildred. Their champion, defeated by a teen-looking guy, just caught them off guard. Now Hasser had to pay his wager.

Garciano: Well, thanks kiddo. How can I repay you? Magia? Money?

Stell: No. My..."friend" and I would like to talk to you.


The trio went to an alleyway nearby the tavern to directly ask the drunken man.

Garciano: I truly desire to be rich! Very rich!

Asha: Why?

Garciano: So...hmmm...well, I can gamble, and gamble, and win more!

Stell: But why want more money when you'll already have everything?

Garciano: I—I—uh...well. Why bother me with that question?

Asha: Will money make you happy?

Garciano: Of course! Of course!

Asha: What else makes you happy, besides money and gambling?

Garciano: Well...Magia!

Stell: (whispering to Asha) this guy is hard to talk to.

Asha: I know (whispering back).

Stell: (whispering) We need to be patient. He needs time to think.

Asha: Think about other things that make you happy, Sir.

The man paused for a few minutes, with a reflecting look.

Garciano: Another thing that makes me happy, or should I say "made" me happy...was...Mama.

Asha: Oh, and what about her?

Garciano: She'd lull me...to sleep, especially when I cry. Mama would make me the best mushroom soup when I got a bad cold. Then...

Garciano paused, but all of a sudden, tears streamed down his face.

Garciano: I had friends. They showed me the best things in the world, but my mother warned me of their bad influence. She said that I should wisely choose who I should bond with. I didn't listen, and I fell hard on these vices.

Asha: How did your mother react?

Garciano: She told me how disappointed she was. During that time though, I didn't care...and now, Mama probably hates me.

Stell: Do you wish to see your mother, and ask her for forgiveness?

Garciano: I...I can't afford to look at her; I'm a terrible child (sobbing)!

Asha: People make mistakes. Even I do. Actually, I was also angry with my parents; they just didn't agree with me, so I walked out of them.

Garciano: What you did is a small thing. One "sorry" can make you care about each other again. Look at mine, my life has turned for the worst...

Stell: Here's the thing. You're alive, and that means you can still make a change for the better!

Garciano: Many told me that already. Where am I now? Still here, wasted.

Stell: You just need to take the first step.

Garciano: You're right. I might as well accompany you to my mother's house—

A figure appears in the distance. His face was about to do something evil remorselessly.

Hasser: You think we're over yet?

Asha: Can you leave us alone? We did nothing wrong to you. We won by the book.

Hasser: Ah! (looks at Asha) So you're the missing apprentice. Posters of your face have been plastered in the main city. Oh dear...bringing you alive is gonna be my big break.

Stell: She said "leave us alone". You deaf?

Hasser: Oh, now I know who you are!

Stell: What do you mean? I'm just the one who defeated you (bragging).

Hasser: Bounty.

Valentino, who was following the entire time, snuck behind Hasser. He climbed onto a stack of barrels, and jumped onto his back.


Valentino: (stares at the two) Run, you precious lovebirds!


Stell pulls her hand and drags her from the scene, along with Garciano. He trusts that Valentino will definitely kick Hasser's butt in a moment.

The alleyways of Rosas were similar to a maze. As Hasser tried hunting them down, they managed to slip in darker corridors as an escape route. Soon enough, the ragtag band of four stumbled upon a town residential area.

Stell: Phew! So, where do we go?

Asha and Stell then stared into each other.

Asha (mind): Magnifico knows. He's out for blood—

Garciano: Um...actually, this is where I lived with my mother.

Stell: Yeah! I guess let's get ourselves moving (anxious)!

They walked past the blue-bricked houses thatched with medieval roofing, however, Stell looked at all sides, thinking that someone was watching him.


The loud knock was enough to catch an old lady's attention. She opened it, seeing a familiar face, a goat, and two other guests.

Old Lady: Oh...

Garciano's head hung low. Then, he turned back at Asha and Stell, to which the two nodded. The pair left the mother and son for a talk.

Garciano: Mama...I came here...to—

Garciano's Mom: Come in! Look at you; your shoes have worn out. The clothes are now tattered, and you look so tired!

Garciano: Mama...do you hate me?

Garciano's Mom: Why would I?

Garciano: Because I didn't follow your teachings. All you wanted is the best for me, yet I decided to choose a darker path out of selfishness. (cries) I'm so sorry, my dearest Mama! I was horrible to you!

His mom's smile suddenly frowned.

Garciano's Mom: Sweetie...there were the times that made me feel disappointed at you. But deep down, I always dreamed that you'd come back and learn from your mistakes.


In the past, everything felt like a mess. Many things, such as vases, plates, and glasses were shattered on the floor. Worst of all, a heated argument commenced in the dining room.


Garciano's Mom: I'm only pointing out that doing those things with your peers will not do you any good. Please, listen to your mother!


Garciano: But Garci, you must wisely choose your friends. Samson and his gang drink, gamble, and squander their fortune. I would be very sad if you ended up like that.


He stormed out of the house, leaving the house items and his mother broken.


Young Garciano: Ahem! Ahem! Ahem!

Garciano's Mom: Are you okay, Garci?

Young Garciano: I feel cold, and my nose is runny...

Garciano's Mom: Don't worry. Mama's soup will make you happy!

She ticked her son, and Garciano laughed endlessly.

Young Garciano: Yay! Thank you, Mama!

A while later, the aroma of mushroom suddenly invited the boy's nose. His mother, with mittens worn on her hands, brought a bowl of hot soup.

She put it on a bed table and took a spoon beside the mushroom soup. The mother scoops out a portion and slowly spoonfed her son.

Little Garciano closed his eyes to savor every taste. Then he smiled.

Young Garciano: Mama! Your soup is the best!

His mom chuckled, flattered on her son's compliment. She kept feeding her son as he rests on his blue wooden bed.


Garciano: Then...(hugs his mother) your son is back (tearing up).

Stell's pendant glowed again, to which Asha finally notices.

Asha: That thing is shining.

Stell: Yeah. It glowed a while ago when we finished the first forgotten wish.

Asha: Oh...well. Do we go on our final forgotten wish?

Stell: Uh...nope. I'm tired already.

Asha: But we can't go to my house. I have a feeling that Magnifico found out about us.

Stell: Really? Or you just don't wanna see your parents?

She suddenly paused. Asha stopped looking at her companion, as if she was caught red-handed.

Asha: Sigh...I just can't...

She walked away again, leaving Stell and Valentino in disbelief.

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