Caught In Time

By cat_lord_24

332 42 26

A harmless prank for four teens soon turns into a fight to save their lives when they quickly discover that t... More

Chapter 1: Before
Chapter 2: Present Day
Chapter 3: The Prank
Chapter 4: The Dream
Chapter 5: Breaking the Law
Chapter 6: The Plan
Chapter 7: Breaking In
Chapter 8: Police Station and the Manor
Chapter 9: Pranks Aren't Funny James
Chapter 10: The Neverending World
Chapter 11: Ethan and Cassedee
Chapter 12: The Cave
Chapter 13: The Magic Manor
Chapter 14: Trapped
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 15

5 1 0
By cat_lord_24

Cassedee stared at the little dot moving between the trees. She still couldn't believe her eyes. It was James. She didn't understand where he came from. She squinted, trying to see if anything else could tell her the missing information. 

The tall trees lined the opening of the field and the sun was beaming down on them. The trees were usually tall, reaching as almost as high as the sky itself. 

The tall grass swayed in the breeze. Then she turned her focus on James.

He looked scraggly, his hair was matted and his shirt was ripped. One sleeve was missing and dirt caked all over his face. 

What the heck happened to him? 

She crouched down, trying to make herself as small as possible. The tall grass concealing her. Cassedee watched as James leapt from tree to tree--and making yipping noises. 

Oh crap, did he turn into a wild animal too?

Then she remembered. 

Cassedee glanced down at herself, looking at her nose. It was normal. No beak visible. She then checked her arms. No feathers either. 

Did she only transform when she was in flight?

She scanned the tall grass looking for any signs of Ethan. 


She had hoped his fate was not met. She didn't even want to think about that. Her focus was on getting out of here and finding Ethan. 

James looked like he could take care of himself. 

But she knew she couldn't let James fend her off himself. But what could she do? 

As he got closer, she could distinguish his features. He was covered head to toe in fur.


Panic began to set in. He turned into an animal too. What was going on? Her mind began to race as she thought about what happened to all those other people who had disappeared. Is this what happened to them too? Was this some sick prank or was this all real? Did they suffer the same fate?

Emily was soaring above her, high in the sky. Shooting daggers at James who was dodging them with ease. He moved his arms fast in a circle and a white mist appeared. The daggers pinged off the forcefield and back at Emily. 

She shrieked, the same primal scream from before. James leapt onto one of the trees and started climbing it. Cassedee watched in amazement. She could see him more clearly now. He had a tail and round ears. He looked like a monkey. 

She strained herself to see. He was a monkey. Long talons stretched out of his hands as he climbed the tree. 

Cassedee decided that she ought to make a run for it now. While the evil witch was distracted.

She sucked in a huge breath and quickly moved as fast as she could, glancing up at Emily who was still battling James.

Cassedee darted through the tall grass, worried now that the sound it made would alert Emily's focus back onto her. She moved as quick as possible, trying to see where she could go. 

There was a small opening. Ethan had fallen somewhere over here but it could be miles back at this point. And she wasn't familiar with the territory. She needed to get to higher ground.

Keeping her eye still on the witch, she glanced at the tall trees. Could she climb this? Suppose Emily spotted her? Then what. 

She was doomed.

Cassedee considered this. She didn't have a choice. She had to find Ethan. 

She shifted herself so that she was away from view, tucked in the shadows on the other side of the tree trunk. Then she remembered. She could fly. She wasn't sure how her wings worked but she knew they came out mid flight. She could climb the tree--and--jump?

It seemed impossible.

The shade was cool, a nice break from the blazing sun. 

Cassedee looked up at the clouds--they were not the same gray sky as before.

Here goes nothing.

She mustered up enough strength and wrapped her arms around the tree  trunk. She leveraged her foot on top of one of the lower branches and hoisted herself up. 

She didn't dare look up. 

Cassedee winced as the bark scratched against her arms. She ignored the pain, focusing on why she was climbing this stupid tree in the first place. 

She cursed Ethan for pressing that button on the camera and transporting them to whatever this was. 

If he hadn't hit that button, she would be in class daydreaming about James. 

Cassedee was about halfway up the tree when she realized she was running out of branches. Time to jump.

She realized that two things could happen. She ignites her wings and flies or she falls to her death.

She cursed under her breath. She could feel her arms were slipping. Her muscles were screaming at her for a break. 

Cassedee didn't know a thing about her powers or how to summon them. 

Then it occurred to her. Could they die in this place? Whatever was the definition of this

Cassedee decided to let go. She didn't have a choice and no one was coming to save her. 

She thought about her parents, her friends. She thought about James. 

She thought about all the mistakes she made, all the good choices that came out of it too. 

She began to weep. Tears pouring down her face. Now she could finally let go of all the hurt she was holding back. She tried putting on a brave face. She knew Ethan had been terrified. But now she was scared to let go. 

What if she did die? She would never see anyone ever again. 

Casseedee paused. What if she did die. She would see all of those who had passed.

She didn't know what to do--no--she knew exactly what to do. 

I hope this works. 

She slowly let go of the trunk and she could feel herself falling backwards. 

Suddenly, she heard a flapping noise. Her wings. 

Alright, Cass. Now fly!

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